Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

A stub is an article that can be expanded with more information on a subject by any reader or editor. To mark an article as a "stub," add the {{Stub}} notice template to the top of any article.


Content page Reason
"Bubbly Kamera"

better preview image (if someone can find one)

"Eyes on the Feathered Prize" Challenge

Check order of dialogue options

"Floating Target Balloon" Challenge

When does Chasca's name appear instead of the player's name? Add to Trivia

"For The Harbingers!"

double check lineup for newest 4.2 Fontaine variant (Elynas, East Slopes)

"It Is Too Late for You, Inorganics."

Missing IDs

"Maintenance Mek" Salvaged Parts

add amount of gears that can spawn, there's a "?" icon that says any of the 3 can drop but not how many per fish

"The Bomber Will Not Always Get Through"

Missing IDs

"This Flamegranate Isn't Just for Show!"

Missing IDs

"Ultimate Overlord's Mega Magic Sword"

Missing preview

A Crackling Crisis

Update Yashiori Island variant(s) with 2.7 monster lineup; currently unknown which one(s) specifically are getting updated

A Disciple's Unrelented Mission

Image and rewards

A Forest of Change (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

A Leisurely Journey

Verify info about how this achievement differs from A Conversation with the Treasure Chest Owner, and verify info about shriveled seed

A Letter


A Ridiculously Common Branch

Add infobox source + location images

Adventure Encounters

If your AR increases and you enter a new Commission Reward bracket, do your Commission Rewards from Encounter Point redemption immediately increase, or are they still the amount corresponding to your bracket at reset like for normal Commissions?

Adventure Rank Ascension 2
Adventure Rank Ascension 3
Adventure Rank Ascension 4

Need verify if mentioned in 4.1 (or 4.0)

Alain Guillotin

Update 4.2 lore

Alchemical Ascension/Selling Potions

Ratings may be missing, distributor info is missing and possibly wrong


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Alpaca: Iced Milk (Furnishing)



Needs images, details about applications of Amrita

An Air Race and an Alibi

diff outcomes for race, any other dialogue while lamizana is being attacked

Ancestral Temple

Map image

Ancient Flint Key

Add location information

Ancient Watchtower

Needs a list of enemies.

Anecdota Septentrionalis



Other chests?

Arataki Itto/Lore/History

Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.


1. conditions for dialogue sets
2. is there a non-Aranyani version of set #1?

As Though Beholding Illusions

hot spring images

As Though Surrounded by Thunder

dialogue conditions

Ascend: Clear the Ruins

Verify enemies: types were deduced from a youtube video and may not be perfectly accurate as Elemental Sight was not activated to show the monsters' types

Ascend: Clear the Ruins

The enemies that appear in these quests were adjusted in 4.3, so this list may need to be updated.

Ashvattha's Concourse

Expand page (main description, lore, location images, etc.)


Needs citations and expansion on its history.

Baba we Twasali

production credits

Bantan Sango Case File: The Right Identity

Check ending version that occurs before completing Omnipresence Over Mortals

Bantan Sango Case File

Is this quest repeatable? If not, add a note about that.

Basin of Unnumbered Flames

map borders for 5.0-5.1 and the expansion from 5.2

Bastion of Nightmares


Beat of Boulders

production credits

Bedrock Key

Under-researched exploration entity that was added in Version 2.6. Information is likely missing.

Bequeathed to the Beloved

production credits

Beryl Region

Subarea descriptions



Blaze of Fervent Night

production credits

Blazin' Trails (Part 3)

Does anyone remember or can anyone find people talking about where Xinyan, Kazuha, and Mona were when they had this quest's #Post-Quest dialogue?

Blazing Proclamation

production credits

Blue Mountain Spoonbill

Needs location, animations


Missing profile

Both Brains and Brawn

Check for more in-combat dialogue and add conditions.

Both Brains and Brawn

Check for more in-combat dialogue and add conditions.

Both Brains and Brawn

Check for more in-combat dialogue and add conditions.

Breath of Blazing Earth

production credits

Brown Deer

Needs animations


add information from A Hero's Rite

Café Lutece Message Board

Confirm all scripts are complete and updated

Campa timoyetzticah, Cempaxochitl?

production credits



Character Trial

Can individual artifact details (specific substat distribution) be viewed for Trial Characters in Archon Quests, Story Quests, Tribal Chronicles, and events that were released in Version 4.7/4.8 or later?

