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A scepter around which swirls pure water. In days long past, it once symbolized the highest authority over the seas.

Splendor of Tranquil Waters is a 5-Star sword.

Ascensions and Stats[]

Toggle Ascension Materials
Ascension Cost (0 → 1)
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 5
Drop of Tainted Water 5
Transoceanic Pearl 3
Ascension Cost (1 → 2)
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 5
Ascension Cost (2 → 3)
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 9
Scoop of Tainted Water 9
Transoceanic Chunk 9
Ascension Cost (3 → 4)
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 5
Ascension Cost (4 → 5)
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 9
Xenochromatic Crystal 9
Ascension Cost (5 → 6)
Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop 6
Total Cost (0✦ → 6✦)
Mora 225,000 Mora


Page #1[]

"Sin tempted the City of Eternity to its fall, with countless slaves and usurpers thrown down in a night of wrath."
"In the name of Egeria, we swear to find the Pure Grail and restore her to her land."
"For only in this way can we atone for the sin we have borne since birth and avoid a similar death."
"No matter the sacrifice, we shall complete this noble mission in the name of the Lochknights."

The great symphony would reach its fated end, and on the ruins of a decaying world, the upholders of righteousness made their oath.
This water-blue scepter once belonged to a knight named Erinnyes who, in the time of the song of harmony, unified those of the high waters who rebelled against the gods.
Legend has it that her home was destroyed early on by the wrathful God King, with an army from the Golden City enslaving or killing her family.
Only two were to escape that fate. One met with the proud Harmost during the war and ultimately rose to inherit his authority.
The other received the grace of the Mistress of Many Waters and was taken in by the Prince of Aremorica, to guard those pure waters not yet seized by the God King.
Two people, survivors of the same home, drifting apart like duckweed on the seas of fate, one toward good, one toward evil.

And so, guided by the sea breeze and the whispers of the maiden in the lake, the noble and determined knights set out on their quest.
They faced unimaginable trials and endured sufferings never before known. But in the end, the heartfelt longing of the people reached the heavens.
Then, thanks to their pure hearts and the Pure Grail obtained through countless sacrifices, the Mistress of Many Waters was freed from imprisonment and restored...

"O Mistress of Many Waters, O gracious Egeria, I yearn for your judgment."
"I have done deeds good and great, but sinned in that doing."
"Your ideals permit no corruption. Only my expulsion can bring me peace."
"O Mistress of Many Waters, O gracious Egeria, grant me this final wish."

On a morning clear as the light reflected on the lake, the Mistress of Many Waters was moved by that pained plea.
And so the kindly goddess granted her wish and gave her blessing to the journey ahead.
For the Mistress of Many Waters knew that a fair judgment was the greatest leniency one could give a selfless soul.
And perhaps that is why that noble verdict dyed fate in its colors.

And thus did a sword as pure as lake-light sink into the lake alongside Egeria's blessings,
And the knight who had wielded that sword left, her head held high, never to be seen again.

Page #2[]

"Sin tempted the City of Eternity to its fall, with countless slaves and usurpers thrown down in a night of wrath."
"In the name of the Mother Goddess, we swear to retrieve the Pure Grail and shatter the shackles that confine her."
"For only in this way can we wash for the sin we have borne since birth away, and avoid a similar death."
"No matter the sacrifice, we must see this justice done."

The great symphony would reach its fated end, and on the ruins of a decaying world, the avengers enamored of revenge made their oath.
This water-blue scepter once belonged to a singer named Erinnyes who, in the time of the song of harmony, unified those of the high waters who rebelled against the gods.
Legend has it that her tribe was destroyed by the conquering God King, and that an army from the Golden City enslaved or slew her tribespeople.
Only two were to escape that fate. One met with the proud Harmost during the war and ultimately rose to inherit his authority.
The other hid amidst the bones and was taken in by the chieftain of Aremorica, to guard those pure waters not yet seized by the God King.
Two people who had been lulled to sleep by the same lullabies and sea breezes, found themselves now drifting apart, one on each side of the conflict.

And so, guided by the tides and the whispers of the spirit, the sword-singer of destruction set out on her quest.
She faced unimaginable trials and endured sufferings never before known. Yet, she remained unable to find that Pure Grail.
But it was the heavens who chose the Mistress of Many Waters, commanding her to return from her primeval prison to take over from the golden king and rule the sea-ruins.

