Yung Ancestor: Dead Weight is a prep mission featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the The Diamond Casino Heist update. It is a freeroam mission needed to progress The Diamond Casino Heist. This mission and its second part, Yung Ancestor: After Party, can only be accessed if the player visits the roof terrace of the Casino during Setup: Casino Scoping.
Yung Ancestor informs the player that he will help them with the heist if they first help him get rid of some evidence from his "accident" by taking a dark blue rental Fugitive and destroying it. He will first direct the player to dump the car in the Land Act Reservoir, but will call later acting panicked and paranoid, claiming a helicopter is outside his room, and directs the player to an abandoned lot in El Burro Heights to burn the car. However, when the player starts to get close to the destination, he will call again and send the player to a car scrapyard to crush the car, but then he calls yet again to request the car be taken to the Altruist Camp and let the Altruists handle it. If the player does not follow his directions and destroys the car by other means, the mission will fail.
When the player approaches the camp, Yung Ancestor will tell them to hurry since the "hill people are crazy". The player must not drive recklessly when inside the camp or the Altruists will attack them. After parking the car at the cult leader's home, the trunk will open to reveal a dead body, and the player must leave quickly to avoid confrontation.