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Update Yashiori Island variant(s) with 2.7 monster lineup; currently unknown which one(s) specifically are getting updated

A Crackling Crisis is a Daily Commission that occurs in Inazuma.


UI Quest Quest Description

A band of rogues have triggered a dangerous thunderstorm that is attacking everyone indiscriminately. Head over there and stop them.
  1. Complete Time Trial Challenge


This commission grants the following AR-dependent rewards upon completion:

Primogem Adventure EXP Mora Companionship EXP Fine Enhancement Ore Mystic Enhancement Ore
12–15 10 175 2,775 25 1–4 0–1
16–20 10 200 3,200 30 1–4 0–1
21–25 10 200 3,625 35 1–3 0–2
26–30 10 225 4,050 35 1–3 0–2
31–35 10 225 4,475 40 1–3 0–2
36–40 10 250 4,900 45 0–2 1–3
41–45 10 250 5,325 50 0–2 1–3
46–50 10 250 5,750 50 0–2 1–3
51–55 10 250 6,150 55 0–1 1–4
56–59 10 250 6,575 60 0–1 1–4
60 10 9,075 60 0–1 1–4


All variants of this commission will spawn a Lightning Bolt at the location of the player every 10 seconds after starting the challenge. These lightning bolts can damage enemies as well as players.

Narukami Island[]

Center of Chinju Forest
Defeat 15 enemies in 4:00.
Wave 1:
(after a large Hydro slime/Electro Whopperflower is defeated, another one will spawn in to replace it until there are no more of it remaining)
Remaining enemies:

Seirai Island[]

On a small landmass North of Koseki Village
Defeat 3 enemies in 4:00.

Watatsumi Island[]

North of Watatsumi Island
Defeat 4 enemies in 4:00.
Wave 1:
Wave 2:
North of Mouun Shrine
Defeat 15 enemies in 4:00.
Wave 1:
Wave 2:
Wave 3:

Yashiori Island[]

North of Momiji-Dyed Court
Defeat 4 enemies in 5:00.
Wave 1:
Wave 2:
East-most tip of the island (not including Nazuchi Beach)
Defeat 5 enemies in 4:00.
Wave 1:
Wave 2:
Southeastern tip of the island (east of Jakotsu Mine)
Defeat 14 enemies in 4:00.
This version of the commission uses complex spawn pools, much like in many domains.
Spawn pool A
Respawns (in this order, regardless of the enemy defeated)
Spawn pool B
Spawn pool C1
Spawn pool C2 (spawns after spawn pool C1 is depleted)

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Crackling Crisis
Hōnglónglóng de Dà Wēijī
A Big Crackling Crisis[• 1]
Hōnglónglóng de Dà Wēijī
Todoroku Daikiki‍[!][!]
A Roaring Great Crisis
Korean우르르 쾅쾅 대위기
Ureureu Kwangkwang Daewigi
Boom Kaboom Great Crisis
SpanishUn problema atronadorA Thunderous Problem
FrenchCrépitante criseCrackling Crisis
RussianТрескучий кризис
Treskuchiy krizis
A Crackling Crisis
Wikrit Rai thi Sansathuean
A Trembling Crisis
VietnameseNguy Hiểm Gầm Vang
GermanEine krachende KriseA Crackling Crisis
IndonesianBencana Petir yang MenggemparkanShocking Lightning Disaster
PortugueseEstrondo da CriseCrack of the Crisis
TurkishYıldırım KriziLightning Crisis
ItalianCrisi crepitanteCrackling Crisis
  1. Chinese: 轰隆隆/轟隆隆 hōnglónglóng is an onomatopoeia for a loud sound such as thunder or firecrackers.

Change History[]

Version 2.7
  • The monster lineup of the Yashiori Island variant of this commission was updated, and the challenge time was extended.

Version 2.1

Version 2.0

  • A Crackling Crisis was released.

