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Domain walkthrough

Place of Secrets is a Quest Domain during Archon Quest Meeting Is Also Parting in Chapter IV: Act V - Masquerade of the Guilty.


  1. Once entered the domain, glide down from the platform and procreed deeper into the ruins.
  2. Enter the First room (Door of Resurrection will be activated once player has passed through the door frame leading into the first room) and defeat the first group of enemies.
  3. Proceed deeper.
  4. Once player has proceeded deep enough, The floor will collapse, dropping the player into the room below onto the second group of enemies, accompanied by an Exquisite Chest.
  5. Glide down and proceed deeper into the ruin (NOTE: If fail to glide across the contaiminated water, the player will get resetted and teleported back onto the previous platform.)
  6. Proceed deeper, and a dialog cutscene will activate.
  7. Keep moving when cutscene is completed
  8. Climb around the contaminated water
  9. Open the door and proceed into the main room and proceed deeper
  10. Cross the collapsing bridge and once the player has made it halfway, a cutscene will activate.
  11. Open the door and proceed into the first chamber and defeat the thrid group of enemies (This step can be skipped by walking around the hilichurl)
  12. Proceed higher into the chamber crossing another collapsing path.
  13. Open door and enter the next chamber and defeat the fourth group of enemies.
  14. Proceed higher once more, cross the callapsing path to go higher, There will be a Exquisite Chest at the top of the platform.
  15. Open the door and defeat the final group of enemies
  16. Start the mechanism and ride the water droplet
  17. Proceed into the building and a cutscene will trigger.
  18. Finishing the cutscene will conclude the domain, a precious chest will spawn along with a domain exit.


As progression through the domain is one-way and cannot be backtracked, chests should be opened when encountered.

  • Exquisite Chest ×2
  • Precious Chest ×1
  • Precious Chest x1



No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
92Rondeau des fleurs et des rapieresFountain of BelleauDenouement of Sin, Pale Forgotten Glory, Echoes of the Deep Tides, Dougier's "Kingdom" (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom Once More (combat), Aquanigma (combat), Magic Workshop (combat), Place of Secrets (combat), Waterfall Wen, Uther's Clothing Factory (combat), Rawat's Private Laboratory (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay, Special Gameplay
93Lamentation et TriompheFountain of BelleauDenouement of Sin, Pale Forgotten Glory, Echoes of the Deep Tides, Dougier's "Kingdom" (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom Once More (combat), Aquanigma (combat), Magic Workshop (combat), Place of Secrets (combat), Waterfall Wen, Uther's Clothing Factory (combat), Rawat's Private Laboratory (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay, Special Gameplay
94Virelai des mareesFountain of BelleauDenouement of Sin, Pale Forgotten Glory, Echoes of the Deep Tides, Dougier's "Kingdom" (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom (combat), Assaulting the Water Imp Kingdom Once More (combat), Aquanigma (combat), Magic Workshop (combat), Place of Secrets (combat), Waterfall Wen, Uther's Clothing Factory (combat), Rawat's Private Laboratory (combat)
Combat, Event Gameplay
19La derniere opportunitePelagic PrimaevalityPlace of Secrets (unstable path)
Locations, Quests
20Les muetsPelagic PrimaevalityPlace of Secrets
21L'envers et l'endroitPelagic PrimaevalityPlace of Secrets

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishPlace of Secrets
Kakusareshi Basho
Korean숨겨진 장소
Sumgyeojin Jangso
SpanishLugar secretoSecret Place
FrenchPlace des secretsPlace of Secrets
RussianСкрытая земля
Skrytaya zemlya
VietnameseNơi Bí Ẩn
GermanVerborgener OrtHidden Place
IndonesianTempat TersembunyiHidden Place
PortugueseLugar de Segredos
TurkishSırlar Bölgesi
ItalianLuogo dei segretiPlace of Secrets

Change History[]

