Community Planning and Engagement

Community Development

Community development is fundamentally based on the values of human rights, social justice, equality, and respect for diversity. It is a process where agencies support community members to identify and take collective action on important issues. If you want to play a part, Penn State Extension can help you learn how to apply for funding and help your community.

What Is Community Development?

Community development is a process where community members come together to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems. It seeks to empower individuals and groups of people with the skills they need to effect change within their communities.

The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development is an agency created to enhance opportunities for businesses to improve the quality of life for residents. It also provides grant funding to community groups for projects such as revitalizing “Main Street” infrastructure, enhancing low-income housing availability, or improving access to technology.

Community Development Strategies

It is increasingly important for local residents to participate in community development programs. Without the engagement and action of local people, community development throughout Pennsylvania would be very challenging.

Engaging community members, however, is not always easy. Engagement has massive potential for solving or resolving many community challenges. One way to engage local people is to keep them informed of the issues and latest programs. One such program is the Well Connected Communities program.

Problems with community development often arise because people have a markedly different definition of community. The culture of a community can also shape debate and action significantly. A lack of collaboration between non-profit organizations can hamper community development.

Community Projects Best Practices

For a community project to be successful, the first step is building a foundation of trust. Effective community engagement requires two-way communication. Communication is not just face-to-face, either. Community social media groups have become important virtual gathering places and viewed as belonging to those who live in the community.

When a community is engaged, it can be very effective. It provides opportunities to build local networks, enhance relationships, leverage assets and resources, identify concerns and values, increase participation, improve decision making, and avoid conflict.

Best practices also come into play when developing and implementing community projects. For projects and plans to reach their full potential, they have to be continually monitored. Surveys effectively get an unbiased and accurate picture of a community’s perspectives and priorities.

There are some excellent examples of community projects in Pennsylvania that have employed best practices; for example:

  • Community Forests: A community forest is much the same as a rural forest but has more people and built structures. Trees in a community forest are often a mixture of native and foreign or “exotic” species. People play an essential part in their care, and they don’t happen without thoughtful planning and effort.
  • Community Supported Agriculture: This is a concept designed to encourage relationships between growers and consumers. It is estimated that today between 30,000 and 50,000 US consumers belong to a CSA. CSAs can be small operations with just a few members or larger CSAs with hundreds of members or subscribers.
  • Community Natural Gas Task Force: Approximately 20 counties in Pennsylvania have formed local task forces to address gas exploration and development issues in their communities.
  • Enterpreneurial Communities: An entrepreneurial community is a community that intentionally acts to cultivate and support entrepreneurs. An “Innovation District” is on the cards for downtown Erie, for example. The Pennovation Works is a distinctive blend of offices, labs, and production space developed by the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Land Use Planning: Members of the public can play an essential role in aiding the decision-making process. Land use planning and regulations should not and cannot occur without opportunities for public input.

Community Development Grants

Anyone looking for funding for a community project can approach the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development. DCED manages a variety of programs that might help.

If you’re thinking of applying for funding, there are things you can do to increase your chance of success. Your grant can be won or lost on the writing of the grant proposal. Numerous guides are available to help you write a grant proposal. One example is a grant writing program supplement that enables you to make the most of your grant writing efforts.

Grant writing involves many elements, including understanding and applying various components of information that the funder has deemed essential and necessary. Understanding how outputs and outcomes differ, for example, allows you to collect the most applicable information to include in your application.

In this section, find more information and advice on community development projects, community grants, funding, and more.

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Items 1-25 of 57

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Date Posted Set Ascending Direction
  1. 2024 Lehigh Valley Open Gate Farm Tours
    2024 Lehigh Valley Open Gate Farm Tours
    Agricultural operations in Lehigh and Northampton counties will be "opening their gates" to the public for education and fun! More information coming the beginning of September.
  2. Pennsylvania AgForum: Taking Action Together for our Agricultural Community


    Pennsylvania AgForum: Taking Action Together for our Agricultural Community
    When 03/19/2025
    Length 6 hours
    Event Format In-Person
    Penn State Extension invites stakeholders from various sectors to identify collective actions to address the challenges confronting Pennsylvania's farming community.
  3. Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers to Meet
    Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers to Meet
    Date Posted 7/11/2024
    The Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers (ACMF) will meet to consider USDA programs and policies and their impacts on minority farmers.
  4. Source:
    Mitigando los efectos de la incertidumbre a través del liderazgo comunitario
    By Carolyn Henzi Plaza, Suzanna Windon, Ph.D., Daniel Robotham
    Los líderes comunitarios son un mecanismo eficaz para fomentar e implementar el apoyo comunitario, especialmente en tiempos difíciles. Este artículo contiene estrategias para que los líderes comunitarios gestionen la incertidumbre en sus comunidades.
  5. Photo Credit: Bigstock
    One Community - Many Generations Guidebook
    Outline providing details on the "One Community—Many Generations" intergenerational community engagement guide and online community assessment tool developed in partnership with AARP.
  6. Photo Credit: Bigstock
    One Community - Many Generations
    By Linda Falcone, Neal Fogle, Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D., John Turack, Peter Wulfhorst, AICP
    "One Community-Many Generations" is an interactive community-assessment tool and planning process to build age-inclusive, livable communities and initiate community action plans.
  7. Photo Source:
    How to Decide Whether to Apply for a Grant
    By Linda Falcone, Neal Fogle
    Upfront planning can save time and resources and lead to a better grant proposal and project. This article reviews factors to consider before writing a grant proposal.
  8. Agriculture: Working for You
    Agriculture: Working for You
    By Jennifer R Fetter, Capri Stiles-Mikesell, Ruthann Sitko, Phillip Hoy, Chelsea Hill, Melanie Barkley, Nicole Santangelo Thompson, Cassie Yost, Christi (Graver) Powell, Stephenie Coffman
    Learn more about the essential role agriculture plays in bringing food, fiber, and more to your lives!
  9. Photo credit: The Climate Reality Project with free to use license from
    Identifying Local Power Structures to Facilitate Community Development
    By Mary Kate Berardi, Mark Brennan
    This paper is part of a series that will include specialized papers on civic engagement, community action, and other topics important to the development of community throughout Pennsylvania.
  10. Group of young activists in a meeting; Photo credit: Antenna with free to use license from
    Empowering Your Community, Stage 1: Initiation
    By Mary Kate Berardi, Mark Brennan, Jade Marcus
    This paper is part of a series that will include specialized papers on civic engagement, community action, and other topics important to the development of community throughout Pennsylvania.
  11. Gender in Agricultural Programs: Filling the GAP
    Online Courses


