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Where Lies the Path Home is the first part of Nahida's Story Quest, Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act II - Homecoming.


  1. Go to the entrance of Sumeru City
  2. Follow the strangely behaving Fungus
  3. Speak with the strangely behaving Fungus
  4. Head to the place where the "end" awaits
  5. Follow the elemental life-form onward
  6. Defeat the opponents blocking your path
  7. Speak with the elemental life-form
  8. Follow the elemental life-form
  9. Defeat the opponents blocking your path
  10. Speak with the elemental life-form
  11. Follow the elemental life-form again
  12. Clean up the Withering Zone
  13. Seek out the other elemental life-form
  14. Try to infiltrate the Fungi habitat
  15. Approach from the other side and activate Elemental Sight
  16. Help tend to the farmland
  17. Water the farmland
  18. Find and eliminate the "invading plants"
  19. Talk to Nahida
  20. Return and speak to the elemental life-form

Gameplay Notes[]

  • During Step 12, Nahida will join the party as a trial character.
  • During Step 15, the active party will be limited to the Traveler. If the player leaves the area, the quest resets to Step 14.

Trial Character[]

WLWL Character
& Weapon
Talents & Artifacts Attributes


NahidaDendro Lv. 71 C3 Na­hi­da
  • Normal Attack Lv. 5
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 8
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 5
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 17,893
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,424
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 584
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 460
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 51.8%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 16
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece


NahidaDendro Lv. 90 C3 Na­hi­da
  • Normal Attack Lv. 8
  • Elemental Skill Lv. 11
  • Elemental Burst Lv. 8
Icon Attribute Health Max HP: 22,938
Icon Attribute Attack ATK: 1,781
Icon Attribute Defense DEF: 755
Icon Attribute Elemental Mastery Elemental Mastery: 485
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit Rate: 57.1%
Icon Attribute Critical Hit Crit DMG: 91.9%
Icon Attribute Energy Recharge Energy Recharge: 135.0%

Royal FloraRoyal PlumeRoyal Pocket WatchRoyal Silver UrnRoyal Masque
Artifact Lv. 20
Set Bonus
Noblesse Oblige 4-Piece

Trial Characters at Level 75 or above that are equipping the set Noblesse Oblige may be out of date.


Icon Emoji Paimon's Paintings 02 Qiqi 2
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UI Quest Quest Description

One day, you and Paimon run into an old friend at Sumeru's city gates...
(Approach the southern entrance to Sumeru City)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, isn't that Nahida?
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Nahida! Paimon didn't think we'd run into you here.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Oh, hey there. It's been a while, hasn't it? What have you two been up to?
Icon Dialogue Talk Same old, same old. Adventuring and stuff...
Icon Dialogue Talk Helping all kinds of people.
Icon Dialogue Talk The usual... Mining, fishing, Genius Invokation TCG, and catching Crystalflies.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Hehe, seems like you've been enjoying yourselves.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: How about you? What are you up to now?
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: I'm just out looking for some leads while getting some fresh air.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: I noticed that I have some blurry memories after saving Irminsul.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: I almost feel like there's still something extremely important I need to do... But I can't remember what it is.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Hmm, why is that?
Icon Dialogue Talk (It's probably the effects of Irminsul...)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Don't worry, we'll help you remember.
Icon Dialogue Talk Feel free to fill us in.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe I can help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Thank you so much. Since you're willing to help, I have something I'd like to show you.
Nahida shows you a strange crystal...
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oooh, it's beautiful! It looks like it's filled with some kind of power.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Mm-hmm. I found it in the Sanctuary of Surasthana, but I have no recollection of it whatsoever.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: It's filled with pure elemental power that is quite similar to mine, but yet it's also a little different...
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: It's very likely that it's connected to my foggy memory, but I can't figure out what it is.
Icon Dialogue Talk (It's most likely something that Greater Lord Rukkhadevata left behind...)
Icon Dialogue Talk (But what's with her foggy memory?)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: (TravelerTraveler), do you have any ideas?
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't know, but...
Icon Dialogue Talk It's very concerning.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hmm. You know, Nahida, we just happen to be going on an adventure right now. If we find anything, we'll be sure to let you know right away.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: Thanks, you two. I didn't mean to trouble you again.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Don't mention it! Besides, it seems you've got a lot on your mind, and we'd like to help.
A Floating Hydro Fungus suddenly shows up at the nearby city gate...
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 hydrofungusa 01.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: ...!
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 hydrofungusa 02.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: !!!
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 layth 01.ogg Layth: Hey, get out! You shouldn't be around here!
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 hydrofungusa 03.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: !
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 layth 02.ogg Layth: I'm sorry, Lesser Lord Kusanali. Fungi don't usually come near this place.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 layth 03.ogg Layth: Last warning, get out before I kick you out! You hear!?
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: Hang on... I think it's trying to tell us something.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 layth 04.ogg Layth: But Great Dendro Archon, it's a monster.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: Please, don't worry.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 hydrofungusa 04.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: !
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: Hmm... I think I understand.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Seems that it wants us to follow it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: You could understand it?
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: Mm-hmm. Even though different creatures have varying habits and ways of communicating, the emotions we experience are all the same.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: I can feel its anxiety and fear. It's in dire need of our help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Well, Fungi are kinda cute, but...
(If The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? was not completed)
Icon Dialogue Talk It wouldn't hurt to take a look.
(If The Most Fantastic Tournament You've Never Heard Of? was completed)
Icon Dialogue Talk Bongo-Head is a really nice Fungus, you know.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Hmm, that's true. Okay, let's go take a look.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: Alright, lead the way, little Fungus.
(After the cutscene)
You grow ever more curious about the Fungus guiding you...
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Although they all look about the same, some Fungi are friendly, while others are super aggressive and attack anyone they see.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: It can't be helped. Perhaps in their eyes, humans are like fierce "monsters" as well.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: After all, they can't distinguish which human behaviors are hostile or not, and it'd already be too late for them once humans have drawn their weapons.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 20.ogg Nahida: Hence why they tend to strike first, rather than waiting.
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: That's not too different from how humans think sometimes...
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 21.ogg Nahida: That's what I meant by shared emotions.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the leading Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 22.ogg Nahida (It seems to be anxious. Let's follow it and see where it leads.)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the waiting Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 23.ogg Nahida (It seems to be anxious and afraid.)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the unconscious Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 1 nahida 24.ogg Nahida: (Hmm? There's something strange about this Fungus...)
Icon Quest Step Step Description

