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The Fight for Germany

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Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press

These errors seem to go only one way. It turns out that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party did not win enough seats in Saxony to block legislation or appointments that require a two-thirds majority. “Saxony’s electoral commission said on Monday morning that a software error was to blame for the incorrect calculation of seats based on preliminary results from Sunday’s vote,” says the German news agency DPA.

Nontheless, the AfD won a tremendous victory in both Saxony and Thuringia. In Thuringia, the AfD won 32.85 percent of the vote, a plurality, with the weak “center-right” CDU (the main opposition party) winning 23.6 percent. In Saxony, the AfD came in second to the CDU, winning about 30.6 percent of the vote to the CDU’s 31.9 percent.

The international press was hysterical. “The far right is on the cusp of winning the most votes in German state elections for the first time since the Nazis,” said the BBC. “For some in Germany, the rise of Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a literal nightmare.”

Power in a mass democracy lies in controlling narratives. There is nothing fearsome about the AfD. It does not want to bring back the Second Reich, let alone the Third, but it is cast as somehow a continuation of the Nazi regime, or at least as some nebulous “far-right” demon. “The AfD has become so notorious that it’s been placed under domestic surveillance for the threat it poses to Germany’s constitution,” said NPR. Would NPR neutrally, let alone favorably, report that Belarus or China was cracking down on the opposition?

The center-right CDU says the AfD is a pariah party: “There will be no coalition with the AfD, no cooperation with the AfD,” said party leader Friedrich Merz. Instead, with elections in Brandenburg coming up, he lectured voters: “Take a close look at what happened in Thuringia and Saxony” and “make sure there are clear political majorities in the center of the political spectrum.”

The SPD, the left-wing party the CDU supposedly opposes, also claims it “has a responsibility to ensure that there will continue to be stable political majorities in the political center in future.” Thus, it’s the parties’ job to discipline voters to make sure they are ruled by the “political center” regardless of what they want. The “political center” is far left by historical standards, with mass immigration continuing in Germany regardless of the party in power.

A Green Party leader says that the AfD’s success “causes many people very deep concern and fear.” Would right-wing voters afraid of a hard-left party get sympathetic media coverage about their “concern and fear?” A spokeswoman for Turks says many in her generation plan to leave Germany. If someone wanted to stop the AfD, removing the reason for its support through remigration would be a good first step.

“The results for the AfD in Saxony and Thuringia are worrying,” said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. “Our country cannot and must not get used to this. The AfD is damaging Germany. It is weakening the economy, dividing society, and ruining our country’s reputation.” How did it do that without ever being in government? Mr. Scholz is lecturing Germans about what democracy means and who should govern.

The AfD wants what its election results warrant: a role in government. Alice Weidel, national co-leader of AfD, said it was a “historic success for us” and a “requiem” for the SPD government led by Chancellor Scholz, whose party barely got 5 percent of the vote, the minimum required for seats in parliament. “Firewalls [to exclude the AfD] are undemocratic,” she said. Björn Höcke, another influential AfD leader, said the vote would mean other parties could not freeze it out. “We are ready to take government responsibility,” he added. It seems unlikely the AfD will get the chance.

In May, a court fined Mr. Höcke for daring to utter the phrase, “Everything for Germany.” Supposedly, this was a Nazi slogan, though Mr. Höcke said he didn’t know that. (Neither did I.) A judge did not believe him and therefore fined him. “The Nazis also said ‘Guten tag,” Mr. Höcke said. “Do you want to ban the German language because the Nazis also spoke German? At some point, this has to end.”

Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press
Credit Image: © Imago via ZUMA Press

The perpetual guilt imposed on Germans after World War II is the foundation of the modern German political order. It is the foundation of the entire postwar political order in the West. “We Germans are the only people in the world that have planted a monument of shame in the heart of their capital,” said Bjorn Höcke, referring to a Holocaust memorial. The Telegraph added that Mr. Höcke said that modern Germans have “the mentality of a totally vanquished people.”

Britain is planning to build a Holocaust memorial next to Parliament, destroying some of the meager green space left in London.

There is a new memorial lamenting slavery in London. The historic homes of the American Founding Fathers are now monuments to shame. There are anti-white “decolonization” efforts in many white countries. Our system has a negative foundation myth that teaches white children they are uniquely guilty of racism, sexism, and oppression, and must “abolish whiteness.” Each country has its version. Canada berates itself over residential schools for Indians, America over slavery and westward expansion, Britain over the Empire, Belgium over the Congo, the Netherlands over colonialism, and so on. This does not lead to “healing.” It rubs ancient grievances raw and becomes the new rationale for more payoffs to non-whites.

The Washington Post argued that the imposed guilt and shame Germans feel should be the model for Americans. Kamala Harris claimed the United States is the “scene of a crime:” “what we did with slavery and Jim Crow and institutionalized racism.” Monuments reminding us of slavery go up while statues of heroes come down.

The real enemy of World War II was not the Axis but the inner racism in every Western country. This also explains the current hysteria over Tucker Carlson’s interview with Darryl Cooper about the causes of World War II, now apparently worthy of condemnation from the White House. The real question is not about history, but about World War II mythology that attacks Western nations.

The Allied victory did not lead inevitably to the Death of the West. Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, and other allied leaders and generals would be guilty of “inciting racial hatred” if they were living today. However, Germany is “patient zero” of this global anti-white plague, and if Germany recovers, the rest of us may, too. Hysteria and fear over the gains of a moderately right-wing German party are therefore justified; an entire moral framework and political system are in jeopardy. If Germany becomes a “normal” nation whose people are allowed to be patriotic, other white nations could be, too.

Evoking the Nazis is a way to tell Germans they can never be normal. After the election, a former head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said, “Exactly 85 years after the start of World War II, Germany is in danger of becoming a different country again: more unstable, colder, and poorer, less secure, less worth living in.” Tarik Abou-Chadi who teaches at Oxford says, “As a German citizen, a queer person of color, it is simply devastating and frightening that, at a very high turnout, over 30 percent support extreme-right fascists.” The head of the International Auschwitz Committee said that the vote was depressing for survivors because “they thought that Germany, after the experiences of the Holocaust, the rise of the Nazi party, the SS and everything, would be especially aware of the dangers of this ideology.” The AfD’s strong performance among young Germans suggests they are throwing off Germany’s regime of shame.

The result may be more repression. “All democratic parties are now called upon to form stable governments without right-wing extremists,” said Chancellor Scholz. Left-wing protesters, including antifa, are already disrupting AfD events. The Washington Post said AfD participation in government “would amount to a major new crack in Germany’s post-World War II firewall against the far right, further eroding efforts to contain and ostracize extremist political thought.”

Throughout the West, regimes teach our children shame and self-hatred. This started in Germany; maybe it could end there first. German activists face obstacles that should shame Americans who have much more freedom. However, the Germans persisted and have won a major victory. Nationalists support patriotism and pride for all nations. Germany and America’s fates are linked, like those of all white nations. The struggle to save our countries may make us one people.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. RestiveUs says:

    “they thought that Germany, after the experiences of the Holocaust, the rise of the Nazi party, the SS and everything, would be especially aware of the dangers of this ideology.”

    Yeah, tell that to Likud and the IDF.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @Richard B
  2. The highly suspicious late-night Nacht-und-Nebel election correction seems
    to become SOP – (((they))) are not even pretending any longer.

    •�Agree: Haxo Angmark
    •�Replies: @Stogumber
  3. How ironic, it might take a half-Iranian woman to save Germany from the clutches of the jews.

    •�LOL: The Alarmist
    •�Replies: @ulithi
    , @John Gruskos
    , @Anon
  4. ulithi says:
    @Joe Paluka

    Joe P: “ironic”- def. “happening in the opposite way of what is expected” You expected this soy boy generation of occupied, emasculated Germans to save their own country- hardly. At one’s throat or on their knees-the drunken sod was not all wrong. It’s been knee time for a long time.

    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
  5. Stogumber says:

    In this case, there seems to be no foul play.
    For people who can read German, I recommend:
    The state of Saxony had previously decided to chose a more modern method for the conversion of votes into seats (instead of the traditional d’Hondt method) and the election administrator had forgotten to implement the new method in his computer.
    The change of the conversion formula happened at a time when the actual results could hardly have been anticipated.
    The author of the article is a mathematician himself and has tested that the difference of seats was really a consequence from the difference of methods.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  6. @Joe Paluka

    If Sahra Wagenknecth enters a coalition government with the AfD for the purpose of reducing immigration, she deserves to be praised.

    If, on the other hand, she follows the lead of the establishment parties and ostracizes the AfD, then she reveals herself to be a fraud and a saboteur whose alleged immigration-restriction is merely a ruse to steal votes from the AfD

  7. ulithi says:
    @John Gruskos

    “We Germans have a special responsibility for Jewish life and we have a responsibility to unconditionally defend the existence of Israel. ” Sarah as quoted in Jerusalem Post Aug.31,24. I’m leaning towards your “on the other hand” scenario.

    •�Agree: Adam Birchdale
    •�LOL: Santoculto
    •�Replies: @Z-man
    , @turtle
  8. I blame the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire for the White Genocide going on in the USA or Germany and other satellite nations of the American Empire because in Germany the US military is the top and ultimate power and the American general or generals in Germany are the power when the rubber meets the road and I want those damn Krauts to break free of the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire and I want the Krauts to go nukey duke with the means to deliver them.

    Deceased Baby Boomer smart guy Sam Francis and before him Burnham and before him Michels and Pareto and Mosca and Sorel and others and some guy named Machiavelli or something all talked about Ruling Classes or something similar in words or meaning and Ruling Classes are the main rule in human nature and human affairs and human conduct and that means that invariably one group of humans organizes and leads or rules or directs the other humans.

    Bjork talked about ‘human behaviour’ but she was talking about loving a human being.

    The deceased Baby Boomer Sam Francis took the ruling class bit — which is crucial to understanding managerialism or globalization or transnationalism — from a guy named James Burnham. Burnham was a high IQ communist boob whose writings greatly influenced Sam Francis.

    Sam Francis says there will always be a ruling class. Even when the slobs — such as the communist scum — say there won’t be any ruling class. Human nature and human biology dictates that there will be a ruling class. That is why I like to use the historical example of William the Conqueror removing the Saxon ruling class from power in England. People can understand that because it was one day and one battle.

    The trick now for White Core Christian Americans is to keep the Anglo-Celts in the South and the Germans in the Great Lakes together in a voting bloc. Whoever can get the votes, or the fighting power, of those two groups will gain control of the American Empire. Trump did it, but his subsequent political moves, or lack of movement on issues(immigration), are threatening to fracture that coalition.

    James Burnham was Company and I don’t mean Virginia Company? Who knew? I guess a lot of people.

    CIA Man Burnham!












    ONLY POWER RESTRAINS POWER — 2013 — Russell Kirk Center:


    Tweet from 2015:

    •�Agree: Hinz
    •�Replies: @ariadna
  9. the AFD – afraid to utter the J-Word or the Z-word – will, in the unlikely event that it attains significant national power in Germany, do precisely nothing to stop the rapid de-Whiting of Germany:

    it’s the Meloni/Wilders/Le Pen chimera all over again.

  10. German collapse, just out today

    Video Link

    •�Thanks: Miro23
  11. I find it annoying and disappointing that so few people know that the ongoing decline in the quality of Westerners (and everyone else) is mainly due to long-term genetic decline – even those like Unzers who do not naively imbibe mainstream propaganda usually have no idea of this.

