- Björn Höcke (AfD, Der Flügel)
- Alice Weidel (Chairwoman, AfD)
Each time an aspiring nationalist party scores some parliamentary gains, let alone enters the corridors of power, its followers assume that the System faces imminent death, announcing the dawn of a shining nationalist future. Over the last seventy years, such a self-serving delusion has framed the mindset of countless White nationalist voters in the U.S. and Europe – leading, as a rule, to their constant disappointment. From Marine Le Pen’s National Rally in France (Rassemblement National (RN)) to the Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) and the Flemish Vlaams Belang, followed by the recently installed post-pseudo fascist Italian government of Giorgia Meloni, or the would-be second term U.S. presidential hopeful Donald Trump, along with a few lurking Latin American Bolsonaros, such prominent nationalist voices sooner or later lapse into self-caricature. Even if they miraculously manage to scramble to the System’s gates of power, the next day they will piously start reciting Systemspeak homilies.
The reason for this turnaround is understandable. Parliamentary or presidential perks are powerful; the liberal glitz and glamor easily disarm even the most devout White nationalist. Furthermore, it must not be forgotten that since 1945 the System has invested tons of money into erecting firewalls and a multitude of cordons sanitaires in order to prevent an aspiring nationalist party from rocking the post-World War II Liberal Order.
A case in point is the nationalist-conservative party Alternative for Germany, the AfD, which over the last ten years and especially over the last few months has surged as a major contender for a power grab in several federal states. The ruling leftist “Ampel” i.e., “traffic lights coalition,” as well as all E.U. member states, no longer attempt to hide their fear of the AfD contagion spreading to their own front yard. Hence the reason that the System-friendly media outlets are resorting to demonization of the AfD by decorating it with epithets from their plentiful arsenal of fascist labels.
Germany is not just the financial locomotive of the E.U. and its economic powerhouse; it also serves as the main U.S. military and intelligence hub for the entire Eurasian heartland. The System and its proconsuls in Europe, including their sycophantic media outlets stretching from Washington to Berlin and all the way to Tel Aviv, are up in arms over the AfD’s suspected intention to pave a separate way for Germany.
On its domestic front, the AfD is critical of non-European migrants, and it aggressively lobbies for their repatriation to their countries of origin. In its foreign-policy stance, it has shown reluctance regarding Germany’s official sanctions of Russia, and it is also becoming an outspoken critic of Germany’s military assistance to Ukraine. Even prior to the conflict in Ukraine it had earned itself the media nickname of the “Kremlin party.” Given the catastrophic mutual bloodletting between Russians and Germans during the twentieth century, the “pro-Putin” conciliatory move on the part of the AfD hardly comes as a surprise.
The AfD’s success in the October 2023 elections in the federal state of Hesse and in the largest and the richest state of Bavaria is further proof of its growing popularity. Its electoral gains in the state of Hesse account for 18.4 percent of the total vote, while in Bavaria the AfD scored 14.6 percent, which translates into 28 and 32 seats respectively. The meteoric performance of the AfD comes as a shock to the ruling Ampel class, as well as Germany’s overseas supervisor in Washington.
There is little doubt that the issue of feral non-European migration is the prime cause for the spectacular rise of the AfD, although it cannot be assumed to be the only factor. Most of the AfD constituency are fed up with the technical incompetence of the ruling Ampel coalition which has failed to halt rising energy costs or the shrinking pension funds of its ageing population. This is the reason why everybody wants change. AfD’s recent electoral breakthrough in western German states only proves that its success is no longer limited to its traditional strongholds in the formerly Soviet-ruled Communist eastern Germany, such as the state of Thuringia. Short of getting banned or outlawed on the eve of the E.U. elections scheduled for next year — which cannot be ruled out — the AfD will likely double the 78 seats it now has in the Bundestag by 2024–25.
Upon closer look, AfD rank and file members do not look at all like the much-maligned radical right-wing specimens advocating revolution or threatening the German constitutional order, as is often suggested by the mainstream media. Its overall agenda is basically just an updated carbon copy of what the still strong German Christian Democrats (CSU, CDU) once stood for. And while the AfD is filling the void of the fossilized “conservative” CDU and CSU, the latter are becoming barely distinguishable from the ruling leftwing Ampel coalition. This is nothing new in the century-long charade known under the fancy name of “liberal parliamentary democracy.” One is reminded of the prominent antiliberal scholar Robert Michels and his classic depiction of the inherent corruption of the multiparty democratic parliamentary system.[1]Robert Michels, Political Parties; A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy (1911 Kitchener; Batoche books, 2021), pp. 224-235.
More to the point and less of a scholarly venue is the former bestseller by the late François-Bernard Huyghe, published three decades ago. In his semi-satirical work, he uncovers faked hostility between the parliamentary Left vs. Right. Accordingly, the Christian conservative declares: “Madame la Marquise I like your cute butt.” To that, the leftist Social Democrat responds with the same sentence, albeit by inverting its syntax : “Your cute butt I like Madame la Marquise.”[2]François-Bernard Huyghe, La Soft-Idéologie (Paris: R. Laffont, 1987). The more things change in the Liberal System the more they must stay the same — as witnessed in key swing states during the mysterious ballot counting after the November 2020 U.S. election.
Likewise, if it wants to survive in the high-tech surveillance state of Germany, the AfD must follow the System’s canons. In Germany’s political landscape, this means that it must strictly abide by the official self-censoring narrative and in addition perform ritual pilgrimages to Israel. An important figure in the AfD, the old timer and now AfD honorary chairman Alexander Gauland reiterated shortly after the Hamas attack on October 7, followed by the Israeli bombing of the Gaza strip: “When we stand with Israel, we also defend our way of life.”[3]David Gebhard, „AfD streitet über Israel-Unterstützung“, ZDF-Heute (October, 15, 2023)
https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/ausland/afd-c...0.html His recent backpedaling into the Jewish orbit is hardly going to exonerate him in the eyes of the Jews in view of his earlier words regarding the National-Socialist past. Several years ago, he said that “the Nazis were just a minor chickenshit in the otherwise successful history of Germany.”[4]„Gauland: Hitler nur „Vogelschiss“ in deutscher Geschichte“ in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 2, 2018.
The Empress’ New Clothes
What Medjugorje, Fatima or Lourdes means for the Catholic faithful, Yad Vashem operates now as an obligatory place of pilgrimage for the Western political class, and especially for German presidential hopefuls. No matter the size and number of German philo-Semitic genuflections, the Central Council of Jews in Germany remains reluctant to embrace AfD’s advances. In fact, following the Hamas October 7, 2023 raid on an Israeli kibbutz near the Gaza strip, the Israeli government and its mouthpiece in Germany declared the AfD, “a party that provides a political home to right-wing extremists and anti-Jewish sentiments and which has sought to trivialize Germany’s Nazi past and the Holocaust.”[5]Dirk Kurbjuweit, „Germany Must Stand Unequivocally with Israel“, Der Spiegel, Oct. 13, 2023.
Consequently, in order to stay alive, the AfD needs to constantly provide evidence that it does follow the System’s rules. One of the most powerful figures in the AfD, chairwoman Alice Weidel, has learned this body-language mimicry well; she dresses up in the empress’s new clothes in an effort to deflect potential detractors. A tall, attractive, and soft-spoken woman of Nordic phenotype, Weidel is a picture-perfect modern conservative model, perfectly matching the image of a traditional Aryan female that can be spotted in Sepp Hilz paintings or Arno Breker sculptures. With her carefully administered mascara and her dark pastel attire she projects herself as the role model for White urban middle-class German women. Her game change is aired not just on one conservative frequency but on all political wavelengths and for all lifestyles. As a self-declared lesbian living with a Sri Lankan actress, she has managed to triple-shield herself from potential threats from powerful German antifas, LGBTQ+ loud-mouths, and diverse multicultural-multicolored virtue signalers. With her measured telegenic diction, she never postures like some West Coast drag queen, nor does she ever pose like a seasoned Berlin dyke on a bike. Despite her unorthodox sexual lifestyle, she knows how to put up her conservative physiognomy up for sale, with her outward persona displaying signs of traditional Frömmigkeit, i.e., German motherly devoutness. How that squares up with her female constituency remains to be seen in the months to come.
The most interesting and intriguing figure in the AfD is Björn Höcke and his faction the Fluegel, i.e., the Wing, enjoying a great deal of popularity, particularly among educated hard-core German nationalists and especially among young supporters of the now terminated NPD. Needless to say, the German spy agencies, euphemistically called as “agencies for the protection of the constitution,” watch every move Höcke makes and every step he takes.
Understanding the AfD means first and foremost understanding high German culture and its intricate and tortuous history. Having lost twenty percent of its pre-World War II population (more than 10 million civilians and soldiers) by 1950 as a result of Western and Eastern Allied serial large-scale massacres, firebombing, expulsions and captivity, and having been subjected over 75 years to incessant brainwashing by American, largely Jewish born educators, one cannot expect miracles in the German political scene.[6]T. Sunic, Homo americanus; Child of the Postmodern Age (Ch. III, “Brainwashing the Germans”), (London: Arktos 2018), pp.74-86 and passim. History, however, is always open and with serious new tremors happening now in Europe and the Middle East one might see some changes, not just in Germany but also in the entire West. Unless one accepts, but also believes in mysterious, multi-meaning, multi-god last words of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, “Only a God Can Save Us.”[7]Martin Heidegger in interview, “Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten,” Der Spiegel, May 31, 1976.
