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The Introduction (also referred to as the Tutorial) is the introductory series of missions in Grand Theft Auto Online, introducing the GTA Online Protagonist to Los Santos and its surroundings.


The Introduction consists of several missions that serve to give a new player instructions for playing GTA Online. It establishes the player character in Los Santos and starts their first two contact mission strands with Lamar Davis and Gerald and introduces their third mission-giver, Simeon Yetarian.

The Introduction is not available in the Expanded and Enhanced version of the game, being replaced with the Career Builder. However it remains in the Enhanced version of the game although players can elect to skip it after creating their character. It is still considered canon to the storyline.

The entire Introduction does not need to be completed in one session, but players will not be able to join friend or crew sessions until the tutorial sequence is completed. During the Introduction, the Spawn Location of the player can only be set to Random or Last Location and if the player leaves the session and re-joins, that is where they would spawn. A "Hotel"[1] location was also available previously, which would result in players spawning outside a random hotel in the city if they re-started a session during the tutorial. This remained available until property ownership was unlocked at Rank 5.

Throughout the mission sequence, players will receive on screen instructions covering not only mission-specific objectives, but wider general gameplay information.



Before starting the introduction to GTA Online, the player has to create their own character for the game. The player can choose the character's gender, appearance (via choosing the character's heritage), (skills) and clothes, or they can have the game randomly create a character.

In GTA Online, you can carry out Jobs with, or compete against, players around the world.
Take part in Jobs, including Races, with your friends, Crew members or others and check your position in the global leaderboards In-game or on the Rockstar Social Club.
You can challenge others with Jobs you have created yourself or bet on players to win and earn cash.
You can store your own collection of cars and motorcycles in Garages that you can purchase around the Map.
Challenge others to Tennis, Golf and many other Activities.
As you play, you will gain Reputation Points (RP). Performing Jobs and taking out enemies will increase your RP.
As your RP increases, your Rank will increase. This will unlock new weapons, equipment and abilities.
Your rank is shown at the top of the screen. You can press Keyboard White ZD-Pad Down (PlayStation) to display your Rank.
Cash is the key to success in GTA Online. Buy Apartments, vehicles and entertain yourself and others with various activities. you can earn cash by performing Jobs or purchase GTA Dollars from the Store within Social Club.

After an opening cutscene showing the sights and activities of San Andreas, with a series of onscreen instructional messages, the player character is seen looking out the window of a plane, with other player characters seated along with them.

The player arrives at Los Santos International Airport and Lamar Davis pulls up in his Emperor to pick them up. He reveals they are friends with him on Lifeinvader. Lamar's dialogue will vary based on the chosen gender of the player character. If the player is male, Lamar will act like the player is his friend and tell him he's shorter than he looked on Lifeinvader. If the player is female, Lamar will hold a flower and flirt with the player, albeit being rejected.

The two enter Lamar's Emperor, and the player is given an untraceable pistol by Lamar.

Meeting Lamar[]

The first mission serves as a Racing tutorial.

Lamar drives the player through the city towards Vinewood, explaining to them about Los Santos and some of the people the player can interact with, such as Hao, G and The Families, and Simeon Yetarian.

Main article: Mall or Nothing

The two head to the race meeting point on Eclipse Boulevard, where they take part in a race with up to six other players starting at the same time able to join in the race lobby. The player selects a sedan to race with and will retain the vehicle at the end of the race.

The player is Rank 1. Lamar's Rank is shown to be 99.

After the race, win or lose, the player should be at Rank 2.

Meeting Gerald[]

The second mission serves primarily as a PvE mission and combat tutorial (and co-op play when more than one player is available).

Main article: Learning the Ropes
You will gain 20% more RP for completing Jobs as part of a team. You will also get an additional 10% if you complete a Job with a Crew member.
You can use your phone to call other players in GTA Online and in Grand Theft Auto V.
You can join a Crew at Select your Crew from the Pause Menu.
My boy Gerald, G, he looking for somebody low key right now. And to be one thousand with you, I'm thinking you. Look, it's a big exchange of merchandise going down. The Vagos and the Ball Eaters have squashed their little, uhh... cultural differences, or what the fuck ever. Anyway, why don't you slide down there and see if you can shake up the freemarket economy a little bit and... get that cheese? Hey, I'ma text you the boy G address. Don't even trip, he straight.
— Lamar explaining the Job.

