Drinking and Residential Water

Water Quality

Monitoring of drinking water quality is an integral component of water management and public health. In this section, access educational resources on drinking water quality, including tips on water contaminants. Advice is available on drilling and managing wells, protecting groundwater, and teaching water quality stewardship.

Water Contamination

Pollution caused by agricultural and industrial activities, as well as naturally occurring substances, is a constant threat to many water supplies. There are different types of water contaminants, such as lead, nitrogen, pesticides, and organic material suspended in water from soil erosion.

Certain contaminants can be identified by their color, smell, and taste, though, most require testing to reveal whether the water is contaminated. Bacterial contamination is one of the most common water quality problems. While many positive bacteria tests indicate a serious issue, some can be the result of a one-time contamination incident. In such cases, shock chlorination can be recommended as a simple process to disinfect contaminated water supplies.

Discover more about water quality and safety with Penn State Extension’s water webinar series. Information can be found on a wide array of topics, including nitrates in private water supplies, common water quality issues in wells, and household water treatment processes. Advice can also be found on testing water for arsenic, as well as detecting and solving corrosive water problems.

Groundwater Protection

Many water systems draw all or part of their supply from groundwater. Groundwater protection is vital for protecting the water supply and reducing treatment costs.

With more than half a billion gallons used for drinking water each day, groundwater is an important resource in Pennsylvania. Many people, however, are becoming concerned about the future availability of groundwater supplies due to increased local use and impervious cover of the land surface. Learn what you can do to preserve the PA water supply during the Individual Actions to Protect Pennsylvania Groundwater webinar.

Other protection strategies to consider include implementing an environmentally safe fuel storage plan, taking steps to prevent water contamination, and properly maintaining septic systems.

Water Quality and Roadside Springs

Roadside springs are a popular source of drinking water. It is important to note, however, that they are an untreated water supply and understanding the actual water source can be important.

While roadside springs take on many forms, many of them fail at least one water quality standard, due to factors such as the presence of coliform bacteria, corrosiveness, and sediment. Learn more during the Study of Roadside Springs in Pennsylvania free webinar. During the webinar, Extension educators cover a variety of topics including spring construction and risks associated with drinking water from roadside springs.

Healthy Streams and Watersheds

An important factor when measuring a stream’s health is its embeddedness. Low embeddedness – or the layering of gravel, cobble, and boulders on a stream bottom – allows easy water flow and provides habitat for many aquatic bugs. Aquatic insects are an integral part of healthy streams that form the basis of the aquatic food chain.

Another way of assessing the health of a stream is by evaluating its bank vegetation. The bank cover plays an essential role in decreasing the amount of soil exposed to passing water and reducing erosion. In addition, a well-planted vegetated area can help absorb nutrients, remove pollutants, control the stream’s temperature, and reduce flood water damage.

On this page, find further resources on water quality, stream health, and watersheds. In-depth information is also provided on treatment methods for acid water in Pennsylvania streams and live staking. A PA stream map is available, as well.

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Items 1-25 of 74

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  1. Septic System and Safe Drinking Water Clinic


    Septic System and Safe Drinking Water Clinic
    When Multiple Options Available
    Length 2 hours
    Event Format In-Person
    Understand your drinking water supply. Learn how to protect, test, and treat water from wells and springs.
  2. Dive Even Deeper: Watershed Literacy and Tree Plantings


    Dive Even Deeper: Watershed Literacy and Tree Plantings
    When 10/02/2024
    Length 6.5 hours on Day One and 5 hours on Day Two
    Event Format In-Person
    Engage in two days of immersive watershed learning. Explore the MWEE framework, tree species, planting protocols, and more to enhance your educational impact.
  3. Pet Waste and Water Quality: Where to put the poop?

    Pet Waste and Water Quality: Where to put the poop?
    Length 1 hour
    Learn how to manage pet waste safely and legally in this free webinar. Discover the impact on water quality and explore eco-friendly disposal options for your pets.
  4. Corrosive Water Issues

    Corrosive Water Issues
    Length 1 hour
    Learn how corrosive water can affect your drinking water and discover solutions. This free one-hour webinar covers testing and treatment options to ensure safe, high-quality water for your home.
  5. Watershed Friendly Lawn Care to Protect Drinking Water

    Watershed Friendly Lawn Care to Protect Drinking Water
    Length 1 hour
    Join our webinar to learn about Pennsylvania's new turf fertilizer law and discover lawn care strategies to reduce runoff, minimize pollution, and conserve water, all while keeping your lawn healthy.
  6. Safe Drinking Water Clinic