[1] Robert Michels, Political Parties; A Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy (1911 Kitchener; Batoche books, 2021), pp. 224-235.
[2] François-Bernard Huyghe, La Soft-Idéologie (Paris: R. Laffont, 1987).
[3] David Gebhard, „AfD streitet über Israel-Unterstützung“, ZDF-Heute (October, 15, 2023)
[4] „Gauland: Hitler nur „Vogelschiss“ in deutscher Geschichte“ in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 2, 2018.
[5] Dirk Kurbjuweit, „Germany Must Stand Unequivocally with Israel“, Der Spiegel, Oct. 13, 2023.
[6] T. Sunic, Homo americanus; Child of the Postmodern Age (Ch. III, “Brainwashing the Germans”), (London: Arktos 2018), pp.74-86 and passim.
[7] Martin Heidegger in interview, “Nur noch ein Gott kann uns retten,” Der Spiegel, May 31, 1976.
Usually happens when your regime belongs to the terrorist USEUNATO conglomerate but you still believe in some ludicrously outlandish idea of voting and “democracy” shit.
Welcome to your Jewocracy, masquerading as a ‘democracy’, where ZOG selects the candidates/winners in rigged elections. Since 1945 ZOG will not legally or democratically allow an authentic white fascist/NS Party/politician to obtain power in any of these ‘western nations’, so they provide the white-wing with phony ‘nationalist’ candidates like Trump or Meloni, who pledge they will stop the immigrant scum, but once assuming ‘power’ they do nothing. The white-wing masses continue voting & believing in them however.
Thank you for an extensive listing of that dared to counter the deep state and leftist takeover of Western Nations and that had some success in that undertaking.
Your diagnosis is a bit strange, though. Virtually ALL these politicians succumbed to DIRTY DISHONEST TRICKERIES by the establishment. Large scale Main Stream Media lies, Election manipulation, illegal government repression, outright prohibitions and suspected murder of Sebastian Heider.
In Leftist DISHONEST doublespeak, it is called a danger to democracy, when, systemic leftist brainwashing fails. The population opposing leftist policies, voting for the “wrong” parties and “wrong” ideas is a danger for democracy.
Will they bolt for the door?
You must mean controlled suicide ?
As with Adolf Hitler Rothschild, financed by family Bush, the one which used the trick movie in “Nine Eleven” for more “democracy” 😉
They should get hanged as soon they are voted, but you prefer mass suicide, as in the fake Pandemic.
The state is a bandit association which use irrational thing, fear, angst, for to control you and murder you. I don’t think a single natural death happen in the country where I live, the state kills all.
Geronticide are a reality, they started by murder the old in care homes.
“traffic lights coalition”, what a joke both literally and figuratively. a traffic light with all 3 lights lit on all sides, what a great idea. how about the walk/don’t walk alliance. and they wonder why traffic fatalities are up.
An easy diagnostic for assessing whether or not a political movement is controlled opposition: if they make kissy face with Israel, they are.
“Even if they miraculously manage to scramble to the System’s gates of power, the next day they will piously start reciting Systemspeak homilies.” – well said! Indeed!
But: Donald Trump, as much as he was suborned by the system – I mean, he spent his first two years as president basically being Paul Ryan’s ‘boy’ – he DID decrease third-world immigration significantly. And even this short reduction in third-world invasion significantly started to increase wages, and decrease rents. The horror! That’s why the elites hate him so much, as flawed as he is, there is part of Trump that has not sold out. Maybe he’s too stupid to sell out, I don’t know, I don’t care.
Now that Trump is out of office the elites have gone absolutely crazy starting a massive and constantly expanding third world invasion. This will crush the working class, but make the rich richer – and perhaps it is also true, that the elites just plain hate the Native American working class.
Trump is in many ways a buffoon, a man-child, a narcissist – I don’t think that I would like to have a beer with him. And yet there is something truly unique about him, something the ‘far right’ populists in Europe don’t have. That’s why there is a flood of fake legal actions, the manufactured Jan.6 ‘insurrection’ (the only known ‘insurrection’ where the perpetrators didn’t bring any weapons with them!) the elites do actually fear this man. They wouldn’t lavish this much firepower on someone they could easily suborn.
All such parties are useless until they name the Jewish Power.
It’s why even Orban may be ultimately useless.
And Putin too. Neo-Nazis in Ukraine? Okay, but who’s behind them? Putin won’t go there.
Russia needs someone better and tougher.
The belief of the people in an alternative for Germany, the Alternative for Germany, proved to be elusive. The Alternative is thoroughly infiltrated and surveilled, and it wishes nothing more than to be accepted into government again (all its functionaries are desperate to get their jobs back), where all the corruption, power, and status lay abound.
The current government is the largest and most powerful in the history of Europe. The Revolution from within is a false flag. The law is a fabrication to enslave the people. The abused and humiliated Alternative for Germany will join the government and crack down on anti-government movements even harder once its formerly disgraced leaders make it back into the central government.
A few disgraced intellectuals might make a comeback as controversial freethinkers of matter. Most will disappear into utter obscurity.
There’s something about Alice Weidel and Björn Höcke that’s really off, they don’t look like normal people, they look like androids. They have weird half smiles and skin like plastic; and those eyes, they aren’t the eyes of normal people. I know lots of Nordic Germans and they don’t look like either of these two. Alice Weidel and Björn Höcke look like they were cloned in Klaus Schwab’s underground laboratory or are aliens.
Does anyone in their right mind seriously think that having come along as far as they have in re-shaping the world since WW2, that the internationalists would allow real nationalist parties to take over? The reality is that if a “nationalist” party is allowed to exist, it will be controlled opposition and the people who run it it will be bred for the purpose, hence you have weird looking people like Geert Wilders, Alice Weidel and Björn Höcke running for office. It wouldn’t surprise me if they were all created in the same laboratory from the same genes provided by some satanic alien beings.
Everyone should understand that our NSA/CIA spies on all these organizations to bribe, blackmail, and manipulate them.
Video Link
I know it looks bleak but take this from a Canadian: it could be worse, the political “conversation” could not even include the issue of migrants / rapeugees at all!
I hope this happens faster than the 10-year timeline:
1) Voters realize there’s a problem with the leftward direction for the past 70 years
2) Voters realize that mass immigration is bad for you
3) Voters realize that the parties arrayed to “save them” from globalism / Jewish control are illusions
4) Voters realize that voting is not the answer
This may be a callout to change the culture and influence politics that way, downstream from ideas in media consumed by people.
And no I don’t mean going exactly backwards into old dead ideas like failed Austrian painters.
I’ve got a boardgame idea I’m stalled on for various reasons, technical / money and unfortunately the covid-mania that took over places such as “maker spaces” circa 2020. Going to have to workaround somehow and get things done. Getting inspired.
The normies need our help – they need ot blitz through the above list to a #5 option before it’s too late.
As for all the black-pillers out there who always say the same thing “bbbbut the alternative parties are controlled” yes we know. These are traps laid out for us and there are already violent revolution traps laid out for us (Hal Turner the FED radio host calling for violence).
The fact is we can all unplug from international corporations, banking, etc. tomorrow if we all wanted to.
In Canada, which isn’t even at #1 of the above list, the trucker protest ALMOST CRASHED THE BANKS. The retard government (proof that there is hope lies in the level of their stupidity) cut their bank accounts, and old people all over the country started withdrawing their money. We don’t have that many banks, they are huge though – and we almost lost them all including probably our currency.
So there are other ways besides falling into the violent revolution traps set forth. Or the Jew traps such as “Rebel Media” here in god damn Alberta.
Question: Is there any entity on Earth that the Jews fear more than the German Rightwing?
Answer: No
Of course any legal Rightwing party in Germany is going to be controlled opposition. Any whiff of uncontrolled Rightwing activity is quickly met with police raids and imprisonment. You have to remember something about Germany. If America has a Zionist Occupied Government then Germany is in fact occupied by the Zionist Occupied. Doubly screwed so to speak. And that’s just how it’s going to be until a saner age emerges.
East Germany was as „Soviet controlled“ as West Germany was a US puppet state.
The Ampel CAUSED high energy and food prices DELIBERATELY
It is Green Policy
Thuringia is run by former East German SED Communist Party
Merkel overturned election result to keep it in power propped up by CDU
Voters were screwed
Young vote AfD because they are screwed on property prices and taxes and 3 million immigrants since 2015. Russian from Ukrainian draft dodgers is everywhere and they are welfare queens with SUVs
Weidel worked for Goldman and is lesbian living in Switzerland
Höcke is a History teacher on permanent suspension from Hesse
For whatever reason, in a modern representative “democracy” the politicians always get co-opted. They, as the cliche goes, always end up being “lying politicians.” Presumably this is a consequence of the fundamental design of the system and the incentives built into it – I doubt that all of these politicians go into politics with the intention of betraying their votes.