You and Paimon encounter Nahida at the gates of Sumeru City. She seems to be troubled by something she has forgotten, and in that moment, an unusually behaving Fungus appeared, seemingly willing you to follow it.
(Approach the three Floating Hydro Fungi)
The strange Fungus guides you to two of its companions, one of whom appears to have fallen unconscious...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusa 01.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: !
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusb 01.ogg The Other Floating Hydro Fungus: !!!
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: It appears it was in a hurry because of this unconscious Fungus.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm, seems like they might be family.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: So maybe this Fungus wanted to bring Nahida here to help its family member.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Probably. Although Fungi are simple creatures, they're very sensitive to elemental power.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Maybe it noticed me on my way back and thought I'd be able to help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: I'll take a look. I should be able to help if it's just a common illness...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Hmm?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What is it, Nahida?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Strange... very strange...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: This Fungus didn't develop from a spore. It's an elemental life-form.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh? An elemental life-form?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Yes. Although the Fungi you normally see are capable of using elemental powers, they're merely borrowing elemental power from nature around them.
(Elemental Sight activates, highlighting the unconscious Fungus in green)
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: As for this Fungus... It has elemental power flowing through it. Definitely not anything like your typical Fungus.
Icon Dialogue Talk So you're saying...
Icon Dialogue Talk It only looks like a Fungus?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: Exactly. This is very interesting, I've never seen anything like it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: So this is a first, even for Nahida...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: But that's not all... there's a large void within its elemental power.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: The void is stopping the elemental power from flowing normally, which must be why it fainted.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: So do you think it'll wake up if we can fill the void?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: Yes, and I just so happen to be good at this sort of thing. I'll see what I can do right away.
As Nahida directs her elemental energy into the unconscious Fungus, it seems to gradually come back to the world of the living...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: ...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusa 02.ogg Surprised Floating Hydro Fungus: !!!
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusb 02.ogg Happy Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: My power was compatible. Looks like everything is fine now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Lord of Dendro... Is it really the Lord of Dendro?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Oh, I can't believe the Lord of Dendro saved me... Thank you, as well as the stranger and creature next to you.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wah! It can talk!?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Oh, I didn't expect such a strange creature to make a sound like that. Seems I'm just as shocked as you are.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: What!? Of course Paimon can talk! And Paimon isn't a strange creature — Paimon's just... Paimon!
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Hello, Paimon. I am not yet able to evaluate an organism's intelligence from its appearance. I will only know you are able to speak once you have spoken.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh, uh, well no need to take it seriously. It's no big deal...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: But does Paimon really look so dumb that people might think Paimon doesn't know how to talk?
Icon Dialogue Talk There's no need to start worrying about that all of a sudden...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You misunderstand, Paimon. A mouth is used for eating, breathing, and other functions that are more important than speaking.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: So a creature may not speak, even if it has a mouth. I've never seen a creature like you before, so I dared not make the assumption that you could speak.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Even if you do possess a number of human traits, it is still very common for creatures to have similar external forms but completely different interiors — just like Fungi and Slimes.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Did this Fungus study at the Akademiya...? It seems even more talkative than Paimon...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: You're not a Fungus, are you?
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: That's correct. This might be surprising to you, and I'm sure that you must have questions. Let's find somewhere else to talk.
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It might startle my fellow "family members" if I speak too much using this strange voice.
The Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus comforts its "family"...
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~♪♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusa 03.ogg Happy Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 12.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It says that it's very thankful for your help.
(The party leaves the Floating Hydro Fungi)
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: I was confident that I knew of all the creatures in Teyvat. Even if there are ones I've never seen with my own eyes, I thought I possessed all the relevant knowledge about them.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: However, even if I were to lay out the traits of all elemental life-forms, you don't seem to match any of them.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: What are you? And where did you come from?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I come from an ancient race. We have existed for a very long time, possibly longer than any records in existence.
Where Lies the Path Home Cutscene A
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: My home was filled with flowing water and great mountains. Lush grass covered the land, and my family and I lived in bliss and happiness.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Until... the "apocalypse" came and changed my home forever...
Where Lies the Path Home Cutscene B
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: A horrifying power consumed all there was... The seeds of catastrophe nested and grew inside of us... Twisting and warping us, causing us to lose control.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: We were victims of the apocalypse, yet in time, we also became the apocalypse itself.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: The "apocalypse"?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: I'm not sure what it means either. It sounds like some kind of old fable.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's a long and complicated story. It will take me some time to explain it clearly.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Don't worry, we'll listen. Please continue.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I was lucky and managed to survive. Afterward, I left with some of my family and came to Sumeru to search for a way to rescue my homeland.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: We came in contact with many species and learned from their cultures and knowledge, hoping to understand the truth behind the apocalypse.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: We later found out that humans know the power of the apocalypse, and refer to it as "forbidden knowledge."
Icon Dialogue Talk Forbidden knowledge...!
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Your home was destroyed by forbidden knowledge? Does that mean you're from the desert?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: It said that they are looking for a way to save their homeland, but the catastrophe of the desert should've ended a long time ago.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The Lord of Dendro is correct. We are not from the desert. I would very much like to tell you the location of my homeland... But unfortunately, I've forgotten.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: That may sound a little odd... As it is very important to both me and my family.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Yes, how could you forget?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 12.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I am a life-form that was contaminated by the apocalypse. A part of my knowledge and memory was taken away as the contamination inside of me was purged.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Ah, I get it now... So the void of elemental power was left behind from when the forbidden knowledge was purged.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: I'm sorry. I hadn't considered that kind of possibility...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 13.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: That's okay. Lord of Dendro, there is no need to apologize. Without your help, I would've lost more than just my knowledge and memory.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 14.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: And not only did you save me, but you've also already rid the world of the remaining forbidden knowledge, right?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: That's right. The forbidden knowledge is no more, and your homeland should be safe now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 15.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: My home... should be safe now. We can go home...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 16.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: For the longest time, this moment has only seemed like a dream... I never knew it would become a reality so quickly.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 17.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I was unable to fulfill our calling. I never found a way to save my homeland, and I have even forgotten where it is...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: It's not your fault. You've already done everything you can.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: Every species paid a grave price in the fight against forbidden knowledge. This is not a responsibility you should carry on your own.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: You mentioned that there were other survivors besides yourself. Where are they? Maybe they'll remember.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 18.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The apocalypse put us through immense pain. Many of my family members have already met their end. I'm not sure who else is still alive...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Don't worry, I should be able to find them. Just leave it to me.
(If The World of Aranara has not been completed)
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: My familiars will take the rainforest, and as for the city... There are a few nice kids who should be willing to help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Your familiars?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: Mm-hmm, they're a group of lovely little creatures. They're just a bit timid around strangers.
(If The World of Aranara has been completed)
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: I'll leave the rainforest to the Aranara, and as for the city... There are a few nice kids that should be willing to help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh yeah! They'll give us a hand!
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: Give me a moment. I'll contact them right now.
Nahida sends a message to the familiars of the rainforest...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: That should do it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 20.ogg Nahida: It may take some time to find them, so let's wait for a bit.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 19.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Thank you, Lord of Dendro. We all believe that you will keep your promises.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 20.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The moment I saw you when I awoke, I had a feeling you were here because of the agreement.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 21.ogg Nahida: Hmm? Agreement?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 21.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You might not remember, but this is a prophecy that we deeply believe in... That the Lord of Dendro will bring us home once the catastrophe comes to an end.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 22.ogg Nahida: Oh, I see... I—I'm sorry, there are also some blurry segments in my memory as well.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 nahida 23.ogg Nahida: But I'm very concerned about your homeland. This is something I should help with, it's really no trouble to me at all.
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 22.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Would you all be willing to come with me somewhere as we wait?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 23.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The more family members that can return home with me... the better...
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: But didn't you say that you don't know where they are?
Media:vo nhdlq101 3 hydrofunguslifeform 24.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, but I know their "end." I will explain it to you along the way.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the left Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: (It seems to have let out a long sigh of relief...)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on the right Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: (I can sense its excitement from seeing its fellow Fungus wake back up.)
(Speak to the left Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusb 03.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~♪♪~
(Speak to the right Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 hydrofungusa 01.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~

