GTA Wiki
GTA Wiki
This article refers to the Data Leak overview. For the Data Leak finale, see High Society Leak/Finale.
Investigate the data signal detected at the Pacific Bluffs Country Club and track down the copy of Dr. Dre's stolen music.
— Contract description

High Society Leak is a Data Leak mission strand introduced to Grand Theft Auto Online in The Contract update.


The Contract can be selected if it the player has completed the mission Setup: Data Recovery, unlocked after completing any Security Contract.

When starting the contract for the first time, Imani will give a synopsis on the contract. She informs the player that she found a signal of Dr. Dre's stolen phone at the Pacific Bluffs Country Club.

The Contract consists of two Free Mode investigation missions and one finale.


The Country Club[]


Investigation: The Country Club

Investigate the data signal at the Pacific Bluffs Country Club
— Investigation description.

Guest List[]


Investigation: Guest List

Find a way to infiltrate the gathering at the Richman mansion.
— Investigation description.


High Society Leak[]


High Society Leak

Recover the copy of Dr. Dre's stolen music from the Richman mansion.
— Finale description.


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto Online
IntroductionIntroduction | Mall or Nothing | Learning the Ropes
Lamar Davis
Ballas to the Wall | San Andreas Seoul | Ticket to Elysium | Going Down the GOH | Caught Napping | Lost MC RIP | No Smoking
Lowriders Blips-GTAO-445-MPLamar-YellowCommunity Outreach | Slow and Low | It's a G Thing | Funeral Party | Lowrider Envy | Point and Shoot | Desperate Times Call For... | Peace Offerings
Pier Pressure | Death Metal | Deal Breaker | Flood in the LS River | Meth'd Up | No Hay Bronca | Gassed Up | Hit 'Em Up | Violent Duct | Hard Labor | War and Pieces | Chumash and Grab | Dish the Dirt
Last Play Blips-GTAO-738-Gerald-YellowBad Companies | Deal With It | End Product | Fast Peddling | Go Figure | Make Ends Meat
Simeon Yetarian
Where Credit's Due | Rockford Roll | Rich Men in Richman | Chasers | It Takes a Thief | Gentry Does It | All in the Game | El Burro Heists | Blow Up | GTA Today | Chasers II | Blow Up II | ATV Steal† | Blow Up III
Premium Deluxe Repo Work Blips-GTAV-293-SimeonFamily-YellowBlow Up IV | Burn Rate | Do You Even Lift? | GTA Today II | RV Nearly There? | Sasquashed | Simeonomics | Under the Hammer
Ron JakowskiTP Industries | Romance Isn't Dead | Fuelling the Flames | Turbine Carbine | Daemon Run | Base Invaders | Crank Up the Volume | A Boat in the Bay† | Landing Gear | Wet Workers
Trevor PhilipsLost My Mind | Crystal Clear Out | Chop Chop | Out of Harmony | Satellite Communications | Method in the Madness | Chopper Tail | Diamonds are for Trevor
Lester CrestDenial of Service | Master Data | Cops Capacity | Crime Scenester | Landing Strip | A Titan of a Job | Last Chopper Outta LS | High Priority Case | Quarry Quarry | By Land, Sea and Air | Teaser Trailer | Four Trailers | Bust Out | Sinking Feeling | The Parking Garage | Hack and Dash | On Maneuvers | American Exports† | Chemical Extraction† | Docks to Stock | Stocks and Scares | Docks to Stock II
Martin Madrazo
On the List | Artificial Scarcity | Handle with Care | Time To Get Away | Pickup Sticks† | Out of Court Settlement | Death From Above | Check Out Time | Water the Vineyard | Grab Your Ballas | Stick Up the Stickup Crew | The Los Santos Connection | Effin' Lazers | Editor and Thief | Mixed Up With Coke | Dry Docking | Cleaning the Cat House | Extradition | Holed Up - Burton | Show Me the Monet | Judging the Jury | Defender | Rooftop Rumble | Trash Talk
Dispatch Services Blips-GTAV-352-MartinMadrazzo-YellowI | II | III | IV | V | VI
