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As the lights in the opera house dim, the curtain falls upon the trial onstage... Clorinde resheathes her sword.
The private life of the one known as Fontaine's "strongest" Champion Duelist has always been an enigma to most. None dare to ask, much less to probe too deeply...
Some claim to have seen her silhouette in the shadows of dark alleys, and others say she hunts phantoms in the woods in her spare time, and still others speak of her often privately patronizing a certain "Tabletop Troupe" club...
One can only wonder, just where will the "strongest" Champion Duelist be found today...?

Silent Night is the first act of Clorinde's Story Quest, the Rapperia Chapter. In order to unlock this quest line, the player must have completed Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty and Animula Choragi Chapter: Act I - "The Little Oceanid" and reached Adventure Rank 40.

List of Quests[]

  1. "Judgment Day"
  2. Hunters' Gathering
  3. Buried Honor
  4. Vanquishing Phantoms


(to be added)


10 Characters appear in this Quest:


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
23Slight DistressCity of Winds and IdyllsKnights of Favonius (Quest) (cutscene and dialogue), Wild Escape, Behind the Scenes, Should You Be Trapped in a Windless Land (Quest), The Fond Farewell, Defender of Childhood Dreams, Dishonorable Trial, A Flower Blooms in a Prison, Victory Banquet, The Oni's Pride, Jnagarbha Day, Dream of Falling, Unfathomable Defenses, The Night-Bird Falls at the Curtain's Call, A Thorough Investigation, The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest), Stained Spots, Birds in a Cage, Vanquishing Phantoms, Switcheroo, Until the End of the World, Top Note: Floral Debt, The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops
27Sensational SentenceFountain of BelleauLies Cast Shadows Under Gathered Lights, When All Return to the Waters, Ever-Surging Memories, Yesterday's Tears, Tomorrow's Light, The Crack of Muskets Breaking the Silence (Quest), The Lone Isle Glimpsed Through Fog (Quest), Hunters' Gathering
39Cobalt RemembranceFountain of BelleauThis Life, Just Like a Light Trickle of Song, Where the Roses Bloom (Quest), Buried Honor
49Les murmures des flotsFountain of BelleauDeluge of Wrathful Waters, Fiction and Reality Inside and Outside the Frame (Quest), Hunters' Gathering, Buried Honor, The Truth of What Was
50Gloomy DrizzleFountain of BelleauDeluge of Wrathful Waters, Buried Honor, Vanquishing Phantoms
53Lustrous StarsFountain of BelleauDeluge of Wrathful Waters, Whither Should the Water Flow?, Where the Roses Bloom (Quest), Hunters' Gathering
55Floating Into DistanceFountain of BelleauDeluge of Wrathful Waters, Vanquishing Phantoms
57Nocturnal IlluminationFountain of BelleauDeluge of Wrathful Waters, Hunters' Gathering, Vanquishing Phantoms, Underground Crime, The Truth of What Was
59Qui me freine a un tel momentFountain of BelleauWhere the Roses Bloom (Quest) (inside warehouse), Into the Sunlight, Buried Honor
Locations, Domains
56Madrigale della CandelaThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 4Vanquishing Phantoms (cutscene)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSilent Night
Sairento Naito
Silent Night
Korean소리 없는 밤빛
Sori Eomneun Bambit
SpanishSilencio entre tinieblasSilence Among Darkness
FrenchSilence de la nuitSilence of the Night
RussianНочь безмолвна
Noch' bezmolvna
Night is Silent
VietnameseMàn Đêm Tĩnh Lặng
GermanStille NachtSilent Night
IndonesianMalam yang SunyiSilent Night
PortugueseNoite Silenciosa
TurkishSessiz Gece
ItalianNotte silenziosa

Change History[]
