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The NSA war on Internet integrity [This piece appeared at Asia Times Online in a slightly different form on October 15, 2013.� It can be reproduced if China Matters is credited and a link provided.� This article is a companion piece to an article appearing in an upcoming issue of CounterPunch magazine, which discusses the... Read More
[Alert Reader pointed out the correct name for the Google Maps program as developed by the US government is "Keyhole", not "Keystone".� Herewith corrected.� Thank you, AR.] On the rational left, Edward Snowden is close to losing the support of Kevin Drum because the most recent revelation—that the government has all sorts of ways and... Read More
[This piece originally appeared at Asia Times Online on June 28, 2013.� It can be reposted if ATOl is acknowledged and a link provided.] �The main problem for Edward Snowden is that he ran away. That's not Edward Snowden's problem; it's America's problem. The idea that Edward Snowden decided to flee overseas in order to... Read More