After the race, the player spawns in a parking lot at the finish line of the race on Clinton Avenue with their chosen sedan (and any other players that were in the same race), and is told by Lamar to get drugs from an exchange between the Los Santos Vagos and the Ballas for Lamar's friend, Gerald.

At this point, the player is in a unique semi-Free Mode session, where other players not participating in the mission are present but hidden. The player can see any text chat occurring in the session but cannot see the player list. The player can quit this session and start a new non-public session at this point, but will lose their starting sedan from the race.

The player heads to Vinewood Self Storage under the Olympic Freeway.

Non-player enemies are marked in red on the Radar

There they gun down the dealers, pick up the dropped package, and take the drugs back to Gerald's Apartment in Chamberlain Hills.

The player is introduced to Gerald by Lamar, and hands over the drugs. Gerald awards the player with $500 and tells the player to bring him "anything else interesting" if the player finds any. The mission concludes and the player is awarded RP.

The new player should now be at Rank 3.

If you are a "Good Sport" you will receive periodic rewards.
...what you need to do is get you some motherfucking gear. 'Cause you bummy as fuck. You can't be walking around with me looking like that. You need to better represent-ate yourself.
— Lamar to the player at the conclusion of the mission.

After meeting Gerald, Lamar tells the player to buy some new clothes. Clothing stores, Tattoo Parlors, Barbers and the Mask shop are all unlocked and marked on the map.

Stores are now available and are marked on the Map.
Blips-GTAV-71-Barber Barber
Blips-GTAV-73-ClothesStore Clothes
Blips-GTAV-75-Tattoo Tattoo
Blips-GTAV-362-Mask Masks
To see the location of Stores, press Keyboard White ZD-Pad Down (PlayStation) twice to enlarge the Radar, or look at the Map in the Pause Menu.
Gamepad Driveby Control Type can be altered in the Gamepad section of the Settings Menu. The Aim + Fire option allows you to aim and shoot independently.

The player then spawns fully into the normal Free Mode session with all players visible, but the tutorial is incomplete.

Hold up[]

The third Job serves as a Job Invite and Wanted Level tutorial.

Main article: Robberies
Any cash you earn will be added to your personal cash amount shown at the top right of the screen. Some of the cash you hold will be dropped when you die and other players can then steal it.
You can bank cash to keep it safe. You can use ATM machines to deposit cash and see your account balance.
You can swap between glasses, hats and masks that you own within the Interaction Menu. Hold Back (Xbox) to activate the menu, then select "Style".
Perform your Quickplay Action by pressing and holding Left Stick Button (Xbox) and Right Stick Button (Xbox). Change your selected Quickplay Action in the Interaction Menu or Pause Menu options.
Information on GTA Online updates can be accessed by highlighting a Contact or Series blip on the Pause Menu Map.
Hey hey, it's your boy LD... if you need to get some cheese real quick, fuck with me. We got licks all over town just waiting to get hit. Just walk in with the blam blam and point it at the fool behind the counter. He gonna break bread. And they insured, don't nobody gove a fuck no way. It's all good. I been peepin' this one spot they been makin' a gang of bread. You down with that shit? One of the homies' gonna meet you at the store to help you knock that motherfucker over.
— Lamar's phone call

After buying any new clothing item, Lamar calls and tells the player about stores that can be robbed for easy cash.

You will be invited onto Jobs by Contacts and other players via your phone.
Take out your phone, select the job list and accept the 'Hold Up' invite from Lamar.
You've accepted a Job from Lamar.
Stores that can be held up are marked on the Radar with Blips-GTAV-59-Heist
Threaten the store clerk with a weapon to steal from the cash register.
Shout through your headset to make the store clerk fill the bag with cash faster.
Wait for the store clerk to empty the register to get the full amount of cash.
Your Wanted Level is shown by the number of stars on screen, one or more stars and the Cops will be alerted.
The Radar flashes red and blue when the Cops can see you.
When out of sight of the Cops, the Wanted Stars will flash and cones will appear on the Radar to show the area they are searching.
To lose a Wanted Level, stay out of the cones until the Cops call off the search. Hide in alley or in the dark to stay out of their sight.
You can share the cash from your last Job via the Cash section of the Interaction Menu. Hold Back (Xbox) to bring up the menu. (Note: Not available on PC)

The player is given a job invite from Lamar to hold up a store, stealing its cash and escaping the police. While this mission arrives in the form of a mission-lobby invite on the mobile phone, it occurs seamlessly in the Free Mode session.

