Find information from Penn State Extension about agronomic crops. Produce and sell corn, grains, hemp, barley, and more. Manage pests, weeds and diseases, and improve soil quality.
Are you looking for information about forage crops? Increase your expertise with Penn State Extension’s resources on alfalfa, wheat, sorghum, hay, and more.
Build upon your cover crop expertise and find educational resources on ryegrass, barley, wheat, hairy vetch, and more. Manage soil quality, pests, and diseases.
Grow the best fruit in the business and expand your knowledge of cultivars, pests and diseases, soil quality, and weed management. Discover tips on marketing your produce and managing your business.
Learn more about the vegetable industry and how to grow and sell vegetables you’ll be proud of. Find advice on vegetable farming best practices with Penn State Extension.
The invasive insect spotted lanternfly threatens the U.S. economy and environment. Businesses operating in quarantine zones must have permits to move equipment and goods within and out of the zones.
Fruit and vegetable growers will learn about the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices, and co-management of natural resources and food safety.
Farming is filled with respiratory hazards such as pesticide vapors, dusty fields, dangerous hydrogen sulfide accumulations in manure pits and pump sumps.