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Taliesin is an open-world NPC located in The Chasm, Liyue.


Taliesin is originally located on the surface near the easternmost waypoint of The Chasm. During the World Quest Chasm Spelunkers in Series The Chasm Delvers, he moves into the Chasm Exploration Team Camp.


(To be added.)


(To be added.)


  • Taliesin was a renowned Brittonic bard from the 6th century AD.

Quests and Events[]

World Quests

Hidden Exploration Objectives

Idle Quotes[]

Icon Dialogue Idle It doesn't rhyme...
Media:VO Taliesin 01.ogg "*sigh* But it doesn't rhyme this way..."


Dialogue Set #1[]

Available before completing Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering.

Taliesin: Hmm... no, no. That's not how that goes. According to the genealogy...
Taliesin: Ooh? Oh! Hello, sorry, didn't see you there!
Icon Dialogue Talk You...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm...
(Aether version)
Taliesin: Shh! Shh! Ahem! He comes, he comes! His sword shining like the moon so silver, at his footsteps even armies shiver! He is—
(Lumine version)
Taliesin: Shh! Shh! Ahem! She comes, she comes! Her eyes bright as the moon inimitable, her armor formidable, invincible! She is—
Paimon: Blon—die—!
Icon Dialogue Talk What!?
Icon Dialogue Talk Paimon!
Paimon: Hehe... Sorry, force of habit. It just slipped out, y'know?
Icon Dialogue Talk What sort of habit is that, seriously...
Icon Dialogue Talk That lacked creativity in the extreme.
Paimon: Hmm, Paimon supposes that the nickname could be uglier...
Icon Dialogue Talk Hey!
Taliesin: Hahahaha! Well said, good Paimon, well said!
Taliesin: (‍HeHe/SheShe‍) is the golden-haired (TravelerTraveler)!
Icon Dialogue Talk I object to these terrible-sounding, non-consensual appellations.
Taliesin: Apologies, apologies... I did not mean to offend. But more "old-school" poets from Mondstadt do tend to begin like that.
Icon Dialogue Talk "Old-school"?
Taliesin: Well, if you'll let me clarify, I don't mean old-school folksongs like the "Dandelion Madrigals" or old-school romances like "Marriage, You Cheat, How I Hate Thee"...
Taliesin: I'm referring to old-school historical epic poetry.
Icon Dialogue Talk And what might that be?
Taliesin: Ah, simply put, it is the adaptation of heroic genealogies, the adding of flesh and skin atop the skeletal frame of history!
Taliesin: These epics sing of history through long-form poetry, awakening people to the knowledge of times past. Well, there you have it — the epic, and its value to society.
Taliesin: The ability of poetry to awaken historical consciousness was precisely why it was banned all those years ago by the aristocracy.
Taliesin: They feared that we would recall our former freedom and our history of resistance.
Taliesin: And that is why I despise the popular poetry of the day and seek to revive these "old-school epics."
Icon Dialogue Talk I see. Bye.
Taliesin: Um, right, then. See you, golden-haired (TravelerTraveler)!

Dialogue Set #2[]

Available after completing Tell a Tale for Taliesin.

Taliesin: Sorry, I'm a little dizzy at the moment, but I can take it! Ugh...
Icon Dialogue Talk What is it you're doing here?
Taliesin: I consider myself a bard of the old school, so of course I'm here to get some inspiration.
Taliesin: That said, I've never gone down into a mine before... and in my hurry to get here, I wound up... pulling a muscle.
Taliesin: Ow ow ow...
Icon Dialogue Talk I won't disturb you, then.
Taliesin: Ah, yeah, if you come across any new stories, do tell me!

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial Name

Change History[]
