House of Commons Debatesにあった
VOLUME 142, NUMBER 026, 2nd SESSION, 39th PARLIAMENT, OFFICIAL REPORT (Wednesday, November 28, 2007)…要するに議事録なんでしょう。ここから採択された動議の本文をもらってきました。同じ文章は、
オリビア・チョウ議員のホームページ;Wed 28 Nov 2007.付の記事でも、
Moved by: Olivia Chow, MP Trinity Spadina
Adopted by Parliament on November 28, 2007, 3:30pm
Moved that, in the opinion of this House:
By unanimous consent, Ms. Chow (Trinity―Spadina), seconded by Mr. Devolin (Haliburton―Kawartha Lakes―Brock) and, by unanimous consent, by Mr. Lee (Scarborough―Rouge River) and Ms. Faille (Vaudreuil-Soulanges), moved, ― That, in the opinion of the House:
i. During its wartime occupation of Asia and the Pacific Islands, from the 1930s through the duration of World War II, the Imperial Armed Forces of Japan officially commissioned the acquisition of young women for the sole purpose of sexual servitude, who became known as “comfort women”; and
ii. Some Japanese public officials have recently expressed a regrettable desire to dilute or rescind the 1993 statement by Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono on the “comfort women”, which expressed the Government's sincere apologies and remorse for their ordeal; and
iii. Japan has made progress since 1945 in recognizing and atoning for its past actions, and for many decades has been a major contributor to international peace, security, and development, including through the United Nations; and
iv. The Canada-Japan alliance continues to be based on shared vital interests and values in the Asia-Pacific region, including the preservation and promotion of political and economic freedoms, support for human rights and democratic institutions, and the securing of prosperity for the people of both countries and the international community; and
v. The government of Canada should therefore encourage the government of Japan to abandon any statement which devalues the expression of regret from the Kono Statement of 1993; to clearly and publicly refute any claims that the sexual enslavement and trafficking of the “comfort women” for the Japanese lmperial Forces never occurred; to take full responsibility for the involvement of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the system of forced prostitution, including through a formal and sincere apology expressed in the Diet to all of those who were victims; and to continue to address those affected in a spirit of reconciliation.
The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to.
オリビア・チョウ議員のWed 28 Nov 2007.付の記事は、もう一つ、「
IN THE HOUSE: Speaking up for victims of sexual slavery」採択時の演説なども掲載されています。
Reuters Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:24pm ESTより「
Canada urges Japan apology for sex slaves」
OTTAWA, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Canada's Parliament on Wednesday formally called on Japan to apologize for forcing more than 200,000 women to work as sex slaves for its soldiers during World War Two.
Legislators unanimously backed a nonbinding motion urging Tokyo to offer a full, formal apology to the women.
Japan said it regretted the vote, which it said would not help bilateral relations.
An official at Japan's embassy in Tokyo said Canada's Parliament should trust Tokyo's handling of the matter.
"It certainly won't help our bilateral issues. It is not comfortable for our government to have a third country like Canada intervene," he told Reuters before the vote.
ロイター=連合ニュース(韓国語版)11月 29日 (木) 05:52より「
캐나다 의회, 일본군 위안부 결의안 채택(カナダ議会, 日本軍慰安婦決議案採択)」(以下、
カナダ議会は 28日日本軍慰安婦問題に対して日本政府の謝罪を促す決議案を公式採択した. カナダ議会はこの日、日本軍慰安婦問題に対する日本政府の全面的な公式謝罪を促す決議案を満場一致に可決した.
慰安婦決議案を発議した新民党(NDP) オリビア・チョウ議員は、日本がいまだに慰安婦被害女性たちに対する適切な謝罪を行わなかったと強調した.
カナダ、慰安婦決議を採択 米国、オランダに次ぎ3例目」
Reuters Wed Nov 28, 2007 3:24pm ESTより「
Canada urges Japan apology for sex slaves」
OTTAWA, Nov 28 (Reuters) - Canada's Parliament on Wednesday formally called on Japan to apologize for forcing more than 200,000 women to work as sex slaves for its soldiers during World War Two.
Legislators unanimously backed a nonbinding motion urging Tokyo to offer a full, formal apology to the women.
Japan said it regretted the vote, which it said would not help bilateral relations.
An official at Japan's embassy in Tokyo said Canada's Parliament should trust Tokyo's handling of the matter.
"It certainly won't help our bilateral issues. It is not comfortable for our government to have a third country like Canada intervene," he told Reuters before the vote.
ロイター=連合ニュース(韓国語版)11月 29日 (木) 05:52より「
캐나다 의회, 일본군 위안부 결의안 채택(カナダ議会, 日本軍慰安婦決議案採択)」(以下、
カナダ議会は 28日日本軍慰安婦問題に対して日本政府の謝罪を促す決議案を公式採択した. カナダ議会はこの日、日本軍慰安婦問題に対する日本政府の全面的な公式謝罪を促す決議案を満場一致に可決した.
慰安婦決議案を発議した新民党(NDP) オリビア・チョウ議員は、日本がいまだに慰安婦被害女性たちに対する適切な謝罪を行わなかったと強調した.
カナダ、慰安婦決議を採択 米国、オランダに次ぎ3例目」
[ 2007/11/29 07:00 ]
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