Charge Forward! Go, Go, Go!

Check dialogue diff between completing this quest last of the three vs. not


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Chasing Flames Like Strings

production credits

Chasing the Rainbow

production credits

Chasm Spelunkers

Conditions for final dialogue part need to be verified which one do you get if you talk to Jinwu to get the option to view the upgrade rewards but don't actually view them? This step seems to also require having completed in the Mountains.

Checks & Cats

image, summary

Cherries Snow-Laden

EN Voice-Over


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Chimes on the Blue Shore

production credits


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Chirping of Canyons

production credits

Clickety Click!

Verify if Click! and Raiden Shogun's Story Quest Radiant Sakura are requirements for this to appear


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Collective of Plenty

in-game image (when area is released), other languages

Colomche Plaza



image, preview


Verify any other functions that cannot have keybinds changed.


add Xbox and PS controls for the listed unlisted functions (assuming you can't rebind them, but do fix that too if that happens to not be the case)

Courier's Trial Keystone

Add chest location context images

Cozy in the Light

production credits

Crumbling Guilt

Reword walkthrough

Cuicatl of Kongamato

production credits


Missing profile

Cyrus (Sumeru)

Add information from Cyno's Story Quest, Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act II - Oathkeeper.

Damaged Stone Tablet

Damaged Stone Tablet (II) location

Danger Lurks Everywhere in Fontaine

Find requirement. Likely to be Prelude of Blancheur and Noirceur or As Light Rain Falls Without Reason.

Dangerous Haul

Update Narukami Island variant with updated 2.7 monster lineup; currently unknown which one(s) specifically are getting updated, so basically all the Inazuma ones but Kannazuka needs updating/checking

Dazzling Moon of Metztli

production credits

Decarabian's Mondstadt

Information about rebellion and aftermath

Delightful Whimsy

production credits

Delving Into the Hidden

production credits

Descendants of Ahkantenal

production credits

Despair Engulfs the Heavens

Check the following:

  • Which branch do you get at #Converging Point #1 if "A Surviving Courier's Missive" was previously chosen but Raman wasn't saved?

Verify Ending Hints

Diamond in the Rough...

better images for the jade variants in the gameplay notes (no UI elements or character in view)

Dirge of Soul and of Dust

production credits


cryo previews

Divine Ingenuity/2023-06-08/Characters

Add trial characters:

  • All playable characters released before the event are available except for the Traveler, Aloy and Kirara
  • Stats change depending on Artificer Level (unsure how many levels exist)
Divine Tree

More lore and significance of the tree

Djembe Studios

Map icon

Dogma of the Brass Mask

Verify how many Liloupar fragments needed

Dougier's "Kingdom"


Down Time

Verify commission requirement

Dream of Falling (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

Dream of Roving Stars/Story

Add additional titles and text based on account progress, especially Archon Quest, Story Quest, and Hangout Event text

Dream of Tranquility

production credits

Durin's Core

Dialogue condition: Completion of the World Quest The Festering Fang? At least one Strange Tooth in inventory?

Dust of Dusklands

production credits

Earth Shaker

Verify if second page of description is unlocked upon completion of The Last Turnfire Night

Eight Adepts

More info from Springtime Charms event

Electro Cube

More info on the page, break down each cube type.

Elemental Reaction/Level Scaling

Graph needs to be updated for Version 5.2

Emblem of Valor

Verify that Special Commemorative Letter can be used to obtain this after completion of the relevant Archon Quest

Eternal Sun, Eternal Want

production credits, OL

Even Beasts Stumble

Missing requirements; have not completed any Sumeru Archon Quest or Aranyaka and this quest has not triggered

Eventide Chant

production credits


Add more mechanics and descriptions

Fall DMG

Needs research on the exact formula for fall damage (as a function of impact speed/any other variables).

Fantastic Voyage (Hangout Event)

fix section

Fatui Electro Cicin Mage

Missing Japanese transcriptions.

Fatui Pyro Agent

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard

Missing Chinese, Japanese and Korean transcriptions.

Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Fayz Trials/2023-06-21/Characters

Attack values of certain characters, such as Alhaitham, Fischl, Nahida don't add up correctly (possibly due to some in-game modifier). Please check and correct the values.

Feast and Bounty

production credits




add pic for new locations (4.1)

Flight Trial Grounds Bulletin Board

Diff content before The Rainbow Destined to Burn?

Floral Fresh/Change History

Which version was Flora's dialogue updated in?

Flower Writing

production credits

Flower-Feather Clan

other languages

Flowing Blade Grease-Saw

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Flowing Blade Harpoon-Thrower

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Flowing Blade Skirmisher

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Flute of Uilacapitztli

production credits

Fog of the Seasons

production credits

Fontaine Research Institute of Kinetic Energy Engineering Region

Subarea/POI descriptions

Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble

Location images; Verify if Chisseray can be spoken to if the final step of World Quest Treacherous Light of the Depths is active.

Fontaine Villa: Illusory Annex

add images


More info from new content. Military section missing info about armada and Melusine.
Images of NPCs for fashion.

For Fruits, Seeds, and Trees (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

For a Dream I Tarry

Missing requirement; Javi does not appear if neither the Sumeru AQ or Aranyaka has been started.

Forged Sand Interrogator

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Forged Sand Javelineer

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Forged Sand Shieldbreaker

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Foundry of the Golden

production credits

Fragrance of Wine

Add subsections based on event menu


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Fruity Order

Lore (if any)

Full Speed Ahead

Update Musoujin Gorge version with 2.7 lineup

Fungi Buster

Check enemy reinforcement conditions

Furnishing Subsystem

Separate better between lava only fish and normal fish

Furnishing Subsystem

Add paintings

Futsu School


Game Venue

description and images


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Genshin Concert/2022 Melodies of an Endless Journey

Complete the list of performers in Tracklist section

Genshin Concert/2023 Melodies of an Endless Journey Scenic Vistas

Missing performers

Genshin Concert/2023 Melodies of an Endless Journey

Add track lists once they're released.

Genshin Concert/GENSHIN CONCERT 2024 "Melodies of an Endless Journey"

Check whether setlists differ by city.

Genshin Impact × Gong cha

more details from

Genshin Impact × Happy Lemon

more details from

Genshin Impact × S.E.A. Aquarium

Add more details about the limited-edition merchandise available and stamp rally

Genshin Impact × Samsung

need more details on the Hu Tao edition


Missing Local Legend attack GIFs


Missing flavor text to help describe name/description (Gliding Challenge didn't record the flavor texts for each event).

Glinting Component

Locations, Location Images, Context Location Images

Glow of Nawpa Pacha

production credits

Golden Dusk

Better in-game image

Grim Is the Night

production credits

Halls of Hueyteotl

production credits


Check for dialogue before starting or completing Fontaine Research Institute, Stagnating in the Rubble.

Heartfelt Doodlings

Add the soundtrack


Add information from Cyno's Story Quest, Lupus Aureus Chapter: Act II - Oathkeeper

Hidden Mountain Base

Add Electro DMG Bonus for WL4 and 8


merge Hilichurl Structures into this section?

House of Cinders

production credits

How to Make Friends

Check for different dialogue

Hunters' Gathering

Add tutorial images

Imaginarium Theater/Seasons/2024-08-01

Add battle target, enemies, effects, and advantages

Impregnable Defense

add location information and directions

In Search of Lost Time: South

Infobox images

In a New Light

Verify dialogue before and after completing Reborn in the Land of Grievances and Masquerade of the Guilty

Incidents Are Ever Sudden

Missing dialogue?

Increasing Danger

Details on reinforcements' spawn condition need checking (in particular, the part about "2 or fewer enemies left" when spawning a second wave of reinforcements), when both towers are destroyed and when you kill the enemies afterwards it usually only spawns one wave needs confirmation too

Inheritance of an Ancient Name

production credits

Iniquitous Baptist

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Initial Facts

Quest description and other information when Step 1 is not skipped

Inscribed Mirror (Shared Sight)

Add Usage

Into the Sunlight (Domain)

Quest-exclusive stats?

