Children and Families

Child Care

Raising children is a rewarding, though sometimes challenging endeavor that requires time, energy, and care. Right from the beginning, parents are constantly trying to find ways to help their children make healthy life choices.

On this page, find comprehensive information on children and families, including topics such as childcare, bullying, child nutrition, food allergies, hygiene, and more. In addition, access programs such as Better Kid Care, Visits with You and Your Baby, and the ABCs of Growing Healthy Kids.

Children's Health and Development

A child’s development is influenced by a number of factors, including health, eating habits, cognitive stimulation, and physical activity. How a child moves, learns, acts, and speaks are all important clues about their development.

As kids grow, they acquire certain behavioral and physical skills. These skills, also known as developmental milestones, are different for each age range. For instance, a two-month-old infant might be able to smile and recognize different people, while a ten-month-old might be ready to climb onto things and understand simple sentences.

Though every child develops at their own pace, these milestones can give parents and caregivers a general idea of the changes they can expect at each age.

Penn State Extension offers online professional development in curriculum areas such as child growth and development, learning experiences, and health and safety. The Better Kid Care program is specially designed for early care, education, and youth development professionals.

Child Nutrition

A healthy, balanced diet provides kids with the nutrients and energy needed to grow and develop.

A healthy diet for kids should consist of nutrients like good fats, protein, whole-grain carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. Whether a child is a picky eater or has a selective diet (e.g. vegetarianism), it’s advised to aim for three meals a day and two healthy snacks.

Parents can encourage healthy habits by offering a variety of foods, cooking with their kids, and having family mealtimes.

Kindergarten Readiness

Kindergarten is the first step towards a child’s formal education and broader social experience. Naturally, parents and caregivers want to make sure their children are ready to start off this new adventure on the right foot.

To ensure a smoother transition to a school setting, parents should focus on helping children build a strong learning foundation. Engaging in hands-on learning through enriching activities can help children grow their cognitive, learning, emotional, and gross motor skills.

Learn how to ensure your preschooler is ready for kindergarten with Penn State Extension’s Kindergarten Readiness video series.

Preparing for School

Starting school is a major milestone in a kid’s life. During school age, support from parents is essential in helping children adapt and do well academically.

Parents and caregivers should try and encourage kids to think independently and help them find ways to handle peer problems. Issues such as child bullying at school should be addressed by parents, students, and educators altogether.

Maintaining a healthy diet and sleeping schedule plays a key role in a child’s school performance as well. A balanced breakfast – together with a nutritious school lunch – improves children’s cognitive function, provides energy for a long period, and helps sustain their attention level. Similarly, a good night’s sleep benefits memory and attention in the classroom and reduces the chances of adverse emotional and cognitive effects.

Parenting Teens

Adolescence is a confusing time for many kids. It is the time for them to understand who they are, achieve emotional independence, and explore their relationship with the world around them. Often this is also a period when meeting the needs of teens takes its toll on parents and family.

To help their teens grow into healthy and emotionally mature people, parents should provide a safe environment for their children to express their needs and emotions. At the same time, establishing ground rules and clear guidelines to encourage teens to make healthier choices are also necessary.

In this section, find further information on parenting and childcare and discover educational re

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  1. Thrive: Grow


    Thrive: Grow
    When 10/10/2024
    Length 1 hour per week for 6 weeks
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Complete Thrive's on-demand self-paced sessions for families and caregivers of kids from ages 5 to 10 years. Then, join us in live webinars to practice and discuss positive parenting, stress management, and child physical health promotion
  2. Thrive: Take Root


    Thrive: Take Root
    When 10/10/2024
    Length 1 hour per week for 5 weeks
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Complete Thrive's on-demand self-paced sessions for families and caregivers of kids from birth to 3 years. Then, join us in live webinars to discuss and practice positive parenting, stress management, and child physical health promotion.
  3. Thrive: Branch Out


    Thrive: Branch Out
    When 09/23/2024
    Length 1 hour per week for 6 weeks
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Discover essential tools to guide your child through adolescence. Tailored to support parents during this pivotal phase, our program covers communication, developmental milestones, mental health, and additional information via family scenarios.
  4. Thrive: Sprout


    Thrive: Sprout
    When Multiple Options Available
    Length 1 hr. per week for 5 weeks
    Event Format Virtual | Live
    Complete Thrive on-demand, self-paced sessions for families and caregivers of children ages 3 to 5 years. Then, join us in live webinars to discuss and practice positive parenting, stress management, and child physical health promotion.
  5. Thrive: Sprout