    Basically, if no-one can diagnose the cause of our decline and fall, there’s zero chance of us curing it. We’re stuffed, but not because the jews / wokes / russians / chinese / democrats / mass immigrants / insert-your-favourite-bete-noire-here are too strong or too clever for us, it’s because we keep producing new generations inferior to the current generations and then we keep all of them alive with modern sanitation/medicine/etc. That last bit is very unnatural and isn’t going well for us in the long-term.

    Watch this post get zero engagement…

    •�Agree: Katrinka, PetrOldSack
    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
    , @eah
    , @Lurker
    , @Kal Zakath
  12. Hats off to Angela Merkel; she found a way to destroy the European Union and Israel too, by taking down Germany. When the Germany economy goes down, the European Union goes bankrupt.

    Good riddance to bad Brussel’s rubbish.

    •�Replies: @Perun
  13. TG says:

    One point: no, mass immigration is not “far left.” Governments do not have immigration policies, they have migration policies. mass immigration is if anything far right – if labels even mean anything any more – like the Koch brothers, it’s a policy of treating workers like cattle, driving wages and living standards down for the many and rents and profits up for the few.

    It is immigration restrictionism that is closer to classical “progressivism” or “leftism” – like FDR and the New Deal. Limiting the rate of immigration to one that does not impoverish he working class is hardly “far right.”

    Labels are corrupted. Perhaps we should use more functional descriptors. The parties favoring excessive levels of immigration are anti-worker. The parties favoring more moderate levels of immigration are pro-worker.

    •�Troll: Gvaltar
  14. @TG

    Mass immigration is neither far left, nor far right by itself.

    Many Persian Gulf countries have huge proportion of their population consisting of immigrant temporary workers from Third World countries (like 90% in the UAE). Is that far left or far right? Of course, they don’t try to integrate them, or make them citizens, or cover up their organized criminal activity, or put them above own native population, all that are “just ZOG things” only found in the Western countries.

    •�Agree: Almost Missouri
    •�Replies: @Gvaltar
  15. @ulithi

    “Joe P: “ironic”- def. “happening in the opposite way of what is expected” You expected this soy boy generation of occupied, emasculated Germans to save their own country- hardly. At one’s throat or on their knees-the drunken sod was not all wrong. It’s been knee time for a long time.”

    Revolutions are always started by a very small minority. When the conditions are right, it will be Germany’s turn.

  16. @Adam Birchdale

    Bad genetics is part of the problem, but the biggest cause of our weakness, is prosperity. We’ve had 80 years of prosperity in the west, and it’s made us weak. People with full stomachs don’t generally do revolutions.

    I just read a post about 20,000 Hatians having invaded a midwestern town, all the pets and ducks in the parks are being eaten. Hatians are horrible sub-human animals, but one thing you can’t say about them is that they are soft. They aren’t eating the ducks and cats and complaining that the meat is too tough, as American millennials would, if in the same situation.

  17. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    The so-called Right is full of crap.

    Butt-Tucker Carlson also has not-allow list.

    •�Replies: @Richard B
  18. JimmyB says:

    Can the Prussians save Germany? I certainly hope the great German nation can throw out the occupying jUSA and take back their country. Vote for Bismarck!

    •�Replies: @Gvaltar
  19. eah says:
    @Adam Birchdale

    As perhaps you’ve noticed, the comment threads here are not the place for thoughtful engagement.

    Decades ago, William Luther Pierce talked often about the declining quality of the white American electorate; I’ve mentioned this in a number of comments — Pierce attributed this to several factors, e.g. egalitarianism, individualism, an addiction to comfort caused by soft urban and suburban living, and the pernicious influence of the news and entertainment media (dominated by Jews), which he felt (among many other things) had psychologically neutered Whites by inculcating racial guilt in them, and turned mass democracy into a farce where the opinion-forming mass media controls the outcome of elections in a population full of people who instinctively conform to perceived norms of public opinion.

    Over the last century or more, all Western societies have been radically feminized — they have worked to practically eliminate selection pressure, which has been replaced by what amounts to pathological tolerance, where all kinds of aberrant behavior (including aberrant sexual behavior) harmful to society is not only tolerated, it has been actively normalized.

    In the above sense, civilization is clearly dysgenic — it has led to genetic decline in mankind.

    •�Agree: werpor
    •�Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  20. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…Kamala Harris claimed the United States is the “scene of a crime:” “what we did with slavery and Jim Crow and institutionalized racism.” …’

    Kamala Harris should speak for herself. It was her ancestors that owned slaves, not mine.

  21. Anon[288] •�Disclaimer says:

    Can someone post that infamous video clip of the women in Sweden explaining how Europeans need to accept diworsity ?

  22. @TG

    Scottish communist Paul Cockshott: “Yes mass immigration depresses wages, that is why communists oppose it. We were into walls long before Trump.”

    •�Replies: @Anon
  23. bert33 says:

    The more attacks happen, the more pressure there will be to throw ALL foreigners out, ‘deutshland den Deutschen’. Germans have rights, too.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  24. eah says:
    @Joe Paluka

    >I just read a post about 20,000 Hatians having invaded a midwestern town

    Without going into why or how so many Haitians (assuming they are predominantly Haitians) landed specifically in Springfield OH, the Haitians were definitely not the active agents here, meaning they did not choose to ‘invade’ Springfield, they were sent there — believe it or not, there is currently a special, malicious program to import low quality human capital, what I am wont to call third world racial trash, into the United States:

    Processes for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV)

    Program that allows 30,000 migrants from 4 countries into the US each month upheld by judge

    The Biden administration can keep operating a program that allows a limited number of migrants from four countries to enter the U.S. on humanitarian grounds after a federal judge on Friday dismissed a challenge from Republican-led states.

    U.S. District Judge Drew B. Tipton said Texas and 20 other states had not shown they had suffered financial harm because of the humanitarian parole program that allows up to 30,000 asylum-seekers into the U.S. each month from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela combined. That was something the states needed to prove to have legal standing to bring the lawsuit.

    You can file the latter story under ‘muh democracy’ — note no mention of demographic damage (op cit egalitarianism), today everything in multiracial America revolves around money — also Tipton is white, a Republican, and was appointed by Trump.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  25. ghali says:

    The Jews are responsible for German ill and all the bad things that happening to Germany and continue to destroy Germany and the German identity. Jews are the disease and must be eradicated before it is too late.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anon
  26. Anon[224] •�Disclaimer says:

    “they thought that Germany, after the experiences of the Holocaust, the rise of the Nazi party, the SS and everything, would be especially aware of the dangers of this ideology.”

    Yeah, tell that to Likud and the IDF.

    Good point !
    A question for the author though ? There is no Holocaust and no Hollow Cost. The fairy tale of 6M is a cash cow that keeps licking its own arse. As for the Party and the boys in Black and Brown Uniforms, it looks like after 80 years they were right. Germany for Germans and whites and everyone else remain in their home countries.

    The “Hollow Hoax” survivors dont seem to have any compunction about knee capping border jumpers. Why should whites ?

    I mean, China for Chinks, India for coolies and Africa for niggers. We dont want to go to their countries, why do they want to come here ? Oh I forgot, because the first two are superior 4000 years old civilizations and Negroes discovered Europe. Handouts have nothing to do with it.

    What gets me Restive, is that there is all talk and no action. The Police and Military should be instructed to round up all Asians and darkies, revoke citizenship however obtained and deport the lot.

    The longer they wait the worse the problem gets because more are coming into the country and those in situ spend their days fucking all day (what else they got to do ?). Some couples or single mothers have as many as 6 urchins.

    They all need to be kicked out now !

  27. Perun says:
    @kerdasi amaq

    And that’s good. EU is Soviet Union 2.0. We didn’t elect Von Der Leyen- it was done by the party/political bureau.

    They invent crazy laws, because they are paid by lobbyist. Nobody controls them. No European knows what is going on in Brussels

    German economy going down is also good thing-as now it’s parasite on European countries. Europe will be better with weak Germany.

    •�Replies: @Anon
  28. Gvaltar says:

    What about the global working class, global equality, global equity etc?

  29. Dumbo says:

    I don’t much trust AfD. Back in the day, PEGIDA was a Zionist push, and this might be a similar scam.

    Germany, like Japan, is an occupied country. That said, most of its young people are leftists with blue or red hair screaming about “nazis” and worrying about “climate change”, so…

  30. profnasty says:

    America won’t allow Palestinian immigration, even to save their lives.
    Likewise White South Africans. This puts the lie to our ‘Immigration Policy’. It’s Black on White murder and hatred. Communism is what it has always been- White Genocide. America has been a Communist Dictatorship, in fact, since 911/Bush/Cheney: Since FDR, in defence of Red Soviet Union (obviously White Genocide). And since Emma Goldman’s boy assassinated President McKinley – to usher in genocide of White Germany in WWI.
    The chickens are here to roost. Springfield for Bart Simpson. Springfield for all White Americans. Take a knee for old jim crow.

    •�Replies: @turtle
  31. Gvaltar says:

    Is that far left or far right?

    100% right.

  32. Richard B says:

    The Fight for Germany

    The Fear of Supremacy Inc.


    Zionism + Identity Politics + Useful Idiots + Scapegoat = Supremacy Inc.

    The Designated Scapegoat is, of course, Whites. And make no mistake about it, their Designated Scapegoat is central to the Super Tyranny that is Supremacy Inc., just as Zionism is the driving force behind it all. That’s why I don’t refer to it as Jewish Supremacy. Not out of some Not All Jews argument, but because if it wasn’t for the non-Jews who go along to get along, or worse, are even willing and eager participants, Supremacy Inc. wouldn’t be the destructive force it is today.

    In any event, from this perspective we can better understand the following quotes.

    “The far right is on the cusp of winning the most votes in German state elections for the first time since the Nazis,” said the BBC. “For some in Germany, the rise of Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a literal nightmare.”

    If you have more power over human and natural resources than any other entity in the history of the world, and that power is based on lies, then losing that power is indeed a nightmare. Especially if it’s a nightmare the Designated Scapegoat is waking up from. And that is what is really happening. Hence, The Fear of Supremacy Inc.

    Early on in their history they enshrined scapegoating into their culture, and have never lived without one. Which is another way of saying they can’t live without one. When the Scapegoater loses their Scapegoat it’s worse than a nightmare, it’s like a kind of death.

    No doubt their mode of thinking is based on Pretzel Logic. But it’s the way they think. The good news here is that their nightmare is becoming a daymare.

    Because the Scapegoat is fighting back.

    And whenever the Scapegoat of any social system fights back the result is always tension, disorienation, and disruption, as the Scapegoat struggles to break free from the lies that are literally killing them, so they can get to the truth that will kill the Scapegoater.

  33. Anonymous[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    Hood’s article, https://www.unz.com/ghood/the-fight-for-germany , is an interesting article in that it shows that the West is still trying to prevent the unification of Europe by Germany, and is still trying to prevent that unification by destroying Germany.

    During the WW I and WW II era, armed force was used to prevent unification. During WW II, Germany and France were actually allied (after France declared war on Germany and lost) while France was under the Petain government. WW I was led by the British, WW II was led by the British and Americans (and USSR, which also intended to unify Europe, but under USSR leadership). In the event, the US destroyed the German Third Reich, the British Empire, and unified Western Europe as a US suzerainty, leaving Eastern Europe to the USSR.

    I’m reinterpreting world war and cold war era history with the preceding paragraph, but the facts I’ve stated are true.

    And Hood’s article implies that the reinterpretation is not only correct, but that the process is still being enforced by the US.