Airport Parking | Crooked Cop | Escape From LS | Hippy Hunting | Into the Wild | Island Getaway | Roadgame | Truck Off | Underhand Contraband | Weed Killer | Welcoming Party
Acquire TargetsI | II | III
Air Force ZeroI | II | III | IV | V
ColdI | II | III | IV | V
HotI | II | III | IV | V
Top FunI | II | III
OtherClose Action | Coasting | Coveted | Crystal Clear Out II | Crystal Clear Out III | Dirt Road | Factory Closure | Potshot | Truck Together
Heists Blips-GTAV-80-JewelryHeist-Green
Fleeca Job
SetupsScope Out | Kuruma
FinaleThe Fleeca Job
Prison Break
SetupsPlane | Bus | Station | Wet Work
FinaleThe Prison Break
Humane Raid
SetupsKey Codes | Insurgents | EMP | Valkyrie | Deliver EMP
FinaleThe Humane Labs Raid
Series A
SetupsCoke | Trash Truck | Bikers | Weed | Steal Meth
FinaleSeries A Funding
Pacific Standard
SetupsVans | Signal | Hack | Convoy | Bikes
FinaleThe Pacific Standard Job
Freemode EventsAir Checkpoints | Checkpoints | Criminal Damage | Dead Drop† | Freemode Challenges | Hold the Wheel | Hot Property | Hunt the Beast | Kill List | Kill List Competitive† | King of the Castle | Moving Target† | Penned In | Time Trials
Organization Work
Airfreight | Amphibious Assault | Asset Recovery | Executive Deathmatch | Executive Search | Fortified | Fully Loaded | Haulage | Headhunter | Hostile Takeover | Piracy Prevention | Plowed | Ramped Up | Sightseer | Stockpiling | Transporter | Velocity
Organization ChallengesAuto Buyout | Cashing Out | Courier Service | Due Diligence | Market Manipulation | Most Wanted | Point to Point | Salvage
Clubhouse Contracts Blips-GTAO-492-BikerClubhouseBlips-GTAO-ClubhouseContractBy the Pound | Cracked | Fragile Goods | Guns for Hire | Gunrunning | Jailbreak | Nine Tenths of the Law | Outrider | P.O.W. | Torched | Weapon of Choice | Hit the Roof | Life and Deathbikes
Motorcycle Club Work
Caged In | Deathmatch | Joust | Stand Your Ground
Motorcycle Club ChallengesCriminal Mischief | Hit & Ride| On The Run | Race To Point | Rippin' It Up | Search and Destroy | Wheelie Rider
Special Vehicle Work Blips-GTAO-475-OfficeEscape Escort | Breakdown Recovery | Cleanup Op | Asset Seizure | Firewall Protection | Coast Guard Duty | End of Transmission | Arms Embargo
Mobile Operations Blips-GTAO-564-GRCovertOpsBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopSevere Weather Patterns | Half-track Bully | Exit Strategy | Offshore Assets | Cover Blown | Mole Hunt | Data Breach | Work Dispute
The Doomsday Heist TheDoomsdayHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
Act 1:
The Data Breaches
PrepsParamedic Equipment | Deluxos | Akula
SetupsDead Courier | Signal Intercepts | Server Farm
FinaleThe Data Breaches
Act 2:
The Bogdan Problem
PrepsKeycards | ULP Intel | Riot Control Van | Strombergs | Torpedo ECU
SetupsAvenger | Rescue ULP | Salvage Hard Drives | Submarine Recon
FinaleThe Bogdan Problem
Act 3:
The Doomsday Scenario
PrepsMarked Cash | Recon | Chernobog | Flight Path | Test Site Intel | Onboard Computer
SetupsRescue Agent 14 | Escort ULP | Barrage | Khanjali | Air Defenses
FinaleThe Doomsday Scenario
Photo Clue | Three Clues | Treasure Chest | Headshot Challenge | Bounty Target
Client Jobs Blips-GTAO-632-BatWp1Blips-GTAO-521-LaptopRobbery in Progress | Data Sweep | Targeted Data | Diamond Shopping | Collector's Pieces | Deal Breaker
The Diamond Casino & Resort Blips-GTAO-679-Casino
Casino Missions Blips-GTAO-678-Agatha-YellowLoose Cheng | House Keeping | Strong Arm Tactics | Play to Win | Bad Beat | Cashing Out
Casino WorkBargaining Chips | Best Laid Plans | Damage Control | Department of Defense | Fake News | High Rollin' | Judgment Call | Lost in Transit | One Armed Bandits | Recovery Time | Safe Bet | Severance | Tour de Force | Under the Influence | Undisclosed Cargo | When the Chips are Down