If I were to design a “democracy” I’d probably do away with (or massively scale down) these “representative” deliberative bodies like the Senate and the House and instead make democracy direct – all issues would be voted on by ballot initiative or referendum. There’d be a special office (perhaps directly elected) whose only function it is to act as an enforcement officer, like a cop – an executive to enforce whatever it is that the public voted for. This officer would not be asked their opinion on issues like presidential and congressional candidates are because there would be no point. You wouldn’t care what their personal opinions are. Their opinions don’t matter. They’re an officer of the law and that’s all. Only their record as a good enforcer/officer who applies the law – as it’s been determined by direct democratic vote – would be relevant. Their job is to be an enforcer of the public will, whatever it is.
In any event, the most important thing to a functioning democracy is free speech. This may require a large number of highly decentralized media organs none of them being much more powerful than the others – or at least the absolute adherence of media organs to being free, fair and representative of the general sentiment of the people (which they’ve never managed to be able to be in “Western democracies” at least in the last century).
Without free speech even if the public has the vote it will only vote the will of the (Jewish) media owners who tell the what to think through television and advertising, and without the public even understanding that their “own” thoughts and beliefs are not their own at all, but put their by a parasitic, exploitative and spiteful cabal of rat-faced oligarchs who secretly hate them.
A lesbian and an androgynous-looking emaciate as the head of a “hard-right nationalist” party? No way. That just reeks of “CIA.”
All these so-called “right-wing” and “alternative” parties ( e.g., AfD, RN, FPÖ and Vlaams Belang), among other Fascistic groups are the byproducts of Zionism and Jews control over European policies. In fact, they showed their loyalty to Israel and Judaeo-Fascism from the first day they appear on the scene. For example, without Jews control and Jewish propaganda, Gert Wilders will be roaming Amsterdam streets at night in red G-string. All of them have very low IQs and lack intelligence. Their main disease is the repeated rhetoric of Islamophobia which will kill them in the same way AIDS did to may people.
Even if not controlled opp, it’s useless because it can’t speak the truth about JQ.
That little silence will cook all of the West.
Heidegger was right.
Trump was controlled opposition from the day after the election in 2016 never mind waiting for his
second deception. Trump did not invent the Republican ruse but he perfected it. DeSantis did similar
damage in Florida and beyond.
The mischaracterization of the Trump presidency continues by friend and foe alike
to the great advantage of the status quo…just worse . A Trump 2.0 would be an even
direr betrayal of his hapless supporters.
N.B. Distinguishing Medjugorje from Fatima and Lourdes would be prudent
Any so called right wing movement with females in the upper echelon is by default, fake and gay. Women belong at home making and raising babies, keeping house, supporting their men. Anything else is matriarchy and of the left. Rendering a nation to a subject of the Judean Empire of lies and degeneracy.
The German men are all cucks just as the French, English, and Polish men are. They pretend to still have gonads by “supporting” these fake matriarchal movements. “Yes mommy, We’ll be good boi’s now! Please lead us to perfect submission.”
One disturbing thing about a nationalist party like the AFD which supposedly stands for patriotism, family values and opposes the replacement of the German people by Marxist Zionist HANGela MerKILL’s highly treasonous policy for open legs – open borders to an Afro-Arabic invasion of military age men funded by (never mentioned) Zionist Globalists, is their choice of the hideous Swiss Goldman Sachs alumni, Alice Dykedel as a top party leader. She/he/it also adopted two non white children from foreign countries. They also back stabbed the charismatic, beautiful, highly intelligent and patriotic, Frauke Petry. They drove her out of the party. She started her own party but was sabotaged by the AFD.
Another dubious member of the party was Jorge Meuthen who sponsored two or more non white foreign children. He thankfully resigned from the party recently saying the party was being infiltrated by extremist radicals 😊🎉
Bernd Hocke is also a dynamic and charismatic speaker but he has been savagely demonized by the Zionist Globalist Master Media. One of the AFD’s most brilliant, dynamic speakers is an unassuming academic and very erudite man by the name of Gottfried Curio. He is charming and mild mannered and is a personal favorite for higher office.
At the moment the German people have an Anti German ZOG government that imprisons anyone trying to reveal true German history even a valiant 92 year old woman, Ursula Haverbeck who dared the ungerman government to release some documents related to WW II. TruthIsAntisemitic!
The main problem is probably also to legally exclude the possibility of such fake “opposition” parties being infiltrated by Jews. Jew Peter Sichrovsky, e.g., admitted that he had cooperated with the Mossad for years as a member of the FPÖ: “The Mossad was particularly interested in Haider’s Arab contacts, especially with Libya’s head of state Muammar el Gaddafi.” (Two weeks later, he recanted these statements.) FPÖ Jew David Lasar “fully supports Israel and its restrictive stance on the Palestinian issue”. https://de.zxc.wiki/wiki/Juden_in_der_AfD
“…There’s something about Alice Weidel and Björn Höcke that’s really off, they don’t look like normal people, they look like androids…”
Indeed they look strange. Alice Weidel has a masculine expression on her face, Björn Höcke a feminine expression. For Alice Weidel that can be explained: she is lesbian, for Björn Höcke it cannot: he is married and has four children. But perhaps abnormal circumstances require abnormal people.
…. Its overall agenda is basically just an updated carbon copy of what the still strong German Christian Democrats (CSU, CDU) once stood for……
Indeed – the AFD party platform is boring middle of the road 1970s Christian Democrat. It’s fascinating to observe the absolute hysteria coming from the German establishment regarding the AfD. I simply do not understand it.
Sorry, but at this point, there is nothing but “controlled opposition”. Every politician everywhere is just either a paid actor or a blackmailed tool. “Voting” doesn’t mean anything, and, in fact, now they are even just dispensing with the formalities of counting and just making up the numbers with computers. It’s meaningless. Nothing important changes.
Nothing will come out of “AfD”, “Freedom Party”, or any kind of pseudo-right wing political party.
Germany is a colony, they can’t even decide their own domestic policy. It’s ridiculous. The same applies to any EU country, of course.
What will happen eventually is some sort of collapse of the system, followed by civil war, and then strongmen will take charge. Unfortunately lots of people will die in the process, and there’s not even a guarantee that what comes after “democracy” will necessarily be better.
Europe’s salvation, especially Germany’s, can come only from Russia, if and when the world goes through a major conflagration that demolishes the old structures to smithereens. Russia has the potential for salvation because she has endured the Jewish, atheistic, Bolshevik tragedy and has resuscitated as a spiritual society who is fighting for her very existence against the Western PTB who see in her a mortal danger to their New World Order.
Looking at the grovelling Mme Le Pen, who has almost betrayed everything her father stood for, and at the plethora of nationalist pretenders of the Georgia Meloni type makes me convinced that salvation for Europe shall not be short of a cataclysmic event. The only nationalist leader who managed a limited success, for he has to still bow to the Holocaust, is Victor Orban. The nationalist pretenders, have power as their goal, and will betray the most sacred for reaching their desire to rule even at the expense of their principles. And heck, if the incumbent anti-pope Bergolio is willing to trash Christ’s message to please his earthly masters, should we expect lying politicians to do any better.
It would be desirable that the world could come to its senses through a propagation of true enlightenment but very unfortunately this a most delusional hope. Maybe the current mayhem in Palestine will be the trigger to the all cleansing cataclysm, and maybe the world will revert back to the amorphous and servile status quo where lying and twisting logic and morphing sacred principles into utilitarian tools is the only way to survive politically. I personally would rather see a clean break no matter the price to be paid.
Yes, it’s true. I think this applies to a lot of modern politicians, though, left or right. Many just have weird faces characterized mostly by the lack of any normal human emotion.
Perhaps it’s a side effect of democracy — politicians have to lie while smiling so much, so constantly, that they lose their own natural expression.
Or perhaps they are just blackmailed sexual perverts and that explains those weird faces.
Jews did to Germany what they are doing to Gaza today, except worse. Eisenhower the Swedish C-Jew rounded up the Germans into open fields along the Rhine and left them there to starve or die of typhus.
The best of the Germans were genocided by ZOG. Now all that is left of West Germany are slaves to Jews like the Talmud says.
I know a few Westies, and they all say AFD is mostly composed of Ossies. It is important to note that the Soviets didn’t let Jews play their typical mind control tricks on the Ossies.
Good column.
And yes, AdF is controlled opposition that will cuck if it ever gets within spitting distance of executive power. This is a necessary step in the radicalization process: Normie must feel the knife in the back before he understands how modern politics work.
In the 2015 election, the Danish People’s Party won a position that would normally give them the keys to the prime minister’s office, only to declare that, uhm, guys, we’re not going to demand cabinet positions because reasons.
And for the next four years, the DPP never once mentioned the word “immigration”. Then, at the next election when DPP lost 2/3 of its vote (1/3 of their voters being incurably retarded) it started up with the anti-islamic rhetoric again, railing against muh Islam, forced marriages, lack of integration etc., etc. – because now they were safely out of the danger zone where they were forced to crap or get off the pot, they could stay on the pot, emit hot air and claim it was the shit.
Mind you, none of these rabidly islamophobic natpop parties ever breathed the suggestion that maybe, just maybe, genital mutilation is bad, even when it happens to boys. You’d think that would be a fairly slam-dunk wedge issue with bleeding-heart Euros, but no. Complaining about the inhuman treatment of girls who are forced to wear a scarf is a big fucking deal with these grifters, but infant boys having their schnitzel mutilated is not worth mentioning.
What exectly should Trump and Meloni have done differently?
