Beef Cattle

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Cattle-raising is a unique experience in and of itself. While it certainly requires an investment in time, money, and education, beef cattle farming can be wonderfully rewarding work.

On this site, you’ll find educational resources that will help you learn about the beef cattle industry. Topics discussed include beef production and farming, farm equipment and structures, beef herd health, and cow age and lactation stages.

Beef Cattle Farming Industry

With over $67 billion in cash receipts, the beef cattle industry in the US is one of the largest – and most important – segments of the country’s agriculture. More than that, thanks to its rich agricultural land and more than 80 distinct breeds of cattle and crosses, the United States is the biggest beef producer worldwide.

Beef cattle production is a major industry in many states, including Pennsylvania. With over 25,000 cattle-raising farms, PA’s beef industry contributes approximately $7.7 billion annually, making it a leading economic driver in the state.

Beef Cattle Technology

In the beef cattle community, technologies are often used to help continually improve animal well-being and performance, as well as production costs and record keeping. Technological advances have impacted the beef industry on all levels, from cattle monitoring to genetics and production strategies.

New technological developments in the areas of vaccines, nutrition, implants, physiological modifiers, antibiotics, and genetic improvement are allowing farmers to save time and have better coordinated efforts across all production stages.

Starting a Small Beef Cattle Herd

Beef production in the US is characterized by a number of factors, including animal breeds, nutritional inputs, climates, and environmental conditions.

Beef cattle farming is roughly divided into three main production systems – commercial/purebred cow-calf operations, backgrounding, and feedlot operations. When you are getting started, one of the first things to look at is what type of system best meets your individual situation, budget, and goals.

Cow-calf and backgrounding operations, for instance, might be better suited for a humid climate that allows forage production. A feedlot operation, on the other hand, typically requires a drier climate and larger quantities of feed grains.

Beef Cattle Management

When entering the farming business it’s important that you are aware of the different beef production costs and resources that are needed.

Before you start a beef cattle herd, remember that each resource must be managed properly in order to maximize returns. Begin by considering facilities, equipment, feeding, and available health and vaccination programs.

Apart from resources, your knowledge about animal health and nutrition, reproduction, and well-being is another essential part of raising cattle. If you are just starting out, it’s a good idea to learn from experts who have done the legwork.

Educational Programs and Resources

Today, there is a great number of quality educational programs available that can help you understand the beef cattle industry and equip you with the skills needed to succeed.

Penn State Extension’s Beef Production and Management online course, for example, is a program aimed to help you learn how to select a breed best suited for your goals, identify and handle cattle health issues, manage cattle reproduction, and market your products. This online course on grazing and pasture management is also a very useful resource for livestock producers.

Find additional information on managing and raising beef cattle with Penn State Extension’s educational resources, workshops, and online courses.