YAPACINO’s review published on Letterboxd:
hello there ladies and gentlemen, im sorry if I haven't been very active lately, mostly due to my poor internet conditions, and the fact that I have spent the last couple of days outside hanging out with my friends (which I find way more entertaining than sitting on a couch watching movies all day) but all im going to say is that 2022 has been a very important year for me, it was filled with happiness at the same time it was filled with depression, it was a year for emotional growth and maturity, it was the year were I finally let go of my former childish ways and embraced a more adult like life, a year where I was able to rebuild my relationships with friends and family (that had crumbled in 2021) and in general this year was very special to me, all im going to say is that I couldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for the care and support you good people have gave.
G-d Bless you all, thank you for everything and I hope you all have a happy new year.