Snacks can be purchased from Stores located around Los Santos which replenish your health when used. They are stored in your Inventory located in the Interaction Menu, access it by holding Back (Xbox). Snacks can also be collected from dead enemies for an instant health boost.
Players are shown on the Radar by Blips-GTAO-Circle. If they are your friend it will have a blue outline. If they are in your Crew it will be a Crew colored outline. You can go to the Pause Map and find the location of other players.

Los Santos Customs[]

The fourth part contains no mission and serves as a Personal Vehicles & customization tutorial.

Hello - my friend Lamar told me to call you - he said you were something of a big shot, only with a very inadequate sense of style... Maybe you should improve yourself with a fine car.
I've got a friend at Los Santos Customs who can help you out... for sure.
— Simeon's unsolicited phone call.
Steal a vehicle to use as your own. This vehicle will be available to you in future Online sessions once you have fitted a 'Tracker' in Los Santos Customs.

After losing the cops, the player receives a phone call from Simeon Yetarian, who tells the player to take a vehicle to Los Santos Customs. If the player still has their sedan from the race, it can be converted to their personal vehicle, otherwise the player will need to steal another vehicle valued at under $100,000 to use. If the vehicle is damaged, it will be repaired for free this time only.

Los Santos Customs is shown by Blips-GTAV-72-CarModShop
Use the Interaction Menu to set a quick GPS to a location. Hold Back (Xbox) to bring up the Interaction Menu.
If the Cops spot you in a stolen vehicle, you will get a Wanted Level.

The player is prompted to respray and buy a tracker and insurance, for free thanks to Simeon's ties. Most other custom options are still locked behind Rank requirements, but most of those that are unlocked are also able to be performed for free.

Fit a Tracker to your vehicle and a marker will be added to the map whenever you exit your vehicle.
You can purchase Insurance for vehicles. If the insured vehicle is totalled you can make a claim for a new vehicle.
You can download the iFruit app to your personal smartphone device or tablet to modify your vehicle when offline and create customized license plates. Visit for details.
Purchase a Tracker and Insurance. They can be found under 'Loss/Theft Prevention'. They will be free for the first visit.
You can use your custom vehicles in Races. The more you upgrade your vehicle, the better your chances of winning.
You can fit vehicles with a Tracker which allows you to locate your vehicle. Tracked vehicles are shown by the Blips-GTAV-326-GetawayCar icon.
Now that you have bought Insurance for your vehicle you can call Mors Mutual Insurance to make a claim if your insured vehicle is lost or stolen.
Your Personal Vehicle is shown on the Radar with Blips-GTAV-326-GetawayCar
You can challenge another player to an 'Impromptu Race' using the Interaction Menu.

Final proving ground[]

The final mission serves as a PvP combat tutorial.

Main article: Cypress Flats LTS
I need to see how your gun skills are before I can have you doing jobs for me. Head over to Cypress Flats and prove your worth.
— Gerald's text message.
Try using Impromptu Race from the Interaction Menu to challenge a player to be the first over to Cypress Flats.
In 'Deathmatch' you compete in a team or individually against opponents. Whoever has the most kills is the winner.
In 'Last Team Standing' you compete in a Deathmatch against another team, but you will only have one life.
Use your own weapons and ammo in Jobs. You can purchase ammo on the Betting Screen.
New Job types will open up as you progress through Grand Theft Auto Online.
If you leave Jobs before they are complete or abuse other players you will be considered a Bad Sport. If you stay a Bad Sport for too long you will only be able to play with other Bad Sports. Be nice.

After leaving Los Santos Customs, Gerald sends a text to the player asking them to go to Cypress Flats to prove their gun skills in a Last Team Standing.

In order to progress in the tutorial the player must visit the job corona on Orchardville Avenue, but they do not need to complete the job to complete the Introduction. If the job is completed, the new character should finish the tutorial at Rank 4, otherwise they could still be Rank 3.