Introduction to a Little Friend

production credits

Iron Ingot

verify dialogue condition for his line about The Chasm

It's What He Deserves

Unsorted Voice-Over

Jadestone Turtle


Jadewater Fruit

need/double check/fix shield gauge data

Journey to the Mysterious Island


Jubilation of Calcine

production credits

Kamisato Clan

Update History section with information from Quests and Events.

Karl Ingold

Story section

Keqing's Grandfather

Flesh out with information from Moonlight Merriment and any other information available

Key Found by the "Painted Stone Challenge" Podium

Add location and context images

Key to Somewhere

where to find, location images


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Koholasaurus Warrior: Reefsplitter

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Koholasaurus Warrior: Waveshuttler

Missing Korean transcriptions and Alert Idle section.

Kuntur's Pursuit

Nightspirit Body enemies' stats?

Land of Tleyaoyotl

production credits


Need more info on #Mondstadt Script and #Ishine Script

Lightning Racing

production credits

Little Mao

Check for open-world dialogue and idle quote before completing Qiaoying of the Sacred Mountain, possibly between step 2 and 6.

Lord Lawrence

Profile: Personality & Appearance
Story (summary of events he was involved in)

Makani 'olu'olu

production credits


First interaction should be moved when a more suitable location is found, ideally as pre-quest dialogue, but investigation needs to be done to see if it is possible to "accidentally" complete things before encountering Manqu. Additionally, verification is needed:

1. The first interaction happens at the Teleport Waypoint directly southwest of the Tequemecan Valley Statue of The Seven. There also is another "first encounter"-location at the teleport point east to the Arena with the same conversation. Both are avoidable by running away fast enough/avoiding the area. Are there other locations? 2. Are there any variations of this dialogue? Any at all?


Consolidate Profile and Story section

Masters of the Night-Wind Bulletin Board

Verify if there is additional text before completing Past and Future. (See Pilgrimage Announcements in other tribes' bulletin boards)

Masters of the Night-Wind Tribal Affairs Bulletin Board

Verify when Pilgrimage and Abyssal War Announcements appear

Masters of the Night-Wind

lore (founding)

Material Collector

effect, event usage, preview, expiry

Material-Collecting Aranara

location and context images

Meka Mess

verify if some requests have different versions

Mementos of Teyvat/Story

Verification needed:

  • Each character says something when you choose a pose for them, but these lines are different depending on whether you're in the initial dialogue block (you approached them with Paimon's Kamera already equipped) or the talk again dialogue block. Verify which ones are for which dialogue blocks.
Memories of This Life

transcript, translation, other languages

Metaphor for Calamity

production credits

Mighty and Illuminated Wave Rider

How long is the period of time?


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Mikawa Flower Festival

add trivia/etymology/real cultural parallels if applicable

Millelith Sergeant

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Million Flavors Savored

verify release patch

Mining Outcrop

  • Maps of Mining Outcrop spawn locations to describe spawn patterns and NPC search ranges.
  • Mining Outcrop location tables need to be cleaned up
Mischievous Aranara

location and context images

Molting Season

Do the Melancholic and Sleepy Qucusauruses have dialogue if you talk to them while indwelling before triggering the first dialogue block with Acomitl? Hard to check due to the size of the trigger area, but should be possible

Moment of Solace

production credits


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Moon of Hanan Pacha

production credits

Mora Meat

Verify location(s) where the recipe can be found prior to the quest, see editor notes

Muhuru's Gemporium

verify shop refresh

Music Gadget

add key details on mobile, pc, controller, notes, and trivia

Narukami Pillar

check for other dialogue before starting Orobashi's Legacy (is the Narukami Pillar at Fort Mumei only accessible after solving the Sacred Stone Puzzle at Fort Mumei?); verify exactly which quest has us repairing the Fort Mumei ward

Natlan Dwelling: "Lofty Tower"

add images, default soundtrack

Night Kingdom

Any missing information?

add a new section called "Locations" or something that lists all the domains and similar spaces that are located in the Night Kingdom, since this isn't a proper point of interest/subarea/etc but is still visitable by the player

Nightwind Horn

Add usage information and preview

Nine Pillars of Peace (Point of Interest)


Nirodha Fruit

Add more info about ability's usage; add other controls for special ability

No Honor Among Thieves

Add location for east Narukami Island variant, reformat like Emergency

No One Fights Alone

Check the following:

  • Check for a "The First Abyss Tumor" hotspot and add the corresponding table if it exists
  • Confirm whether "Contact Companions in Combat - Mavuika" is accessible

Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Obscuring Cell

update infobox image

Ode of Resurrection: Doxology

production credits

Ode of Resurrection: Excerpt

production credits

Offerings to the Treasure Stone

HEO information not complete

Operation Graze

Location images and context

Our Purpose Is in Another Canal

If the hilichurl camp is approached first and the Fontaine Archon Quests have not been sufficiently progressed, then Aigouy isn't present until you rescue Balent, and thus his first dialogue chunk (in which he asks you to rescue Balent) is unavailable. It is unknown if Aigouy was available before approaching the hilichurl camp, so it is unclear if his dialogue chunk was unavailable because of insufficient AQ progression or if it was because Our Purpose Is in Another Canal had already started (by approaching the hilichurl camp).

TL;DR Please verify if Aigouy is available before approaching the hilichurl camp if you haven't done the Fontaine AQs.

Paimon's Paintings/Set 1

Change History and ingame release

Paimon's Paintings/Set 2

Change History and ingame release

Pankration One-on-One

Verify if Roussimoff can be fought before Goncourt.

Parametric Transformer

Confirm/disprove the following:

  • Deployed transformer will be dismissed if limited event combat occurred after deployment which limits the field. Eg: Diluc's Red Dead event.
Past Mementos

Add subheadings

Perils in the Dark

Is Paimon's post-bell-ringing dialogue different if you ring the southern bell first?


Lore (founding)


Story from Clorinde's Story Quest, Rapperia Chapter: Act I - Silent Night

Phantom in Boots

update voice-overs and translations.

Phlogiston Aphid

Location image

Phlogiston Chiselith

Uses after igniting, ignited duration, and other languages

Phlogiston Street Lamp: The Road Ahead

Context image


Details on the Golden Troupe era

Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame (Quest)

check WL8 EM stats

Pizza From Another Land

Check exactly which recipes used in Food From Afar result in which version.

  • Does Mushroom + Flour & Naku Weed + Fluorescent Fungus always result in the Cheese version? What about the Sea Ganoderma + Lavender Melon & Cabbage + Cheese combo?
Place of Secrets

Domain walkthrough

Please Stay Your H... Feet

Add gameplay notes and location context

Plinth of the Secret Rites

Add images for all clearance levels

Portended Fate

Can the player go ahead and approach the Forest Rangers without investigating Caribert's scarf?


add lore and info about what can be found inside preprints

Price Comparison

Verify requirements for additional 3,000 Mora rewards—believe it's selecting Butrus or Rama, the cheaper goods. (Yes, choosing Jut doesn't award any extra Mora. Jahangir needs to be confirmed though.)

Primal Torch

expand unlocking functionality

Problem Conversion: The Underpinning Factor

Does this lead back into Problem Conversion: Loading Capacity?

Promises by the Spring

production credits

  • Add additional item types
  • Expand on differences between qualities for each thing.
Quetzal's Yearning

production credits

Rainbow Leis

production credits

Random Event

Random Event table not automatically generated

Ravine's Calcination

production credits

Realm of Ethereal Murk

production credits

Realm of Khab

Information and media needed

Realm of Snaring Illusions

Flesh out the walkthrough, merge chests into walkthrough

Realm of Tempered Valor
Realm of Tempered Valor


  • Might not have all save points


  • Save point behavior
Rebound Hydrotherapy

hold skill durations

Recollections of a Fontainian

Fill out requirements

Red Metal Key

location context

Reflections of a Painted World

Add any additional dialogue and gameplay notes, rename gallery files for consistency

Refreshing Fonta, a Font of Refreshment!

add branches/variants (are locations random or sequential?) and open-world dialogue

Reminiscent Regimen/2024-10-17

Player Titles section is likely missing titles

Reminiscent of the Stolen Flame

production credits


Update 4.2 lore.


Information regarding timers and respawns need verification and appropriate citations.