Icon Quest Step Step Description

You discover an elemental life-form that resembles a Fungus. To uncover its history and send it home, you begin an investigative adventure.
(Approach the marked area)
Nahida shares her concerns with you as the elemental creature leads the way...
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: There's something that I'm very concerned about.
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you talking about that crystal?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you talking about your fuzzy memories?
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Yes. I didn't mention it just now, but do you remember when I told you that the power in the crystal is very similar to mine, yet also different?
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: The elemental power inside the crystal is completely identical to that of the Fungus.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: What!?
Icon Dialogue Talk There's a connection between the crystal and the Fungus...
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: Exactly. The prophecy that it mentioned was probably an agreement that I made with an elemental life-form that once represented its race.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: I had to deal with the forbidden knowledge to save their homeland. The process, however, took away some of my memories.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: That sequence of events would explain the persistent feeling that I had unfinished business.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Makes sense... Too bad it's unable to tell us more.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Yeah, I've been trying to think of a place that fits the description of its homeland, but I'm unable to come up with anything.
Icon Dialogue Talk We'll just have to continue investigating.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Agreed. I really want to send them home, so they won't have to wander around anymore.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: (No matter how long it's been, it still looks like it had suddenly frozen in place.)
(While following the Elemental Being)
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The road here is a little rough. I'll lead the way.
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Don't worry — Paimon can handle any road!
Media:vo nhdlq101 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wahh! Enemies! You're up, (TravelerTraveler)!
(After defeating the Eremites)
As the Tumor of the Withering [sic] disappears, the leftover elemental energy flows into the Floating Hydro Fungus...
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Amazing. With such skills, you all would've definitely been able to find a way to survive the apocalypse.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hey, Paimon has been meaning to ask — you all didn't originally look like this, did you?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: No, we didn't. The appearance of our kind will change according to the environment.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: After communicating with various living organisms in Sumeru, we discovered that Fungi are the life-form most adapted to live in these lands.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Thus, we gradually took the form of Fungi and became a part of their group.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: It's hard to believe that's even possible!
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The most important instinct any life-form possesses is adapting to the environment. I don't think that should surprise you, Paimon.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Your hand is shaped like that for a reason — so you are able to grip and use tools more easily.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The reason why Fungi absorb elemental power is to blend with the environment and fend off natural predators.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: We are Dendro life-forms, one of the most ancient life-forms in this land. That is why we are so adaptable.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So you mean... If Paimon wanted to, Paimon could change into a different form as well?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Not as freely, I'm afraid. You would require a long time to make that happen.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Although this is common sense to us, it is still extremely difficult to explain. Hmm... Putting it as simply as possible, changing form requires energy, and energy comes with time.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You cannot make a sprout grow into a giant tree instantly, nor can you force a tree to bear fruit overnight.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: I see. Humans have a term for this, it's called "growth."
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Ahh, you're so smart, Nahida! Paimon gets it now!
Icon Dialogue Talk Seems like it's pretty good at coming up with metaphors as well...
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 12.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: "Growth"... I see. Yes, then this is what you would call growth.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 13.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: A most beautiful word. I shall enjoy it more as we walk.
(While following the Elemental Being)
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: How much farther is it?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 14.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: We're about halfway there. You're doing great, Paimon. Do you need me to carry you on my back?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Huh? Oh, no, Paimon was just curious. Paimon isn't that tired.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Hehe, you seem to enjoy taking care of others.
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 hydrofunguslifeform 15.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You think so? Does the Lord of Dendro need to be carried?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Erm... that would be awkward, wouldn't it? Why don't you fly up and sit on top of my head?
Media:vo nhdlq101 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: We can figure out who'll carry who later! We have monsters here!
(After defeating the hilichurls)
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Hmm, I think we may have a different understanding of "carrying" someone.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: No matter whether it's tired or not, my child is always happy when I put it on my back and give it a ride.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Child? You mean the Fungi we ran into earlier?
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes. One was my friend, and the other was my child.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Why can't your kid speak?
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Because it's just a Fungus. I don't want my presence to change or affect the original state of the Fungi species here.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: However, it is slightly different from an ordinary Fungus. It seems to understand some human language, so I gave it a name.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh, then it must be a really cute name!
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: You know, like Bongo-Head!
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Hmm, you have an odd taste for names.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh? Paimon thinks that name is great!
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Strange and cute at the same time. It's a name only Paimon would be able to come up with.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Hehe, that's right.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The name I came up with was not as creative as Paimon's. I learned it from an adventurer. It's...
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Its name is...
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I'm sorry, but I've forgotten... *sigh* Seems like I've forgotten many important things.
Icon Dialogue Talk Don't worry. You can try and remember it on the way.
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, I must remember it before I return. It's just as important as my homeland.
(While following the Elemental Being)
Media:vo nhdlq101 6 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, this way. We're almost there.

