“Got a decent set of "stock" cars if you feel like playing around.”
— The Organiser when the player is idling nearby.
The LS Car Meet Race Organizer is a minor character appearing in Grand Theft Auto Online, as part of the Los Santos Tuners update.
He is voiced by music artist and songwriter Hakeem "Kameechi" Ysaguirre.
He is the race organizer stationed within the LS Car Meet and offers players the ability to instantly join Street Races and Pursuit Races, as well as view Rockstar Games Social Club leaderboards for those respective races.
He uses a unique character model s_m_m_raceorg_01.ydd
He can be found at the south end of the Car Meet, sitting on his personal car, a blue ZR350. He wears a hooded red windbreaker with matching red and black track pants and sneakers.
The organizer's ZR350.