Reverie of Pua Aloalo

production credits

Rocky Avildsen

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Sacrificial Offering

Verification needed for which/how many Mysterious Shadows trigger Paimon's dialogue at the beginning

Safe Conduct

details for narukami island/nazuchi beach versions

Saimon Jirou

More references about his past could be added using the dialogue of Ishikawa and Ono

Scarlet Reign's Great Red Sand

Unlock requirements

Scarlet Song

production credits

Sea Salt-Crusted Key

Location context with an unbroken pile of rock would be better

Secret Vault

more information on the tablet and weapons found here


Verify if Idle 2 and Dialogue Set 4 appear after completing only Poissonous Cuisine or all 4.0 Melusine quests.


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Shedding Twilight

production credits

Sifu Moto

production credits

Silent Seeker of Knowledge (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

Silent Voices of the Night

production credits

Sky Kitsune Statue

Add sky kitsune lore

Smoke of Fallen Flames

production credits

Sorush (Gadget)

Add information/can Sorush interact with Kory Drum?

Sourcewater Droplet

image for Sigewinne's Ousia droplets

Space Force Cadet

Missing info on the other Phase Gate "entrance"

Special Story Mode

add more detailed description, add more restrictions, add images.

Specially-Shaped Saurian...

Missing IDs

Spiral Abyss/Floors/2025-01-16

Check enemy spawning on 11-1-1

Spiral Abyss/Floors/2025-02-16

Refine information about enemy spawns

Splendor of Tranquil Waters

Verify if second description is available by default or if it unlocks on AQ completion

Spreading Evil

Add map locations

Springtime Charms/Custom Gift Envelopes

Missing dialogue rewards for Companion Gifts

Springtime Charms/Story

Missing list of normal NPCs with event-exclusive dialogue

Stage Tepetl (Point of Interest)

In-game image

Starlight Reverie/Story

Verify text for partial Archon Quest completion.
Verify text for "incomplete"/"did not do" states for everything in general (only the known separations have been done; you may discover new separations that need to be added)

Starlight Reverie/Story

Triggers unclear, check HTML comments for known cases

Starlight Reverie/Story

Triggers unclear, check HTML comments for known cases

Starlight Reverie/Story

Help determine thresholds with data that is near the estimated thresholds. (Some have additional information in HTML comments)
Find missing keywords (suspected missing: chests, artifacts, Enemies of Note, common enemies)

Static Views, Part 2

Dialogue Conditions; Verify Quest Requirements

Static Views

Verify unlock requirements for pictures / chests

Statue of The Seven

Need testing/confirmation of when inactive allies are healed on a timer

Statue of The Seven

Verify exact stamina amounts per level at the statues outside of Mondstadt and Liyue

Stone Pillar Seal

Needs complete list of World Quests which unlock Stone Pillar Seal locations

Storytelling Method

Verify dialogue condition for the "He prepares to leave" line

Striving for the Wind

production credits

Sublime Crane Feather Strings

Soundtrack information

Swiftstep Armed Courier

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Swiftstep Seeker

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Swiftstep Storm Scout

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Swirling Isles

area descriptions


Flesh out Story section

Symphony of Yore, Restored Once More

Verify Caesareum Palace battle info

Tablet of Tona



Missing profile

Taishan Mansion

Verify unlock requirements. It seems users are able to play the Domain at AR25, and probably after completing the Archon Quest Of the Land Amidst Monoliths or Farewell, Archaic Lord. Please check before completing Archon Quests if domain is playable. Otherwise, a notification when domain is unlocked after the quest supposedly shows up too. Screenshots of this would be appreciated but not required.

Takatsukasa Isamu

Needs info from Heizou's Hangout. Needs infobox relations. (and relations need to be linked back here)


Verify when Dialogue Set 1 stops being available (it's not just the first interaction)

Tao Dou

More info, OL

Taste of Home

Add subsections based on hangout event menu

Tatara Tales (Quest)

Added text marked below as being present when you complete A Dance of Destruction before doing this quest. Please verify that the text and condition are both correct

Temple of Silence (Instance)

Gallery, interactables and a final doublecheck

Tepal's "Airborne Workshop"


Tepetlisaurus Warrior: Rockbreaker Blade

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Tepetlisaurus Warrior: Shard Striker

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Test Run - Character Trial Event/2024-08-06

Trial Details

Test Run - Character Trial Event/2024-10-09


Test Run - Character Trial Event/2024-10-29


Thalia and Melpomene

Dialogue branch conditions

Thanks for the Fire

production credits

The Call of Mystical Martial Arts

Possible branching dialogue

The Chasm: Crown

add source details (prince cup related)

The Churlish Chase

More locations, if any

The Color of Mora

Add images

The Dead End and the Glinting Architects

Improve the explanations on how to reach each of the constructs

The Dune of Carouses

Enemies, features or interactables available in the area.

