Dairy Food Processing

Safety and Sanitation

Sanitation and food safety are linked, but each is a separate topic of utmost importance to producing safe, high quality dairy foods. Sanitation is the foundation of making facilities suitable for producing safe food. The framework for food safety is provided by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which is covered in the Regulations section of this website, while the practical aspects of developing and implementing a food safety system are covered in this section.

Sanitation in Dairy Foods Processing Plants

Sanitation practices are the foundation of dairy food processing. A dairy processor should have a solid understanding of the key concepts in cleaning and sanitizing, which includes knowing the types of soils found in dairy plants, the appropriate cleaners and sanitizers for those soils and the basic steps in cleaning and sanitizing. Having well-written Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) will ensure that all employees are following the proper steps and using the proper chemicals to do the cleaning job correctly.

Tips for sanitation in small-scale cheese plants provides guidance on establishing an effective sanitation program that addresses some of the unique challenges for small-scale cheesemakers.

Food Safety Practices

A food safety system consists of the core hazard analysis to determine risks, the preventive controls put in place to manage those risks, the prerequisite programs and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) used to maintain a suitable environment for food processing, and all the monitoring and documentation activities needed to support the system. Full food safety plans are required for large-scale processors, but are not required for some exempt facilities. Regardless of facility size and exemption status, all dairy processing plants have a natural risk of foodborne illness due to the nature of milk production. It is in the best interest of small-scale, exempt processors to have a robust food safety system in place. The Food Safety Plans for Small-Scale Cheesemakers tool contains a Guide to Implementing a Food Safety Systems and an example food safety plan for raw milk Gouda. This information for implementing a food safety system and writing foods safety plans are specific for cheesemaking, but many of the concepts are applicable to all small-scale dairy foods processors.

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16 Items

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  1. The Gold Standard: Quality Testing Across the Dairy Product Spectrum


    The Gold Standard: Quality Testing Across the Dairy Product Spectrum
    When 10/09/2024
    Length 1 hour
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Join us to explore how strict controls in the grass-to-glass process ensure the highest quality dairy products.
  2. Biosecurity for On-Farm Dairy Processors

    Biosecurity for On-Farm Dairy Processors
    Length 1 hour
    A biosecurity plan is imperative for on-farm dairy processors. Join us to learn how to minimize the introduction of pathogens in your operation.
  3. Penn State Extension Food Safety Plans for Small-Scale Cheesemakers
    Tools and Apps
    Penn State Extension Food Safety Plans for Small-Scale Cheesemakers
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D., Lisa Caprera
    The Penn State Extension Food Safety Plans for Small-Scale Cheesemakers helps cheesemakers conduct risk assessments of their processes and develop a Food Safety System for their facility.
  4. Responding to a Food Safety Crisis: Hint – Have A Plan!


    Responding to a Food Safety Crisis: Hint – Have A Plan!
    When Watch Now
    Length 1 hour
    Recorded May 9, 2023
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
    Learn the tools you need to effectively communicate and respond to a food safety crisis.
  5. Image credit:  Food Safety CTS, LLC
    Biofilms in the Dairy Industry
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D., Laura Rolon
    Effective control of biofilms in dairy processing facilities is critical to prevent contamination of food with spoilage and pathogenic bacteria.
  6. Image credit:  Food Safety CTS, LLC
    Listeria in the Dairy Industry
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D., Laura Rolon
    Effective control of Listeria monocytogenes in dairy processing facilities is critical to produce safe food.
  7. Food Safety Practices of Small-Scale Dairy Processors in the British Isles


    Food Safety Practices of Small-Scale Dairy Processors in the British Isles
    When Watch Now
    Recorded Sep 13, 2022
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
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  8. Photo credit: Penn State, Jon Cofer
    Cleaning Small-Scale Dairy Plants: Cleaning the Facility
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Length 4:34
    Join us on a walk through a dairy processing plant to identify areas that are prone to sanitation problems to help you implement effective sanitation programs.
  9. Photo credit: Penn State, Jon Cofer
    Cleaning Small-Scale Dairy Plants: Cleaning Equipment
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Length 5:32
    Learn about the supplies, best practices, and procedures for manually cleaning equipment in small-scale dairy processing plants.
  10. Photo credit: Penn State, Jon Cofer
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    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Length 4:13
    Learn about the supplies and procedures used for cleaning drains in small-scale dairy processing plants.
  11. Photo credit: Penn State, Jon Cofer
    Cleaning Small-Scale Dairy Plants: Dressing for the Job
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Length 4:52
    Wearing the right clothes and personal protective equipment (PPE) is important for worker safety when cleaning dairy plants with hazardous chemicals.
  12. Petesphotography/iStockphoto.com
    Sanitation Tips for Small-Scale Cheese Plants
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D., Lisa Caprera
    These tips help cheesemakers establish and maintain an effective sanitation program and identify sanitation problem areas common in small-scale cheesemaking facilities.
  13. Writing Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)
    Writing Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs)
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Consistently using correct cleaning and sanitizing procedures in dairy and food processing plants is the foundation to producing high quality, safe food.
  14. Key Concepts of Cleaning and Sanitizing
    Key Concepts of Cleaning and Sanitizing
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Proper cleaning and sanitizing is essential to producing high quality, safe dairy foods. A well-informed and trained staff provides the foundation for safe food processing.
  15. Cleaning and Sanitizing Wood Boards for Cheese Aging
    Cleaning and Sanitizing Wood Boards for Cheese Aging
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    The traditional practice of using wood boards for cheese aging must meet the contemporary practice of sanitation to ensure food safety.
  16. Sanitation Controls for Food Processing
    Guides and Publications
    Sanitation Controls for Food Processing
    By Kerry E. Kaylegian, Ph.D.
    Learn the fundamentals of cleaning and sanitizing in dairy food plants, and how to write sanitation standard operating procedures (SSOPs).