The Diamond Casino Heist TheDiamondCasinoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
SetupEquipment | Casino Scoping
Heist Preps
Heist Prep
Vault Contents | Unmarked Weapons | Getaway Vehicles | Hacking Device | Vault Keycards | Guard Patrol Routes | Duggan Shipments | Security Intel | Power Drills | Security Pass | Masks
Silent & Sneaky
Heist Prep
Nano Drones | Vault Lasers | EMP Device | Infiltration Suits
The Big Con
Heist Prep
Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 1 | Gruppe Sechs Gear Part 2 | Bugstar Gear Part 1 | Bugstar Gear Part 2 | Maintenance Gear Part 1 | Maintenance Gear Part 2 | Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight | Yung Ancestor: After Party | Vault Drills | Firefighter Gear | NOOSE Gear
Heist Prep
Thermal Charges | Vault Explosives | Reinforced Armor | Tunnel Boring Machine
FinaleSilent & Sneaky | The Big Con | Aggressive
A Superyacht Life Blips-GTAO-455-YachtHUDIcons-GTAO-BridgeOverboard | Salvage | All Hands | Icebreaker | Bon Voyage | D-Day
The Cayo Perico Heist TheCayoPericoHeist-GTAOe-RadarIcon-Intro
Heist Preps
IntelGather Intel
Approach VehiclesKosatka | Alkonost (Pilot) | Velum | Stealth helicopter (Pilot) | Patrol Boat | Longfin
EquipmentDemolition Charges | Safe Code | Plasma Cutter | Fingerprint Cloner | Cutting Torch
Weapon LoadoutUnmarked Weapons
DisruptionDisrupt Weapons | Disrupt Armor | Disrupt Air Support
FinaleThe Cayo Perico Heist
Robbery Contracts Blips-GTAO-779-AutoShopPropertyBlips-GTAO-783-CarRobberyBoard
SetupImpounded Car
The Bank ContractThermal Charges | Signal Jammers | The Robberies
The Data ContractSafehouse Location | Defenses | The Robbery
The Superdollar DealTracking Device | Virus Software | The Robbery
The Prison ContractInside Man | Access Point | The Hit
The Agency DealEntry Point | Security Pass | The Raid
The E.C.U JobTrain Inventory | Schedule | The Robbery
The Lost ContractLab Locations | Transport Method | The Job
The Union Depository ContractElevator Key | Vault Code | The Robbery
VIP Contract Blips-GTAO-826-AgencyBlips-GTAO-521-Laptop
The Contract: Dr. Dre
On Course
SetupData Recovery
Nightlife LeakThe Nightclub | The Marina | Nightlife Leak
High Society LeakThe Country Club | Guest List | High Society Leak
South Central LeakDavis | The Ballas | South Central Leak
Studio Time | Don't Fuck With Dre
Security Contracts Blips-GTAO-826-AgencyBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopAsset Protection | Gang Termination | Rescue Operation | Liquidize Assets | Recover Valuables | Vehicle Recovery
Payphone Hits Blips-GTAO-817-Payphone-BlueThe Hitmen | The Popstar | The Tech Entrepreneur | The Trolls | The Judge | The Dealers | The CEO | The Cofounder
Short Trips Blips-GTAO-819-MusicStudioBlips-GTAO-496-ProductionWeed-GreenSeed Capital | Fire It Up | OG Kush
Operation Paper Trail Blips-GTAO-AgentULP-YellowULP - Intelligence | ULP - Counterintelligence | ULP - Extraction | ULP - Asset Seizure | ULP - Operation Paper Trail | ULP - Cleanup
First Dose Blips-GTAO-739-Ron-YellowBlips-GTAV-355-Devin-YellowWelcome to the Troupe | Designated Driver | Fatal Incursion | Uncontrolled Substance | Make War not Love | Off the Rails
Last Dose Blips-GTAV-355-Devin-YellowThis is an Intervention | Unusual Suspects | Friedmind | Checking In | BDKD
Fooligan JobsCrop Dustin' | Heavy Metal | Liquid Assets | Working Remotely | Write-Off
LSA Private Work Blips-GTAO-589-NHPVehicle1Blips-GTAO-606-NHPTurretConsole
Project OverthrowReporting for Duty | Falling In | On Parade | Breaking Ranks | Unconventional Warfare | Shock & Awe
LSA OperationsDirect Action | Surgical Strike | Whistleblower
Salvage Yard Robberies Blips-GTAO-SalvageYardBlips-GTAO-SalvageYardRobbery
The Cargo Ship Robbery
Scope OutDocks
Planning WorkSabotage And Disguise | Skylift | Disrupt Air Support