The Dune of Elusion

Points of interest, features, enemies, or interactables available in the area.

The Dune of Magma

Points of interest, features, enemies, or interactables available in the area.

The First Ideal

Add heart changes

The Forge Realm's Temper/2023-07-05

Scoring and Lineup Information

The Foxes' Affection

Infobox image retaken

The Great Tree

Add location images of the variants, use the map templates in Genshin Impact Wiki:Map Guide

The Heavenly Stone's Debris

Verify exact requirement for Dragonspine dialogue.

The Heights of Rumikunamanta

production credits

The Hymn of Tir Yazad (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

The King of Four Lands

Unlock requirements

The Marvelous Misadventures of Conulaf

Verify rewards, add images

The Mysterious Island's Truth (Domain)

Details about this domain need to be added

The Narzissenkreuz Adventure

Verify conditions or the lack thereof:

  1. Check for dialogue dependent on Archon Quest and Story Quest progress (Dvalin, Azhdaha, Apep--especially Dvalin). Does this quest have a prerequisite? Do those dialogue lines have prerequisites?
  2. Can you start this quest by avoiding the Teleport Waypoint where you get sucked into dialogue with Ann? (Go straight to Petit Chou's location) If so, then does any dialogue change?
The Overflow


The Road Not Taken - Instrumental

Production Credits

The Secret Garden of "Auguste"

Add domain walkthrough

The Surging Darkness

Check the following:

  • Add missing enemy information
The Tester Becomes the Tested

More locations, if any; check enemy list

The Thundering Wilds

Update Autake Plains variant with 2.7 monster lineup

The Viparyas of Vanarana

Verify requirement

Thick-Feathered Ruffed Pheasant

Does investigating add it to archive?


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Throne of Meower

add details about cat petting minigame functionality

Throne of the Primal Fire


Thunder Barrier


Thus Was the Work Done in Vain

1. missing potential dialogue if second secret chamber is entered BEFORE obtaining this quest (requires not obtaining the quest, as none of the enter-the-room-ahead-of-time dialogue is obtained if the quest is already obtained); see walkthroughs for location
2. Does the line "Haha, to think that I'd find a Sweet Madame here — and still warm, too! It's practically a miracle." really exist in-game? If so, where? A regular editor and a couple of YouTube videos show that the line does not exist at the start of Wolfgang's final message even when a Delicious Sweet Madame is submitted.

Time to Drink

Dialogue for subsequent encounters?

Tletl Ilhuicatl

area images and descriptions

To Reclaim an Ancient Name

Add Aether's version of the image in the quest

To the Winds of Freedom

Infobox image

Towers of Betrayal

add context images, lore

Traces of Artistry/Story

Check if Kachina has conditional dialogue

Traces of Artistry/Story

Verify which exact quest is the trigger for the second version of dialogue; most likely Into Eternal Night or Past and Future, but which one?

Traces of Back Pain


Training Guide

Add level-up plans details

Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter
Travelers' Tales: Anthology Chapter

Needs more investigation in general

Treasure of Wisdom: A New Plan

Check locations after the quest and add dialogue/interactions

Tree of Dreams


Tsukumomono Groceries

At some point either in the story or in previous patches this shop's icon in fact did not show on the minimap, is it tied to the story progression or a patch fix?

Tsurumi Underground Ruins

Complete information about puzzles

Tumaini washa moto

(official) English translation of Swahili lyrics

Turning Point

Is there an additional quest step if you fail and have to talk to Bu'yun to get back? What is his special dialogue for getting back?