(Enter the Withering Zone)
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: It's... The Withering!
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, I have heard humans also call it that before.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's the last form we take when we are at the end of our life.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon doesn't understand...
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: It's trying to say that when they've suffered enough and reached the end of their life, they become a Tumor of the Withering.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes. I would have also suffered the same fate if it wasn't for the Lord of Dendro's help.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: So this is how "The Withering" is formed...?
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Previous research has revealed that forbidden knowledge is the root cause of The Withering.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: But even if forbidden knowledge has been completely removed, its influence still remains, which is why The Withering remains even after forbidden knowledge has disappeared.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: They've been tormented by forbidden knowledge for a long time. It's understandable that they will eventually become The Withering.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: But what a sad and pitiful end...
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: When I left my homeland, flowers like these filled the fields. Each bloom represented an individual life.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: They grew in the pristine lakes, in the fertile soil, in my home, and in the homes of my friends...
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: They grew everywhere. Until the world suddenly lost all its color and became tainted and murky.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: But it's alright. Our life essence — elemental power — still resides in this flower.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: After an adventurer clears The Withering, I will quietly draw near the area. If I can sense the elemental power of my companions, then I take them with me.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: But that would mean the effects of forbidden knowledge could've...
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's okay. That's not important anymore. I just hope that they can all make it back home.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's not right to leave them to simply perish in the open like this.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Now that we finally have the chance to return home, each one I manage to bring back will make me that much happier.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: I understand. Just leave it to us.
Icon Dialogue Talk I got this.
Icon Dialogue Talk This is a product of forbidden knowledge, after all.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: So you're worried about me...
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: Hehe, it's fine. Forbidden knowledge doesn't exist anymore.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: It's natural to want to be over-cautious when dealing with a highly venomous snake, but when all that's left is its skeleton, there's nothing to worry about.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...If you say so.
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon doesn't get what you two are talking about, but we're all ready to go now, right?
Media:vo nhdlq101 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Then let's do this! We've dealt with The Withering countless times already!
(After clearing the Withering Zone)
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: As I expected, it's the last of my kind that I'm aware of.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: So it wasn't able to make it to the end. If only it could have held on just a little longer...
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: I hope that you will be free of this pain after returning home.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Just thinking about how many elemental life-forms have turned into Tumors of the Withering makes Paimon sad.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's okay. As long as elemental power still exists, then we will still be around.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: An external form is but a gift of time. Through "growth" comes change, and even abandonment of previous forms. However, our true nature is not so easily affected.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: It wouldn't have come to this if we were able to cure them earlier...
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: But I will cure all of them... even if it's just for the sake of the rainforest and all the life-forms that live in it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Thank you, Lord of Dendro. It was a wise choice for us to place our trust in you and wait.
At this moment, a message comes from the forest...
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: Hold on. I think I got something.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: ...Oh, I see. Okay, I understand. Thank you so much.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: So, they found a Fungus that matches the description I gave them. It's currently unconscious.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It must be in a similar situation as I was. We should hurry and go take a look.
Media:vo nhdlq101 8 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Okay, follow me.

(Approach the marked area)
You come to a place where the Fungi gather...
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: We're close now. It's just a little further inside.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: But there are so many Fungi here. They're probably all ordinary Fungi, right?
Icon Dialogue Talk If we startle them...
Icon Dialogue Talk We won't be able to avoid a fight.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Yeah, they won't be happy to see us.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: No fighting. These are all its family.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Although we belong to different species, we've spent a long time living among the Fungi. They are very important to us.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: They can be reasonable as long as we try to communicate.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: What should we do? You're the only one who can make it through, right?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: But you'll need Nahida's power if you want to save that Fungus.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: I've got an idea. Can you teach me how to change into a Fungus?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You want to transform into a Fungus? But we don't have time for growth...
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Nahida is a god. Changing into a Fungus should be a piece of cake for her.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Even gods can't bend the laws of time so easily.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Then we'll have to enter with the risk of being noticed. We may not be able to avoid a fight.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: But if spending some of my power will guarantee the safety of you and its family, then I am willing to try.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Alright. You have great elemental power, so you may be able to do it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You will have to use power equal to that which is required to break through the limitations of time.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I will lend you the relevant knowledge that I have. It should make your transformation process a little easier.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Alright, I'm ready. Changing into a Fungus should be quite an interesting experience.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Lord of Dendro, this is nothing to joke about. I am extremely serious about this.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Hmm? As am I. I'm not joking at all.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Alright, alright, let's not get hung up here. If it's really possible to turn into a Fungus, then why don't we give it a try now?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Okay. Good luck, Lord of Dendro.
Using the knowledge from the elemental creature and her own powers, Nahida transforms into a Fungus...
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Wow! You really turned into a Fungus!
Icon Dialogue Talk So, how does it feel?
Icon Dialogue Talk How do you like it?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: It's actually not too bad. My perspective in this form isn't much different from usual.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: The unconscious Fungus is just below here. Can you all help me determine which one it is?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Oh, how do we do that?
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: I'll get close to them while you make your way over from above.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: You should be able to identify them using Elemental Sight since they're elemental life-forms.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: Then, all you have to do is repeat the correct answer in your mind. As long as I'm able to see you, then I'll be able to hear your answer.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Okay, got it!
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Let me lure away the Fungi up top and make way for you.
Media:vo nhdlq101 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Alright, good luck, Nahida. Let's go, (TravelerTraveler)!

Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: (There's a Fungus on patrol in the center there. It looks pretty vigilant, so I'd better go around it.)
Icon Dialogue Talk Move Left
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 leftfungus 01.ogg Whirling Electro Fungus: ♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: ♪...♪...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 leftfungus 02.ogg Whirling Electro Fungus: ♪♪♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 wingeddendroshroomb 03.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: ...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 wingeddendroshroomb 04.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: ♪~♪♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: (It seems they didn't notice me.)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: (It seems that Fungus won't be moving for the moment. I should hurry and make my way through.)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: (This is the spot. There are several Fungi here.)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: (I'll hide and wait for (TravelerTraveler) to catch up.)
Icon Dialogue Talk Move Right
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 rightfungus 01.ogg Stretchy Anemo Fungus: ...!?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: (Why is it reacting like that?)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 wingeddendroshroomb 01.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: ...?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: (Uh oh, the Fungus on patrol noticed me.)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: ♪...♪?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 wingeddendroshroomb 02.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: !!!
The planned infiltration of the habitat failed because you were detected...
(Return to option selection)
(Fail to move within the time limit)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 wingeddendroshroomb 02.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: !!!
The planned infiltration of the habitat failed because you were detected...
(Return to option selection)
Nahida avoids the vigilance of the guard by carefully imitating the behavior and speech patterns of the Fungus on patrol...

(Approach the Fungi, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Come back! They'll spot you if you keep going that way!
(Return to starting point)
(Approach the marked area)
You split up and help Nahida find the correct Fungus...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: (Ah, so this is the one. Understood.)
(Nahida approaches the Fungus)
Nahida uses her elemental power on the Fungus.
Seeing their companion regain consciousness, the nearby Fungi lower their guard against you.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: *panting*... Whew...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Nahida, what's wrong?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: I never knew that it was so tiring to change forms like that.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: I even used the techniques that it taught me... Seems like its warnings were not unfounded.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The power of time accumulates slowly and goes unnoticed. A great price is to be paid if you wish to perform drastic changes instantly.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Thank you for everything you've done. All seems to have gone according to plan. Now we simply wait for it to wake up.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Who... are you?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: I apologize. Language... is not... easy. Need... long... time...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It's okay, I have good news. Let me explain it to you the Fungi way.
A while later...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Apocalypse... ended. Go home... now?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes. Unfortunately, I've forgotten where home is. I was hoping you still remembered.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: I... remember.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Really? That's great!
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Home... Dendro Dragon.
Icon Dialogue Talk Dendro Dragon?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Dendro Dragon... Ah... Yes! The Dendro Dragon!
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I'm sorry, I just got so excited. I've probably never expressed such emotions before. But yes, our home is the Dendro Dragon.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: W–Wait a minute, Paimon's confused! Do you mean the Dendro Dragon as in an elemental dragon? Like Dvalin?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: Yes. They're both dragons but Apep, the Dendro Dragon, has been around for longer and has accumulated dense elemental power...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: But I don't quite understand — why would you say that your homeland is a dragon?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Because we live inside the Dendro Dragon.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: The Dendro Dragon... Inside... Very big... Mountains... water... trees... us.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: There is an entire world inside the Dendro Dragon's body. The Dendro Dragon nurtured the earliest life-forms, and protected us inside of itself.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: It once told us in a majestic voice that once we've finally matured, we'd be able to start life in a new world.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: However, that day never came. Our homeland was the greatest place there ever was before the apocalypse arrived.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Paimon's still confused...
Icon Dialogue Talk Is it like... Dendro Slimes giving birth to smaller slimes?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, a very good example. It appears that you're much smarter than Paimon. The only difference is that the Dendro Dragon is much, much larger than any Dendro Slime.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: Wait... Then if that's the case... Doesn't that imply that Apep has also been contaminated by forbidden knowledge?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 12.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Yes, that is correct.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 13.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: What has suddenly made you look so worried, Lord of Dendro? I haven't seen this expression on you before.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: Apep is the most adaptable life-form in the world. The forbidden knowledge should've become a part of its body a long time ago.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 18.ogg Nahida: Which means that if all the forbidden knowledge has been eliminated...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Then a big void will also form inside the dragon!
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 19.ogg Nahida: I'm afraid so... Its body and soul have probably been in terrible shape for some time now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 20.ogg Nahida: No wonder I haven't seen Apep for so long. But how did it get contaminated...? Was it due to the destruction of King Deshret's civilization?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 21.ogg Nahida: Hmm... But anyway, Apep disappeared and has been gone ever since that time. It's been enduring unimaginable pain all the while... It's probably in pain as we speak...