    Thus: elimination of US influence will shift leadership of blocking Europe’s unification by Germans to the Russian Federation (RF). I’d suggest that the process will start with renewed resource purchase (possibly with Bitcoin, as RF accepts that nowadays) by Germany, and proceeds from there to strong German influence as a federate within RF. That is consistent with the history of the German “Drive to the East”, which was more about German population diffusion to Germany’s East than about raw conquest.

    And the first part of the process will be rejecting US suzerainty of Europe. The US Biden Administration appears to have really screwed the pooch with their policy of subsidizing NGOs and Quangos that provide infrastructure for immigration across an open border. Free enterprise has triumphed again, and the corporate bosses of South American gangs have decided to expand their business to the US. Consider a US Army NORTH report of this expansion: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/leaked-us-army-documents-thousands-violent-venezuelan-prison-gang-members-run-amok-across and https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cant-take-it-anymore-residents-springfield-ohio-beg-help-after-20000-haitians-overwhelm , https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/14/what-is-the-history-of-foreign-interventions-in-haiti

    To win an election, the Swamp has destroyed themselves and possibly the rest of the US. Biggest mistake since the Britons invited in Anglo Saxon tribes to serve as mercenaries (
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Anglo-Saxon_England ).

    •�Replies: @Perun
  34. I just read a post about 20,000 Hatians having invaded a midwestern town, all the pets and ducks in the parks are being eaten.

    Could you provide a reference for this?

    •�Replies: @Brás Cubas
  35. Z-man says:

    Yeah, like I said somewhere else, you’d have to see how far she would go. She’ll be under a lot of pressure from the Juden-press to tow the globohomo party line.
    I would stick with full blooded German politicians who have the balls to stick it to Big Jew. Are there any?

    •�Replies: @ulithi
  36. @eah

    But then the war against whites is a good thing, because it will effect selection pressure on that population.

    •�Replies: @Adam Birchdale
  37. “A spokeswoman for Turks says many in her generation plan to leave Germany.”

    Germans, I am certain, will help all of them pack their bags and even put in a hundred thousand Turkish Liras as parting gifts. How do they say good riddance in Deutsch? Gute Besserung!

  38. Kamala Harris claimed the United States is the “scene of a crime:” “what we did with slavery and Jim Crow and institutionalized racism.”

    Funny that we never hear the Anchor-baby Quadroon President-to-be apologise for her own slave-owning ancestors.

    After the election, a former head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said, “Exactly 85 years after the start of World War II, Germany is in danger of becoming a different country again: more unstable, colder, and poorer, less secure, less worth living in.”

    Yes, Germany will be much more stable and safe for Jews when it is part of the European Caliphate.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  39. Anonymous[316] •�Disclaimer says:

    The Nazis actually won WWII… well, their philosophy, anyway.

    They just relocated to Langley and Tel Aviv.

  40. @Jonathan Revusky

    The 20,000 Haitians part is true, according to this NYT piece:
    How an Ohio Town Landed in the Middle of the Immigration Debate
    Apparently the duck-and-cat-eating is unfounded rumor:
    In Brazil, I’ve never heard of any behavioral problem with Haitian immigrants. No doubt they do not receive as much support as they need, because Brazil is a very problematic country, but I’m all for letting them come.

    •�Thanks: Jonathan Revusky
    •�Replies: @eah
    , @Haxo Angmark
    , @Phil Barker
  41. eah says:
    @Brás Cubas

    >Apparently the duck-and-cat-eating is unfounded rumor

    Don’t worry, it’s just a matter of time:

    Latest updates on the Manlius Swan Pond case, three teens arrested for killing Faye

    Every national outlet covering the story (most did) called them ‘teens’, even the 18 y/o who was legally an adult — but local media identified the 18 y/o: Eman Hussan (the NY Post added ‘of Syracuse’) — I forget which third world shithole they’d come from (as refugees), but as I recall that info was also eventually reported.

  42. PJ London says:

    NSDAP (Nazi party) was a far left party not far right.
    A workers party about 3 inches to the right of the Communists.
    Their crime is to be “Nationalists”, to be Germans.

    “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final. Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.” – Sefton Delmer, 1904-1979, former British Chief of Black propaganda, said after the German surrender, in 1945, in a conversation with the German professor of international law, Dr. Friedrich Grimm
    It has taken 79 years for the people to break (partially) free of the American yoke.

    “Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig.” —
    Winston Churchill (The Second World War – Bern, 1960)

    Which is why Russia and China are the 21st century enemy.

    •�Replies: @Mefobills
    , @turtle
  43. ulithi says:

    “…Are there any? “. There are a, amazingly enough, still full blooded Germans wandering about the wasteland, but of that dwindling cohort few are politicians; and of those few, they are politico castrati .

    •�Replies: @Z-man
  44. ulithi says:

    “…Are there any? “. There are , amazingly enough, still full blooded Germans wandering about the wasteland, but of that dwindling cohort few are politicians; and of those few, they are politico castrati .

  45. Too little, too late, the rapemasters are already behind the gate. You lose, Germany.

  46. Z-man says:

    Like the rest of the West. Sucks! 🙁

  47. Monkey business to genocide…
    Political parties are a party for the Jewers. PPs are the problem.
    Jewmerica & its EUSSR are preparing the ground for a direct, all-out war (filled with every conceivable evil) against the Russian peoples, which will be the most vicious war against all European peoples to be exterminated – all European peoples!
    This is also one reason why the Jews in Palestine are now violating and exterminating the Palestinian people like never before, so that they can then join unhindered in the bloody mayhem against the European peoples; The main goal is the absolute desecration, decimation and extermination of the White peoples of Europe.
    The filthy Jews want to be the only white people, and they want it as bloody, filthy and vicious as possible, as it is unimaginable.
    Americans must stay out of the „American“ Army; she is totally un-American. She is anti-White. She is occupying Europe. Does that make you proud? It can only make monkeys proud.

  48. What do contemporary Germans say about the mutual war of annihilation that took place between their country and world/global Jewry?

    •�Replies: @Kurt Knispel
  49. Mefobills says:

    Power in a mass democracy lies in controlling narratives. There is nothing fearsome about the AfD. It does not want to bring back the Second Reich, let alone the Third, but it is cast as somehow a continuation of the Nazi regime, or at least as some nebulous “far-right” demon.

    Too bad, because bringing back the Reich would be a good thing. China’s national socialism is an example that is hard to avoid, even for brainwashed normies. The example of China is going to become increasingly difficult for westerners to run away from.


    For Germany to re-nationalize and rehabilitate itself, will require concentration camps. The German people have been imbibing on fear narratives inserted by the Allies, and now they are sheep/vassals of western finance oligarchy (yes- Jewish).

    Germany has to join the Brics, then turn to China for help. Then Germany needs Uighur style concentration camps to re-habilitate itself. All healthy organisms throw off their parasites. But, Germany is now so parasite ridden, it needs external help. The Jew does intend to transform Germany into its wet dream of international utopia, primary by deracination immigration. Germany will be wiped out, a genocide.

    Below is a copy paste from above scriptorium link.

    The facts will bear out that the Establishment historians have purveyed a view of concentration camp life that cannot be substantiated.

    Your brainwashing cannot be substantiated.


    The daily life in a concentration camp was much different than most historians will admit.

    In 1948, Paul Rassinier, a former Socialist and critic of National Socialist Germany who had himself been interned in the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dora, published Crossing the Line (Le Passage de la Ligne). In this work, Rassinier claimed that the Germans had been benign, if not positive, in their motives for putting enemies of Hitler’s National Socialist state in concentration camps. Rassinier claimed that the concentration camps were a “gesture of compassion” since inmates had been placed where they could “not hurt the new regime and where they could be protected from the public anger.”

    Not only did the concentration camps protect anti-social elements in Rassinier’s view, but they were also designed to “rehabilitate the strayed sheep and to bring them back to a healthier concept of the German community.”1 According to Rassinier, the German government was helping those whom it committed to concentration camps by putting them in a setting so that they could be rehabilitated into more productive members of the German community.

    Those who fell into the categories of persons assigned to concentration camps included any person condemned for treasonable activities, as well as Communist Party officials and anyone who incited a German citizen to refuse military service.2 Persons who were considered by the authorities of the Third Reich as being an anti-social malefactor were also sent to the camps. Anti-social malefactors consisted of professional and habitual criminals, that is, those people who had been sentenced to a minimum of six months imprisonment or hard labor on at least three separate occasions. Anti-social malefactors also specifically included beggars, prostitutes, homosexuals, drunkards, psychopaths and lunatics.3 Persons who were “work shy” were also sent to concentration camps. According to Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, work shy meant unemployed men who “could be proved to have refused without adequate reason employment offered to them on two occasions.”4

    The first persons arrested and sent to concentration camps were communists who had taken part in efforts to undermine the fabric of the German state. Most of these communists arrested were denounced to local authorities by fellow workers and neighbors who were concerned about their activities.

    During March and April 1933, the German people reported the activities of over 10,000 communists in Germany.


    There is more at the link above, and below my addition. The communist movement was Jewish, and in turn was receiving succor from the big finance centers, especially from Jews in wall street. Finance capitalism is a hidden power vertical, and an oligarchy of finance corporations. Communism is top down command economy, with an open power vertical. Both are dialectics, two front paws on the cat. The goy’s are the mouse caught between the cat’s paws. The idea is to bounce humanity back and forth between the paws, toying with humanity and milking it at the same time.

    National Socialism was fighting back against both finance capital oligarchy (corporatocracy system of the west) and Bolshevik international communism. Both paws of the cat, are connected to a Jewish brain.

    Parasitism requires infecting a host (hidden power vertical of usury) or an outright take-over (Bolshevik communism).

    Caveat! National Communism protected the nation’s people from predation and parasitism. This change in communism, from international to national, occurred after 1946 when Stalin installed it. National Communism and National Socialism have lots of overlap hence are in the same venn diagram.

    China also became national communist, and today is mixed economy, industrial capitalism, with communist party leadership.

    Industrial capitalism injects state capital (from state banks) into the commons (communism/socialism) and into industry (industrial capital).

    If you did a Venn Diagram, national socialism, national communism, industrial capitalism, and the American System of Economy would all be roughly grouped together.

    Americans (I’m one) are the most brainwashed people on the planet, and they think that finance capitalism was part of the founding. It was not. Finance Capitalism was implanted, along with new memories. The American System of Economy and industrial capitalism was the founding.

    Colonial America was much more like National Socialism. Colonial Script channeled into industry and the commons, and this threat caused London finance capitalists (yes -Jews and Jew adjacent) to attack.

    Germany must resist the Golem that America became. Americans don’t even know they are Golems of international finance capital, and have amnesia.

    •�Thanks: werpor, Odd Rabbit
  50. Lurker says:
    @Adam Birchdale

    You’re assuming this is entirely unintentional?

    •�Replies: @Adam Birchdale
  51. chuck lowe says: •�Website

    This guy looks great!

    He isn’t just a cloths horse, he is one of the “horsemen” that the Jew media incessantly spins into specious narratives that keep us all in fear of evil white males!! Shame on you white boys! You are all Nazis at heart, even at birth! Catholic “Original Sin” transubstaniated from the stain on our collective souls from Adam & Eve’s insubordination into a post modern reflection granularly injected into the veins of the American zeitgeist of a white guilt “narrative” by proxy for The Hoaxacaust, the Antebellum South, that fuckin drug addicted nigger George Floyd, Climate Change, Taylor Swift’s premature menarche, Casey’s swing and miss, Scott Norwood going “wide right”, “colonialism”, gas cars, dead whales, IT’S THE PATRIARCHY!!!!!!

