Forest Management

Management Practices

Find educational resources and advice on private forest management practices, including stewardship principles and sustainable forestry. Learn about control of forest vegetation, watersheds, wetlands, and native plants. Tips on small woodlots management, forest education, and road maintenance are available.

Best Management Practices for Pennsylvania Forests

Best management practices (BMPs) for forests are activities that positively affect the forest ecosystem and minimize adverse effects. Applicable forest management practices can vary depending on the primary issue on which they are based. BMPs for insect and disease problems, for instance, include improving species diversity, changing species composition, and including harvesting timber to salvage dying trees.

Note that BMPs should be flexible in order to accommodate different changes in the economic, social, and environmental use of forest resources. Further information can be found in the Best Management Practices for Pennsylvania Forests publication. There, you will also find advice on silvicultural practices, forest health and protection, and timber harvesting regulations.

For a successful forest management plan, you can access Penn State Extension’s resources on creating and enhancing woodlands. Information is available on maintaining property lines and implementing Integrated Vegetation Management to sustain healthy forest ecosystems. Woodland owners are invited to learn more about sustainable management decisions and find answers to common forest management questions.

Timber Harvesting

Harvesting timber is an essential management tool for preserving and improving the health of woods. Trees can be harvested for various reasons, including attracting wildlife species, improving access, and controlling the types of trees growing on the land.

Timber harvesting can also serve as a source of income. Before standing timber is sold, however, an inventory of the species, size, and volume of trees may be necessary. Foresters responsible for assessing timber utilize a cruise assessment to establish its value. Learn how to obtain fair market pricing when selling during the Valuing Standing Timber course.

While many woodland owners strive to maintain forest health when harvesting, short-term needs can prompt poorly planned harvesting decisions. If such timber harvests repeatedly occur in the same place, they can eventually lead to forest degradation.

In this section, find recommendations and advice on timber taxation procedures and record-keeping, as well as local timber harvesting ordinances. Information on general timber market trends is available, as well.

Sustainable Forestry

Sustainable forestry is an essential concept that provides for forests’ various uses by balancing the present and future needs of communities, the environment, and wildlife. Overall, sustainable forestry is concerned with all parts of the forest, including trees, soils, and water. It further involves protecting woodlands from pests, diseases, and wildfire, as well as conserving biodiversity.

While the process of conserving biological wealth in forests may appear complex, it is crucial for meeting our growing needs in a sustainable way. With the majority of Pennsylvania forestland owned by private citizens, forest landowners play an essential role in protecting biodiversity.

From planting trees and planning your forest's future to protecting wildlife habitats, this section offers woodland owners an array of valuable resources on sustainable forest management practices.

Private Forest Finances

Economic and financial factors can have a significant effect on the way forests are managed. What’s more, forest finance often affects the feasibility of implementing sustainable forestry practices.

Cost-saving strategies that can help landowners benefit from tax incentives include having a well-written forest management plan, keeping accurate records, and creating a professional tax team. Learn more about saving money on taxes during the Forest Finance and Timber Tax Education course.

In addition, forest owners can take advantage of Penn State Extension’s publication series on forest finances. Topics covered include economic sustainability and forest harvesting, fencing options for forest regeneration, and tree shelters for promoting favorable seedling growth conditions.

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Items 1-25 of 145

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Date Posted Set Ascending Direction
  1. Frontiers in Forest Health: Post-Ash Silviculture


    Frontiers in Forest Health: Post-Ash Silviculture
    When 11/04/2024
    Length 1 hour, 15 minutes
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Join us to explore recovery strategies and plant options with Dr. Dustin Bronson. Learn how to support and restore lowland, riparian forests impacted by the emerald ash borer.
  2. Songs From The Woods, Old Growth to Mouth Bows
    Songs From The Woods, Old Growth to Mouth Bows
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., Van Wagner
    Length 4:53
    Forests inspire Van Wagner to use his musical talents to teach students and the public. In this video he uses his guitar and a mouth bow.
  3. Impacts of the War in Ukraine on the People and Environment


    Impacts of the War in Ukraine on the People and Environment
    When 10/02/2024
    Length 6 1.5 hour sessions
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Join us to explore how the Russian invasion has reshaped Ukraine’s environment and communities, hear from local experts, and discover how you can help address these pressing issues.
  4. Pennsylvania Timber Market Report, Second Quarter, 2024
    Pennsylvania Timber Market Report, Second Quarter, 2024
    By Scott Weikert
    Stumpage prices as reported by Pennsylvania timber and logging companies, forestry consultants, and state land management agencies to the Pennsylvania State University.
  5. Increasing the amount woody browse available in woodlands is a better way to get deer through winter. D. Jackson
    Enhancing Browse: A Better Way to Feed Deer
    By David R. Jackson
    This article covers the importance of woody browse to deer and describes how to increase the amount of browse woodlands provide.
  6. Woodland Wisdom Part 1
    Woodland Wisdom Part 1
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., Calvin Norman
    Length 3:01
    Understanding forestland ownership can be challenging. Knowing what you own on your property and why you own forestland are two helpful questions this video addresses.
  7. Forestland Dream Business
    Forestland Dream Business
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., David Trimpey
    Length 6:50
    The forestland owner featured in this video cares for and manages his property in the realization of his dream.
  8. A classic mesophytic cove site, note the dense and diverse under- and midstory that typify mesophytic cove site (Photo Credit: Eric Burkhart)
    The Identification of Mesophytic Cove Sites in Pennsylvania
    By Calvin Norman, Katie Brooks, Eric Burkhart, Ephraim Zimmerman
    This document describes what a mesophytic cove site is and how to identify and manage it.
  9. Team Jackson’s Mountain Meadows Tree Farm
    Team Jackson’s Mountain Meadows Tree Farm
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., Mike and Laura Jackson
    Length 6:28
    Teamwork is a powerful force in the stewardship of private forestland property. Learn about one couple’s efforts to restore the wildlife habitat and sustainability of their inheritance.
  10. Teaching Forest Owners about Carbon Incentives: A Training Series


