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“Just so you know, I have an associate online diploma in mixology.”
— Josephine
Josephine is a character in Grand Theft Auto Online, introduced in The Diamond Casino & Resort update as a minor character.
She is a red-haired young woman who works as the head bartender of The Diamond Casino & Resort's casino floor bar, The Solitaire. Not much is revealed about her background in dialogue.
Her apparel differs between cutscenes and gameplay – in The Diamond Casino & Resort introduction cutscene, she is seen wearing glasses. In The Cayo Perico Heist update, during Miguel Madrazo's introduction cutscene at The Music Locker, she is seen wearing eyeshadow. However, outside cutscenes, she does not wear any makeup or accessories.
Mission Appearances[]
Grand Theft Auto Online[]
The Diamond Casino & Resort[]
- The Diamond Casino & Resort introduction cutscene
- Casino - House Keeping
The Diamond Casino Heist[]
- Casino Heist - Aggressive (Main Entrance approach)
The Cayo Perico Heist[]
- Miguel Madrazo's introduction cutscene
Josephine as seen in the official The Diamond Casino & Resort website.
Josephine at The Music Locker, during the introduction of The Cayo Perico Heist.