
Business Management

Goat production can be an exciting and profitable enterprise for many small-scale operations. On this page, discover valuable resources on raising meat and dairy goats, including pricing meat cuts, taking advantage of existing markets, and buying livestock.

Raising Goats for Profit

With emerging demand for goat meat and dairy products in the US, producers are becoming increasingly aware of the profitability of raising goats.

To successfully raise goats for profit, prospective farmers need to pay special attention to providing the herd with enough nutrients and ensuring a stress-free environment. In addition, it is sensible to select and maintain animals that can, ideally, kid twice a year.

Whether raising meat or dairy goats, keeping good records and knowing the costs of production is key to determining the price of your end products. When pricing goat meat cuts, the costs – as well as the carcass weight – can vary depending on the breed and production method.

To learn more about the importance of estimating production costs, join Penn State Extension’s Marketing Meat Goats Through Contracts workshop. During the meeting, participants can meet potential buyers and discover more about how contracts benefit producers and how prices are set.

Goat Farm Business and Management

To run a thriving goat farming operation, producers need to have a solid business plan. The document should outline your goals, startup and ongoing costs, emergency response plan, and marketing strategy. A sample budget worksheet can help you ensure all expenses and receipts are included in the cost estimates.

Along with farm budgeting, the business plan should address goat management practices in regard to health and nutrition, fencing, shelter, feed, and veterinary care. A goat kid marketing strategy should be considered, as well. Both meat and dairy producers can benefit from kid goat crop income. Kid goats can be raised to different market weights and for different market seasons.

Goat Products Marketing

Finding a buyer for your goat products is critical to the enterprise’s success in making a profit. Therefore, it’s essential to research available markets and plan accordingly.

Marketing options for goat products include direct marketing off the farm, producing kids for commercial marketing firms, and supplying products for specialty markets.

When setting up a marketing strategy, prospective dairy goat farmers should focus on finding commercial processors of raw milk. Alternative solutions may be investing in pasteurizing equipment and using goat milk as an on-farm substitute.

In this section, find further information on goat farm business management, including budgeting, marketing, and management practices.

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15 Items

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  1. Building an Emergency Response Plan for Livestock Producers
    Building an Emergency Response Plan for Livestock Producers
    By Elizabeth Hines, Tara L. Felix, Jonathan A. Campbell, Ph.D., Chelsea Hill
    Whether you raise pigs, sheep, goats, or cattle, having an emergency plan for their care is critical for animal welfare and business continuity.
  2. Integrating Grazing into Cropping Systems: Infrastructure
    Integrating Grazing into Cropping Systems: Infrastructure
    Considerations about fencing, watering systems, animal handling and loading, and shade all need to be resolved before animals are placed on the cropland to increase the likelihood of the success of the grazing program.
  3. Photo credit: BigStockPhoto.com 457082825
    Meat Goat Production
    By Melanie Barkley, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D., Lynn Kime
    Demand for goat meat, milk, cheese, and hide has steadily increased in the United States along with the proliferation of ethnic and specialty markets.
  4. Dairy Goat Production
    Dairy Goat Production
    By Robert J. Van Saun, DVM, MS, PhD, Chelsea Hill, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D., Lynn Kime
    Dairy goat production is an alternative livestock enterprise suitable for many small-scale or part-time livestock operations.
  5. Producers have options when marketing livestock products.
    Exploring Two Ways to Direct Market in Pennsylvania
    By Jonathan A. Campbell, Ph.D.
    Producers have two options to pursue when marketing livestock post harvest in the U.S.: Selling under United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) inspection, or custom sale of live animals, harvested by the buyers butcher.
  6. Sides of beef harvested under inspection.
    Why Aren't All Meat Processors the Same in Pennsylvania?
    By Jonathan A. Campbell, Ph.D.
    In Pennsylvania, livestock slaughtered can be "Inspected" or "Custom". Meat from livestock harvested under custom slaughter are exempt from inspection but cannot be sold, donated, or given away.
  7. Meat Goat Production and Management Home Study Course

    Meat Goat Production and Management Home Study Course
    Interested in running a meat goat operation? The Meat Goat Production and Management Home Study Course is for beginning producers and a great review for seasoned producers.
  8. Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Program
    Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Program
    This program provides a comprehensive source of information about the Nutrient Management Act (Act 38, 2005), and associated technical guidance and educational information.
  9. Crianza de Caprinos
    Crianza de Caprinos
    By Melanie Barkley, Jayson K. Harper, Ph.D., Miguel Antonio Saviroff, MS, Lynn Kime
    La carne del ganado caprino se consume ampliamente en todo el mundo, especialmente en los países en desarrollo.