Llamas and Alpacas

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Connect with us for the latest research-based knowledge and hands-on know-how. Find experts who will work with you in person or online to answer questions, solve problems, and seize opportunities.

  1. Animal Diagnostic Laboratory
    Full-service lab and research center that provides in-depth, rapid diagnostic information to support disease control, health management, and performance of animals.
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  2. Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Program
    This program provides a comprehensive source of information about the Nutrient Management Act (Act 38, 2005), and associated technical guidance and educational information.
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  3. Pennsylvania Women's Agricultural Network
    PA-WAgN supports women in agriculture by providing positive learning environments, networking, and empowerment opportunities.
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Take excellent care of your camelids. Discover knowledge about llama and alpaca health, nutrition, breeding, shearing, marketing, business management, and more.