    Gender in Agricultural Programs: Filling the GAP
    Sections 3
    Length 3 hours
    Learn how to increase your awareness of gender issues in agriculture to help bring growth and productivity into agricultural programming and policies.
  12. Zen stone stack; Photo Credit: Sean Stratton on Unsplash
    Building Trust with Ecosystem Stakeholders (Part 3)
    By Tanja Hernandez, Suzanna Windon, Ph.D.
    In this final article of our three-part series on stakeholder engagement, we discuss the role of building trust when working with natural resource and environmental stakeholders.
  13. Kayakers on the water; Photo Credit: Stéphane Bernard on Unsplash
    Aligning Motivations in Ecosystem Stakeholder Engagement (Part 2)
    By Tanja Hernandez, Suzanna Windon, Ph.D.
    In this second article of our three-part series on stakeholder engagement, we discuss aligning motivations when working with ecosystem stakeholders.
  14. Trail through a woodland; Photo Credit: Judith Chambers on Unsplash
    Creating Space for Ecosystem Stakeholder Engagement (Part 1)
    By Tanja Hernandez, Suzanna Windon, Ph.D.
    In this first article of our three-part series on stakeholder engagement, we discuss how to create space for knowledge coproduction for stakeholder engagement in ecosystem services.
  15. Image: bigstock/Flynt
    Best Practices for Managing and Moderating Community Social Media Groups
    By Sarah Cornelisse
    This article discusses reasons people join local community social media groups and provides best practices for those who manage and moderate those groups.
  16. Image of strategic planning. Image by Ulrich Wechselberger from Pixabay.
    Elements of a Strategic Plan to Revisit During Challenging Times
    By Neal Fogle
    For the strategic plan to fulfill its full potential, it needs to be continually monitored for items such as relevancy and progress on recommended actions.
  17. Revitalizing a Community Garden in Lebanon County
    Revitalizing a Community Garden in Lebanon County
    By Katie Greenawalt, MS, CHES
    Lebanon County is the newest Pennsylvania community to be awarded funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as part of the Well-Connected Communities (WCC) project.
  18. On the Road: Urban Agriculture in Philadelphia
    On the Road: Urban Agriculture in Philadelphia
    By Elsa Sánchez, Ph.D., Francesco Di Gioia, Ph. D., Thomas McCann, Robert Berghage, Ph.D.
    The Extension On the Road crew traveled to Philadelphia to meet farmers and their community partners and get a look at how farming is used to build community, as educational spaces, and to produce food in urban areas.
  19. Good Roots Farm está bordeada por una calle muy transitada y muchos edificios. Foto: Francesco Di Gioia, Extensión de Penn State
    En el Camino: Agricultura Urbana en Philadelphia
    By Elsa Sánchez, Ph.D., Francesco Di Gioia, Ph. D., Robert Berghage, Ph.D., Thomas McCann
    Ayer viajamos a Philadelphia para visitar fincas urbanas.
  20. Importance of Local Community Action in Shaping Development
    Importance of Local Community Action in Shaping Development
    By Mark Brennan, Mary Kate Berardi
    This paper is part of a series that will include specialized papers on civic engagement, community action, and other topics important to the development of community throughout Pennsylvania.
  21. Source:
    Mindfulness Training for 4-H Volunteers
    By Suzanna Windon, Ph.D., Mariah Stollar
    This article describes why mindfulness training may be beneficial for 4-H volunteers and strategies to help implement mindfulness into 4-H volunteer programming.
  22. Source:
    Positive Youth Development / Strategies for Creating a 4-H Welcoming Environment
    By Suzanna Windon, Ph.D., Mariah Stollar
    This article will use various frameworks to describe positive youth development and provide strategies and tips to create a more welcoming environment for parents and youth involved in 4-H clubs.
    Involucrando a los padres de 4-H
    By Suzanna Windon, Ph.D., Mariah Stollar
    Involucrando a los padres de 4-H: Estrategias y consejos para aumentar la participación de los padres en la programación juvenil
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