Turfgrass and Lawn Care

Species and Cultivars

Choosing the right lawn grass type is an important decision that requires adequate research. In this section, find Penn State Extension’s resources on selecting the best turfgrass species and varieties. Find advice on the structures, growth, and development of cool-season grasses. Evaluation of bentgrass cultivars for golf course turf and information on naturalized grass stands options are available as well.

Identifying Turfgrasses

Turfgrass species are identified by their primary plant parts, such as leaf blades, ligules, and seedhead characteristics. Proper knowledge of the different growth habits of each species can be useful, as well.

When identifying different species, one of the first things to determine is whether the turfgrass is a warm-season or cool-season plant. Native warm-season grasses' primary growth is during hot and dry weather. Many of them are best adapted to the southern US and can be identified by various features such as ligules that appear as a fringe of hair.

While cool-season grasses can be found throughout the US, most of them – including the Kentucky bluegrass – produce best in the northern regions. Identifying cool-season grasses involves distinguishing characteristics such as vertically-grown flower stems and increased leaf growth in temperatures between 60° and 75°F.

Some of the most common types of turfgrasses are tall fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrasses, fine leaf fescues, and bentgrass.

Selecting Turfgrass Seed

Selecting high-quality seed is among the most critical steps of any turfgrass establishment. It is also important that the turfgrass species in the seed mixture are well adapted to the site’s conditions and the turf’s intended use.

To choose appropriate seed, it is sensible to pay attention to the turfgrass seed label or tag. This will help you determine the amount, kind, and quality of seed in the container. Each label should further list the germination and purity percentage.

Turfgrass types low in purity and germination often compensate with an increased seeding rate and reduced price. The proper amount of seed needed to compensate for the reduced quality can be determined by calculating the percent of pure live seed (PLS).

Find Information on Turfgrass Types and Cultivars

Penn State Extension provides landscapers and lawn care professionals with a wide array of educational resources on different types of lawn grass. Information can be found on topics such as growing turf under shaded conditions and evaluating bentgrasses for long-term performance, such as sports fields. Various turfgrass workshops, online courses, and conferences are available as well.

In addition, golf turf managers can find advice on establishing naturalized grass stands for golf courses, as well as choosing the right bentgrass cultivar for interseeding or resurfacing fairways and tees.

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8 Items

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Date Posted Set Ascending Direction
  1. The Cool-Season Turfgrasses: Basic Structures, Growth and Development
    The Cool-Season Turfgrasses: Basic Structures, Growth and Development
    This article covers the basic structures of grass plants, how they grow and develop, and how to identify the different species of cool-season turfgrasses.
  2. Photo: Pete Landschoot, Penn State
    Evaluation of Bentgrass Cultivars for Golf Course Fairways and Tees
    By Peter Landschoot, Ph.D.
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    Online Courses


    Turfgrass Installation and Maintenance
    Sections 6
    Length 4 hours
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    Turfgrasses are fine-textured grass species that form a uniform, persistent population of plants and that tolerate traffic and low mowing heights.
  6. Bright green turfgrass
    Turfgrass Seed and Seed Mixtures
    By Peter Landschoot, Ph.D.
    One of the most important steps in turfgrass establishment is the selection of high quality seed or a seed mixture that is adapted to the site conditions and intended use of the turf.