"O Mistress of Many Waters, glorious primordial mother, I beg for your wisdom."
"For you, I have killed the unrighteous and toppled countless cities."
"Please tell me, this I plead, how the descendants of all seas might avoid disaster."
"O Mistress of Many Waters, glorious primordial mother, please show mercy, just this once."

In the bloodstained dusk, the Queen of All Waters was moved by that plaintive plea.
And so the kindly goddess told the supplicant what she had once told the King of Fortuna.
But the goddess did not yet know that a self-interested plea could lead only to despair.
And perhaps for that reason, the collapsing illusion thus dyed that so-called faith in its colors.

The aqua-shaded sword, long stained with blood, fell away, carrying the last thread of reason with it.
The singer who had wielded that sword stumbled from the valley, and she was never to be seen again.

The chieftain who dreamed of honor and glory did not see the land of her dreams, nor would she ever find absolution, much like the goddess who shared similar hopes.
Many years later, when the musician known as the Golden Hunter remembered this name,
Neither blood nor tears were in his thoughts. Only the sound of a distant flute, a twisting melody under a watery moon.



Weapon Event Wishes[]

Splendor of Tranquil Waters has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 3 Event Wishes:

Wish Featured Duration Version
Epitome Invocation 2023-11-08
Epitome Invocation 2023-11-08
Splendor of Tranquil Waters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters
November 8, 2023 – November 28, 2023 4.2
Epitome Invocation 2024-06-25
Epitome Invocation 2024-06-25
Splendor of Tranquil Waters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters
June 25, 2024 – July 16, 2024 4.7
Epitome Invocation 2025-03-04
Epitome Invocation 2025-03-04
Splendor of Tranquil Waters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters Splen­dor of Tran­quil Wa­ters
March 4, 2025 – March 25, 2025 5.4

Chronicled Wishes[]

Splendor of Tranquil Waters has not been included in any Chronicled Wishes.


  • Splendor of Tranquil Waters was the first weapon to present multiple descriptions at once.
  • When equipped by characters with Arkhe, the tip of the pommel will emit Pneuma or Ousia.
  • Back in the times of Remuria, the sword was known as Hauteclaire.[1]

Other Languages[]

Splendor of Tranquil Waters

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSplendor of Tranquil Waters
Jìngshuǐ Liúyǒng zhī Huī
Radiance of Flowing Tranquil Waters
Jìngshuǐ Liúyǒng zhī Huī
Japanese静水流転の輝き[• 1]
Seisui Ruten no Kagayaki
Korean고요히 샘솟는
Goyohi Saemsonneun Bit
SpanishFulgor de las Aguas CalmasBrilliance of Calm Waters
FrenchSplendeur des eaux calmesSplendor of Calm Waters
RussianБлеск тихих вод
Blesk tikhikh vod
Brilliance of Still Waters
ThaiSplendor of Tranquil Waters
VietnameseSắc Nước Lộng LẫySplendid Shade of Waters
GermanPracht des stillen WassersSplendor of Tranquil Water
IndonesianSplendor of Tranquil Waters
PortugueseEsplendor das Águas SilenciosasSplendor of Silent Waters
TurkishSakin Suların İhtişamıTranquil Water's Splendor
ItalianFulgore delle placide acqueRefulgence of Placid Waters

Dawn and Dusk by the Lake

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishDawn and Dusk by the Lake
Húguāng de Zhāo yǔ Mù
Dawn and Dusk of Lakelight
Húguāng de Zhāo yǔ Mù
Kokou no Asayuu‍[!][!]
Korean호숫빛의 여명과 황혼
Hosutbichui Yeomyeonggwa Hwanghon
SpanishAlba y ocaso en el lagoDawn and Dusk on the Lake
FrenchAube et crépuscule au lacDawn and Dusk by the Lake
RussianРассвет и закат у озера
Rassvet i zakat u ozera
Dawn and Sunset by the Lake
ThaiDawn and Dusk by the Lake
VietnameseBình Minh Và Hoàng Hôn Của Hồ NướcThe Lake's Dawn and Dusk
GermanMorgengrauen und Abenddämmerung am SeeDawn and Dusk by the Lake
IndonesianDawn and Dusk by the Lake
PortugueseAmanhecer e Crepúsculo à Beira do Lago
TurkishGöl Kenarında Şafak ve AlacakaranlıkDawn and Dusk by the Lake
ItalianAurora e crepuscolo sul lagoAurora and Dusk on the Lake

Change History[]


  1. Book: La Chanson d'Erinnyes, Vol. 3