You are now on your own to trigger or join Jobs. You can start Jobs in various ways - walk into the blue Triggers, select from 'Online - Jobs' in the Pause menu, select 'Quick Join' on your phone, or press X (Xbox) when hovering over a Job in the Pause Menu Map.
When entering a Trigger, you can chose to Join a Job or Host a Job. 'Join' will look for other Jobs of the same type to join, and 'Host' will set up a new Job for others to join.
Playlists are lists of Jobs that trigger one after another with the winner being the player with the highest score once all Jobs have been played. Start a Playlist from the 'Online' menu.
You will earn Job Points for each Job you complete. Press Keyboard White ZD-Pad Down (PlayStation) to see how many points you have earned in this session. Job Points are used to determine winners in Playlists.
Missions are available. They are marked with Blips-GTAV-304-UGCMission-Blue on the Map.
Your Crew can set Challenges for other players using the 'Set Challenge' option when setting up a Playlist in the Online Pause menu.
Select 'Join Friends' from the Online Pause Menu to join a session containing one or more of your friends.
Attacking other people and causing damage to property will cause your Mental State to increase. You will gain RP if you kill a player who is 'Unstable' or higher. Players with a high mental State level are shown on the Radar by Blips-GTAO-Circle-Red
Off the Plane Achievement-GTA Online

Off the Plane

Completing the Introduction awards the player with the achievement/trophy "Off the Plane", which is a reference to the achievement/trophy "Off The Boat", unlocked after completing the first mission in Grand Theft Auto IV.

Players are able to join friends/crew members.

Video walkthrough[]



  1. Introduction-GTAOe-HotelSpawnLocation

    Hotel spawn location.

