Maintenance and Treatment
Homeowners with private water systems should invest in testing their water and providing necessary treatment to ensure a safe household water supply. On this page, find advice on private drinking and residential water systems, including septic system management, home treatment systems, and record keeping.
Maintaining Private Water Systems
Many US households get their water from alternative water supplies such as wells, springs, and rainwater cisterns. Private water systems, however, are not regulated on either federal or state levels. This is why proper construction and adequate maintenance are crucial for preventing home drinking water contamination.
Bacterial contamination is one of the most prevalent management issues in water systems. Shock chlorination is often recommended for eliminating coliform bacteria, particularly after one-time contamination incidents. Residential water treatment systems – such as water filtration and disinfection – can further help treat an existing bacteria problem or prevent potential contamination.
Access more information on managing private water systems through Penn State Extension’s comprehensive collection of publications, workshops, and webinars. Resources are available on testing and treating drinking water from private supplies, as well as obtaining financial assistance for well and septic system repairs.
Homeowners can further make use of the H2OSolutions app. The app is specially designed to help users diagnose the causes of water quality issues and provide guidance in making proper water testing decisions.
Private Wells
Private water wells are becoming increasingly popular throughout the United States. If you plan on drilling a well, note that while any well penetrating an aquifer will yield water, the amount will generally depend on its location. If you have an existing low-yielding well, consider reducing peak water use or increasing storage within the water system to increase the adequacy of water supply.
In addition to location, adequate testing and treatment can have an effect on water quality, as well. Routinely testing private water supplies for E. coli and coliform bacteria helps ensure that the water is safe to use. Water should further be tested for pH and total dissolved solids (TDS) every three years. Additional testing should be done for land uses pollutants such as iron, sulfate, chloride, and nitrates.
In this section, private well owners can benefit from Penn State Extension’s groundwater resources. Regularly updated information is available on topics such as well maintenance and rehabilitation, water management during drought, and sound water well records.
Septic System Management
When maintained properly, septic systems can provide efficient and reliable treatment of household waste. To maximize the likelihood of optimal long-term performance, it’s critical to perform soil evaluations prior to construction.
Once constructed, on-lot septic systems should be inspected regularly. The treatment tanks, responsible for receiving the wastewater, should be pumped out on a routine basis. Reducing water use at home can help prevent wastewater system failures. Water conservation reduces the flow through the system, allows more time for solids to settle in the septic, and reduces the chances of overloading the soil absorption field.
Discover more about private water and septic systems maintenance with Penn State Extension. Learn about buying a home with a private well, utilizing a micro-mound wastewater system, and protecting septic systems from flooding.
- Articles
Iron and Sulfur Bacteria: a Slimy Problem
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Lead in Drinking Water
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Análisis de PFAS y tratamiento del agua de pozos en Pensilvania
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After the Flood: Recovery Considerations for Rural Pennsylvanians
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Guide to Addressing PFAS in Drinking Water
This article discusses how to manage PFAS in drinking water and provides a list of certified point of use water treatment devices for PFOA and PFOS reduction. - Articles
Mantenimiento y Rehabilitación de Pozos de Agua
Los pozos de agua requieren un mantenimiento regular para garantizar un flujo de agua adecuado y una calidad óptima del agua. - Articles
Gas Metano y su Eliminación de Pozos de Agua
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Cloración de Choque de Pozos y Manantiales
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Ablandamiento de Agua
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Five Parts of Sanitary Water Well Construction
These five well construction features can help protect your drinking water supply from surface contamination. - Articles
Bacterias Coliformes
Este artículo describe qué son las bacterias coliformes, de dónde vienen y cómo eliminarlas del agua potable. - Articles
Nitratos en el Agua Potable
El exceso de nitratos en el agua potable puede causar el "síndrome del bebé azul" o metahemoglobinemia. Hay varias opciones de tratamiento disponibles para eliminar el nitrato del agua. - Articles
Plomo en el Agua Potable
Aprenda a determinar si su agua potable contiene demasiado plomo y descubra formas de reducir el plomo en su agua. - Articles
Sanitary Water Well Construction
Construction features and wellhead area management can protect private water wells from surface water contamination. - Videos
Core Topic Briefs: Ground Water Model
Length 16:00This video shows movements of water under the earth and how pollution might affect drinking water. (Modelo de Agua Subterranea) - Videos
Water Softening
Length 4:21Water softening is a method that can be used to treat the common household problem of hard water. Softening water involves removing the scale caused by calcium and magnesium. - Webinars
Importance of Application Setbacks for Protecting Private Drinking Water Resources
When Watch NowLength 1 hourRecorded Feb 13, 2023Event Format On-Demand | RecordedReview the setbacks of surface water and groundwater contamination, how it occurs, and the guidelines on protecting our sources of drinking water. - Articles
Eliminación de Quistes de Giardia del Agua Potable
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Hierro y Manganeso en Sistemas de Agua Privados
El hierro y el manganeso provocan manchas y sabores en el agua. Se pueden eliminar con varios procesos de tratamiento descritos en este artículo. - Articles
Private Water Systems FAQs
Frequently asked questions about private wells, cisterns and springs. - Videos
Protecting Your Water Well
Length 7:48Several steps are discussed to help homeowners and farmers protect and properly manage their private water well. - Articles
Problemas y Soluciones Comunes del Agua Potable
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Solving Bacteria Problems in Wells and Springs
Length 9:59This video discusses various steps homeowners can take to solve or treat bacteria problems in wells, springs and cisterns used for drinking water. - Videos
Solving Water Problems
Length 6:25Most drinking water issues can be resolved by considering water treatment, pollution control, or alternative water sources. - Articles
Spring Development and Protection
Springs occur wherever groundwater flows out from the earth's surface. Springs typically occur along hillsides, low-lying areas, or at the base of slopes.