Jews in the „Alternative für Deutschland“…
Before it gets factualy ugly, something about Alice in Wonderland (alice-weidel.de):
To write that Weidel is mascarading as a woman might say somehting about you; but little about AW. She hardly stands for Yaweh but the white, bright and light. 10 years ago AW was absolutely georgious. Now the wear and tear of Jewed politics is starting to show. Still she is a beautiful woman. What emotional comforts she seeks or needs, apart from the father of her daughter, I do not know and TS probably even less. (TS forgotten to mention that AW is a mother). To portray AW as a fledged closet or even bull dyke is factually wrong. What I know is that she comes from Goldman Sux just like that other „opposition leader“ Jew Friedrich Merz. (A real scum, undemocratically put at the head of the so called Christian Democrats (re. Kohl & Ferkel)).
An also autocratic head of the AfD was installed (financed) by a Jewmerican brainwashed stoogy called Doktor Olaf Henkel, who used to be a director for IBM and some sort of European representative for Merill Lynch. He started the AfD because he was upset about the Jewed Euro currency, which he ofcourse did not recognize as Jewed up, but just misused in wrong credits.
(About Kurt Knispel Henkel said, that he is shocked to see how much energy Nazis have.)
AfD used to be a movement with over 80.000 active participants, then fighting the state selections of Lower Saxony in 2013. The movement was going to steamroll the Jewmerican swamp in Germany. The movement got finished off and turned into an ordinary democratic party at the national congress in Stuttgart. That assembly was set up in such a way that weeks before, the Jews already cooked up a violent propaganda and Antifa storm. It culminated in many participants being criminalized and physically threatened by Jews’ Antifa henchmen and the courts. Subsequently many AfD participants, especially from the former area of GDR, did not dare to travel to Stuttgart, the center of occupation by the Jewmerican Forces aka US Army. There the direct democracy of the real alternative for Germany was ablolished and the usual system of delegates installed. In 2018 a JAfD (Jews in the AfD) formed officialy within the AfD in Berlin (still Allied Zone, even Sovjet, but RUS refuses to take any responsibility). Subsequently „The Wing“ (of truth) in the AfD had to dissolve.
Today the AfD is a block party of Zionism that conforms to the system of no democracy butt deligates; (block party alludes to the block parties in the GDR and is an expression of criticism of Jewed democracy in the FRG). Block parties are steered by the occupants because party members have no direct vote. AfD ca. 35.000 paying members today. Of those 35.000, fourhundred have voted for Weidel as chairwoman. A real case of brainwashing is the co-chair Tino Chrurpalla (Polish surname Chrupała); a real Sovjet product of the Bolshois (Jew & hyena) on top of the GDR or East Zone (zone is RUS for prison).
2 years ago particularly Bavarian members (US prison – Jewmerican Zone) demanded the return of full meetings and direct votings. So, it was voted on and the result failed „just marginally“ because ca. 25 % of the votes were marked invalid. That is justice & democracy @ work. Bavarian members demanded a recount, which was blatantly refused. The AfD is Berlin centralized and in no way any longer a democratic gathering mirroring the will of its members. The Jews have attached their strings – punitive chains – just the way they have them on all other gatherings including the one here @ TUR. (Maybe have a look how a swarm of variable Hasbara criminals sabotages the comment sections here at Unz).
„Thought crimes“ are punishable even with jail. Every year ca. 10.000 Germans end up before the courts because of thought crimes.
Jew Dr. Jaroslaw Poljak from the „Jews in the AfD“ wrote to his creed Dr. Schuster, chairman of the Jewish Council over Germany:
„Dear Dr. Schuster,
I wish you would finally become aware of your responsibility and stop denigrating the AfD and realize that the AfD is the most pro-Israeli and pro-Jewish party in the German Bundestag!“
Include the Social Democrats here, who once were very immigration critical – mighty SPD comrade and longtime chancellor Helmut Schmidt openly endorsed the Japanese model! – They looked at the immigraiotn question just like Steve Sailer does: Modern social states are like well run corporartions serving the needs of the people – and the diminsihng efficacy via unregulated immigration hurts not least the poor.
Btw. Tom Sunic in the article above forgets to mention the quite successful Social Democratic PM Mette Frederiksen in Denmark, who is cutting back on immigraiton with serious and effcetiuve measueres. – She is a Social Democrat and a Christian, btw. II.
Fuck Felix, are you Krull or cruel?
I like it, because it rings truth allround.
(And on the other hand it leads to “Fuck Goethe” – cuck Turks are allowed to denegrade German culture with State funded film making).
I bet you, the DPP has delegates instead of direct member votings.
I feel you’ve failed to provide a good case for the hypothesis that AfD is controlled opposition. (1) They try to accomodate with that lesbian as chairman and (2) they pretend to love all things Jewish. OK. Any other line of evidence? (1) and (2) are not enough as evidence that they are controlled by the liberal orthodoxy.
Tom Sunic in the article above forgets to mention the quite successful Social Democratic PM Mette Frederiksen in Denmark, who is cutting back on immigraiton with serious and effcetiuve measueres.
Probably because that’s not a thing.
Why exactly do people hate Trump so much? After all this time I haven’t heard a single liberal lunatic explain why he hates Trump to this extreme, ridiculous degree.
Immigration? The libtards I know never mention immigration. I don’t think they support massive third world immigration any more than I do. They never give me any reason at all for their hatred.
I consider this whole question a major MYSTERY. Trump’s comically slavish philosemitism should have protected him from this.
The only reasons I can come up with for the libs’ irrational hatred are 1) party spirit, and 2) hatred for white Christian gentiles. What these reasons do not explain is the extremity of the demonization.
I’m not a religious person, but what I sense is that what is at play here is something supernatural, something demonic. And the fact that so many Americans are susceptical to this malign influence horrifies me.
Mass induced psychosis, hysteria, self-harm. What we’re seeing now is not ‘politics as usual.’
Germany cannot be free unless the jewish and anglo infestation is cleansed throughly.
Its not just Germany, Jews are gaslighting the entire planet.
The only way this can end is when the Germans, once again, break through the wooden holofraud doors.
AfD mostly takes positions somewhere between conservatives and social democrats. It is marked as an enemy to the ruling party system because it is a serious competitor for seats in parlaments, unions, NGOs etc which were mostly reserved for the big legacy parties from former West Germany. The conflicts among the parties originate from self-interests within the political sector, not from radical political views of the Alternative. The majority of the AfD voter base is placed in former East Germany and is primarily ultra left leaning. Their current successes in polls and elections mainly rely on the weakness and stupidity of their opponents. The AfD tries to compete for the Christian Democratic and Social Democratic voters. That limits their reach below 25% as those voters are mostly 55 years plus old and AfD cannot offer anything to these voters who are settled and do not see the need to saddle a new horse. AfD PR is lousy and does not actively adress youngsters, voters from small parties or non-voters though these groups show very positive attitudes towards AfD that could lift the voter outcome by 10-15%. This will definitely go nowhere but hasn‘t to do anything with controlled opposition. Neither jews, nor conservatives or social dems control anything about the AfD which is why they are so angry.
Very well said! I wish it wasn’t that. Thanks.
Btw, Ursula Haverbeck is now 95 year-old.
Jew mind control over the Russians and other post-Soviet peoples is much less than in the West for sure. I noticed a lot of people were distrustful of the Jews even in Moscow, especially after the start of the SMO. The fact that the Soviet revolution was a violent take over of Russia by Jews is basically a secret that everyone with two brain cells to rub together knows. The whole thing with the Soviet victory flag is a key piece to their national myth as a nation of victors and has nothing to do with a supposed “triumph” of communism. Interestingly enough Russia is charting its own course politically/economically. Obviously America and ZOG have not taken this well.
Thanks KurtKnispel for a very informative comment!
Thank you for these ideas. They’re very original, epecially your concept of the chief enforcement officer. The unsolvable problem of any form of government was elucidated by Plato of course, “Who will watch the watchers?” Ultimately the unsolvable problem is: human nature.
Your last sentence is wonderful. I came to this realization thirty years ago. With very, very few exceptions every thought in the mind of every American was placed there by a jew via the jewish-controlled media.
I would make one change in your last sentence: the hatred is no longer secret.
Thanks for the reference.
But we have accept that he stood firmly against the European Commission’s attempt, in favour of the globalists, to push invader immigrants from the Middle East and Africa into Hungary, when Merkel was letting them into Germany by the hundred of thousands. We owe him a modicum of respect for standing up to George Soros over the latter’s attempt to dilute national identities through his Open Society organization. Since Soros and Netanyahu are sworn enemies, we can excuse Orban for resorting to old adage “ the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
I wrote him off when I heard him speak about the Holocaust. But then I am a side watcher and he is riding the tiger’s back. And throughout the West, I wonder if any politician can openly declare any opposition to the Zionist yoke without being toast.
Err, keep some of their campaign promises?
“HANGela MerKILL’s highly treasonous policy for open legs – open borders to an Afro-Arabic invasion of military age men…” Anglin nailed this in the first moments of the invasion. The welcome Germany extended to the ‘Syrian’ rapefugees was a wholly female thing. Who will ever forget the images of nublile German girls holding signs saying “REFUGEES WELCOME HERE”? As Anglin pointed out, if the ‘refugees’ had been 18 year old Thai girls not a one would have gotten in.
