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  1. Animal Diagnostic Laboratory
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Goats are excellent farm animals. They are easy to maintain and can be raised to produce milk, meat, and mohair. With Penn State Extension, learn how to raise healthier goats and increase profit. In addition, discover educational resources on goat health, nutrition, breeding, and milking. Information on goat production marketing and business management is included, as well.

Goat Farming in the US

Goat production is very popular in many cultures across South America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

In the United States, goats are primarily used for producing dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese. While goat meat is not traditionally eaten within the US, the demand for it has been increasing steadily over the last years. The state of Pennsylvania alone produces more than 40,000 meat goats annually.

Raising goats for profit can be an exciting – and highly profitable – activity that does not require a huge investment. A proper management plan, along with all necessary permits, is an essential key to being successful.

In Pennsylvania, all agricultural operations are overseen by the PA Clean Streams Law. Prospective herd owners should contact their local Soil and Water Conservation District to determine what regulations may apply to their enterprise. In addition, it’s important to consider local zoning regulations to ensure that the intended business activities are allowed.

If you are interested in starting a goat dairy farm in the Commonwealth, note that selling raw milk is not permitted unless it’s inspected by a state milk inspector.

Types of Goat Farms

Before starting a goat farming business, you will need to consider your local market and decide on what you want to produce – dairy products, meat, and/or fiber.

The next important thing to consider is the type of goat breed. Note that different goat species require different levels of care, therefore investing time in research is well worth it.

Raising Dairy Goats

Goat’s milk is a great alternative for those allergic or sensitive to cow’s milk. It is also a very popular ingredient in many beauty products such as soaps and lotions.

Dairy goat production can be an excellent livestock enterprise for anyone looking to start a small or part-time operation. What’s more, running a goat dairy farm provides an opportunity for producing unique products. Allowing goats to consume aromatic or flavorful plants, for instance, can add a special flavor to the milk and cheese.

Common dairy goat breeds are Alpine, Nubian, Saanen, LaMancha, Toggenburg, and Oberhasli.

Meat Goat Production

Goat meat offers a unique flavor and palatability. In addition, it’s a great source of protein, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and potassium. Goat meat is leaner than many other types of red meats, making it lower in saturated fats. Along with meat, a goat enterprise can sell fiber, as well. The most common fibers are cashmere and mohair.

While kids of all breeds can be used for meat, meat goats are often leaner than dairy goats. Popular breeds for meat production are Kiko, Spanish, and Boer.

Discover more information on managing dairy and meat goat production in Penn State Extension’s Goat Meat, Milk, and Fiber Quality section.