Children and Families

Substance Use Education

Learning how to support children during adolescence can be challenging. With the right information, however, parents and caregivers can encourage healthy development and help their teens make a smoother transition into adulthood. In this section, find educational resources on teen alcohol and drug prevention. In addition, access the PROSPER program.

Teen Depression and Mental Health

Adolescence is a time when children experience a variety of social, physical, and emotional changes. While it is an exciting period, the pressure teens encounter can easily become overwhelming. Occasional bad moods are to be expected, but drastic changes in attitude and behavior can signal teen depression.

Parents and caregivers should be alert for signs of extreme tiredness, restlessness, social isolation, and/or self-harm. Symptoms of depression in teens may include persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and/or worthlessness.

There are multiple factors that can contribute to the onset of mental health issues such as child depression. Oftentimes, kids dealing with continuous school bullying, social exclusion, and peer pressure are more prone to emotional disorders.

Mental health problems, however difficult, can be treated. If your child is showing signs of an emotional disorder, provide mental health 'first aid' by responding in a caring, respectful, and compassionate way until proper treatment is received.

Families can also reach out to the PA 2-1-1 system to contact their local free health and human services. The system’s trained specialists offer help in – among other areas – mental health and youth and childcare.

Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse

Parenting through adolescence can be a daunting task. This is the time when many parents and caregivers become increasingly concerned about teen drug and alcohol abuse.

Teens use alcohol, tobacco, or drugs for different reasons. These can include peer pressure, stress, curiosity, and desire to fit in. Children with mental health issues, family history of substance use, or history of traumatic events are often at a greater risk for addiction.

Substance abuse can have a significant effect on a teen’s health, well-being, and academic success. Warning signs of teenage addiction may include lethargy, abandoning old friends for a new crowd, and physical changes such as rapid weight loss or tremors.

To help prevent teen drug abuse, parents should initiate an honest conversation and include preventive strategies such as establishing rules, setting a good example, and providing support. Other approaches to consider include joining a prevention program such as PROSPER as early as middle school.

The PROSPER Project

PROSPER – or PROmoting School-community-university Partnerships to Enhance Resilience – is a system aimed at reducing teenage substance use and risky behaviors.

The main goal of the initiative is to promote youth competence and deliver evidence-based education by utilizing sustainable partnerships between schools, communities, and Penn State.

The PROSPER prevention programs are specially designed to strengthen families and produce positive outcomes such as higher academic success, less aggression and stress, and lower levels of alcohol and drug use.

On this page, learn more about the PROSPER programs and discover valuable information on alcohol and drug prevention among teenagers.

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