Most Wanted - Garcia is a Most Wanted Bounty mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of Bottom Dollar Bounties update.
Omar Garcia is a street racing adept charged with several counts of vehicle theft and hit-and-runs. Jenette could not find a trace of Omar, and tasks the player with going to the Lifeinvader Office to hack their servers and retrieve Omar's private messages history.
Once this is done, Jenette finds out that Omar is currently taking part in a drift race at the LS Car Meet in his new Vorschlaghammer. Once there, the player discovers that Omar and his crew have taken the Test Track for themselves, and that a bouncer is preventing entry. At this point, there are multiple ways to access the Test Track:
- Finding a crew outfit to get past the bouncer
- Sabotaging a nearby Benson and triggering its alarms, causing the bouncer to leave his post to attend the vehicle.
On the Test Track, the player must find a vehicle and use it to ram Omar's car to provoque him. At some point, Omar will have enough and storm out of the LS Car Meet, initiating a high speed pursuit across the city. The player must disable his vehicle by damaging it until the durability bar in the bottom right of the screen is fully depleted. Ramming is the safest way to damage Omar's car, as shooting will still damage the car, but will also easily cause it to explode and kill Omar.
Once this is done, Omar will leave his vehicle and attack the player. Once he is disarmed and apprehended, the player can bring him back to the Bail Office.
Bonus Targets[]
An ECU can be found in the open trunk of one of the vehicles around the Test Track.
Video Walkthrough[]