    Teaching Forest Owners about Carbon Incentives: A Training Series
    When 08/26/2024
    Length 1 hour session twice a week for 5 weeks
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Join our training series to help natural resource and education professionals understand climate change, carbon markets, climate-smart forestry, and strategies to engage landowners effectively.
  11. Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Opportunities in Forest Carbon Markets


    Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Opportunities in Forest Carbon Markets
    When Multiple Options Available
    Length 1 hour
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Join our informative webinar to learn about forest carbon management in Pennsylvania and the workings of carbon offset markets.
  12. Forest Owners and Carbon Incentives: An Informational Series

    Forest Owners and Carbon Incentives: An Informational Series
    Length 1 hour session twice a week for 3 weeks
    Learn how climate change impacts forests and about carbon markets, climate-smart forestry, and forest carbon management. Ideal for forest owners, conservationists, and natural resource professionals.
  13. Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Using a Hand Lens to Identify Hardwoods


    Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Using a Hand Lens to Identify Hardwoods
    When Multiple Options Available
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Learn how to use a hand lens to demystify the process of identifying common hardwood species in this informative webinar. Credits are available.
  14. Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Using GIS to Help Manage Forests

    Pennsylvania Forest Seminar: Using GIS to Help Manage Forests
    Length 1 hour
    Join us to discover how using a Geographic Information System (GIS) can analyze and interpret geographic data for effective land assessment and tracking in forest planning and management.
  15. The Forestry Musician
    The Forestry Musician
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., Van Wagner
    Length 5:29
    There are many ways to teach and share knowledge. Van Wagner teaches people about forests and wildlife through his extraordinary songs.
  16. Woods Walk- Past, Current, and Future Timber Management

    Woods Walk- Past, Current, and Future Timber Management
    Length 2 hours, 30 minutes
    Explore with us in Clarion County for a 2.5-hour workshop delving into active forest management on a private forest, featuring invasive plant control, group openings, and timber harvesting insights.
  17. Pennsylvania State Park Plant ID Walk


    Pennsylvania State Park Plant ID Walk
    When Multiple Options Available
    Length 1 hour, 30 minutes
    Event Format In-Person
    Join us on a botanical journey with Cathryn Pugh to explore local plants, learn identification basics, and immerse in sensory nature experiences.
  18. Two kids walking in the woods. Photo credit Scott Weikert
    Nature Resources for Educators, Parents, and Youth
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., Katie Brooks
    Field tested resources for helping educators meet Pennsylvania’s Environment & Ecology Academic Standards!
  19. An oak forest three years after a shelterwood harvest (Photo credit: Calvin Norman)
    Resources for Woodland Owners and Managers
    By Calvin Norman, Katie Brooks, Michael Jacobson, Ph.D., Jesse Kreye, Scott Weikert, Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., David R. Jackson, Sarah Wurzbacher
    This article contains links to articles that are useful for woodland owners, managers, and enthusiasts.
  20. Tap Talks: Tree Communication

    Tap Talks: Tree Communication
    Length 2 hours
    Explore tree communication with Forestry Educator Cat Pugh. Enjoy local brews, trivia, and prizes at this free event. Space is limited!
  21. A Primer on Woody Biomass Energy for Forest Landowners
    A Primer on Woody Biomass Energy for Forest Landowners
    By Daniel Ciolkosz, P.E., Michael Jacobson, Ph.D.
    This article gives an overview of the scope and issues involved when considering whether managing a forest for energy production is a good option.
  22. Wear Fluorescent Orange in the Fall
    Wear Fluorescent Orange in the Fall
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D.
    Length 1:36
    Fluorescent Orange clothing is not just for hunters. Anyone who recreates and spends time in the woods or outside is advised to wear it for safety, especially in the fall.
  23. Woodland Stewardship: Guided Engagement with Your Land
    Online Courses


    Woodland Stewardship: Guided Engagement with Your Land
    Sections 8
    Length 18 hours
    Learn about forest ecosystems, management, and stewardship practices. Interact with educators through live discussions and discussion boards.
  24. No Ugly Forest Moths
    No Ugly Forest Moths
    By Sanford S. Smith, Ph.D., John D. Laskowski
    Length 5:45
    There are over 4000 species of moths in North America, and they perform many important functions in forest ecosystems. Their life cycles and complex designs are amazing.
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