Thanks for all the information about AfD. For many years, before the internet, I subscribed to Die Zeit—liberal, but with a convenient distribution system in the U.S. Since then I haven’t followed German politics in detail.
Thanks for your comments on Höcke. The photograph in this article gives an unfortunate impression of him.
Above all thanks for your final remark, on Frau Haverbeck. Words cannot express my admiration and love for this woman. I become very emotional when I think of her. My eyes are filled with tears as I write this.
God bless all the jailed or exiled martyrs of Ziodeutschland!
This seems like a more general phenomenon of contemporary “right-wing” parties. E.g. back in 2016, it was remarkable how the GOP debates consisted of a bunch of androids and Donald Trump. His seemingly unique ability to emulate humanity is his greatest asset.
I don’t have a vote next year, not being U.S.ian, but sure.
In fact, whatever Trump does, if elected, he’ll remain a zio-stooge, but certain to be an improvement on your current zombie-fronted cabal on just abt. any point (except zio-stoogery, but it couldn’t be any worse for your people than the Brandon version).
However, this:
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and, and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Joseph Biden, 2019
likely still applies, from reading, perhaps even more now than then.
One looks like a fag and the other looks like a dyke… Germany is finished.
Why the hell is that dude named “Alice?”
Not much longer. Now Italians know Meloni is a ZOG American puppet. Her government will collapse sometime in 2024 and get replaced by a pro Putin Catholic government that will expel all American military bases and expel Pope CIA to either NYC or Argentina.
Kikes see any conservative, let alone nationalist movement as a threat. They or their liberal gentile lackeys have been infiltrating these types of organizations for years. In America it goes way back to the old John Birch Society (JBS) in the 60s. Jews greatly resented the society’s hard-line anti-communist platform, and subverted them from within. They also had the mainstream media run with the smear that the JBS was just a bunch of nazis and anti-semites, to discredit them with average Americans.
Fulfilled their immigration promises??
We got no wall. I know he was fought at every turn, but he didn’t expect that when he made that promise? Meloni ran on stopping immigration but more illegals entered Italy in her first year than entered the previous year.
Thanks, Tom Sunic.
Very reasonable analysis.
The benchmark for European treachery imho is Marine le Pen with the Jewish boyfriend who continues to denigrate her own father and all he/others built up over many years in FN. A truly disgusting creature.
Agreeing with posters above that
1. Women should not be national political leaders.
2. Salvation will come from Russia.
3. President Putin has done a good even outstanding job, but will soon need replacing a with a Nationalist who is Jew wise. Not to persecute Jews per se but to rein in the malevolent among them with extreme prejudice as necessary.
There are such in Russia today, successors to Black Hundreds.
It grows ever more possible that “extreme prejudice” will be exercised against Jews in general and therefore all the more necessary for Jews themselves to disassociate and move against the Gaza Horror and all Jewish chicanery and supremacy. The alternative will not be pleasant.
Absolutely correct.
“I think that we have to be aware that we are a country of immigrants. Being German will mean having a migration background in the future. Being German also means wearing a hijab, having dark hair. This is what being German means today!” – said some new German on a German talk show – everyone applauds her – I didn’t bother to record her name….
My mother’s family are from Germany; ethnic Germans in Poland/Bohemia/Germany; I was born in a small town comprised of Germans/Poles/Hungarians many years after WW2. It was a lovely, safe, peaceful, environment; most of those inhabitants are gone, and their descendants, such as myself, are long gone from the town, as is the German/European element. Younger generations have no idea what is being lost/destroyed.
Every year, I choose a day, and I watch The Greatest Story Never Told, in entirety. I make notes, and I do some research. Parts 19 through the end are particularly difficult.
My understanding is that Germany does not control its media/publishing/academia – the control by outside institutions is effective until 2099 – is this true? We all know of the prohibitions against questioning/researching WW2/NS Germany/Adolf Hitler. The financial affairs of the state are controlled by Bundesrepublik Deutschland Finanzagentur GmbH, which includes the Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, and Federal Reserve banks, particularly the Federal Reserve of New York. Does the average German know this? Is this true?
I try to keep up with what’s happening in Germany/Ireland; thanks for referencing your website; I’m always looking for good sources of accurate information. As in America, promising nationalist candidates always prove to be ineffective; it’s hard to know if they were/are imposters, or if they were/are rendered ineffective by the Hidden Hands.
Wilders is preposterous, time of his life was as voluntary (or deluded slave) labour on a Kibbutz, dark hair at the time, later, bleached-blonde pompadour to hide the Dutch East-Indies part of his ancestry (grandmother, IIRC), eyes also clearly reflect that.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, or his even being a Dutch nationalist given that, just that he is such a sham.
Fake hair, fake image, Zionist before anything else.
A few years ago, I read that his ‘political party’ is structured not as a normal political party, but as a corporation under his sole control. I would guess that is still the case. Of course, not to be reported in western zio-MSM right now.
Notice how all the new leaders in the EU are brown or black foreigners, women or homosexuals or a combination of the above categories. The ZOG US government casting couch at work.
One other necessity for Europe is to expel USA.
In the foreseeable future Mad Dog will in any case be obliged to withdraw from Europe, also Iraq etc due to having to pay over $1T/year to the Jewish banksters that own and run that unfortunate country.
Currently possible for USA to become embroiled in Essequibo/Guyana, having yet again given “unswerving commitment”. In addition to war on Russia and China. All those bases and multiple intrigues …
Folks, the scary thing is not the faces of our pre-selected “democratic” politicians, the real scary thing is your neighbor who thinks that they are the solution to all that is wrong in our world.
It’s odd that the author declines to mention her most striking feature, which is the butch lesbian’s phallic nose and facial rash.
Had a friend stationed in Germany, 3/7 inf. Aburg, in the early 80s and I was fortunate to visit him. Back then you could almost get 4 marks for 1 dollar. Long story short?- you could buy you a pretty German ho for about 12-15$.
For example in Ukraine
Kikery Unlimited on VOA.
USA’s kike “government”.
“But perhaps abnormal circumstances require abnormal people.”
Exactly. And abnormal people create abnormal conditions. This is now visible in other European countries and not only in Germany.
It is the rule rather than the exception.
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church, of which Rabbi Bleich speaks, looks to Patriarch Kirill of Moscow as its head. This Church has a thousand year history in Ukraine, and the Zelensky regime is arresting priests and confiscating churches connected to it. The Church that Zelensky supports was created unilaterally by Constantinople in January 2019. It is called the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, but the Russians refer to it as the fake church. Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians are no longer in communion as a result of it. The OCU, the new “Church”, is clearly going to be more pliable to Western concerns.
On their own? Doesn’t it hinge on the voters also replacing a majority of the Democrats/RINOs/leftists in the national assemblies?
On their own? Doesn’t it hinge on the voters also replacing a majority of the Democrats/RINOs/leftists in the national assemblies?
Re. salvation through Russia and victorious Orbán
a) Russia:
Only slaves wait for someone else to free them.
Bismarck, Gandhi, Putin…: only iron and blood bring change;
Russia has many liberal problems too. Putin’s speaker just spoke about more privatisation and Putin himself about how „the economy needs migrants and we want migrants“. Russia is double headed… Russia is truth and lies; duality…
Change must and will come from us within. The German remnants, have a lag of ca. 20 years relative to the greater political development. It is like the prisoner not able to catch up with life out there. The only problem in that is the active and massive killing off and replacement of Germans with foreigners who do not care about German life. They are now majority. Such the fight lag looses weight by the day, but those foreigners will get out when the going gets tough. They are fortune seekers and move on to greener pastures when the drought sets in. It is hope…
Indian Modi just spoke about „10.000 years of Indian slavery (finished)“.
I hope it will not take that long for Europe to get Jew-wise and see the Anglo-American occupation as what it is: exploitation and destruction on all levels. (Italy has the same occupants’ issues as the FRG).
b) Victor Orbán VO
Victor is an incredibly intelligent man. (Who has read his long speeches?) He is simply brilliant. His men are also outstanding. That is why he got poisoned after going Hungary’s way instead of the WEF (just like Vladimir Vladimirowich did). When VO opened shop, they poisoned him and it is a miracle that he is alive and kicking for Hungary (“above all and everything”) even much harder and ever since then it is nothing but “Hungary first!”. During the election campaign, Orbán announced that he wanted to “replace the tiresome ‘hullabaloo about the Holocaust’ with issues of today.” (spiegel.de, 03.04.2010) All hell broke loose then. Criminal & war criminal Natanyahu forced VO to publicly state that „it was a big mistake for Hungary to side with Hitler Germany“. (The Bolshois – Jews – absolutely savaged Hungary like Germany). Still VO knows how to play the Jews’ game and the Jews know it and hence the Jews are never sure and are busy all day long looking behind themselves like the thief and murderer (not yet on the run). Their law to enshrine the Holo-Lies was annulled when Viktor Orbán came to power. Orbán rejected the Hebrew financial tyranny and kicked the IMF out of the country. At the same time, the Orbán government passed a law to tax fraudulent bank profits.
