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Wages high enough to cover basic expenses are only the beginning of the Left's struggle to eliminate economic insecurity. We must also fight for workers' rights on the job, as well as a robust and sturdy social safety net to protect people when they find themselves out of work. Americans suffer the worst worker benefits... Read More
Bipartisanship is dead. But job-killing trade agreements like NAFTA were promoted by politicians of both major parties alike — until Donald Trump. "Our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization, moving our jobs, our wealth and our factories to Mexico and overseas. Globalization has made the financial elite, who donate to politicians, very, very... Read More
…and (some) devasting *blockades* as well. Remembering three major insurrections of the 20th century—the 1932 ‘Bonus Army’ invasion of Washington D.C., the nationalized union occupations of 1936-37, and the 1965 ‘Bloody Sunday’ bridge blockade in Selma—helps put the Jan 6 ‘assault on democracy’ into context. The two earlier uprisings are now largely forgotten, but the... Read More
Thanks to the media, most Americans today still have this understanding backwards from reality. As we will see, there was a brief period after the Second World War during which an intense fear of social unrest produced a kind of “enlightened corporate self-interest” that resulted in a benign labor landscape, but that illusion was dispelled... Read More
Esteban Gil, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Program Director in New Orleans, is indignant. The SPLC "union" is not getting its fair share of the pie. Gil recently appeared in negotiations with SPLC leadership dressed up like Fidel Castro and flanked by the flags of anarcho-communist ("antifa") groups, the IWW and the CNT, to negotiate... Read More
Bombshell leaked emails showing that Amazon strikebreakers uses racial diversity to ensure workers at Whole Foods never unionize only confirms taboo research showing that multiculturalism destroys civic cohesion and engagement of all kinds. Unionized workers -- and their threat to strike -- is a massive threat to executive bonuses and a companies stock value. America's... Read More
In contrast to most other industrialised nations, the US has never accepted the concept of labor unions, which were always denigrated in the media as a kind of dangerous socialism that would exploit workers. But it was always true that it was capitalism that exploited workers and socialism that attempted to protect them. Thanks to... Read More
Class Struggle and Imperial Wars as the Motor Force of US History
Introduction The American welfare state was created in 1935 and continued to develop through 1973. Since then, over a prolonged period, the capitalist class has been steadily dismantling the entire welfare state. Between the mid 1970’s to the present (2017) labor laws, welfare rights and benefits and the construction of and subsidies for affordable housing... Read More
PARIS – ‘To arms, Frenchmen! Man the barricades!’ No, it’s not the French Revolution of 1789 but a sort of déjà vu. France is now gripped by an increasingly ugly, dangerous leftist uprising that could ignite similar unrest across Europe. The world’s premier tourist destination is being plunged into chaos. A ham-handed attempt by the... Read More
PARIS – Ah, the joys of Paris in the springtime. Riots every day and night; vandals smashing store windows and looting; traffic jams horrendous even by this city’s standards; air, train and metro disruptions. Tear gas wafts in the air. Add to this toxic mess the ongoing guerilla war between Uber cars and Paris’ notoriously... Read More
Thoughts for Labor Day
Labor Day is a holiday that has outlived its time. Like Christmas, Labor Day has become a time-out period. As Christmas has become a shopping spree, Labor Day has become the last summer holiday. The holiday originated in 1887 to celebrate the contribution made by American workers to the strength and prosperity of the United... Read More
Pension-pilfering, Wage-eviscerating and Union-busting in Seattle
It’s the same everywhere. The giant corporations are so loaded with dough, they don’t know what to do with it. Even so, they know what they DON’T want to do with it. They don’t want to pay their workers their fair share. That’s against their religion. They’d rather disrupt production, annihilate the local economy and... Read More
And Why America Needs It
Big business has launched a no-holds-barred propaganda blitz against the Employee Free Choice Act. Their goal is to scare people into believing that if the bill passes it will trigger higher unemployment and a deeper recession. According to opponents, there's even the threat of creeping socialism. The truth, of course, is far less dramatic. The... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?