Unscrupulous Dealings

check enemies in different locations

Valley Cave: The Fan's Winding Path

Location images

Valley Gable: Warding Wind and Fire

Location images

Valley Gate: Bustling Yard

Location Context

Valley Residence: Custom Complexity

Location images

Valley Stone Lamp: Everbright Light

Location images

Valley Stone Wall: Carp and Kite

Location images

Valley Wall Corner: Like Gathering Waves

Location images

Vanarana Nursery

Verify when Arakara/Aranakula are present at location

Vasara Tree

more images, etymology

Vasoma Fruit


Vault of Qingce



Confirm quest requirements for the dialogue option "Could you tell me about your family?"


Add characters for day 4 (Furina, Baizhu, Barbara, Sayu) and day 6 (Navia, Itto, Noelle, Gorou)

Vibro-Crystal/2024-04-28/Harmonics Research Facility

Add icons for reciever crystals

Votive Rainjade



Add location and context before completing Shrouded Vale, Hidden Hero.

Wangshan Swordsman's Inscriptions

Directions and rewards for each inscription

Warrior's Challenge

Challenge details


Verify condition for Wayna's second dialogue branch (do NOT assume that an entire Quest is the trigger, because "partial quest completion" triggers have been found elsewhere, and definitely do NOT assume that an entire Act is the trigger.)




Add images of Mondstadt rings challenge in Gallery


Need more information about unique environmental shifts

Weathered Obelisk

Need to verify which symbols appear

When Autumn and Dew Meet

Detailed requirements - does the player need to get hit by the attack for it to qualify?

When Flowers Bloom

Verify cause of commission availability

Where Lies the Path Home

Look for unsorted lines


sort and add new location images, some images need to crop to square

Wilderness Rod

Ingame footage of its usage

Wind Operative

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Winged Warrior: Feathershedder

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Winged Warrior: Skysoarer

Missing Korean transcriptions.

World Quest/Change History

add sections for Event World Quests from Version 2.6 to current version


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Xochicuicatl Records

Better in-game image


Add in-game mentions in Furnishings, quests, and descriptions, if they exist. Add video references, such as Teasers, Trailers, Collected Miscellany and also (potentially) all Web Event appearances, Comic/Shorts appearances. External media in which a character only briefly appears but doesn't actually have anything of substance in it (e.g., the majority of Character Shorts, cameos in other characters' Character Demos) should not be added.

Yoriki Samurai

Missing Chinese, Japanese and Korean transcriptions.

Yougou Tengu

this could have history of Reizenbou and Teruyo included



Yumemizuki's Cozy Corner Message Board


Yumkasaurus Warrior: Flowing Skyfire

Missing Korean transcriptions.

Yumkasaurus Warrior: Whirling Leaves

Missing Korean transcriptions.


Verify when character story 5 changes (#Altered Character Story). First notice of change was after Inversion of Genesis, but unsure at what exact point in time it changed.

Voice-Overs Translation and Romanization[]

Content page Reason

Check Japanese romanization for: About Sucrose: Habits.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: Good Afternoon, About Xinyan, More About Beidou: IV, More About Beidou: V, Favorite Food.


Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: When the Sun Is Out, About Us: Division of Labor, About Barbara, About Klee, About Varka, About Noelle, Bennett's Troubles, Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion, Opening Treasure Chest: I.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: More About Chongyun: IV, More About Chongyun: V.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: When It Rains: Umbrella.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: About Yanfei: Encounter.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.
Check Korean romanization for: Good Morning: Greet Oz


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Kamisato Ayaka/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Kamisato Ayaka/Voice-Overs/Korean

Check Korean romanization for: About the Raiden Shogun: Standpoint

Kamisato Ayato/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Add actual Korean translation for: About Us: Pursuing and About the Anemo Archon.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Kujou Sara/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.
Check Korean romanization for: Opening Treasure Chest: I, Opening Treasure Chest: II, Opening Treasure Chest: III.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Raiden Shogun/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Korean romanization for: Hello, When Thunder Strikes: Warning, Good Night, Least Favorite Food.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Shikanoin Heizou/Voice-Overs/Japanese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Check Japanese romanization for: More About Tartaglia: II.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Translation and Romanization. Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Chinese.


(Note: Mondstadt section is finished.) Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Yae Miko/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.

Yun Jin/Voice-Overs/Chinese

Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.


Romanization.Please check the following pages on how to do so: Template:VO and Genshin Impact Wiki:Article Stubs.