    Mr. Hood’s article is brilliant, pithy and exposes the pernicious premise that we unwashed betas are all supposed to revere in the Commie Cathedral where the chalice is filled with goy blood and where bend the knee to “The Narrative”. YOU ARE EVIL WHITE BOY AND YES, YOU KILLED 6 MILLION JEWS. YOU KILLED THE KENNEDY’S. YOU HUNG (As that lying nigger Oprah once said, on the carpet at the premier of “The Color Purple”.) MILLIONS OF BLACKS AFTER THE CIVIL WAR (About 3,000 actually you dumb nigger and they were all accused of and committed violent crimes, like rape, murder etc.), YOU KILLED THE INDIANS (They murdered the fuck out of each other for 50,000 years and lived short and brutal lives in a Hobbesian nightmare before we showed up. At least they get to drink high quality whiskey now.), IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

    The meretricious, mendacious intellectual meanderings of the Jew controlled media are the lubrication that greases the wheels in the machine that daily grinds us up into canon fodder for Jew Wars, Jew depressions, Jews euchring us out of ever more taxes for big Government run by Jews to where we are now. “Law” enforcement, peopled by Quisling white cops, lawyers, politicians, judges etc. have their jackboots on our throats and obey the direct orders from the Jews in charge who censor, suppress and lie to us all every day as they force us closer and closer to the proletarian abyss.

    Soon, the term “Wage Slaves” will bring back memories of halcyon days when the pretense of a Republic was all we had, but, it was still better than the fuck’n Hieronymus Bosch painting we all ended up living in.


    Tell me those devils don’t look like Jews.

  52. Mefobills says:
    @PJ London

    NSDAP (Nazi party) was a far left party not far right.

    The right is associated with conservatism. NSDAP was a conservative movement, ergo it was on the right.

    National Socialism predated Hitler, and was indigenous to a people who were never conquered by Rome. It evolved over hundreds of years, and got a boost when the Kaiser imported the American System of Economy. Frederik List was the conduit.

    The conservatism of NSDAP included sending women home to the home life. They were removed from government and industry to the extent possible.

    Goebbels signaled just how conservative NSDAP would be with his nationwide tour:

    Goebbels went on a national tour six weeks after the elections, explaining to women their new role in NSDAP; effectively he was telling them that they are returning to the gift economy (something Jews pretend doesn’t exist).


    The woman in public life today is no different than the women of the past. No one who understands the modern age would have the crazy idea of driving women from public life, from work, profession, and bread winning. But it must also be said that those things that belong to the man must remain his. That includes politics and the military. That is not to disparage women, only a recognition of how she can best use her talents and abilities.

    Looking back over the past years of Germany’s decline, we come to the frightening, nearly terrifying, conclusion that the less German men were willing to act as men in public life, the more women succumbed to the temptation to fill the role of the man. The feminization of men always leads to the masculinization of women. An age in which all great idea of virtue, of steadfastness, of hardness, and determination have been forgotten should not be surprised that the man gradually loses his leading role in life and politics and government to the woman.

    It may be unpopular to say this to an audience of women, but it must be said, because it is true and because it will help make clear our attitude toward women.


    It is conservative to protect women and keep them in their role. Woman are measured by their family life and their children. Intelligent girls become women, and produce intelligent boys. Their opinions on politics do not matter, as they are unfit in the political arena, eventually helping usher in a destructive liberal clown world.

    Jews have always pushed goy women into the monetized economy (not the gift economy). Why? Because debt spreading is the Jews gambit. Attaching debts to new debtors is the method for hypothecating jew bucks in private banks. This of course, destroys national economy and destroys family life. NSDAP was intent on resurrecting the family, a conservative movement.

    The bad guys won in WW1, 2.

    •�Thanks: turtle, Cloverleaf
    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  53. Anonymous[141] •�Disclaimer says:
    @The Alarmist

    I worry about Kamala Harris getting elected – I think that come the Recession/Depression that is overdue, she will become socialist ——– and our elite class of Jews will not tolerate the working class getting rich at the expense of the Jews, so a compromise will be necessary — so it will wind up being socialism for the colored — and slavery and peonage for the Whites.

    •�Replies: @Thomasina
  54. Perun says:

    Germany has not enough force for Europe unfication. It’s too weak to do that. Such creation would be (and is-who elected Von Der Leyen?)

    It’s it’s depends how you countr-400m-500m. people-of which majority is not German. There is question why should Germany lead Europe? On what basis?

    Unification of Europe is wet German dream-but it is not the dream of Europeans. Especially now when we clearly see how disfunctional whole EU is. With small exceptions it has no growth and it is in constant decline towards Asia. European countries will be better on their own.

    Besides when USA will leave Europe-Chinese dragon will come. I’m not sure China will allow Germany or Russia to build their Mitteleuropa or Ruskyi Mir. Europeans themselves don’t want to be part of this projects.

    I only hope that Germany (and Russia too-as is miscalulated in Ukraine) will not again miscalculate own power and “will” of other europeans to became Germans/German vassals.

    I think Pax Sinica may bring new better future-especially for Eastern Europe.

  55. Along with other writers allowed on this site, it appears that Hood dares not come out with the underlying truth of Germany’s malaise. The issue is quite simple: Ever since GrossAdmiral Karl Donitz surrendered all German forces on 5-8-45…Britain, France and the U$$A have REFUSED to sign a PEACE TREATY with any German government.

    Germany, after 79 years has remained under previous enemy FOREIGN MILITARY OCCUPATION.

    Centering on the Ramstein air base; American forces still occupy Germany. It is patently obvious that ALL German regimes are puppet regimes… under full control of those occupying forces.

    The possibility of even a portion of a German government putting German interests first is the real reason why these German Quislings remain in “power”. AFD scares those traitors shitless.

    •�Agree: turtle, Jim H
  56. Anonymous[215] •�Disclaimer says:

    Worth repeating because it’s the only truth that means a fuck in this Hemisphere: the kikes are our misfortune.
    Until that sinks into the jew softened/poisoned mind of the WHITE MALE, WE WILL REMAIN FUCKED.


  57. Megoy says:

    The Jews are freaking out! How dare white goyim tell the truth and neutralize the last 120 years of lying Jew media brainwashing!!! Like Kevin Macdonald said yesterday, this is the Jews “Armageddon”. Support Carlson, Cooper, Owens (just banned from Jewtube according to an Israeli Jew named “Hillel”) Musk and all others that expose the lying Jews!!


  58. Thomasina says:

    “I worry about Kamala Harris getting elected – I think that come the Recession/Depression that is overdue, she will become socialist…”

    Kamala Harris, if elected, will be whatever her handlers tell her to be, just like all the other presidents before her.

    Presidents are puppets and those in the background are pulling their strings; they don’t have minds of their own. Presidential candidates are carefully selected beforehand for their ability to “go along” with whatever they’re told to do; the handlers leave nothing to chance. If for one second Kamala attempted to stray off the path laid out by her handlers, she would be warned of the consequences, and if she still didn’t listen, she would be assassinated. She’s a foreign bimbo who could care less about the country, so she’s not going to stray. Hand her another martini.

  59. turtle says: •�Website

    “We Germans … have a responsibility to unconditionally defend the existence of Israel. ”

    I suppose that assertion would include the intent to slaughter 2,000,000 Gazans, for starters. Contract for the krema could be lucrative. The main challenge would seem to be selling the operation to the world as “legitimate acts of self-defense.”

  60. @eah

    There is a tendency of comments here (and elsewhere) to spiral downward. Likely it is due to that combination of “egalitarianism, individualism, an addiction to comfort caused by soft urban and suburban living, and the pernicious influence of the news and entertainment media…” with special emphasis on the latter factor.

    Let us also not leave out the dysgenic factor.

    Which is why it is vital to keep the intelligent comments going!

    •�Thanks: Adam Birchdale
  61. @bert33

    (((They))) are already beginning to conflate knife bilence=Muslims=far right Natzees
    and screaming for more police powers; the association is pretty far out but rolled
    out 24/7, and given time (and jailing all who point out the idiocy has no clothes)
    it is going to take hold in public perception.
    Germans are by nature conformists which makes them something to behold when
    under responsible leadership but hard to revolutz (Lenin famously quipped you
    cannot have a revolution in Germany because they´ll queue up for ration cards for
    red cloth 😁).

  62. turtle says: •�Website

    America won’t allow Palestinian immigration,

    Of course not.
    The Aye-rabs might tell people in the U.S. what life was like back home in Palestine, in which case the SWLHTF in the U.S., W.R.T. support for Eece-rye-ell. Can’t have that.

  63. turtle says: •�Website
    @PJ London

    Their crime is to be “Nationalists”, to be Germans.

    As opposed to the INTERNATIONAL Communists, who were the National Socialist German Worker Party’s mortal enemies, and with whom they fought bloody street battles.

  64. LeBigBoss says:

    Is here an AFD franchise format available for the US, and is anybody else interested?

  65. anon[352] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Joe Paluka

    Bad genetics is part of the problem, but the biggest cause of our weakness, is prosperity. We’ve had 80 years of prosperity in the west, and it’s made us weak. People with full stomachs don’t generally do revolutions.

    Generally comments like these are made by Boomer blowhards with some fictional narrative running in their head about being a real man/alpha male, that somehow their generation was self starting & self made through sheer grit.

    The truth is that Alpha Males serve the system that serves them. They are the beacons to conformity which are given to other men to strive for.

    Do you want to know what weak is? Weak is participating in bullshit wars, propagating the fiscal & cultural bankruptcy of their nations.

    Real Men are buttfucking conformists of the worst order because it serves their interest.

    Think of what this country might have been if ‘The Real Men’ had refused service in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf Wars. And, this doesn’t even touch on the damage they’re doing in service at all levels of what passes for law enforcement.

    •�Thanks: Adam Birchdale
    •�Replies: @Joe Paluka
  66. @Perun

    There are 100 million Germans, and they (and the Finns) pay through their noses
    for all the halfricans on the periphery (and 18 million hollowcause survivors);
    #1 priority should be to get USrael out and to get on the right side of Mother Russia
    again but the trends are not good.

    How much worse than the Jews and waterpolacks can the Chinese possibly be?
    (I call that the “Bogdan Khmelnitsky” argument 😁)

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  67. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘How much worse than the Jews and waterpolacks can the Chinese possibly be?’

    I’m comfortable with the Chinese. They play hardball — but there’s no serious deception going on. Of course they lard on the usual verbal flannel, but I know what’s up, and so do they.

    Beats the Jews, to be frank. No games with trying to call people on the lies they won’t even admit to themselves that they’re telling. We need to draw the line with the Chinese — but at least we’re using the same map.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  68. @Jeffrey A Freeman

    To Cons (like you) in tempo Germans rarely say: Fuck You!
    After your Second Jewish World War there were more of your Jewish species than before.
    Hitler was a cuck, otherwise he would have never let you scum leave Germany alive and scum like you would be unable to agitate.

  69. Richard B says:
    @Priss Factor

    Mmmmm! I’m certainly not going to White Knight for Tucker, or anyone.

    But Stew Peters strikes me as the ADL’s latest incarnation of, not Controlled Opposition (that would be people like Tucker), but Anti-Semitic Opposition. In short, Stew Peters comes off as just another in a long line of Designated Anti-Semites, that the ADL needs to keep in the public eye. People like Nick Fuentes, Patrick Little, Richard Spencer, etc. going all the way back to David Duke, and before him George Rockwell.

    There’s also Louis Farrakhan and, who knows, possibly Candance Owens. Each and every one of them may very well be sincere. That’s not the point.

    The point is that given the ADL’s power, they would have no problem tailoring the activities of such individuals to suit their collective needs. Which, in this case, means keeping the “threat” of anti-semitism before the public consciousness.