    Safe Drinking Water Clinic
    When Multiple Options Available
    Length 2 hours
    Event Format In-Person
    Understand your drinking water supply. Learn how to protect, test, and treat water from wells and springs.
  7. Per/Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Monitoring in Private Water Wells


    Per/Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Monitoring in Private Water Wells
    When 09/25/2024
    Length 1 hour
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Learn about PFAS (Per/Polyfluoroalkyl Substances) in private water sources and how you can take steps to lower exposure if they are detected.
  8. Lead in Drinking Water
    Lead in Drinking Water
    By Faith Kibuye, Bryan Swistock, William Sharpe, Ph.D., Amy Galford
    Learn how to determine if your drinking water contains too much lead, and discover ways to reduce lead in your water.
  9. PFAS testing should be arranged through a lab accredited by the PA Department of Environmental Protection. Photo: Penn State Extension
    PFAS Drinking Water Standards, Testing, and Treatment in Pennsylvania
    By Andy Yencha, Faith Kibuye, Bryan Swistock
    Rules now limit some PFAS compounds in public drinking water, but households with private wells or springs are responsible for monitoring and, if needed, treatment of their water supply.
  10. Las pruebas de PFAS deben realizarse en un laboratorio acreditado por el Departamento de Protección Medioambiental de Pensilvania. Foto: Penn State Extension
    Análisis de PFAS y tratamiento del agua de pozos en Pensilvania
    By Bryan Swistock
    Las PFAS son un contaminante emergente en las aguas subterráneas ubicadas cerca de bases militares, centros de entrenamiento de bomberos, vertederos, rellenos sanitarios, zonas industriales y campos donde se han esparcido biosólidos.
  11. Flooding around your home and on the farm could be leading to issues you need to address. Image Credit: Jennifer Fetter
    After the Flood: Recovery Considerations for Rural Pennsylvanians
    By Jennifer R Fetter, Leon Ressler, Andy Yencha
    Parts of Pennsylvania were drenched with heavy rains and flooded streams recently. In addition to drying out wet basements, there are few important things that rural Pennsylvanian's might want to pay special attention to.
  12. Interpretación de los análisis del agua de riego
    Interpretación de los análisis del agua de riego
    By Bryan Swistock
    Interpretación básica de cómo diversos parámetros de calidad del agua pueden influir en el crecimiento de las plantas durante el riego.
  13. Hay laboratorios certificados para analizar el agua en todo el estado que proporcionan resultados precisos sobre la calidad del agua a los propietarios.
    Análisis de agua potable
    By Bryan Swistock
    Los propietarios de viviendas que utilicen pozos, manantiales o cisternas como suministro de agua deberían considerar la posibilidad de analizar el agua de forma rutinaria.
  14. Problemas de Agua Corrosiva
    Problemas de Agua Corrosiva
    By Jennifer R Fetter, Bryan Swistock
    El agua corrosiva puede disolver los componentes metálicos de las tuberías y causar niveles peligrosos de cobre y plomo y fugas por pequeños agujeros.
  15. Gas Metano y su Eliminación de Pozos de Agua
    Gas Metano y su Eliminación de Pozos de Agua
    By Bryan Swistock
    El gas metano puede ocurrir en pozos de agua a partir de procesos naturales o de actividades de perforación cercanas.
  16. Cloración de Choque de Pozos y Manantiales
    Cloración de Choque de Pozos y Manantiales
    By Bryan Swistock, William Sharpe, Ph.D.
    La cloración de choque se puede utilizar para desinfectar los suministros de agua que se han contaminado como resultado de un incidente de contaminación.
  17. Ablandamiento de Agua
    Ablandamiento de Agua
    By Jennifer R Fetter, Bryan Swistock
    El agua dura produce depósitos grises o blancos cuando se calienta el agua. Se puede usar ablandamiento de agua para reducir estos síntomas.
  18. Wells located near agricultural fields may be impacted by runoff. Photo: Robb Meinen, Penn State
    Protect Your Wellhead to Safeguard Drinking Water Supplies
    By Susan Boser
    The immediate area around your well head is the area most likely to impact your drinking water supply if potentially polluting activities take place there.
  19. Overview of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) and Water Quality
    Overview of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) and Water Quality
    By Faith Kibuye
    This article provides background information on PPCPs, their sources, occurrence in the environment, and health impacts. Actions we can take to protect water resources are also discussed.
  20. Plastic waste; Photo credit: Bigstockphoto.com
    Why plastic overuse is a problem, defines what microplastics are, and provides tips to reduce our use of plastics.
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