TasksBolt Cutters | Boat | Flares | Masks
FinaleThe Cargo Ship Robbery
The Duggan Robbery
Scope OutMaze Bank Arena
Planning WorkBypass Module | VIP Pass | Disrupt Armor
TasksLS Panic Trailer | LS Panic Outfits | Masks
FinaleThe Duggan Robbery
The Gangbanger Robbery
Scope OutMission Row Police Station
Planning WorkPolice Maverick | Tactical Gear | Disrupt Equipment
TasksStun Guns | Weapon Stash | Getaway Vehicle | Masks
FinaleThe Gangbanger Robbery
The Podium Robbery
Scope OutDiamond Casino
Planning WorkLSDS Disguises | Storage Key Card | Disrupt Personnel
TasksGas Masks | Rappel Equipment | Sabotage Casino | Masks
FinaleThe Podium Robbery
The McTony Robbery
Scope OutSubmarine
Planning WorkTony's Submersible | Sonar Equipment | Disrupt Weapons
TasksSecurity Outfits | Cutting Torch | Masks
FinaleThe McTony Robbery
The Cluckin' Bell Farm Raid Blips-GTAO-VincentEffenburger-Yellow
SetupSlush Fund | Breaking and Entering
PreparationConcealed Weapons | Hit and Run
DisruptionDisorganized Crime
FinaleScene of the Crime
Most Wanted Bounties Blips-GTAO-BailOfficeBlips-GTAO-521-LaptopMost Wanted - Garcia | Most Wanted - Lieberman | Most Wanted - O'Neil | Most Wanted - Song | Most Wanted - Thompson | Most Wanted - Whitney
The FIB Files Blips-GTAO-GarmentFactoryBlips-GTAO-521-Laptop
The Black Box FileHacking Device | Sonar Equipment | Weaponized Aircraft | Finale
The Brute Force FilePrivate Military Armor | Infiltration Equipment | Override Key | Finale
The Fine Art FileEMP Charges | Approach Vehicle | Facial Recognition | Finale
The Project Breakaway FileMobile Tracking | Thermal Charges | Encryption Bypass | Finale
Freemode Missions [?]
Ammu-Nation Contract | Auto Shop Service | Clubhouse Bar Resupply | Custom Bike Shop Service | Dispatch Work | DJ Requests | Exotic Exports | Madrazo Hits | Nightclub Management | Pizza This... | Random Events | Stash Houses | Taxi Work | Tow Truck Service
SecuroServ/MCAcid Product (Acid Lab Setup | Steal Missions | Sell Missions) | Air Freight Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Source Missions) | Bounties | Bunker Supplies (Steal Missions | Bunker Defend | Sell Missions | Research) | MC Business Supplies (Steal Missions | MC Product Defend | Sell Missions) | Nightclub Goods (Business Battles | Steal Missions | Nightclub/Nightclub Cargo Defend | Sell Missions) | Special Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions | Warehouse Defend | Export Mixed Goods) | Vehicle Cargo (Steal Missions | Sell Missions)
Missions in GTA Online | Storyline missions | Side missions | Beta Missions
Missions marked with " † " were removed from later updates.

DLC Content Missions
Agents of Sabotage
Bottom Dollar Bounties | The Chop Shop | San Andreas Mercenaries | Los Santos Drug Wars | The Criminal Enterprises | The Contract | Los Santos Tuners | The Cayo Perico Heist | Los Santos Summer Special | The Diamond Casino Heist | The Diamond Casino & Resort | Arena War | After Hours | Southern San Andreas Super Sport Series | The Doomsday Heist | Smuggler's Run | Gunrunning | Cunning Stunts: Special Vehicle Circuit | Import/Export | Bikers | Cunning Stunts | Further Adventures in Finance and Felony | Lowriders: Custom Classics | Be My Valentine | January 2016 Update | Festive Surprise 2015 | Executives and Other Criminals | Halloween Surprise | Lowriders | Freemode Events Update | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 2 | Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 | Heists | Festive Surprise | The Last Team Standing Update | The San Andreas Flight School Update | The Independence Day Special | The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update | The High Life Update | The Business Update | The Valentine's Day Massacre Special | Holiday Gifts | Beach Bum Update