D-Day is a Superyacht Life mission in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Los Santos Summer Special update, released on August 11, 2020. It is given to players by Brendan Darcy, the captain of the player's Galaxy Super Yacht, and is available from 1 to 4 players.
Time will be frozen at 19:40.
Brendan Darcy informs the player that the boss of the money laundering outfit they've been fighting is staying on a securely defended yacht, but Brendan has set up a way to sneak past their defenses using a Kraken submersible. The sub is next to a Barge near the edge of the rival yacht's defensive zone which is being patrolled by multiple Dinghies. Once the player arrives and enters the sub, Brendan will tell them that they should stay low to avoid detection, but the gang has also set up underwater mines as well.
When entering the yacht's defense zone, a Detected and Depth meter will appear on the player's HUD, showing their detection by the yacht defenses and their depth in the water (which will decrease as the player descends). If the depth meter reaches above the halfway point, the detection meter will slowly increase and the sub will beep until the player moves back down to the proper level, at which the detection meter will decrease. A safe depth is around 275-350ft. The surrounding water marked with a red zone on the map is patrolled by boats, which is why the player must stay below the surface. While descended and avoiding the defenses, there will also be plenty of mines scattered around to avoid.
When the player comes close enough to the yacht (marked on the map with a yellow zone), they will have to ascend to the surface and board the ship, where they will face multiple enemies. When all enemies onboard have been killed, the Boss will attempt to board a helicopter and escape. The player will then have to chase down the helicopter, which is being escorted by two other helicopters. Enemy forces in pairs of Dinghies will also join the chase of the choppers. Gunners in the sides of the escort helicopters are armed with RPGs. The health of the target Maverick is shown on-screen. After the helicopter is destroyed and the Boss is killed, Brendan will exclaim that they should collect the bounty that was on his head, and the mission is complete.
Yacht Captain's Outfit.
Brendan Darcy's Dialogue[]
Video Walkthrough[]
GTA Online - A Superyacht Life Mission Strand -All Missions-
"D-Day" walkthrough between 48:10 and 57:09.