Icon Dialogue Talk So saving the Dendro Dragon is the important thing you need to do?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 22.ogg Nahida: Yes! How could I have forgotten!?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 23.ogg Nahida: If the Dendro Dragon fails to hang on, the elemental power inside it will no longer be able to maintain its form, and will all be dispersed.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 24.ogg Nahida: Dendro elemental power of that concentration will cause the rainforest to overgrow...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 25.ogg Nahida: Giant trees will completely block out the sun... Plants and humans will fight over oxygen... Sumeru will no longer be suitable for sustaining life!
Icon Dialogue Talk Nahida, get ahold of yourself.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Hey, what about the crystal? Why don't you show it to them and see if they know anything about it?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 26.ogg Nahida: *sigh* Yes, I'm sorry... You're right. We don't have time to panic.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 27.ogg Nahida: Have you two ever seen anything like this before?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: No.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 14.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Its power feels very familiar... like something from our homeland, but I don't know what it is.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 15.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I'm sorry, our memories aren't very reliable.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 28.ogg Nahida: It's okay. I'll contact my helpers just as I did before and see if they can locate your other family members.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 29.ogg Nahida: I'm counting on you all, your info is crucial to us now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 30.ogg Nahida: Let's wait for their reply again. Though I know waiting can feel unbearable at a time like this...
After Nahida sends a message to the forest, the Fungi nearby bring you some fruits...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofungusa 01.ogg Floating Anemo Fungus: ♩~
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofungusc 01.ogg Stretchy Anemo Fungus: ♬~♬~
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Thank... you... Family... bringing... fruit.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 16.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I explained to them that you aren't hostile. After seeing you save it, its family is very grateful to you.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 09.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Go home... Leave... Hard decision... Don't know.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 10.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: They are... weak... I... Worry.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 11.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: If waiting... Then... I hope...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 17.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Don't worry, I understand what you are trying to say.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 18.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Family is very important to us, no matter when we were actually family. It has done a lot to protect this territory and can't help but worry now that it's about to leave.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 19.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Can you do one last thing for it while we wait?
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 31.ogg Nahida: Of course. I can relate to how it's feeling.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 nahida 32.ogg Nahida: I need to organize my thoughts as well...
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 12.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Thank you... Thank you.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 13.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Tend... Soil... Food.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 14.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Don't like... Plant... Invasion.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 20.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: There are two things that it wants you to do. One is to look after the land that the food is grown in, and the other is to drive away the plants that are trying to invade the area.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 15.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Soil... there. First... seed... here.
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Paimon understood that! No need to translate! We'll take care of it right away!
(Obtain Food Seeds)
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 anemofunguslifeform 16.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: (Time... short... long... Go home...)
(Talk to Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Leave... worried... Want to stay.
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Preparation... almost... complete.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 hydrofunguslifeform 21.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: (The Lord of Dendro is a kind god, just as described in the prophecy.)
(Talk to Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Thank you so much for your willingness to help. In the meantime, I'd like to tell it the things we experienced on the way here.
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Sharing knowledge is a habit of ours.
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Stretchy Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: (It looks like it's in a good mood, and is waiting for another Fungus.)
(Talk to Stretchy Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofungusc 01.ogg Stretchy Anemo Fungus: ♬~♬~
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofungusc 02.ogg Stretchy Anemo Fungus: ♬♬
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Floating Anemo Fungus near Stretchy Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: (It's happy because it found some delicious fruit.)
(Talk to Floating Anemo Fungus near Stretchy Anemo Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofungusa 01.ogg Floating Anemo Fungus: ♩~♩~♩♩
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Whirling Pyro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 16.ogg Nahida: (It appears to be encouraging itself. Is it about to face some kind of formidable foe?)
(Talk to Whirling Pyro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 stretchypyrofungusa 01.ogg Whirling Pyro Fungus: !
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Whirling Electro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 17.ogg Nahida: (It seems to be welcoming us as guests.)
(Talk to Whirling Electro Fungus, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 whirlingelectrofungusa 01.ogg Whirling Electro Fungus: ♫~♫~♫~
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Winged Dendroshroom, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 14.ogg Nahida: (It looks really sleepy. Why doesn't it go to sleep?)
(Talk to Winged Dendroshroom, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 wingeddendroshrooma 01.ogg Winged Dendroshroom: ...
(Use Nahida's All Schemes to Know on Floating Anemo Fungus near Winged Dendroshroom, optional)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 15.ogg Nahida: (It looks like it's very curious about us.)
(Talk to Floating Anemo Fungus near Winged Dendroshroom, optional)
Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 anemofungusb 01.ogg Floating Anemo Fungus: ...?

