
Product Quality

For both homesteading and commercial sheep farmers, the quality of the meat, milk, or wool being produced from their sheep herd is very important. Flock health, care, and nutrition all play a crucial role in product quality.

On this site, you’ll find information on managing your sheep, including how to keep and review records, determine the best size ewe for your flock, and accelerated lamb production.

Sheep are ideal for small-scale and part-time farming operations because of their adaptability and nutritional versatility. Most ewes produce lambs in the spring, but they can also be born from September through May. Producers can increase the number of lamb birthing cycles per ewe using a technique called accelerated lambing.

Deciding which lambs to keep in the flock is a challenge. The weight of the lambs is an important factor; however, the age of the lamb, age of the ewe, gender, type of birth, and how the lamb was raised also have to be taken into account.

Sheep Milk Products and Quality

We have been milking sheep for thousands of years, long before we milked the first cow. Globally, Europe is where the dairy sheep industry is concentrated; however, the sheep milk industry in the United States has been increasing for several years.

One of the problems faced by sheep dairy producers is an off-flavor in the milk. These are typically classified into three basic categories: the ABC’s of off-flavor development.

Dairy milk consumption in the United States has been decreasing for a number of years, possibly due to the variety of other options available. There have also been concerns about levels of fat in different dairy products, particularly milk. The decrease in milk consumption has led many producers to look to increase profit through value-added products such as yogurt, cheese, butter, and ice cream.

Dairy products in the US have to meet defined compositional or processing requirements. You can find these in Titles 7 (Agriculture) and 21 (Food and Drugs) of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Lamb Meat Products

Health, nutrition, management practices for handling animals, and transportation all play a part in producing high-quality lamb meat products. Tastiness and quality are things the consumer has come to expect. In order to achieve this, producers have to care for their animals in the best possible way.

The process starts from the moment they are born through to the time they are harvested for food. Unnecessary stress can result in meat that is a dark red color rather than the normal bright red. It can also cause the meat to be dry and tough.

Sheep Wool Production

Wool is the product most people associate with sheep. Selling wool in the commercial wool market has limited profit potential for most producers, but the niche marketing of wool can pay big dividends.

Feeding, housing, health care, handling, and harvesting are all critical to the production of high-quality wool. The unofficial start of the sheep shearing season is March. The process of shearing a sheep is relatively easy; the difficult part is handling the sheep. It’s important to learn the different sheep shearing positions and how to use the different sheep shearing tools.

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14 Items

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  1. Sheep Safety and Quality Assurance Program (SSQA)
    Sheep Safety and Quality Assurance Program (SSQA)
    Animal Safety and Quality Assurance Programs are national programs that provide guidelines and strategies for producers which promote animal quality and safety to ensure safe food for human consumption.
  2. Feeding Market Lambs for Show
    Feeding Market Lambs for Show
    By Melanie Barkley
    Useful information on ensuring your lamb reaches its full potential at the market lamb show. Additional information covered includes concentrates, roughages, vitamins, minerals, and more.
  3. Milking Sheep
    Milking Sheep Production
    By Chelsea Hill, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D.
    A profitable Pennsylvania sheep milk industry needs three components: customers, processors, and distributors.
  4. Photo credit:, 451688087
    Off-Season and Accelerated Lamb Production
    By Melanie Barkley, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D., Lynn Kime, David Hartman
    Sheep are ideally suited to small-scale and part-time farming operations in Pennsylvania due to their adaptability and nutritional versatility.
  5. How to Shear Sheep
    How to Shear Sheep
    Length 15:18
    In this video, Mike Fournier, former Penn State Extension Educator, demonstrates how to shear sheep. He also demonstrates the six sheep shearing positions.
  6. Setting benchmarks for a range of preferred adjusted weaning weights can help a producer make replacement ewe lamb selection decisions.
    Review Your Sheep Records
    By Melanie Barkley
    In order to have a good handle on some of your production practices, you need to review your records, both financial and production, on a regular basis.
  7. Sheep come in many different sizes and should be selected to match the resources on your farm.
    Determining the Most Efficient Ewe Size for Your Operation
    By Melanie Barkley
    Big ones, little ones, fat ones, skinny ones; ewes come in all sizes and shapes. But, which is the most efficient ewe size for your operation?
  8. Sheep Selection Tools
    Sheep Selection Tools
    By Melanie Barkley
    Numerous tools are available for selecting sheep. The key is to combine operation goals with production benchmarks and visual appraisal to select the best sheep.
  9. Photo credit: Bigstock
    Spring Lamb Production
    By Melanie Barkley, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D., Lynn Kime, David Hartman
    Compared to most other livestock enterprises, spring lamb production has lower investment costs and labor requirements, and quicker returns on investment.
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    Pasture and Grazing Management
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    Find out how to keep your goats and sheep healthy this season by learning the best practices of grazing and pasture management during these webinars.