  2. Introduction-GTAOe-MallOrNothing-DeniseReference


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto Online
IntroductionIntroduction | Mall or Nothing | Learning the Ropes
Lamar Davis
Ballas to the Wall | San Andreas Seoul | Ticket to Elysium | Going Down the GOH | Caught Napping | Lost MC RIP | No Smoking
Lowriders Blips-GTAO-445-MPLamar-YellowCommunity Outreach | Slow and Low | It's a G Thing | Funeral Party | Lowrider Envy | Point and Shoot | Desperate Times Call For... | Peace Offerings
Pier Pressure | Death Metal | Deal Breaker | Flood in the LS River | Meth'd Up | No Hay Bronca | Gassed Up | Hit 'Em Up | Violent Duct | Hard Labor | War and Pieces | Chumash and Grab | Dish the Dirt
Last Play Blips-GTAO-738-Gerald-YellowBad Companies | Deal With It | End Product | Fast Peddling | Go Figure | Make Ends Meat
Simeon Yetarian
Where Credit's Due | Rockford Roll | Rich Men in Richman | Chasers | It Takes a Thief | Gentry Does It | All in the Game | El Burro Heists | Blow Up | GTA Today | Chasers II | Blow Up II | ATV Steal† | Blow Up III
Premium Deluxe Repo Work Blips-GTAV-293-SimeonFamily-YellowBlow Up IV | Burn Rate | Do You Even Lift? | GTA Today II | RV Nearly There? | Sasquashed | Simeonomics | Under the Hammer
Ron JakowskiTP Industries | Romance Isn't Dead | Fuelling the Flames | Turbine Carbine | Daemon Run | Base Invaders | Crank Up the Volume | A Boat in the Bay† | Landing Gear | Wet Workers
Trevor PhilipsLost My Mind | Crystal Clear Out | Chop Chop | Out of Harmony | Satellite Communications | Method in the Madness | Chopper Tail | Diamonds are for Trevor
Lester CrestDenial of Service | Master Data | Cops Capacity | Crime Scenester | Landing Strip | A Titan of a Job | Last Chopper Outta LS | High Priority Case | Quarry Quarry | By Land, Sea and Air | Teaser Trailer | Four Trailers | Bust Out | Sinking Feeling | The Parking Garage | Hack and Dash | On Maneuvers | American Exports† | Chemical Extraction† | Docks to Stock | Stocks and Scares | Docks to Stock II
Martin Madrazo
On the List | Artificial Scarcity | Handle with Care | Time To Get Away | Pickup Sticks† | Out of Court Settlement | Death From Above | Check Out Time | Water the Vineyard | Grab Your Ballas | Stick Up the Stickup Crew | The Los Santos Connection | Effin' Lazers | Editor and Thief | Mixed Up With Coke | Dry Docking | Cleaning the Cat House | Extradition | Holed Up - Burton | Show Me the Monet | Judging the Jury | Defender | Rooftop Rumble | Trash Talk
Dispatch Services Blips-GTAV-352-MartinMadrazzo-YellowI | II | III | IV | V | VI
Airport Parking | Crooked Cop | Escape From LS | Hippy Hunting | Into the Wild | Island Getaway | Roadgame | Truck Off | Underhand Contraband | Weed Killer | Welcoming Party
Acquire TargetsI | II | III
Air Force ZeroI | II | III | IV | V
ColdI | II | III | IV | V
HotI | II | III | IV | V
Top FunI | II | III
OtherClose Action | Coasting | Coveted | Crystal Clear Out II | Crystal Clear Out III | Dirt Road | Factory Closure | Potshot | Truck Together
Heists Blips-GTAV-80-JewelryHeist-Green
Fleeca Job
SetupsScope Out | Kuruma
FinaleThe Fleeca Job
Prison Break
SetupsPlane | Bus | Station | Wet Work
FinaleThe Prison Break
Humane Raid
SetupsKey Codes | Insurgents | EMP | Valkyrie | Deliver EMP
FinaleThe Humane Labs Raid
Series A
SetupsCoke | Trash Truck | Bikers | Weed | Steal Meth
FinaleSeries A Funding
Pacific Standard
SetupsVans | Signal | Hack | Convoy | Bikes
FinaleThe Pacific Standard Job
Freemode EventsAir Checkpoints | Checkpoints | Criminal Damage | Dead Drop† | Freemode Challenges | Hold the Wheel | Hot Property | Hunt the Beast | Kill List | Kill List Competitive† | King of the Castle | Moving Target† | Penned In | Time Trials
Organization Work
Airfreight | Amphibious Assault | Asset Recovery | Executive Deathmatch | Executive Search | Fortified | Fully Loaded | Haulage | Headhunter | Hostile Takeover | Piracy Prevention | Plowed | Ramped Up | Sightseer | Stockpiling | Transporter | Velocity
Organization ChallengesAuto Buyout | Cashing Out | Courier Service | Due Diligence | Market Manipulation | Most Wanted | Point to Point | Salvage
Clubhouse Contracts Blips-GTAO-492-BikerClubhouseBlips-GTAO-ClubhouseContractBy the Pound | Cracked | Fragile Goods | Guns for Hire | Gunrunning | Jailbreak | Nine Tenths of the Law | Outrider | P.O.W. | Torched | Weapon of Choice | Hit the Roof | Life and Deathbikes
