Re:Zero Wiki
Re:Zero Wiki

Admonsah (アドモンサ) is a former travelling entertainer and slave.


Admonsah, as a member of the Multi-Arm Clan, has dark blue skin, a tall figure, and four arms. He is a young man who wears a long robe to cover the scars that cover his body and the white burn marks left on his neck he received from a Collar of Submission.


Admonsah has a kind, honest, and gentle disposition. He is considerate and acts protective of children.


For years, Admonsah was a slave who suffered abuse at the hands of a cruel slave owner who whipped him and shocked him with a Collar of Submission. He gained his skills in knife throwing under the slave owner. Eventually, he got in a confrontation with his owner, used his fists to crush and kill the man in self-defense near the town of Leanotte, managed to remove his slave collar, and took all of his former owner's belongings. The next day, he sought refuge at the nearby church that Pastor Coatl lived in, finding Maqueena and Podoso within it. Omega's group and Noelle Tuérico quickly followed, and the seven of them were forced to stay inside it as a shelter for an ongoing blizzard outside. While Podoso and Maqueena moved to a separate part of the church, Trellock arrived, and Admonsah was the one to hand him a towel.

A short time later, Podoso and Maqueena discovered Coatl's corpse in the church's hidden basement, and the whole group followed, seeing the scene for themselves. Admonsah quietly listened as Podoso disclosed a recent string of serial murders and Omega's deduced the situation until she pieced together his involvement in the death of the man from the previous day and exposed his circumstances and past to everyone in the basement. However, everyone except Maqueena recognized his kindness and was sympathetic to him. Noelle, an Itinerant Preacher, forgave Admonsah for his actions, and he was comforted by Colette as he began to weep.

When Maqueena was close to having her true profession exposed, she used Muskrim to escape the church, rendering everyone apart from Noelle unconscious. In the end, Maqueena was exposed for her crimes as a con artist, Trellock was revealed to be the one responsible for the serial murders, and Podoso, hypothesizing that Admonsah's crime may very well be attributed to the actual serial killer, offered the young man to become his assistant. The two parted ways with Omega's group on friendly terms, taking Maqueena with them to Leanotte.


  • Equipment: Admonsah is skilled at launching knives at fast speeds to hit targets as part of a performance. He views his knives as simple tools and does not use them as weapons.

