Agronomic Crops

Production and Harvesting

Agronomic crops provide food, feed grain, oil, and fiber for domestic consumption and are a major component of US export trade. In Pennsylvania, agriculture is one of the most important industries. Visit Penn State Extension’s vast resources to find information on planting, growing, and harvesting agronomic crops such as corn, barley, canola, rye, soybeans, hemp, and wheat. Find the best tips on no-till crop management and crop rotation.

Agronomic Crops Production

A wide variety of agronomic crops are grown in the United States, including corn, soybean, small grains, specialty crops such as malting barley, canola, and industrial hemp, rye, and wheat.

Different factors have to be considered if you want good quality crops and high production. For example, sweet corn production requires a low initial investment and many field operations can be custom-hired. Corn can be grown and harvested for silage where cropland is limited. Nutrient management is also fundamental when it comes to corn and bean production. An integrated pest/crop management strategy also plays an important role in successful agronomic production.

For optimum yield, planting at the right time, temperature, and spacing are crucial. Small grain crops, for example, are currently maturing earlier than normal, thanks to warmer temperatures during the winter and a higher growing degree day accumulation than normal. Wet weather can delay wheat planting, but issues such as these can be overcome if you factor variety selection, rotations, seeding depth and rate into your planting decisions.

Soybeans have a long history of production in Pennsylvania and because of the climate, it’s a crop that lends itself well to double-crop soybean production. Penn State Extension offers a number of different resources for anyone interested in soybean production, such as a Soybean Production Field Days and Soybean Production Workshops.

A number of specialty crops are also being grown such as winter barley, malting barley, and industrial hemp. The successful production of these types of crops requires specialist knowledge and understanding. For the production of industrial hemp, for example, a waiver is required from the USDA and the state must also pass legislation approving hemp production and research. In Pennsylvania, Senate Bill 50 was passed out of committee and this allows and promotes trial hemp production in the state.

Anyone thinking about becoming a producer doesn’t have to make all the decisions on their own. There are lots of resources available such as The Penn State Agronomy Guide, which provides comprehensive information on agronomic crops, soil, and pest management for farms of all sizes.

Crop Days, crop conditions reports and Crop Conferences also provide opportunities for you to learn about pesticide and nutrient management, the latest innovations for the coming seasons as well as courses to help you become a Pennsylvania Certified Crop Adviser. These professionals are well-versed in the crop scouting fundamentals for all the agronomic crops grown in the US today.

Seed Choice and Crop Rotation

If you want a healthy crop next season, there are decisions to be made before you put a single seed in the ground. Hybrid (corn) or variety (soybean) selection is important for successful crop production.

Should you, for example, base your decision on disease resistance ratings? Is it better to look for corn insect-resistant traits? Equally important is the quality of the seed, as it can serve as a vehicle for unwanted pathogens and weeds.

Crop rotation can play a vital role in maximizing profitability of agronomic crops. It increases crop yields by improving soils conditions and reducing weed and insect populations and helps producers use conservation tillage successfully.

No-till Agronomic Crops Production and Best Practices

No-till farming isn’t a new farming practice, but there are lots of things to be aware of when transitioning to that method. No-till is becoming more popular because it’s considered a more sustainable way to produce crops, as it improves soil and water conservation. However, it’s a method that requires commitment and perseverance and you could benefit from access to no-till crop management tips.

Field Crops Harvesting and Yield Assessment

Being able to estimate grain yield, field corn yield, and soybean yield early in the growing season is vital for agronomic crop producers. It’s required for crop insurance purposes, delivery estimates, planning harvest and storage requirements, and cash-flow budgeting.

Knowing the optimum time to harvest crops is another skill producers have to learn. Picking the right moment means losses will be minimal and profits increased. With some crops, the harvesting window is just a few days, making it all the more crucial to get the timing right.

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Items 1-25 of 117

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