Motorcycle Club Work
Caged In | Deathmatch | Joust | Stand Your Ground
Motorcycle Club ChallengesCriminal Mischief | Hit & Ride| On The Run | Race To Point | Rippin' It Up | Search and Destroy | Wheelie Rider
Special Vehicle Work Blips-GTAO-475-OfficeEscape Escort | Breakdown Recovery | Cleanup Op | Asset Seizure | Firewall Protection | Coast Guard Duty | End of Transmission | Arms Embargo
Mobile Operations Blips-GTAO-564-GRCovertOpsBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopSevere Weather Patterns | Half-track Bully | Exit Strategy | Offshore Assets | Cover Blown | Mole Hunt | Data Breach | Work Dispute
The Doomsday Heist TheDoomsdayHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
Act 1:
The Data Breaches
PrepsParamedic Equipment | Deluxos | Akula
SetupsDead Courier | Signal Intercepts | Server Farm
FinaleThe Data Breaches
Act 2:
The Bogdan Problem
PrepsKeycards | ULP Intel | Riot Control Van | Strombergs | Torpedo ECU
SetupsAvenger | Rescue ULP | Salvage Hard Drives | Submarine Recon
FinaleThe Bogdan Problem
Act 3:
The Doomsday Scenario
PrepsMarked Cash | Recon | Chernobog | Flight Path | Test Site Intel | Onboard Computer
SetupsRescue Agent 14 | Escort ULP | Barrage | Khanjali | Air Defenses
FinaleThe Doomsday Scenario
Photo Clue | Three Clues | Treasure Chest | Headshot Challenge | Bounty Target
Client Jobs Blips-GTAO-632-BatWp1Blips-GTAO-521-LaptopRobbery in Progress | Data Sweep | Targeted Data | Diamond Shopping | Collector's Pieces | Deal Breaker
The Diamond Casino & Resort Blips-GTAO-679-Casino
Casino Missions Blips-GTAO-678-Agatha-YellowLoose Cheng | House Keeping | Strong Arm Tactics | Play to Win | Bad Beat | Cashing Out
Casino WorkBargaining Chips | Best Laid Plans | Damage Control | Department of Defense | Fake News | High Rollin' | Judgment Call | Lost in Transit | One Armed Bandits | Recovery Time | Safe Bet | Severance | Tour de Force | Under the Influence | Undisclosed Cargo | When the Chips are Down
The Diamond Casino Heist TheDiamondCasinoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
SetupEquipment | Casino Scoping
Heist Preps
Heist Prep
Vault Contents | Unmarked Weapons | Getaway Vehicles | Hacking Device | Vault Keycards | Guard Patrol Routes | Duggan Shipments | Security Intel | Power Drills | Security Pass | Masks
Silent & Sneaky
Heist Prep
Nano Drones | Vault Lasers | EMP Device | Infiltration Suits
The Big Con
Heist Prep
Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 | Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2 | Bugstar Gear Part 1 | Bugstar Gear Part 2 | Maintenance Gear Part 1 | Maintenance Gear Part 2 | Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight | Yung Ancestor: After Party | Vault Drills | Firefighter Gear | NOOSE Gear
Heist Prep
Thermal Charges | Vault Explosives | Reinforced Armor | Tunnel Boring Machine
FinaleSilent & Sneaky | The Big Con | Aggressive
A Superyacht Life Blips-GTAO-455-YachtHUDIcons-GTAO-BridgeOverboard | Salvage | All Hands | Icebreaker | Bon Voyage | D-Day
The Cayo Perico Heist TheCayoPericoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
Heist Preps
IntelGather Intel
Approach VehiclesKosatka | Alkonost (Pilot) | Velum | Stealth helicopter (Pilot) | Patrol Boat | Longfin
EquipmentDemolition Charges | Safe Code | Plasma Cutter | Fingerprint Cloner | Cutting Torch
Weapon LoadoutUnmarked Weapons
DisruptionDisrupt Weapons | Disrupt Armor | Disrupt Air Support
FinaleThe Cayo Perico Heist
Robbery Contracts Blips-GTAO-779-AutoShopPropertyBlips-GTAO-783-CarRobberyBoard
SetupImpounded Car
The Bank ContractThermal Charges | Signal Jammers | The Robberies
The Data ContractSafehouse Location | Defenses | The Robbery
The Superdollar DealTracking Device | Virus Software | The Robbery
The Prison ContractInside Man | Access Point | The Hit
The Agency DealEntry Point | Security Pass | The Raid
The E.C.U JobTrain Inventory | Schedule | The Robbery
The Lost ContractLab Locations | Transport Method | The Job
The Union Depository ContractElevator Key | Vault Code | The Robbery
VIP Contract Blips-GTAO-826-AgencyBlips-GTAO-521-Laptop
The Contract: Dr. Dre
On Course
SetupData Recovery
Nightlife LeakThe Nightclub | The Marina | Nightlife Leak
High Society LeakThe Country Club | Guest List | High Society Leak
South Central LeakDavis | The Ballas | South Central Leak
