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The Diamond Casino Heist is a heist introduced to Grand Theft Auto Online in The Diamond Casino Heist update.
This heist may only be played while active in a CEO or VIP Organization or in a Motorcycle Club, as the CEO/VIP/MC President, respectively. The host must own an Arcade that has been set up in order to start The Casino Heist. The first time the player sets up the heist will be free of charge, however each recurring time will incur a charge of $25,000.
Similarly to The Doomsday Heist, the Casino Heist may be completed with a minimum of two players (a maximum of four), allowing for a larger payout (per player) once complete, if done with fewer players. Each Crew Member has a minimum cut of 15% of the Heist's earnings during the Finale.
Following the idea of the Doomsday Heist, Prep Jobs are featured in each approach of the Casino Heist, which are required in order to progress to the Finale. Prep Jobs may be completed seamlessly in public or private Freemode sessions. Players in other organizations have the option to steal the equipment from rival CEO/VIP Organizations and Motorcycle Clubs who are completing Prep Jobs. Each job can be completed by the CEO/VIP/MC President themselves without any other member in the Organization/MC, though it is not recommended.
Unlike previous heists, all setup and prep missions for the heist are done in Freemode, including both mandatory and optional setups/preps that can be completed to make the Finale easier on the crew. Another significant change is that Prep Jobs can now be performed in Invite Only/Friend/Crew sessions, eliminating the risk of any unwanted PvP action.
Similarly to Grand Theft Auto V heists, support crew members take part during the preparations; some familiar faces and other new members that can help to the crew with the approaches, with a range of equipment that affects the progression of the heist.
Preliminary Setup[]
In order to start the heist planning, the player has to first complete a setup mission from the Arcade property. Once this setup is done, the Arcade is operational and the player can begin the Casino Heist.
The first of the three stages of the heist is outlined on the Setup Board, where the player will be scoping out the casino and the vault.
The first task is scoping out the casino, where the player will need to take pictures of security features and send them to Lester. The minimum features are a security guard, door keypad, and security camera. Afterwards, the player may continue to scope out a total of 6 access points, or leave the area to quit. This mission may be replayed to scope any undiscovered features or access points in the future.
The second task is scoping out the vault contents. The player will need to go to the casino and hack into the security camera feed using the Sightseer app. Once the vault contents are found, the player may continue browsing the security cameras to discover up to 10 additional points of interest.
After discovering the contents of the vault, the player will be able to choose one of three approaches to the heist: Silent & Sneaky, The Big Con, or Aggressive.
On the Setup Board, the player may optionally purchase three extras to practice for the finale in the arcade. These are a casino model, door security, and vault door. The vault door is only available if the player discovered the vault blueprints on Ms. Baker's desk when scoping the casino.
Preparations are Freemode jobs that can be completed at any time. These tasks contribute to preparing the equipment for the specific approach, ranging from standard equipments to getaway vehicles.
Support crew members have different choices and percentage cuts they receive at the end of the heist, so players have to select what suits better. Higher cuts usually means better effectiveness.
Casino Heist[]
The Casino Heist can be completed in three different approaches, all with different equipments and methods. The host can make different choices to change the outcome of the approach and the getaway, as well as the payment by selecting the buyer (high level buyers can be far away, but the payout is bigger).