    As Nietzsche said, in so many words, Anyone who spends a lifetime fighting an “enemy” has a real keen interest in making sure that their enemyStays Alive!

  70. Jim H says:

    ‘If someone wanted to stop the AfD, removing the reason for its support through remigration would be a good first step.’ — Gregory Hood

    Meanwhile, someone has questions about the same mass migration phenomenon in the US:

    ‘Why are all the attorneys for the Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. Jewish?

    ‘Why do they (CLINIC) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) support and fund massive immigration into the U.S. from 3rd World countries but refuse the same people in Israel?

    ‘This is not right.’

    It’s a rhetorical question, of course.

    Jews punk Christians because they can, as part of a concerted campaign of demoralization, triumphalism and mockery.

    •�Agree: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Richard B
  71. @Colin Wright

    Thanks …
    the Cold War joke about the difference between an Austrian optimist and
    pessimist went: The optimist learns Russian, the pessimist Chinese.
    How quaint it now seems 🙄

  72. Anynomous says:

    “Besides when USA will leave Europe-Chinese dragon will come.”.

    In general, not to smear this particular commentator, this comment has always been pure bullshit spread and repeated by both the american government and american people, in a form or an other. “If we leave, X will take place! Its better that american and british are in charge and control of things or X will take place.”. This is a very old argument how american and british always try to sort of justify their robbery and global imperialism, that its better that they are the ones running and controlling everything.

    •�Replies: @Perun
    , @Gvaltar
  73. Aragorn says:

    According to Hal Turner, ALL of the top nazis in SAAB Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) systems was wiped out in the strike in Poltava.
    The German amoebas of our time are taken care of.

    You are not asked if you want to join the Genocide organization NATO, or if you want to be murdered in the hospitals by poison, or radiated by 5G. You are also told what skin color a “Jew” has, the cannibals hang a white “Jew” in every church.
    Laws of nature, like Newtons laws in North America do not exist for the cannibals.
    Its called a “culture”, and is a bunch of lies.
    The illusion of democracy is just that, you put murderers and psychopaths to POWER, and the voted are only the first layer of that.

    Actually, I was “asked” about 5G, but the “majority” should decide, and it had get forced onto you whatever you “vote” on, because it travels through walls and humans. They have replaced Galileo, Newton and Assange with “voting” 😉
    Nowadays I work for the blowing up of the Atlantic cable 😉
    If they want to be voted, hang them.

  74. The Germans must get a nuclear weapon deterrent and the means to deliver it globally and then the Krauts should drink a few celebratory beers and then the Krauts should cheerfully tell the evil American Empire to leave Germany immediately. Time to end WWII.

    The Krauts should build new nuclear power stations and leave the coal in the ground.


    Simply put, NATO goes DODO when Germany gets nukes and the means to deliver them globally, and when Germany gets nukes, the US military will depart from Deutschland.

    Imperial contraction will politically decapitate the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire.

    Entropy of imperial ambitions will remove way over 100 million foreigners and their spawn from the USA. The USA must get the population down to 220 million like it was in 1978, and the financial liquidation and forcible removal of the American Empire’s Jew-controlled ruling class and its minions from the USA will be a triumphant start.

    Let the Krauts have a nuke and be done with it.



    The FROGS need to temporarily take the KRAUTS under the Frog Nuclear Umbrella until such time as the KRAUTS turn the screw and go nuclear weapon nation.

    The KRAUTS must have nuclear submarines to deliver the nuclear weapons and to provide nuclear power for Germany. Plug the nuke subs into the municipal power supply and make like the FROGS.

    Leave coal in ground for future use and get the gargoyle Gerhard Schroder to lead the team effort to rebuild and secure the German/Russian natural gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea.

  75. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…This is a very old argument how american and british always try to sort of justify their robbery and global imperialism, that its better that they are the ones running and controlling everything.’

    That’s a moot point. It’s not us who are running and controlling everything. It’s our masters who are.

  76. After the election, a former head of the Central Council of Jews in Germany said, “Exactly 85 years after the start of World War II, Germany is in danger of becoming a different country again: more unstable, colder, and poorer, less secure, less worth living in.”

    Tarik Abou-Chadi who teaches at Oxford says, “As a German citizen, a queer person of color, it is simply devastating and frightening that, at a very high turnout, over 30 percent support extreme-right fascists.

    The head of the International Auschwitz Committee said that the vote was depressing for survivors because “they thought that Germany, after the experiences of the Holocaust, the rise of the Nazi party, the SS and everything, would be especially aware of the dangers of this ideology.


    Germany’s first black African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse

    Kate Connolly

    Karamba Diaby’s announcement he wants to spend time with family comes after bullet and arson attacks on his office

    Karamba Diaby: ‘The hatred the AfD sows every day with its misanthropic narratives is reflected in concrete psychological and physical violence.’
    Photograph: Dpa Picture Alliance/Alamy

    The first black African-born MP to enter the German parliament has announced he will not be standing in next year’s federal election, weeks after he revealed the hate mail, including racist slurs and death threats, he and his staff had received.

    Karamba Diaby, 62, who entered the Bundestag in 2013 in a moment hailed as historic by equality campaigners, said he wanted to spend more time with his family and to make room for younger politicians.

    But his announcement comes just weeks after he laid out a litany of hate messages he and his parliamentary staff had received.

    Diaby said the racist slurs and death threats were “not the main reasons” for his decision, having frequently emphasised he would not be cowed by threats. But they are widely believed to have played a part.

    In interviews, Diaby has emphasised an increasingly hostile mood in parliament and society, blaming the 2017 entry of the far-right populist AfD to the Bundestag.

    “Since 2017, the tone in the German parliament has become harsher,” he told the Berlin Playbook podcast of the news magazine Politico. “We hear aggressive speeches from colleagues of the AfD.

    “We hear derogatory and hurtful content in these contributions. That is truly a totally new situation compared to the period between 2013 and 2017. This aggressive style of talking is fertile breeding ground for the violence and aggression on the streets.”

    Diaby entered the Bundestag in 2013 but said it was a ‘totally new situation’ since the arrival of the AfD.

    Diaby, of the Social Democrats (SPD), entered parliament alongside Charles M Huber, who sat for the Christian Democrats for just one parliamentary term. They were the first black members of the Bundestag and their entry was hailed as groundbreaking and historic by equal rights campaigners.

    Diaby, who has a PhD in chemistry, was born in Senegal and moved to the then East Germany in 1985.

    He has increasingly faced racist abuse in recent years. His constituency office in Halle, Saxony Anhalt, has been an arson target, and has had bullets fired through the window. Some staff have faced blackmail attempts to stop them working for him and have been subjected to abuse and threats, Diaby said.

    “In the last few years I’ve faced several murder threats. This has now overstepped the mark,” he said. “The hatred that the AfD sows every day with its misanthropic narratives is reflected in concrete psychological and physical violence. This endangers the cohesion of our society. We cannot simply accept this.”

    Writing to party colleagues on Tuesday, Diaby promised to remain active in the SPD, especially in the 15 months leading to the election, saying: “We face big challenges and hard work.”

    He added: “At the same time, I’m looking forward to having more time for my family and friends and our allotment.

    •�LOL: Richard B
    •�Replies: @Richard B
  77. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…The right is associated with conservatism. NSDAP was a conservative movement, ergo it was on the right…’

    They didn’t see themselves that way. From the Horst Wessel Lied:

    ‘The S.A. marches with silent solid steps.
    Comrades shot by the red front and reaction
    March in spirit with us in our ranks.’

    Circa 1955, former Nazis interviewed said 1933-45 was the only time, before and after, that you felt you could look everyone in the eye, regardless of class or occupation. The conspirators against Hitler were overwhelmingly conservative aristocrats. Much more to be said on this — but classifying Nazism as a conservative movement is absurd. Indeed, one observer pre-1933 noted that the Communists and Nazis were competing for the same voters. Another watched some Communist workers who had come to heckle Hitler at one of his speeches. They started out ahecklin’, then they were stopping to listen, then they were nodding, and by the end they were cheering.

  78. Anon[329] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Joe Paluka

    Wagenknecht was inserted by the powers that be in order to siphon off votes from the AfD, since their voting bases do overlap to some extent. She was carefully built up by the media over a certain period of time and left cooperation with AfD vague, until right after the Sachsen and Thüringen elections. She managed to bamboozle a lot of people who are fed up with the immigration and the current parties, but fear being labeled Nazis of they vote for the officially ostracized and sanctioned AfD.
    So she is a U-boat and a tool of the regime, nothing more. I really thought she had more brains and independence than that. And no, her looks no longer impress me.

  79. Simon says.

    I don’t give a shit what Simon says! What does Samson say?

    Samson says Germany must get nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them to make sure Israel doesn’t get too frisky or vengeful or William Kristol level meshugana nutcake. Gotta have options.

    The evil and treasonous JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire will soon be kicked out of Germany.

    Jews Organized Globally(JOG) has been using mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and destroy Germany and the USA.

    The proud and brave CORE TEUTONS in Germany will begin the deportation process that must occur if Germany is to remain German. Germany should deport all foreigners. Germany should deport as many non-Germans as possible to protect the future for young Germans.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) are certainly attempting to bring about WHITE GENOCIDE in European Christian nations by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon, but I think JOG will be stopped in their evil demographic designs, and I think JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) will be EXPELLED from all European Christian nations.

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) is an evil gang of nation-wrecking rats and they are using mass immigration as a demographic weapon to attack and destroy White European Christian nations such as the USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland, England, Scotland…etc.

    Mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, destroys habitat for wildlife, causes urban and suburban sprawl, creates multicultural mayhem and brings infectious diseases, crime and terrorism to the United States of America.

    Tweets from 2014 and 2015:

    •�Replies: @orchardist
  80. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    Defender of Christian Germany, Candace Owens, now on Rumble

    Btw, this is what got Owens censored from youtube… LOL.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  81. @Colin Wright

    Were the Nazis Right or Left? Brazilians Still Not Sure

    Marjolein van de Water

    Media in Brazil

    What do the media in Brazil write about? About Brazilians lecturing Germans about Nazism, our correspondent Marjolein van de Water observes.

    Were the German Nazis left-wing, weren’t they? This question, which also crops up regularly in Europe, has been occupying Brazilians’ minds for a few weeks now. The German ambassador allowed himself to be interviewed by local media to clarify the issue.

    Earlier this month, the German embassy in Brazil published a Portuguese-language video on social media. ‘Germans do not hide their history’, the video begins. ‘On the contrary, we teach our children about the horrors of the Holocaust.‘ The video explains that in Germany it is forbidden to give the Hitler salute, depict swastikas, or deny the Holocaust.

    The video defines Nazism as an extreme right-wing movement, and then strongly condemns it. ‘We must stand up to right-wing extremists,’ said Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. ‘Anyone who demonstrates against Nazis is not left-wing, but normal.’ The video was intended as a response to the far-right demonstrations in Chemnitz, but has taken on a life of its own in Brazil.

    ‘Hitler was left-wing,’ say Brazilians on the Facebook page of the German consulate. To be sure, they translate ‘Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei’ into Portuguese. ‘Socialist, so left-wing. No doubt about it.’ The embassy initially tries to reason with the Brazilians, but soon gives up. ‘Germany still has a socialist government,’ is the prevailing view. ‘That’s why they create fake news.’

    The German video falls in the middle of a heated political debate in Brazil. The elections are on 7 October and the polarisation between left and right is more hostile than ever. Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate who is leading in the polls, has been stabbed by a man with left-wing sympathies. Bolsonaro supporters see the German video as an attempt to influence the elections: ‘By attributing the deaths of millions of Jews to the far right, the German embassy is trying to smear Bolsonaro.’