2009 a Zsolt Bayer wrote in the pro-government newspaper Magyar Hírlap: “Budapest’s Jewish journalists insult FIDESZ. …(VO’s party) Our task is simply not to allow them to pee and snort into the country’s pool. Let’s make it clear that we won’t allow it. But then we watch comfortably as they run around the edges. A bunch of hapless sickos. They will tire.” (juedische-allgemeinde.de, 06.01.2011)
“It wasn’t enough for Orbán to send his own confidants to the Constitutional Court and form a reliable majority there, but he banned judges from examining laws related to the budget and taxes. Only this restriction has made it possible to impose discriminatory special taxes on multinational companies in the energy, telecommunications and retail sectors. Forcing banks to repay the population’s foreign currency debts under extremely unfavourable conditions or to nationalize the population’s savings in private pension funds.”
Ad hoc I can not find the reports about the Jewish World Congress descending on Budapest as a demonstration of power at the height of VO taking Hungary out of the hands of the international banksters. Also I can not find a picture of Orban with a kippa (scullcap / „yarmulke“).
Instead there is a nice photo of two intelligent peoples’ servants in Europe; these men are leading fights of sovereigns…
They never walk alone…
Video Link
For those of you who didn’t experience the Doors when they were “happening” like us boomers, “The Doors” album was arguably their best album. The “wooden doors” is an allusion to the simple fact that Jews claim that the gas chambers could have functioned with wooden doors….
Video Link
I thought it was a fantastic meme…
Or be sent to visit the nearest Holocaust museum for “reeducation,” followed by a junket to Israel and meeting with Bibi.
This comment is not really on thread except for the simple fact the Germans have been under acute mind control since 1945 that even dwarves what Americans and English have had to endure. After the ZOG-allied “victory”, every piece of media had to be submitted to a censors office run by Jews. It went down hill from there. E. Michael Jones talks about what was done to Germany in many of his videos, he lived in Germany for several years.
The Doors were named after the book “Doors of Perception” by Aldous Huxley, a masonic mind control stooge.
That’s why a transition period of dictatorship, a la Pinochet variety, is necessary for the present pillars and walls of the “Post WWII Liberal Establishment” to be replaced. Nothing less than the destruction of this order will work, and a new one erected from the ground up.
You know, sometimes when you eat something that is poisonous or full of pathogens, the only remedy is not some medicine or waiting it out, but expectoration and expulsion, i.e., throwing it up and out.
Not politics as usual. Right on the money.
I have that same feeling. On every issue, in every area, over decades the policy choice is inevitably the one that makes the least sense. Non-prosecution of criminals, early release, slaps on the wrist for violent criminals, demonization of cops, lunatic spending, astronomical debt, deindustrialization, climate nonsense, EVs, lunatic hostility to Russia, lunatic adoration of Israel, corruption of language, importation of Muslims and millions of other third-worlders, surgical mutilation, simpering “males” yearning to grow boobs, Supreme Court cowardice, a wildly corrupt press, and dogs and cats sleeping together.
Notwithstanding the power of massive wealth, the scale of these transgressions cannot be grasped by any but the most devoted observers. Nothing human can have this organizing power.
Yes, I am non-religious and quite allergic to metaphysical/paranormal flapdoodle. And yet, at the very least, I can’t escape the conviction that nothing but nothing explains what I see unless I posit a hideous malevolence. Think of astronomers who observed perturbations in the orbits of celestial bodies and then know to search the neighborhood for a reason for that observed behavior.
“Furthermore, it must not be forgotten that since 1945 the System has invested tons of money into erecting firewalls and a multitude of cordons sanitaires in order to prevent an aspiring nationalist party from rocking the post-World War II Liberal Order”
Occam’s Razor applied here—White normies by way of their intelligence and attention to detail see right through the nationalist facade and uncover a fascist agenda.
“As a self-declared lesbian living with a Sri Lankan actress, she has managed to triple-shield herself from potential threats from powerful German antifas, LGBTQ+ loud-mouths, and diverse multicultural-multicolored virtue signalers”
White nationalist men are repulsed by her.
Better get your eyes tested, Tom. Weidel looks and dresses like man. Aryan phenotype. my ass!!
I don’t have a vote next year, not being U.S.ian, but sure.
In fact, whatever Trump does, if elected, he’ll remain a zio-stooge, but certain to be an improvement on your current zombie-fronted cabal on just abt. any point (except zio-stoogery, but it couldn’t be any worse for your people than the Brandon version).
However, this:
“We have put together, I think, the most extensive and, and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Joseph Biden, 2019
likely still applies, from reading, perhaps even more now than then.
The fact that so many normie males apparently cannot (or more likely, WILL not) see this glaringly obvious problem tells me that those who claim to be “right wing” don’t even know what that means anymore.
Women cannot be truly “right wing.” True “right wing” philosophy recognizes the Curse of Eve for what it is and denies women any real power accordingly. AfD is just sodomite leftist wearing a skinsuit.
Don’t be so hard on the European man. He is busy with important affairs like
• getting high,
• sipping wine,
• drinking beer,
• watching kickball,
• pleasing customers,
• supporting feminism,
• tweaking his resume,
• feeling sorry for hisself,
• keeping his mistress a secret,
• fantasizing about German Goo Girls,
• blaming the Jews for his unhappiness,
• hatching schemes to get rich quickly in America,
• arguing about which paternalist to vote for, and
• planning for a pointless retirement of idle libertinism.
When he develops thoughts about religion, his strongest instinct is often for a recidivism to the vomit of Jesus. May European man’s disappearance from public life cause the world less trouble than he caused as a militarist, a money grubber, and a pushy idolator.
Jawohl, Karen.
Even the “final solution” mentioned at the Wannsee conference that Jews love kvetch and fling spittle about pales in comparison to all the detailed plans for the genocide of Germany that Jews were writing about in the exact same period.
But even these indisputable genocidal plans that Jews had written about in detail pale in comparison to what Jews are actually carrying out in Gaza.
Is it any surprise that Jews have been thrown out of hundreds of countries over history?
You asked what they couldve done? I answered kept their promises.
So did they make promises or not? If so were they kept? I don’t remember either making promises, only attainable, under certain conditions. You must provide me the quotes where a wall was promised only if Republicans had 2 house control. Why on earth did more immigrants get in after Meloni took office?? The Italian Navy defected?
Another thing? Not rush, endorse and do a td dance celebrating a killer jab that’s killed many of us. We knew it was poison, he didnt?
“Notice how all the new leaders in the EU are brown or black foreigners, women or homosexuals or a combination of the above categories.”
Easy to explain. They are incapable of doing useful prductive work.
Hunter-gatherers hunting and gathering from those who do produce.
My poster boy for useless idiot is Switzerland. Fifty years of women voting and Twatzerland has become a dingleberry on Europe’s butt.
I’m beginnng to think that the world would be a better place if men COULD have babies.
Olaf Scholz, the laughing stock of Europe. Behind Lyin’ Ursula that is.
Which of those bullet-pointed explanations upsets you the moast?
It’s ok to reveal your few, paltry thoughts on the matter. We already know.
That they were made by a Hasbara Jew spewing dialectic on UR.
Painting of Allan, before all his hating on the Amalekites really effected his appearance.
Assuming as I do that the big war is only just beginning, it would be nice to have something like the AfD in place when the Russians roll back into Berlin in a couple of years. Without the lesbians would be best.
Yes. US Generation Z. They don’t give a f…. about US Jewry and aren’t going to be excluded from their own country. Jews are the enemy and they know it.
So what you’re trying to say is that you’re jewish, correct? Don’t beat around the bush, man. Just come right out and admit it.
The only opposition that is allowed by law in Germany is controlled opposition. There hasn’t been true opposition in Germany since the Berlin wall came down.
And obviously we all can read German here on UNZ…
orban is the only e.u. leader, with common sense and courage to stand up to these globalist thugs attempt to economically strip mine his country, through the illegal sanctions placed on russia, that in fact target the e.u.
his foresight and courage in the face of immense zog pressure, will be the saving grace of the hungarian people and culture. in the future hungary will serve as a bridge for the e.u. to repair relations with the russian federation, if the europeans ever regain their sovereignty. this is the role ukraine should have played but what will be left of ukraine in the future? the russians can never again trust ukrainians other than those oblasts that join the russian federation.
it seems to me the russians will have to liberate odessa (that the ukranazis lost all claim to, in their horrific mass murder of russian speaking ukrainians protesting the illegal take over of their government). this will give the russians a land bridge to transnistra, if the russians take the southwestern part of ukraine they would then border, hungary and work a deal to reclaim the hungarian regions of the former ukraine. this would make hungary the energy capital of europe as well as facilitating trade with the booming russian and chinese economies.
kudos to the hungarian people as well, for not harboring the same kind of hatred for the russians, that poles and ukrainians held, which allowed the west to so easily use them in fomenting violence among the slavic people.
illegals is the way to chaos.. Chaos is the essence of divide and conquer strategy. I agree with Tom, the AfD is Hamas in disguise.
Hitler also rather effectively criticized it in Mein Kampf — make of that what you will.
How about ‘freiburger partei’ or ‘republikaner’, or ‘neues deutshland’, something, get practical, creative, go listen to the public instead of spying on them dishonestly, ask what they want or would like to see. Or, keep being disunified and incompetent and wait until germany becomes an islamic republic.
How you gonna have sex-change operations without mutilating genitals? ;-P
Whatever happened to Matteo Salvini? I liked him. I know he was deposed by the Cinque Stelle a few months before the Covid-hoax began, but what has he done since? Is Lega still in existence at all?