(After planting and watering the seeds)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: We've planted all the seeds. It's time to handle the invading plant life.
(After engaging the Whopperflowers)
Media:vo nhdlq101 10 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Ah, Whopperflowers! It wasn't kidding when it said that plants were invading!
(After defeating the Whopperflowers)
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whew, that should be all of 'em. That wasn't too tough!
Icon Dialogue Talk Nahida, are you feeling better?
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Yeah, I've calmed down now. But it doesn't seem like there's too much we can do until we receive some new leads.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Can you tell us about the Dendro Dragon? We don't know anything about it. Who is it, and what does it have to do with King Deshret?
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Well, the history of dragons starts from the very beginning of Teyvat.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Sumeru was Apep's territory. In those days, the lush rainforest covered the entire nation.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Oh? So there was no desert back then?
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: Not at first. That came when a giant spike fell from the sky, turning a huge section of the rainforest into sand.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: In an attempt to adapt to its new environment, Apep changed color from the emerald green of the forest to the yellow of the sand.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: No wonder those two elemental life-forms are always talking about the importance of "adapting"...
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: Apep has always seen itself as the master of Sumeru and has refused to recognize the new order that was established. Even now, it probably still holds great hostility toward the gods.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: However, powerless against the power in the sky and then the forbidden knowledge many millennia later, it's been unable to stir up any trouble.
Icon Dialogue Talk I thought the gods and dragons were on good terms?
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: Conflicts between the two sides are destined to continue until a balance can be found.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: As far as I know, Apep had been slumbering in the desert, and King Deshret had taken a great interest in it. Maybe this is why Apep was contaminated.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: I'm not sure what may have led it to become involved, but rescuing it is definitely our top priority right now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 11 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: The crystal that I have in my possession is probably the key that links the two matters together.

