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Nowadays, it appears mandatory that at least one movie built around the murderous heroics of US Special Forces gets an Oscar nod. Last year, it was Zero Dark Thirty. This year, there are two nominations in the “Special Forces Shoot Brown Guy in Head” category. Captain Phillips, the Somali pirate drama, garnered a nomination for... Read More
Colombia is one of the largest recipients of US aid in the world ($2 billion in military and police aid, third behind Israel and Egypt; $1 billion in economic and social aid; plus $1 billion in arms sales over the last six years). But it’s not really on the radar in the United States. I... Read More
What rights do humans have? On a global scale, zip, actually. One of the by-products of an increasingly interconnected and interpenetrated world is that the difference between the way nations treat their citizens and the way they treat the rest of the world is becoming more apparent. The issue has been brought into sharp relief... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?