Stick to Occam’s Broom, Corvinus. How are you coming along on those Belgian Malinois?
White Nationalist men, and women, are repulsed by CorvinusPeople.
Let’s hope you’re right.
How can they keep promises if the people/voters don’t provide the support required? The system doesn’t give them the power to do much on their own, do you think a president/prime minister are all-powerful?
Don’t you know how government works?
Italy is a sattelite state of the EU thanks to italian voters/politicians, one can’t change that overnight.
Russia is more Jew controlled now than it was in the Soviet era.
How so, exactly?
There is no opposition, or what does evolve is marginalized by the media and judiciary to ensure they can never achieve electoral success. Any democracy, meaning all, that allows money into the system to buy politicians is doomed to be simply a system of rotating owned parties, a few minor changes may occur but the long term agenda is sacrosanct and no deviation is permitted.
Democracy is a feel good fraud and nothing more, those with the money own the power, and thus they will always own the political system, it is too important to ever allow a people’s choice. That aside the return on investment is very good, they get back more than what they spend corrupting the system. Likewise those that feel capitalism saves us from communism are also deluded as they confuse oligarchic capitalism with free enterprise whereas the two really have little in common.
I see the pattern –ALL—Ellen DeGeneres look alikes —same features — and stand-up comedians !!!
Will the New Improved Alberta Pension Plan rise in value to at least Minimum wage? I fear not.
Wait what, harpies, butch lesbos and karens are not truly traditional women? And therefore likely the ally of the (((state)))?
Thank you, captain obvious!
I don’t worry about it haha it’ll be long gone I’m sure. It is interesting to see the cracks appear and where they’re appearing though.
AfD is a conservative party at best, german massmedia sure calls them far-right extremist, they love that scape goat, get all the antifa goons boiling. But AfD supports all the ww2 lies, is pro ww2 lies, pro isreal and pro jew, plus the AfD party head Alice Weidel is a lesbian living with a women, i could not support this, this is no national party with its values for me.
And sure this is on purpose, no real rightwing party can come to more power, politics are bread and circus to divide the voters and waste their time and energy about questions of no importance. No real national party would be allowed, look at Meloni, what a laugh its the same game, transatlantic puppet telling people she will do anti-migrant politics and what now, lampedusa had 200K invaders just this year, there are no coincidences with politicians, only such willing to go along are able to come into positions of power.
I assumed that many, if not most, of the readers of this tread about Germany spoke at least a little Germany.
A lot of the words are very similar. Can you figure out the meaning of the number one characteristic of Scholz, “inkompetant”? What about “kriminell”? or possibly “sympathisch”?
His top three characteristics are: incompetent, slow, dishonest and powerless.
How? Well “The Doors” and “The Doors of Perception” are pretty similar, don’t you think?
I don’t know where I heard that. Perhaps it was Dave McGowan. Or maybe Jay Dyer.
Aldous Huxley wrote Brave New World, a prescient vision of today’s dystopia. Here is an interview of the man in 1958.
I believe you are not fully aware of the man, his time, his history and his family. My sixties generation read his book and largely “turned on” and “tuned in” and “dropped out”. I and my friends took a lot of LSD and other psychodelics.
Da Goyim know.
Run Hebrew Run
Video Link
Jews have considerable power in Russia but nothing like it is in the West. If Jews could afford to impose the same degeneracy they have forced on Western societies, they would have equally done it to Russia. And let us not belittle the fact that Jewish influence in Russia gets a boost from the power Jews wield over Western societies and governments that could be used against Russia. If and when the West starts fighting in retreat, expect less deference to Jewish influence in Russia.
But your drivel would suggest that it’s Trump and Meloni who aren’t aware how government works. Did they make those promises or not? Did they keep them or not? What law prevented Trump from funding the wall via Executive Order???? What law forced Trump to push the jab on us????
Regardless of excuses, they didn’t keep their promises despite your deflections. In your world no politician should be held accountable for campaign promises. Any broken promise is the voter’s fault. Smh.
Vengeance on the Aryan Amalekites will never end.
Forgot the URL from above.
Germany has been saddled with its own “Stockholm Syndrome” ever since the summation of the Second World War.
There are some brave Germans who have gone against the “official narrative” of WW2 with Germany seen as being on “the wrong side of history” and as such are (still) considered to be “the bad guys”, but they are either too few or afraid of being “outed” as “holocaust™ deniers”, subject to severe punishment, and yes, Nazis (which is unfairly still a pejorative term in Germany and in much of the rest of the civilized world).
This is especially bolstered by the (in)famous “jewish holocaust™” which was created by the Allies in order to keep Germany permanently demonized.
In fact, it was Russian jews who “rebuilt” Auschwitz after the war in its own propagandistic way, creating and amplifying engineering errors that the Germans would have never done.
From non-sealed “gas chambers” with wooden doors that “swing the wrong way” to no means for inserting and ventilating the poison gases, using a delousing agent as an ineffective “poison gas”, anyone with an engineering background can easily poke holes in all of the claims made by holocaust™ promoters.
Let’s not forget that jewish “holocaustianity™” has been deemed to be a state religion in many countries from which no deviation of belief is permitted.
Prosecution, fines and imprisonment await those who seek the truth about this false, contrived event in history.
Even Canada has criminalized any criticism of this “event”.
Recently, Florida Governor DeSantis traveled to israel where he signed legislation to outlaw and prosecute (certain) “hate speech”. He signed this legislation while in israel and made it known that it was to outlaw criticism of the “holocaust™”. Now, who does DeSantis work for?
It is only a matter of time before “holocaustianity™” becomes the “official state religion” here in the USA.
If the “holocaust™” is based on “truth” why not encourage a full impartial investigation into this “event”? What are “holocaust™” promoters afraid of?
Jews have always been excellent propaganda agents, tugging at heartstrings by always showing jews as being “downtrodden” victims and always being marginalized and victimized. This is a “feature” and not a “bug” as it has been successful in keeping the holocaust™ fable alive to the present day.
Jewish “holocaust™ museums” (actually jewish freak shows) display piles of shoes, glasses, clothing, and other piles of “who knows what” in order to claim that 6,000,000 jews were “gassed out of existence”.
These jewish freaks shows get massive amounts of taxpayer-funded dollars despite being totally out of place in American society. Schoolchildren are brainwashed and propagandized in these freak shows, which is actually child abuse to allow children into these jewish freak shows.
Florida Governor DeSantis mandated that ALL Florida school children will visit these “holocaust™ museums” (jewish freak shows) under penalty of law. Gotta keep the fraud alive.
It could be safely argued that even Americans have been unwitting victims of “Stockholm Syndrome” especially when it comes to “all things holocaust™”.
It is long overdue to conduct a full, impartial, honest of all holocaust™ claims and to “let the chips fall where they may” and finally expose it as the fraud that it is.
This is the only way out of the Stockholm Syndrome for Germany, the USA and the rest of the world.
The only way for the Germans to “wake up” is to throw off the jewish / American boot heels, get out of NATO and restore their long-deserved honor by getting rid of the foreign influences that still rules German society. German pride was outlawed with the summation of WW2 on terms imposed by the “allies”. It’s been long overdue to “let Germany be Germany”, unfettered by outside forces.
There are those who miss the mark by comparing Germany to Japan.
Japan never got the “treatment” that was imposed on the German people.
It would appear that Theodore N. Kaufman’s vile tome “Germany Must Perish” was at least partially used on the German people in order to “neuter” the German citizenry and their country.
Hell, Japan even got to keep its “emperor”.
It is said that technology advances greatly during wartime, gruesome experiments taking place that would not be allowed or considered during peacetime. Japan’s unit 731 conducted much more horrific experiments than any other country, Germany included but was never brought to task. Even Americans conducted gruesome experiments during the war.
In fact, medical types from around the world have obtained and reviewed the “results” of such experimentation.
You see, in Japanese culture, those captured as the “enemy” were considered to be “less than human”, not unlike jewish supremacy which still reigns supreme in their jewish talmud.
Germany was saddled with jewish holocaust lies about masturbation machines, electric floors, phony gas chambers, delousing agents used as “gas”, shrunken heads, fingers for light switches and jewish “soap”. These fabrications are still taken as “truth” despite such claims being laughable, totally ridiculous and impossible.
Even the supposed “numbers” (6,000,000) don’t add up. The engineering claimed by holocaust promoters itself was impossible. Every holocaust claim can easily be debunked and shown to be a fabrication.
That being said, Germany’s subservience is imposed by external forces. It is long overdue for Germany to be restored to its rightful place in the world of nations. Of course, the jews will never go along with it.
There is one solution: A certain sh!tty little country in the middle east and its upcoming eastern European version 2.0 must be returned to their rightful inhabitants. I don’t care where the jews go…
Pogrom is in the dictionary for a reason–jewish power eventually causes host rebellion.
It is impossible to prevent because the jew power makes it happen. As Henry Ford said, eventually the immorality of jew control gets too extreme. Now you have rapists beings spared punishment in Hamburg in order to increase attacks on women.
Jews cannot govern or sustain control because they cannot control themselves–the Protocols are a mythology to explain their parasitism–but parasites they are and always will be–and that means they must eventually shake loose or vacate the host.
Jews have been able to use technology to increase their infiltration but the chaos they create eventually leads to change.