    Thrive: Sprout
    Length 1 hr. per week for 5 weeks
    Join us at these in-person workshops to discuss and practice positive parenting, stress management, and child physical health promotion.
  6. Kinship Family Forum: Great Children's Literacy


    Kinship Family Forum: Great Children's Literacy
    When Watch Now
    Length 1 hour
    Recorded Jan 17, 2024
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
    Sharon K. Savage highlights books' vital role as powerful tools for teaching, caregiving, resilience, navigating life's complexities, fostering diverse perspectives, and initiating family discussions on tough topics.
  7. Strategies for Building Child Vaccine Confidence

    Strategies for Building Child Vaccine Confidence
    Length 1 hour
    Early Childhood Education professionals often find it challenging to navigate when and how to communicate with families effectively. Get valuable resources and strategies to boost your confidence in handling these discussions.
  8. Kinship Family Forum: Introduction to Thrive


    Kinship Family Forum: Introduction to Thrive
    When Watch Now
    Length 1 hour
    Recorded Sep 20, 2023
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
    Learn about the Thrive Initiative and get the tools and strategies you need for each developmental stage from birth to adulthood.
  9. Photo by Cpl. U. B. Roberts is in the public domain
    Why Can't I Lick the Spoon?
    By Richard Andrew Kralj, M Ed., RDN, LDN
    Eating raw cookie dough or raw dough of any type may put you at risk for a foodborne illness!
  10. Dani Barchana,
    Human Lice
    Three types of lice infest humans: head lice, body lice, and pubic or crab lice. Bites cause much discomfort, and scratching often leads to secondary bacterial infections.
  11. Well Connected Communities
    Well Connected Communities
    By John Byrnes, Ph.D., R.D.
    The Well Connected Communities program is aimed at empowering communities to come together to help their residents be healthier at every stage of life.
  12. The Wonderful Mobilization of 4-H!
    The Wonderful Mobilization of 4-H!
    By John Byrnes, Ph.D., R.D.
    As part of the Well Connected Communities (WCC) program, Penn State Extension has been working with community leaders, 4-H families, and local 4-H youth to meet the food needs in Norris Square.
  13. Revitalizing a Community Garden in Lebanon County
    Revitalizing a Community Garden in Lebanon County
    By Katie Greenawalt, MS, CHES
    Lebanon County is the newest Pennsylvania community to be awarded funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as part of the Well-Connected Communities (WCC) project.
  14. Photo credit: Bigstock photos
    Kindergarten Readiness
    By Denise Continenza
    The following videos are part of a series about how you can use items found right in your home to help your child develop skills needed for a solid foundation for learning.
  15. IPM in Schools is Now Law
    IPM in Schools is Now Law
    New legislation at the state level requires schools to provide notification to parents, students and teachers in advance of pesticide applications.
  16. Pennsylvania House Bill 1289 (Act 36)
    Pennsylvania House Bill 1289 (Act 36)
    Pennsylvania's Act 36 of 2002 amended the Public School code of 1949 by adding to section 772.1, Notification of Pesticide Treatments at Schools.
  17. Kinship Family Forum: Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles


    Kinship Family Forum: Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles
    When Watch Now
    Recorded May 18, 2022
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
    Join us for this virtual event to learn about basic nutrition and physical activity, how they affect our bodies at any age, and ways of incorporating them into our lives!
  18. Kinship Family Forum: Caring for Children and Youth Dealing with Trauma and Special Needs


    Kinship Family Forum: Caring for Children and Youth Dealing with Trauma and Special Needs
    When Watch Now
    Recorded Oct 20, 2021
    Event Format On-Demand | Recorded
    During this informative event, you will learn new strategies and resources to help deal with difficult situations.
  19. Norris Square Neighborhood Project, credit: Rachel Zimmerman
    Norris Square Neighborhood Profile
    Date Posted 10/1/2021
    Our Norris Square neighborhood profile project aims to clarify and lift-up the voices of community members and stakeholders to emphasize community strengths, (hidden) assets, challenges within Norris Square and opportunities for youth engagement.
  20. Addressing the Food Desert Issue in Aliquippa
    Addressing the Food Desert Issue in Aliquippa
    Date Posted 6/10/2020
    As part of the Well Connected Communities (WCC) program, Penn State Extension Educators are working collaboratively with community leaders to address the food desert issue in Aliquippa.
  21. Better Kid Care: 101+ Ways to Keep Kids Busy
    Better Kid Care: 101+ Ways to Keep Kids Busy
    As a caregiver, you can help a child grow and develop to the fullest. This publication is full of activities to help you do just that.
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