The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011, and it’s considered to be the most sweeping reform of US food safety laws. The focus of the act is on more effective prevention of food safety issues in the US food supply chain. Find the resources you need to help you meet those regulations and get access to produce grower certification and training.
FSMA Produce Safety Rule
The Food Safety Modernization Act includes science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and sprouts. Penn State Extension has a range of resources available to help producers meet those standards. The resources include videos and training opportunities addressing topics such as FSMA requirements, exemptions, and deadlines for the Produce Safety Rule.
Produce such as fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, and sprouts is covered by the Produce Safety Rule; however, there are exemptions to the rule, based on average annual food sales and marketing channels. Use the coverage and exemption tool to find out where you stand.
Food producers are also required to develop and implement a risk-based food safety plan, under the Preventive Controls for Human Foods Regulation. The plan must include the identification of hazards and controls that can be implemented to prevent, reduce, or eliminate the hazards completely. A recall plan should also form part of the Food Safety Plan.
Produce Grower Training and Certification
Training and certification play a vital role in the agricultural industry. Within the Produce Safety Rule, it has been established that at least one supervisor or responsible party from the farm has to successfully complete food safety training, recognized as equivalent or better than training received under the standardized curriculum the Food and Drug Administration designates as adequate.
Undertaking Penn State Extension’s PSA Grower Training Course is one way to satisfy that requirement. The course is split into seven modules, covering topics such as worker health, hygiene and training, soil amendments, wildlife, domesticated animals, land use, and post-harvest handling and sanitation. Details on how to develop a farm food safety plan are also included. Close reference is made throughout the course to key parts of the FSMA Produce Safety Rules requirements. Participants will be eligible to receive a certification from the Association of Food and Drug Officials, verifying completion of the course.
If you’d prefer, the course is also available in a series of training slides developed by the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA). This method of delivery is particularly useful for growers who would prefer not to use computer training, or where electrical connections are unavailable. To receive the course certificate, a copy of the PSA Grower Manual is still required.
- Articles
Agritourism in Pennsylvania - Legal and Regulatory Issues
This article provides an overview of issues agricultural operators in Pennsylvania must consider if they would like to start or expand an agritourism operation. - Articles
Amish Farm Food Safety Curriculum Materials
These materials are designed for Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) trainers who teach plain sect (Amish) produce growers that do not prefer computer training - Videos
Control de Plagas
Length 3:34La norma de inocuidad de los productos agrícolas frescos requiere que las empresas rutinariamente monitoreen en busca de plagas, ya que estas representan un riesgo importante para la inocuidad de los alimentos. - Videos
El Concepto de Zonificación
Length 4:54Aprenda lo que significa el concepto de la zonificación y qué procedimientos de inspección, mantenimiento, limpieza y desinfección del equipo son requeridos en la norma de inocuidad de los productos agrícolas frescos para proteger a los alimentos de la contaminación. - Articles
Entendiendo FSMA: Norma de Inocuidad de los Productos Agrícolas Frescos
Este artículo trata sobre las actividades de las huertas y los productos agrícolas frescos cubiertos por la Norma de Inocuidad de los Productos Agrícolas Frescos bajo la Ley de Modernización de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos (FSMA, por sus siglas en inglés), los requisitos clave, las posibles exenciones y las fechas de cumplimiento. - Guides and Publications$25.00
Farm Food Safety Training Flip Chart for Harvesters and Handlers of Fresh Produce (Amish)
This durable, re-usable, 44 page flip chart is designed to help small scale plain sect growers meet the FDA training standards in the FSMA Produce Safety Rule or those required in third party audits. - News
FDA Finalizes Rules on Pre-Harvest Water
Date Posted 5/16/2024FDA has recently finalized the new FSMA regulations for pre-harvest water applied to the edible part of the crop. - Videos
Final Rule for Mitigation Strategies to Protect Food Against Intentional Adulteration
Length 3:40This aim of this rule is to prevent intentional adulteration of food that can cause wide-scale harm to public health. - Videos
Final Rule on Preventive Controls for Animal Food
Length 3:14Learn more about the Preventive Controls for Animal Food Rule which requires covered facilities to implement a food safety system. -
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Learn what Penn State Extension is doing to address the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and provide industry with resources and training to navigate the regulations. - Articles
Food Safety Modernization Act - Produce Safety Rule
Learn the details and find educational resources on the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, including videos and training opportunities that address requirements, exemptions, and deadlines of the rule. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: Handwashing
Length 2:12Learn more about when you should wash your hands and why hand washing is the most important food safety practice. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: Personal Hygiene
Length 2:59The Produce Safety Rule requires certain personal hygiene practices to prevent the spread of microbes onto food the environment in growing and packing environments. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: Pest Management
Length 2:49The Produce Safety Rule requires that companies routinely monitor for pests, as they represent an important risk to food safety. - Workshops
Food Safety Modernization Act: Produce Grower Certification Training
When Multiple Options AvailableLength 8 hoursEvent Format In-PersonFruit and vegetable growers will learn about the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule, Good Agricultural Practices, and co-management of natural resources and food safety. - Webinars
Food Safety Modernization Act: Produce Grower Certification Training in Spanish Language
For Spanish-speaking growers or those interested in learning about product safety, the FSMA Produce Safety Rule, GAPs, and co-management of natural resources and food safety. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: The Zone Concept
Length 4:04Learn about what the Zone Concept means and what equipment inspection, maintenance, cleaning, and sanitizing procedures are required under the Produce Safety Rule to protect against food contamination. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: Training Requirements
Length 3:28Learn about required food safety education, training, and experience necessary for personnel to perform their assigned duties. - Videos
Food Safety Modernization Act: Visitors
Length 1:58Learn how the produce safety rule requires you to make visitors aware of your farm's food safety policies and procedures. - Tools and Apps
Starting at Free
FSMA Produce Grower Training Slide Set
This product is intended as an alternative delivery mode for presenting the produce safety training PowerPoint slides developed by the Produce Safety Alliance (PSA). - Videos
Higiene Personal
Length 3:01La norma de inocuidad de los productos agrícolas frescos requiere ciertas prácticas de higiene personal para evitar la propagación de microbios a los alimentos o al medio ambiente en áreas de cultivo y empaque. - Articles
Impact of FDA Produce Safety Standards on Mushroom Substrate Composting
Under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), mushroom producers must recognize potential food safety hazards in their operations and establish control measures to prevent them from occurring. - Articles
Impacto de FSMA en el Compostaje de Sustratos para la Producción de Hongos
Bajo la Ley de Modernización de la Inocuidad de los Alimentos (FSMA, por sus siglas en inglés) los productores de hongos tienen que reconocer peligros potenciales a la inocuidad de los alimentos y establecer medidas de control. - Videos
Instructor e instructor líder de la Alianza para la inocuidad de los productos agrícolas frescos
Length 5:46Este video ayuda a los solicitantes a instructor líder a entender el proceso de revisión de instructor líder de la Alianza, que determina si cumplen con las cualificaciones básicas para convertirse en instructor líder. - Videos
Lavado de manos
Length 2:18Obtenga más información sobre cuándo debe lavarse las manos y por qué lavarse las manos es la práctica de inocuidad de los alimentos más importante.