Patrick Little said in 2017 he expected jew power implosion within 10 years due to the madness of it and he seems to be right.
It is imploding.
Inevitable cycle.
“White Nationalist men, and women, are repulsed by CorvinusPeople.”
Over a lesbian white nationalist? Surely you jest.
I think so. WhiteNationalist People want the LesbianPeople to stay in the closet and keep their rainbow flags and blue hair out of elementary school classrooms. We want the CorvinusPeople to live with the consequences of their ideology, like Pava LaPere did (or didn’t, actually).
I was not joking about the dogs. How’s the requisition going? Are you too afraid of dogs over 10 pounds? I have a new rescue, who was 50 pounds whilst emaciated; he’s 60 pounds now, but still quite ribsy. I don’t think you could handle him. If any Dachshunds arrive, I’ll let you know. They are very brave and fierce, so you’ll have to guard your ankles.
Why the reference to Belgian Malinois?
“I think so. WhiteNationalist People want the LesbianPeople to stay in the closet and keep their rainbow flags and blue hair out of elementary school classrooms”
Dude, she is open about her sexuality and is in a mixed race relationship! So you are endorsing her lifestyle. True White Nationalists are repulsed by her. You are a traitor to the cause.
Corvinus thinks I’m too mean, and a leisurely stroll through Southside Chicago, Memphis, Baltimore, etc., can be had with just a Coke and a smile….(coca-cola).
We fight over how long he would survive in his Melting Pot Utopia, so I tell him:
Do you mean maternalistic? What virtue signaling? ?
In real life, and herein, I favor all White people over everyone else; more so lately, as I am now aware of the futility and danger of assisting non-white people, as a group, in anything. So, if Barkevious and Ray Ray come after you, I will help you – I won’t just film it and chimp out like you-know-who.
You may need to invest in a pair of Belgian Malinois. Ray Ray can’t outrun those dogs, and Ray Rays are usually frightened of dogs, but they have no fear of sweet, virtue-signaling, white boys like you.
You better get yourself those Belgian Malinois, who are capable of recognizing actual threats and hierarchies, of which, you are/will be, shamefully, at the very bottom, especially around the GeorgeFloyd People, which is why you need the dogs, in the first place. Or, maybe you should opt for pepper-spray, in a pink container, to wear around your neck, as the Belgian Malinois won’t respect, nor obey, sniveling, pansy, self-righteous men, who are incapable of commanding authority.
Gurrrl, how would you know what White Nationalists feel about lesbians? The question was – are WN more repulsed by LesbianPeople or CorvinusPeople? I’m certain the CorvinusPeople are more repulsive to the average WN.
You are a traitor to your Germanic race.
Did you decide? Belgian Malinois or Dachshund?
Sorry, Brosi – that was my long-winded way of saying Belgian Malinois and German Shepherds are the preferred breeds for police/military/protection working dogs.
Belgian Malinois also make great Avalanche rescue dogs, that is why I was curious.
I have always considered Corovirus to merely be a Hasbara troll. Do you know if he is Jewish?
White nationalists do not support GloboHomo. You do. You are choosing to side with a known enemy. You are a traitor to the cause. It’s for everyone to see here.
LOL. After Jews commit mass-goyim murder they have to assemble a pile of shoes. It happend at the Boston Marathon psyop, it happened at the Sandy Hook psyop, it happened at the Auschwitz psyop, and now they are using it at the Oct 7 psyop.
He says he is not Jewish. He says he is German/Polish/Dutch, which horrifies me, as I am German/Dutch/Irish.
He loves GeorgeFloyd People, MolochPeople, Holocaust People, BorderStorming People, Mohammed People; I’m not sure where he is on LGBTQZXYZIPPITYDOODA People; he hates WhatInGod’sNameisWrongWithCorvinusPeople People and HitlerWasRight People.
That’s all I know about him.
Yes, I am aware. Neither do the Mohammed People, nor the GeorgeFloyd People in Nigeria/Africa, in general.
When/where did I say that? I said, ditch the rainbow flags, blue hair, and stay in the closet.
What cause? You are a traitor to Europa.
I seriously doubt anyone/everyone agrees with you on this accusation.
“I said, ditch the rainbow flags, blue hair, and stay in the closet”
Hello, anyone home? She is OUT of the closet. AND she is race mixing.
You’re a traitor to the cause.
What if the people demand it?
Or it’s the people in Western societies who have created the degeneracy?
How could Trump have done anything without the people supplying the required support in Congress?
Trump is a real estate investor, he depended/-s on the advice of the bureaucracy provided by the people and their servants.
The people must provide the whole package (legistative/executive ), not just the executive branch.
In gas chambers or in total?
What are you hammering on about, Corvinus? Don’t be ridiculous. Your accusation is the equivalent of me assuring you that those Belgian Malinois won’t take chunks out of your backside during the first week.
That seems to be happening everywhere. I doubt it happens by happenstance. I blame the MolochPeople and the HolocaustPeople. Certainly, in Germany, the Germans don’t get to make decisions about Germany, including who is governing Germany.
Exactly, as I said. E.U. = Israel. Eurasian Heartland = Israel. U.S. Intelligence = Israel = Oxymoron. Asian Rape Gangs = Pakistanis, Afghans. (I thought I’d throw in a jab at the MohammedPeople – you know how terrible I am)
This woman was an utter disappointment. What happened? Someone needs to send the Kraken to the Mediterranean Sea.
Saying – get them out, and actually kicking them out, are two different animals. Germany, in its current state, can’t do anything about it.
Recent Headlines:
Germany: Berlin pays €1.5 million every single day to house migrants in just 12 buildings….
German state: citizenship applicants must support Israel…[If you think this will inhibit Muslim immigration, you need to check on the lying-to-infidels/Gentiles clause in both the Quran and the Talmud]
Outrage as eight of nine men convicted of park gang rape of a 15-year-old in Germany received no prison time.
Tell us something we don’t know. I blame the MolochPeople and the CorvinusPeople in Germany.
This is tragic. It’s also true. However, it’s really only the Zionist/Jewish way of life that is being defended; the Gentiles/cattle are being destroyed.
? Why would this sort of appearance be a benefit to someone trying to achieve influence in Germany. Won’t they say she looks like a Nazi? Maybe her appeal is to their inner-Nazi, although I suspect the best of the breed died during/after WW2. Except, David Garrett Bongartz, of course, but he once said he admired Obama, however I’m sure he was lying.
So, it’s unlikely she is a White Nationalist, then? Was that your point?
He’s not very inspirational or stoic-looking. I’m certain Alice would have him in tears in ten minutes flat, and she could keep the Belgians in line, unlike the average CorvinusPerson.
“Your accusation is the equivalent of me assuring you that those Belgian Malinois won’t take chunks out of your backside during the first week.”
Your deflection doesn’t work here. She declares herself a white nationalist. You are openly supporting a lesbian who race mixes. That is treason. You’ve been exposed as a fraud.
Furthermore, I didn’t make 3/4 of the comments that you commented on. Someone else did.
Corvinus? I almost hate to tell you….
She does? Alice? Where? In the subject article? Wherein?
It wasn’t a deflection; it was an Analogy Fallacy.
I am? How so?
You’re Deflecting!
Strawman! Or, your confirmation bias is showing!
Furthermore, Dingleberry, you are actually correct about somethin’ – 9 out of the 10 boxed “comments” were passages taken from the subject article. The someone else? Tom Sunic. Your comments? 1/10. Or, 10% .10
Interesting stuff. AFAIK Switzerland is the country with the most direct democracy.
But how do you stop the richest people in society (or abroad) bribing the Officer-For-Enforcing-The-Public-Will with 100s of millions of euros/dollars/pounds/etc. to not enforce the public will and to instead only enforce the public will the oligarchs agree with? How do you stop the oligarchs blackmailing that Officer a la Epstein?
I agree that free speech is vital. Again, though, I don’t see a way to stop oligarchs simply bribing and blackmailing whoever runs the media (if the oligarchs don’t simply own the media as is currently the case).
USrael’s lying vassal Scholz https://bnn.network/politics/medvedev-counters-scholzs-claims-on-europes-energy-crisis-a-tale-of-accusations/
The people behind all of this are well aware of what you are talking about. A backlash is inevitable and they know it. They likely view Nazi Germany as having been a backlash to their power.
The difference however is that since ((they)) are aware of it, they did not waste time in trying to derail a looming backlash. When you mentioned mass immigration that is exactly their way of derailing it. It is the White population that will rebel, it is the White population that is being drained of money and used as tax slaves and soldiers to fight for Israel, the answer to the backlash is to flood all White nations with non stop waves of immigration and then pit them against the Whites.
Whites won’t be able to vote against this as the 3rd world imports cancel out that vote. When Whites speak out against it, then the imports are used to attack the “racists, the nazis, the fascists” as the Jews-Media calls it to silence White backlash.
You ever notice that it’s ALL ABOUT US? It’s parasites living off of US and it’s immigrants chasing US and OUR lifestyles.
They NEED us.
We don’t NEED them.
We’ll start over.
I like the Congo. Lots of resources.
Wherever we go it’ll be the last stop, before leaving the planet. I get the sense we won’t be the first.
Living under a stone not knowing that all the current meddle was installed by the former UShithole regime and their Merkel puppet?
bcause she lives in wonderland – and survived!