    The discussion moved from social media to the newspaper pages last week. There, the unanimous conclusion is that the Nazis were indeed far right.

    Folha de São Paulo delves deep into the archives and cites an interview from The Guardian from 1923, in which a young Adolf Hitler expresses his aversion to Bolshevism. The newspaper also points out some passages from Mein Kampf, in which Hitler states that ‘Marxism must be eradicated’.

    The newspaper O Globo interviews Georg Witschel, the German ambassador to Brazil. ‘It is crazy to characterize fascism or Nazism as left-wing movements’, says Witschel. ‘German and international historians agree that it was an extreme right-wing movement.’ Witschel explains that the term ‘socialist’ was misused to gain the sympathy of workers. ‘There are also a lot of brutal regimes that use the term democratic in their name,’ the ambassador says.

    The social media channels of the German embassy are then flooded with apologies from Brazilians. ‘Most Brazilians barely know their own history, and now want to lecture the Germans about Nazism,’ one of the reactions says. ‘Brazil is once again making a fool of itself.’ Folha columnist Leonardo Sakamoto refers to the 2014 World Cup, when host country Brazil lost 7-1 to Germany: ‘I feel more shame now than I did then.’

    •�Replies: @Anon
  82. ariadna says:
    @Charles Pewitt

    “I blame the JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire for the White Genocide going on in the USA or Germany and other satellite nations of the American Empire”

    Let’s count the WASPs…

    If it rained cats and dogs on Kamala’s entourage, not a drop would fall on a single Goy

    From the Forward:
    Whatever Harris says about Israel in debate, these Jews helped shape it

    Rebecca Friedman Lissner, the deputy national security whose grandparents survived the Holocaust

    She joined the vice president’s office in April 2022 from the National Security Council, where she worked on the administration’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and oversaw the development of Biden’s National Security Strategy. Lissner was previously a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations focused on nuclear policy, and taught at the Naval War College, Yale and the University of Pennsylvania.

    Dean Lieberman, the speechwriter who went to Auschwitz with Doug Emhoff

    Lieberman has been her chief foreign policy speechwriter, traveling with the vice president to 17 countries, and the vice president’s informal liaison to the Jewish community. He also accompanies the second gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, on his trips overseas, and led the planning for Emhoff’s 2023 visit to Krakow, Poland and Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was previously a spokesperson for the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem and press secretary for the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.“The Vice President is a lifelong supporter of Israel as a secure, democratic homeland for the Jewish people,” Lieberman told the Forward about Harris’ views on the Israel-Hamas war.

    Cynthia Bernstein, the Yeshiva University grad who co-led the VP’s inaugural Passover seder

    Bernstein, 39, is the director of management and administration and go-to person on the vice president’s staff for Jewish-related matters. She started at the White House as an intern in 2012, after spending time in Jerusalem, writing curriculum at Yad Vashem and volunteering with refugees. An observant Jew, she is a graduate of Yeshiva University, where she spent a year teaching political science, and has a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. In 2022, Bernstein co-led the inaugural Passover Seder at the vice president’s residence.

    Ilan Goldenberg, the Jerusalem-born adviser on Middle East issues

    Goldenberg, 46, was tapped as the Harriz-Walz campaign’s Jewish liaison last month. He previously served as the vice president’s adviser on Middle East issues and is continuing in that role on Israel-related matters during the campaign. Born in Jerusalem, Goldenberg is fluent in Hebrew and Arabic. He grew up in New Jersey and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia. During the Obama administration, Goldenberg worked on the Iran file at the Pentagon and was chief of staff to the administration’s special envoy during the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. In 2020, he advised Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign.

    Doug Emhoff, second gentleman

    The Jew who likely whispers most in Harris’s ear, of course, is her husband of 10 years. Emhoff, 59, has since 2021 been the face of the Biden-Harris administration’s campaign to combat domestic antisemitism. He hardly comments on Israel, but in an interview on Pod Save America last week, he said: “There has to be” a hostage-ceasefire deal,” he said. “There needs to be consequences for Hamas, and there needs to be in the leaders, and there needs to be peace. On a Zoom call hosted by the Jewish Democratic Council of America and Jewish Women for Kamala in July, for example, Emhoff said Harris “has been and will always be a strong supporter of Israel as a secure democratic and Jewish state.”-

    Harris’ rabbi (and friends)

    Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, co-senior rabbi of Washington’s Adas Israel Congregation — where Emhoff is a congregant and spoke emotionally last week about the hostages recently killed by Hamas — occasionally appears with the vice president.

    Halie Soifer, chief executive of the Jewish Democrats’ group, was a national security adviser to Harris while she was in the Senate, and accompanied her and Emhoff on a trip to Israel.

    Tom Nides, a former U.S. ambassador to Israel, said during the Democratic National Convention that he often speaks with Harris about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Sam Lauter, a major Democratic donor from San Francisco who serves on the board of several pro-Israel organizations, has been advising Harris since her successful campaign for San Francisco district attorney in 2003.

  83. Anynomous says:

    As american and british here are putting ALL of blame of absolutely EVERYTHING just on jews, your very old and very close allies for thousands of years now, it humours me how american and british are always blaming somebody else, they are incapable of carrying responsibility of their actions and somehow find shortcuts to explain and make themselves look good and virtuous. Now american and british are just skipping off totally what happened and what they did especially around WW1 and WW2. Just tiny, tiny nuances. To make it short, yes, many jews were in large and significant part during these and current decades, but it was really british and american themselves that did most of the horrible war crimes and who led Germany and german to their current situation. Do you remember finally executing all of their elite that was on side of german people and do you remember smuggling all the traitors to western countries and how you gave them new identities as your allies? You are attacking the free world with literal nazis and fascists and with their offspring, who now have new identities given by american and british.

    Its very dangerous to let even a single american and british to a society. And you dont even know their background at all.

  84. @Joe Paluka

    They aren’t eating the ducks and cats and complaining that the meat is too tough.
    A little gamey, though.

  85. Aragorn says:

    “Nuclear weapon” do not exist.
    Psychopaths take over humanity 1000 years ago, that is the “nuclear” truth.
    If they want to RULE, want to be voted, hang them, and all their servants.
    Then you instantly get rid of all shit show clown comedy’s, like “nuclear weapon”, “Nine Eleven”, “Covid”…

  86. Perun says:

    Pax Sinica is seen as blessing in many Europan countries-for example Poland.

    Popular opinion (and fact) is that Chinese stopped Soviet tanks and army marching on Warsaw in 1956.

    For country like Poland China solves military problem with Russia and economic with Germany

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  87. @Charles Pewitt

    It is not conceivable to me that Germany does not already have deployable Nuclear Weapons and delivery systems of some limited range or another.

    I believe the same with regard to Japan and South Korea.

    Iran will shortly join that group if it has not already.

  88. @Brás Cubas

    snopes lie’d again: the Haitians practice Voodoo “religion”, which involves the ritual torture and killing of animals that whites regard as pets, including cats and dogs.

    rather more interesting aspect of the jew.gov dumping 20,000 feral niggers on Springfield is the response of the (white) city manager…..who has requested DC to “send more money so we can provide quality housing for everyone”. And I suspect the white exodus from urban springfield to adjacent suburbs is already underway.

  89. The Fight for Germany

    I say:

    The Fight For German American Voters In The USA

    Trump must paint Kamala Harris as a dangerous open borders mass immigration fanatic warmonger who will bring on nuclear bomb war in the debate tonight — September 10, 2024.

    Trump must call for the arrest and conviction of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden for aiding and abetting the illegal alien invader invasion of the USA.

    Trump should call for a halt to all REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.

    Trump must say that if mass legal immigration is harming the USA, then legal immigration must be stopped.

    Trump must make the case that Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party want endless, unnecessary war and nation-killing open borders mass immigration.

    Trump must frame his debate answers with a design to win the votes of German American voters in the Great Lakes states — most especially the German American voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

    In the 2024 presidential election, Trump is once again stuck between the Israel First Jew Billionaires(IFJB) — such as Mim Adelson and Paul Singer — who donate big piles of loot to the Republican Party and German American women voters in the Great Lakes states who do not want their sons, husbands, fathers, uncles, and their other menfolk to be killed or maimed or brain-damaged or burnt or butchered in anymore Middle East wars for Israel.

    Tweet from 2014:

  90. @anon

    My definition of a “real man” is not an alpha male, an alpha male is the baboon with the reddest butt. He might get most of the females but he eventually meets a younger and stronger alpha male baboon with an even redder butt and he gets his butt kicked to the curve.

    My idea of a “real man” is a man who will go along with the system if he thinks that it is just and is furthering the racial interests of his people, but will be the first one to buck the system if he sees that the goals of it’s leaders are out of accord with the better interests of his race. This lone wolf sometimes is a natural leader of men, but not always. A lot of times these men just leave the society and go out on their own living in isolation, if these men meet a good woman, they will be great fathers and husbands and leave a great genetic legacy.

    Unfortunately, in our society, there are more of these men living alone due to the terrible quality of White women out there, so much great genetic potential gone to waste. We have pathetic creatures like Gavin Newscum marrying equally defective women and creating genetically defective children, who go on to be the leftist scum leaders of our decaying society.

  91. Ohio and the other Great Lakes states are loaded the Hell up with Krauts.

    Ohio is under attack from mass immigration. Haitians are invading and destroying Ohio.

    Mass legal immigration is killing the USA and the rancid politician whore twats in the Republican Party are screaming about how great mass legal immigration is.

    Baby Boomer boob Trump has been heard ranting about his scheme to break apart the mass legal immigration floodgates so he can flood the USA with mass legal immigration “in the largest numbers ever.”

    JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) are using mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and destroy all European Christian nations.

    Plenty of European Christian politicians are colluding with JOG to attack and destroy the nations of the European Christian people.

    Teddy Cruz is actively colluding and conspiring with JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) to swamp the USA with mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire pushed the nation-killing 1965 Immigration Act and Republican Party treasonous rat filth like Teddy Cruz are still pushing nation-killing mass legal immigration. Teddy Cruz is in bed with the nation-killing interlopers in JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) on mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, amnesty for illegal alien invaders, REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION.

    I asked this of Teddy Cruz at a town hall presidential primary campaign event in 2015:

    And as for immigration, It’s quite simply true that if it wasn’t for mass immigration — the 1965 Immigration Act — the Republicans might not have lost California forever. And it’s also true that without mass immigration we might never have had Obama — and that means we might never have had Obamacare.

    Mass legal immigration is the issue that’s demographically destroying the United States. But you, you support dramatic increases in mass immigration.

    I don’t think you can continue on trying to confuse the American people about the difference between illegal immigration and mass legal immigration — so why do you support mass legal immigration?

    Tweet from 2015:

  92. Gvaltar says:

    Americans (comprised of the British and all of the following etc) and the British are the problem because they’re controlled by East European Jews?

    Americans (comprised of the British and all of the following etc) and the British are the problem because they made the French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Belgians, Italians, Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Danes, Swedes have colonies?

  93. @Perun

    That´s a flat out lie … Nikita Sergeiewich ignored the Poles because they couldn´t
    very well hand back East Germany, and their “economy” was laughable;
    the Hungarians – the Hungarians were viable and had Radio Free Europe (=CIA)
    assurances of help. Plus ça change …

    •�Replies: @Perun
  94. Germany and the USA are under attack from MASS LEGAL IMMIGRATION and MASS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

    REFUGEE OVERLOAD and ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION are being used as DEMOGRAPHIC WEAPONS to attack and destroy Germany and the USA.