(Return to the fungi)
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 anemofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Thank you... Lord of Dendro. Family... happy.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: You really like them, don't you?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 anemofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Family... like. Do you... not like... your family?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Ahh, that's not what Paimon meant. It's just that you guys aren't actually the same species.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 anemofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Does not matter. Family... likes... me. I... like... family.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Uh, Paimon doesn't quite understand...
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 01.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: What it's trying to say is that as long as family members get along well, then nothing else matters.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 02.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: You place importance on appearances, but we do not. We find the experiences, knowledge, and connections we've made to be more important.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 03.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: These are all things that are more reliable than mere external appearances... These are the fruits of time, and the essence of what it means to grow.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon gets it now. Looks can always change, so what's inside of us is more important.
Icon Dialogue Talk What if my looks changed?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 05a 1.ogg Paimon: It wouldn't matter! Paimon would still be able to recognize you right away.
Icon Dialogue Talk What if Paimon's looks changed?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Paimon would still follow you around. Wait... would you not be able to recognize Paimon?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 01.ogg Nahida: Oh? Hmm... Understood. Thank you.
(Nahida receives a message from the forest)
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 02.ogg Nahida: Still nothing new from the forest. Seems like we won't be able to find your other family members for now.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 03.ogg Nahida: Hmm, it appears we are out of leads to follow... And if no one knows how this crystal works, then Apep may be in danger.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 anemofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Anemo Fungus: Sorry.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 04.ogg Nahida: It's okay, it isn't your fault. I don't think it's a coincidence that neither of you can remember anything about the crystal.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 05.ogg Nahida: Maybe it's because the crystal has a very close connection to forbidden knowledge which causes memories of it to be unclear.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 06.ogg Nahida: And if that's the case, finding the other Fungi still wouldn't help us at all.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 04.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Hmm. The crystal and the apocalypse... The apocalypse and memories...
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 05.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: Lord of Dendro, do you still remember the prophecy?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 07.ogg Nahida: Mm-hmm, I do. What about it?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 06.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The prophecy is a story that connects events of the past and the future. A family member once said that the apocalypse is a part of us and that there is value in preserving it.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 07.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: The rest of the family did not approve of its opinion at the time, so it left.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Preserving the apocalypse? Do you mean that there's still some that hasn't been eliminated?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 08.ogg Nahida: That's not very likely. The power of Irminsul covers every inch of the land.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 09.ogg Nahida: Did the prophecy say where that family member went?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 hydrofunguslifeform 08.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: To the limitless depths east of Sumeru. A murky place that no one can return from.
Icon Dialogue Talk The Chasm.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Yeah, that must be The Chasm, right? But what is it doing there...?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 10.ogg Nahida: Hmm... it's impossible to preserve forbidden knowledge. But...
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 11.ogg Nahida: What if it can be converted to a different form?
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 12.ogg Nahida: I'm sorry if I'm suddenly not making any sense. However, I do think it's possible.
Media:vo nhdlq101 12 nahida 13.ogg Nahida: Follow me. I'll explain it once we find that elemental life-form.

Unsorted Dialogue[]

Media:vo dialog nhdlq101 hydrofungusa 01.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofungusb 03.ogg Floating Hydro Fungus: ♪~♪♪~
Media:vo nhdlq101 2 hydrofunguslifeform 13.ogg Elemental Being: Floating Hydro Fungus: I'm moved that they were so worried about me.


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
03Flickering Shadows of TreesForest of Jnana and VidyaThe Reason We Are Gathered Here, Annals of the Scarlet Sands, Where Lies the Path Home, The Dead Past is the Living Present, Give Her Memories
Locations, Event Gameplay
25Rustling of Tender FoliageForest of Jnana and VidyaWhere Lies the Path Home
Locations, Domains, Serenitea Pot
59Lonely Star's LongingForest of Jnana and VidyaWhere Lies the Path Home

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWhere Lies the Path Home
Ruò Wàngjì Jiā Zài Héchù
If I Forget Where Home Is
Ruò Wàngjì Jiā Zài Héchù
Ie ga Dokoka wo Wasuretara
If You Forget Where Home Is
Korean고향이 어디인지 잊는다면
Gohyang'i Eodiinji Inneundamyeon
SpanishEn busca del hogar perdidoIn Search of the Lost Home
FrenchEn cas d'oubli de son foyerIn Case of Forgetting Its Home
RussianКак найти дорогу домой
Kak nayti dorogu domoy
How to Find the Way Home
VietnameseNếu Quên Nhà Ở Đâu
GermanWie gehts nach Hause?How Does One Get Home?
IndonesianJika Jalan Pulang Telah TerlupaIf The Way Home Has Been Forgotten
PortugueseOnde Fica o Caminho de Casa
TurkishEve Giden Yol
ItalianDove si trova la via di casaWhere Is the Way Home

Change History[]