Studio Time | Don't Fuck With Dre
Security Contracts Blips-GTAO-826-AgencyBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopAsset Protection | Gang Termination | Rescue Operation | Liquidize Assets | Recover Valuables | Vehicle Recovery
Payphone Hits Blips-GTAO-817-Payphone-BlueThe Hitmen | The Popstar | The Tech Entrepreneur | The Trolls | The Judge | The Dealers | The CEO | The Cofounder
Short Trips Blips-GTAO-819-MusicStudioBlips-GTAO-496-ProductionWeed-GreenSeed Capital | Fire It Up | OG Kush
Operation Paper Trail Blips-GTAO-AgentULP-YellowULP - Intelligence | ULP - Counterintelligence | ULP - Extraction | ULP - Asset Seizure | ULP - Operation Paper Trail | ULP - Cleanup
First Dose Blips-GTAO-739-Ron-YellowBlips-GTAV-355-Devin-YellowWelcome to the Troupe | Designated Driver | Fatal Incursion | Uncontrolled Substance | Make War not Love | Off the Rails
Last Dose Blips-GTAV-355-Devin-YellowThis is an Intervention | Unusual Suspects | Friedmind | Checking In | BDKD
Fooligan JobsCrop Dustin' | Heavy Metal | Liquid Assets | Working Remotely | Write-Off
LSA Private Work Blips-GTAO-589-NHPVehicle1Blips-GTAO-606-NHPTurretConsole
Project OverthrowReporting for Duty | Falling In | On Parade | Breaking Ranks | Unconventional Warfare | Shock & Awe
LSA OperationsDirect Action | Surgical Strike | Whistleblower
Salvage Yard Robberies Blips-GTAO-SalvageYardBlips-GTAO-SalvageYardRobbery
The Cargo Ship Robbery
Scope OutDocks
Planning WorkSabotage And Disguise | Skylift | Disrupt Air Support
TasksBolt Cutters | Boat | Flares | Masks
FinaleThe Cargo Ship Robbery
The Duggan Robbery
Scope OutMaze Bank Arena
Planning WorkBypass Module | VIP Pass | Disrupt Armor
TasksLS Panic Trailer | LS Panic Outfits | Masks
FinaleThe Duggan Robbery
The Gangbanger Robbery
Scope OutMission Row Police Station
Planning WorkPolice Maverick | Tactical Gear | Disrupt Equipment
TasksStun Guns | Weapon Stash | Getaway Vehicle | Masks
FinaleThe Gangbanger Robbery
The Podium Robbery
Scope OutDiamond Casino
Planning WorkLSDS Disguises | Storage Key Card | Disrupt Personnel
TasksGas Masks | Rappel Equipment | Sabotage Casino | Masks
FinaleThe Podium Robbery
The McTony Robbery
Scope OutSubmarine
Planning WorkTony's Submersible | Sonar Equipment | Disrupt Weapons
TasksSecurity Outfits | Cutting Torch | Masks
FinaleThe McTony Robbery
The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid Blips-GTAO-VincentEffenburger-Yellow
SetupSlush Fund | Breaking and Entering
PreparationConcealed Weapons | Hit and Run
DisruptionDisorganized Crime
FinaleScene of the Crime
Most Wanted Bounties Blips-GTAO-BailOfficeBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopMost Wanted - Garcia | Most Wanted - Lieberman | Most Wanted - O'Neil | Most Wanted - Song | Most Wanted - Thompson | Most Wanted - Whitney
The FIB Files Blips-GTAO-GarmentFactoryBlips-GTAO-521-Laptop
The Black Box FileHacking Device | Sonar Equipment | Weaponized Aircraft | Finale
The Brute Force FilePrivate Military Armor | Infiltration Equipment | Override Key | Finale
The Fine Art FileEMP Charges | Approach Vehicle | Facial Recognition | Finale
The Project Breakaway FileMobile Tracking | Thermal Charges | Encryption Bypass | Finale
Freemode Missions [?]
Ammu-Nation Contract | Auto Shop Service | Clubhouse Bar Resupply | Custom Bike Shop Service | Dispatch Work | DJ Requests | Exotic Exports | Madrazo Hits | Nightclub Management | Pizza This... | Random Events | Stash Houses | Taxi Work | Tow Truck Service
SecuroServ/MCAcid Product (Acid Lab Setup | Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Air Freight Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Source Missions) | Bounties | Bunker Supplies (Steal Missions | Bunker Defend | Sell Missions | Research) | MC Business Supplies (Steal Missions | MC Product Defend | Sell Missions) | Nightclub Goods (Business Battles | Steal Missions | Nightclub/Nightclub Cargo Defend | Sell Missions) | Special Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Warehouse Defend | Export Mixed Goods) | Vehicle Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions)
Missions in GTA Online | Storyline missions | Side missions | Beta Missions
Missions marked with " † " were removed from later updates.

DLC Content Missions
Agents of Sabotage
Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update