    The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is blurring the distinction between legal immigration and illegal immigration in the same manner that they blur the distinction between American citizens and any random foreigners that flop, crawl, swim, run, or fly in airplanes as a method of invading the USA.

    @USTechWorkers says:

    Voters generally want a reduction in immigration numbers but Republicans beholden to special-interest groups will obfuscate the immigration discussion by largely focusing on the illegal border crossings and not the millions that have been allowed to arrive here LEGALLY.

    And this gaslighting has worked! Republican voters have bought into the “illegal bad, legal good” false dichotomy. They seem to believe that demographic changes in their town (and Europe) is solely attributed to illegal immigration, not legal immigration. They don’t understand that illegal aliens can become “legal” thanks to the generous loopholes in our immigration system (TPS, parole, asylum, etc.). They don’t understand that even our legal immigration process is being gamed resulting in lots of people being granted Green Cards for which they shouldn’t have qualified for in the first place. They don’t understand that refugee resettlement is a LEGAL immigration process.

    If voters want to stop the kind of thing that’s happening to Springfield, Ohio, it’s important to identify the correct problem and to elect candidates who believe “mass immigration” as a whole is a major problem.

  95. Gvaltar says:

    … e.g. egalitarianism, individualism


  96. Anon[154] •�Disclaimer says:

    What about global equality/equity etc?

  97. Anon[220] •�Disclaimer says:

    today everything in multiracial America revolves around money

    Are you sure it’s money, not resources?

  98. Anon[631] •�Disclaimer says:

    I’m sure some of the non-Jews also have something to do with it.

  99. Anon[199] •�Disclaimer says:

    We didn’t elect …

    We did elect

    the party/political bureau

  100. Anon[312] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Charles Martel France

    Nazis, leftists, socialists, fascists etc are all into collectivism and central planning etc?

  101. @Anonymous

    “The Nazis actually won WWII… well, their philosophy, anyway.

    They just relocated to Langley and Tel Aviv.”

    Ice cold take.

  102. Gvaltar says:

    The nationalists won WWII, are you sure about that?

  103. Perun says:

    You have no clue about the 1956 events. Polish commies went to China because Soviet Union didn’t accept nationalist Gomułka.

    China didn’t give a fuck about Hungary-besides revolution in Hungary was true “counterrevolution”.

    Soviet Army was on its way to Warsaw.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  104. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    With cucks like this…

  105. @Perun

    That much is correct, yes; Nikita Sergeiewich was a little impulsive.
    I´m also not sure about the backroom deals with the US re: Suez.

    •�Replies: @Perun
  106. Anonymous[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    There is question why should Germany lead Europe? On what basis?

    Acclamation. Europe needs somebody with a successful template for survival, and Germany is all it has. It’s lots of fun to sit around and throw dirt at targets designated by the Suzerain, but less fun when the suzerain goes away and the trade money goes with it as shipping lanes go unprotected (e.g. Red Sea).

    German industry and Russian resources can provide the foundation on of an autarkic Germany/Russian Federation that the other nations of the EU will insist on membership.

    Again, in the demotic, that’s all you got. And that’s more than Europe deserves, after two World Wars that tried to kill Germany. To quote from a 1940s wartime movie that was intended as an allegory: “Gentlemen, we have killed our motor.”

    Other nations may dislike the Germans, but they will dislike starving in the freezing dark (or just plain starving in Southern Europe) even more. The RF will pretty much have to take them in to prevent a land war in Europe, and will suggest a few changes here and there after the takeover. These changes will be resented, evaded, and gradually adopted.

    •�Replies: @Perun
    , @Anonymous12890
  107. Perun says:

    No such deals. In case of Poland USA would do the same what it did in case of Hunagry-nothing. USA respected world order it created with Russians after 1945 and Russian sphere of influence

  108. Perun says:

    Too much propaganda. Centralised Europe under German command is in deep shit. It’s doing crazy bad with innovations, technology, demograhpy (African import) , economic growth. Even german auto industry is one step from disaster.

    And all of this with Russian resurces not so long ago fueling German economy at the expense of CEE. Germany Has parasite position towards rest of europe-weakening other EU member states.

    Russo-German Europe will be land of bureaucracy, overregualtion and misery with two large parasites DE and RU.

    Solution for Europe is to go back to competition model-all against all. For that we need weak Germany and Russia and trade with Asia/China. Germany is too weak to dominate Europe. It Has usually dumb leadership and often idiotic ideology bringing disastrs on Europe and Germany itself. Also DE and RU cooperation never works in the long run.

  109. @Brás Cubas

    I agree with you. All the Haitians should go to Brazil. That is world progress.

    •�Replies: @Brás Cubas
  110. Anynomous says:

    Germany hasnt been an independent and free state since 1945. Its a vassal state completely controlled and ran by american and british, who never left Germany after 1945. Even Natos first main secretery openly stated that whole main purpose of Nato is to keep american in, german down and Russia out. Thats Natos whole purpose.

    Germany never had genuinely free elections and decision-making, because american and british are still completely running the whole country since 1945 to this day. American and british are still openly occupying the country and Germanys intelligence services are just a branch of american CIA and british MI6. German themselves arent deciding and arent let to decide anything on their own.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  111. @Colin Wright

    I agree that Nazi Germany was not conservative in political ideology.

    Did it have some conservative points? Sure. But a few points is not enough.

    But in all they were revolutionary and anti-reactionary and against conservative elites.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  112. @Anonymous

    By population and economy, Russia then Germany might be the natural leaders of Europe.

    But you have to understand many people and countries do not want Germany-Russia alliance. That famous NATO quote about keeping Russians out and Germans down is one example.

    Another example is the smaller countries in between Germany and Russia would not trust either based on history and possibly modern day politics. So these countries stuck between them have geopolitical leaning to US and UK.

  113. Colin Wright says: •�Website
    @Priss Factor

    Well, if she spoke to Kanye West…

    He’s an unperson. Some things have to be enforced.

  114. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…German themselves arent deciding and arent let to decide anything on their own.’

    Sounds familiar.

    •�Replies: @Anynomous
  115. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    I agree that Nazi Germany was not conservative in political ideology.

    Did it have some conservative points? Sure. But a few points is not enough.

    But in all they were revolutionary and anti-reactionary and against conservative elites.

    Indeed. The fairest assessment I ever read concluded that applying the Left/Right paradigm to Nazism simply wasn’t appropriate.

  116. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    On the other hand, people on the conservative right like the press magnate Alfred Hugenberg and the Catholic aristocrat Franz von Papen thought they could use Hitler’s movement and keep it under control. They erred, but it would never have occurred to them to think they could use the KPD.
    As to Nazis and Communists competing for the same votes, to some extent they were. But the Nazis made appeals and got their votes from Germans of different classes – if conflict arose this could prove unstable – they largely eclipsed the conservative nationalist parties at the 1930 Reichstag election, when the NSDAP gained 95 seats and went into second place. (The conservative DNVP lost 41 seats and the somewhat more liberal DVP lost 15 – the Nazi breakthrough to becoming a significant political party was largely achieved by weakening these parties.) The process continued at the July 1932 election. The conservative right parties recovered a little at the November 1932 election (DNVP up 14, the DVP +4) and the NSDAP vote went down as it lost 34 seats. This is sometimes attributed to a slight recovery in the economy, yet the KPD gained 11 seats and reached 100. What seems to have happened is some conservative voters who had switched to the Nazis went back to the conservative parties. Nazis and Communists cooperating in some strike actions in autumn 1932 caused some second thoughts among many in the German conservative milieu.

    •�Thanks: Colin Wright
    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  117. Richard B says:
    @Jim H

    Jews punk Christians because they can, as part of a concerted campaign of demoralization, triumphalism and mockery.

    True enough. The problem here is that you simply can not run a civilization as complex and as unpredictable as this one on demoralization and mockery.

    Unless, of course, you want to turn your triumph into a Pyrrhic victory.

    In short, Supremacy Inc. is only good at social management if that management is geared toward destruction. And destruction does indeed seem to be all they’re good for.

    I mean, just look around.

  118. Richard B says:
    @Charles Martel France

    …his announcement comes just weeks after he laid out a litany of hate messages he and his parliamentary staff had received.

    His announcement comes just weeks after he laid out a litany of hate messages he and his parliamentary staff had received from JIDF Trolls posing as Neo-Nazis.


  119. Anynomous says:
    @Colin Wright

    USA and UK are not total police states where just denying Holohoax leads to 5 years in prison, destroying your life abd future and that are completely, utterly controlled by foreign states (american and british). Comparing many jews having significant power in the USA and UK to Germany, where american and british have ran a total police state for almost a hundred years now, is sickening. American and british themselves still have very significant power and rights of their own in the countries that they still temporarely occupy, as well as they are afraid to loose their vaste empires and are using any means necessary to not loose their empires.

    Are you just ignorant or not aware how american and british have totally ran things in Europe etc? Theres no real opposition, free elections, independence etc. in many of our countries also in Europe, as american and british have a million ways to keep control in their hands, including blackmailing with pedophilia and wife-cheating, corruption money, threats, controlling elections and political movements etc. Nato was exposed of running terrorist cells inside Europe decades ago, to keep american and british power. Funnily enough, even CIA openly admits doing it on their own websites.

  120. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘…What seems to have happened is some conservative voters who had switched to the Nazis went back to the conservative parties. Nazis and Communists cooperating in some strike actions in autumn 1932 caused some second thoughts among many in the German conservative milieu.’

    I’d say the Nazis were determinedly straddling the class divide: offering a way out of the proletariat/capitalist conflict paradigm that was bedeviling Western politics in general. This wasn’t perhaps the appeal to their core membership, but it did convince many in Germany to give them a chance, and many outside to see them as offering something worth considering.

  121. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    The USA was/is 15-20% German. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Americans#Ancestral_origins

    Interesting to note that the population of Norwegian-Americans is apparently nearly as large as the population of Norwegians still in Norway.

    …the exodus must have been massive.

    •�Replies: @Alexandros
  122. @Phil Barker

    Well, I wouldn’t go that far. Dangerous criminals should probably be barred. But yes, most Haitians should be welcomed.

  123. @Perun

    Take it from the horse´s mouth this command is not “German” in any
    meaningful sense; they use “German” sock puppets because they make convenient
    lightning rods for any untoward feelz from the sheeple whilst distracting from
    the (((Organization))); it´s a magicians´trick.
    Dese be Emmanuel Goldsteins, IOW.

  124. Anonymous[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    Russo-German Europe will be land of bureaucracy, overregualtion and misery with two large parasites DE and RU.

    Solution for Europe is to go back to competition model-all against all. For that we need weak Germany and Russia and trade with Asia/China. Germany is too weak to dominate Europe. It Has usually dumb leadership and often idiotic ideology bringing disasters on Europe and Germany itself.

    We’re in agreement on that. However, as other comments have pointed out, Germany’s government policy is not currently set by Germans. That will have to change before Germany can become a part of the Russian Federation (RF). It would appear that US influence over Europe is waning, as is US Federal government legitimacy in the US and US influence outside its borders. .

    Also DE and RU cooperation never works in the long run.

    Until WW II, there was a fairly large population of German speakers in Russia. They seemed to be employed as skilled workers anyplace that Slavic fatalism was a hinderance to work. I suspect that the same phenomenon would repeat itself given Germany as a member of RF.

    There was even a saying, back then, emphasizing that German and Slave are not interchangeable: “What is good for the Slav kills the German; what is good for the German kills the Slav”.

    So lets factor that in:

    Once Germany joined RF, the rest of Europe would do likewise as an obvious way to get nuclear deterrence and some access to resources within a political framework that recognized the importance of ethnic differences. The Germans then end up as supreme in the European bloc of RF for several generations, and we get some competition between European RF members as RF is not a welfare state.

    Of course, perhaps the Germans have lost their magic (or whatever) and will sink into obscurity. Their current preeminence in manufacturing suggests otherwise, but you never can tell. Compare Golden Age Greeks to Greeks after the Peloponnesian War, for example.

    •�Replies: @Perun
    , @nokangaroos
  125. @Perun

    Solution for Europe is to go back to competition model-all against all

    Which would just mean your fake state of “Poland” getting dismantled by real states again.

    •�Replies: @Perun
  126. Perun says:

    And which country in Europe can set own policy? Other countries are even worse in that matter.

    German preeminence in manufacturing has other-historic reasons. I doubt it’s because there is some kind of “magic” there or that Germans work more. Germans are like any other people. German presence in the east is connected to “ostsiedlung”. Nobles in many places of Europe wanted to populate empty areas- and they would bring german settlers to do that

    Germans are strong in old industries-but even here China outperforms them multuple times. Comustion engine and German diesel engine will die soon. It’s only matter of time when Europeans will drive Chinese cars.

    Germans are still using fax machines.

    Germans managed to keep their old/noble elites (which most countries in CEE didn’t). It certainly helps them to maintain economic/industrial stability and helps to position country. On the other hand they seem to not always care about own people -as we saw during WW1 and WW2.

    Germany will step by step lose it’s manufacturing position-and I don’t think even their privilieged position in EU will help here. Things will get worse when we look at their demography in coming years.

    •�Replies: @Anynomous
  127. Perun says:

    Perhaps in your small world where there is only Russia and Germany in Europe.

    Others know that Russia borders now new big boy/bully. And Partitions of Poland/ Rzeczpospolita resulted in european powers being able to go for china. China remembers very well its coloniar oppressors.

    Poland is waiting for new better world in Pax Sinica

    •�Replies: @Hulkamania
  128. Anynomous says:

    I dont know about german using fax machines, but I do know that american are still paying and sending money with checks, that are really ancient.

    If you think everybody is just the same, then why even germans enemies, american and british, talk about german efficiency, german over-engineering and german quality? Although because enemies of german, american and british, invaded and still occupy Germany to this very day, their enemies opened flood gates and right away started to fill Germany with american and british trash culture and trash values.

  129. I don’t think an election will fix Germanys’ woes…the immigrant invasion allowed to happen under the ruling hand of the Greens and Rainbow people, who believe there are no difference between people and if only we would all hold hands and skip off into the sunset, have mortally injured Germany.

    The signs are all there, allowing a critical piece of infrastructure to be blown up then lying about who did it…great German industries are shutting up shop and looking for greener pastures beyond German borders, and now a bridge has collapsed due to neglect in maintenance…does that sound like Germany of historic cultural nature?

    Where would we have to go to compare such incompetence and failure of state craft…Africa?

    The Europeans have allowed a bunch of Geen fingered ideological morons to destroy their cultural inheritance…the numbers of invaders have now seen an irreversible trend…German and European traditions are now gone, Europe is nothing but a squabbling third world outpost of a dying U.S empire. European demise was all self inflicted.

    •�Replies: @Gvaltar
  130. Gvaltar says:

    … immigrant invasion allowed to happen under the ruling hand of the Greens and Rainbow people …

    … invaders …

    Is it not some of the Germans/Europeans (Jewsh/non-Jewish) that are intentionally making it happen, i.e. it’s not an invasion, there’s no allowing?

    Europe is nothing but a squabbling third world outpost of a dying U.S empire

    The U.S. is nothing but a squabbling third world outpost of a dying European empire?

    European demise was all self inflicted

    So why use the words invasion, allowed, invaders?

  131. @Perun

    Perhaps in your small world where there is only Russia and Germany in Europe.

    Those and France are the only states in Europe that matter, yes.

    Poland is waiting for new better world in Pax Sinica

    “Poland” is a country of braindead retards, so it makes sense they would misunderstand the world situation this badly, as they always do. I can tell you right now that China does not care at all about preserving fake statelets like “Poland” that were created by the Anglo/American imperial powers. Every one of these pissant little slave states (“Poland,” Taiwan, the Ukraine, Kosovo, worst korea, etc.) will be gone, into the ash heap of history where they belong.

    •�Agree: nokangaroos
    •�Replies: @Perun
  132. @Anonymous

    Good points; Bismarck held that “every generation that gets their asses kicked
    is followed by one that kicks ass”, so let´s see how our Century of Humiliation
    plays out.
    The Russo-German symbiosis predates Catherine the Great, and it is …
    complicated; the Ruskies have a grudging saying “the Germans have even invented the
    devil”, and they can get anything to function but can never be trusted even when
    adopting the Right Faith (roughly: “dual loyalty”) though in practice they seem to
    have been exceedingly loyal (say, Sergei Count Witte; the Adm. Foelkersam who
    went under at Tsushima was the great-uncle of the legendary Lt. Baron Foelkersam
    of the Brandenburger).
    It is the organic way to go, and it has precedent: Tauroggen and Rapallo were
    identical strategic constellations.

  133. @Colin Wright

    Half the country emigrated.

    Though it is a stretch to call those descendants Norwegian today. Karl Rove for example. A creature you would not find over here.

    •�Replies: @Colin Wright
  134. Perun says:

    You so salty.

    China is about to be new Empire and unlike you it has good understaning of geopolitical situation, and it certainly cares about its neighbourhood.

    I can’t even write how stupid it is to think that new hegemon will not care about country exacly in the middle of Europe between 2 largest European powers (and former colonial opressors of China-well Russia still Has some Chinese territories to return). Kaiser Wilhelm and Has famous speech about China is certainly very popular there.

    Is sad to see that Russo German imperial wet dreams will fail again.

    BTW: British/Anglosaxons were never too friendly towards Poland, as we see today they accept Poland just like Russia and Germany-in its minimalists form. They usually concentrate on helping Russia and preventing it from another dosintegration.

    •�Replies: @nokangaroos
  135. @Perun

    “Poland”, like “Belgium”, was created by the Perfidious as meddling-in-being,
    a poisoned apple of Eris if you will;
    when Sugar Daddy gone new hegemon will not give rotten fish head for either
    (I know Kautilja said “the neighbor of my neighbor is my friend” but the
    Empire under Heaven wants trade – they are not the Salvation Army).

    •�Replies: @Perun
  136. Perun says:

    As I said you are naive thinking China will make only decisions based on profits. It’s very old civilisation-they know what to do with enemies-often in way less barbaric means that 3rd Reich.

    It’s like saying that USA doesn’t give a fuck what is going on in Canada, Mexico or South America. We all know it’s not true.

    Poland is one of the most homogeneus nations in Europe/world. One language, one religion, one culture, all in one place.

    If your are looking for “artificial” nations/countries Germany and Russia is there. Western/Catholic Bavaria, Eastern/protestant/barbaric Prussia, plus 20 millions people with imigrant background or Russia with its Asian minorities and growing Islam.

    France (and Italy) is another example of conqest, and now importing Islam on masa scale.

  137. Colin Wright says: •�Website

    ‘Though it is a stretch to call those descendants Norwegian today. Karl Rove for example. A creature you would not find over here.’

    I see. You just got rid of the dregs. What’s left in Norway is…what’s the word for such a group?

    Anyway, one of my ancestors was a Norwegian. Or he might have been a Swede. Or a Dane… In any case, one of the future Karl Roves or something.

    Small — but insufferably virtuous. That about sum it up?

  138. duebg says:

    We must admit that The Leftists are on the right, and vice versa The Righs are on the left.

    The left wing parties support all the present non-democratic regimes in the West Word, regimes that don’t care neighter about theirs woters, nor about their citizens at all. In fact, they ony listen to the Global World Masters and imlpement theirs’ interests.

    On the other side – “right wing parties” are just for the wealth and raise of their own nations, not elites.

    •�Troll: Gvaltar
  139. Gvaltar says:

    The left wing parties support all the present non-democratic regimes in the West Word, regimes that don’t care neighter about theirs woters, nor about their citizens at all

    I.e. they’re communists/socialists?

  140. @Lurker

    Okay, I didn’t get zero engagement with my post. 🙂

    You raise an excellent point. I was assuming this was unintentional and upon reconsideration, I conclude that the general ignorance about breeding principles when applied to us is unintentional.

    If it was intentional, such as it is when jews simultaneously advocate for open borders for Western countries and genocide of non-jews in Israel (a good example of that is Ben Shapiro), then I’d expect to see Israeli jews practising some sort of eugenic policies or even just advocating for eugenic ideas within Israel (as happened in the West fairly widely until the 1930s and on a smaller scale until the 1970s) but, AFAIK, that doesn’t happen there (or in any country, unfortunately).

    I mean, I know that Franz Boas and other jews have spent more than a century successfully marginalising hereditary/genetic science, but I think many/most Whites much prefer to pretend “everyone’s equal” even when it’s very obviously false?

  141. @Joe Paluka

    If you look at genetic science and extrapolations back to 1800 and before, it’s clear that we’ve had probably at least two centuries of dysgenic breeding in the West, and it’s really very likely that that genetic decline is most of the cause of the decline of the West.

    Westerners today aren’t a patch on Westerners in 1800 or 1850.

    See the work of Professor Edward Dutton and Woodley of Menie and others for details. Basically, the bottom line is that genetic IQ has declined by about 0.5 to 1.5 points per decade since at least the mid to late 1800s.

    And because the genes for higher IQ are also the genes for nearly all the conventionally positive traits like industriousness, low crime, social skills and so on, both Western character and Western IQ have declined a lot since the 1800s (or perhaps since before that).

    In addition, Westerners have become outbred (the opposite of inbred), meaning that we’ve lost a lot of our loyalty to ourselves, our family, friends, country and race, and some of us (wokes) are actively disloyal to ourselves and our people, and prefer outsiders!

    So the solution isn’t less prosperity or even not being ruled by hostile, jewish oligarchs (though both would help), it’s better self-directed breeding (eugenics) and/or a resumption of natural selection.

  142. @Brás Cubas

    Only if it causes a resumption of significant natural selection among Whites (or eugenics!), but it doesn’t look like that will happen.

  143. @eah

    Well, okay, I agree that civilisation is dysgenic, but how it works is that civilisation reduces youth mortality from the usual, historical 50% to less than 1% in the West now (and less than 5% globally), see https://ourworldindata.org/child-mortality-in-the-past for graphs and more details on this.

    We’ve achieved this radically-low youth mortality via better sanitation, medicine, nutrition, etc. So, to put it clearly, in practice it’s parents and society using our modern tech to save half our children from dying so that they all live to reproduction age that is causing the centuries-long dysgenic trend, and that’s something almost no-one wants to talk about or even think about.

  144. Mefobills says:
    @Colin Wright

    National Socialism predated Hitler, and was indigenous to a people who were never conquered by Rome. It evolved over hundreds of years, and got a boost when the Kaiser imported the American System of Economy. Frederik List was the conduit.

    Conservatism means you are conserving what came before.

    National Socialism came before Hitler. Germany was never conquered by Rome. National Socialism was indigenous to Germany; the Kaiser especially implemented it prior to WW1.

    Hitler was conserving Germany.

    Germany had left wing economics, but their economics were actually a conservation of the American System of the founders.

    It was conservative, not liberal.

  145. @Joe Paluka

    They shouldn’t even be eating people’s cats at all, that shit is just sad, and the people of that town sit by and allow it. What if they were targeting people? And I thought people in red states were suppose to be the badasses.

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