I don’t believe I’m exaggerating when I say that Kevin MacDonald’s Culture of Critique is one of the most important books of our age. Despite this fact, it has garnered remarkably little attention in traditional spheres, particularly academic circles. Of course, the reasons for this are obvious — the book is critical of Jewish behavior, it helps Gentiles understand how Jews are working against Gentile interests, and it shows that Jews control much of the content of academic and media discussion.
At the same time, MacDonald and his works have garnered immense attention from those who are often harmed by Jewish behavior or are excluded from areas of cultural construction, including many in the loosely-defined “Alt-Right.†Further, Prof. MacDonald has been indefatigable in his efforts to spread his views, appearing on countless podcasts and other Internet shows, speaking at conferences, etc. In my estimation, MacDonald is the hands-down intellectual leader of resistance to Jewish attacks on the White race, and in our circles he is honored as such.
Recently, a young man in the academic arena chose to address MacDonald’s work, which has given MacDonald a chance to once again defend his various theses on Jews. The academic is Nathan Cofnas, a graduate student working toward his doctorate in the philosophy of biology at the University of Oxford. (He is not a professor yet, though as a potential graduate of Oxford with a Ph.D. — and as a Jew who has published an attack on MacDonald — his chances of gaining a good tenured teaching position are almost guaranteed.)
Fortunately for us, Spencer Quinn, a prolific writer for Counter-Currents, has ably summarized the debate between MacDonald and Cofnas. See Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.
This leaves me free to bring back a similar older debate among MacDonald, John Derbyshire, and Joey Kurtzman. Though these debates deserve a revisit based on their own merits, the fact that Cofnas has now revived similar discussions makes previous discussions all the more relevant.
I first wrote about Derbyshire’s opinions of KMAC’s work way back in 2008, then again in 2012. For the purposes of this current piece, I will crib liberally from those original two essays, though the links within have often not survived well.
Derbyshire’s first major piece on MacDonald appeared in the March 10, 2003 issue of The American Conservative under the title “The Marx of the Anti-Semites.†(Editors chose the title, not Derbyshire.)There Derb’s take on the book was mixed, beginning with “The Culture of Critique includes many good things. . . . Kevin MacDonald is working in an important field.†He even validates an important point of MacDonald’s work: “These Jewish-inspired pseudoscientific phenomena that The Culture of Critique is concerned with — Boasian anthropology, psychoanalysis, the Frankfurt School, and so on — were they a net negative for America? Yes, I agree with MacDonald, they were.â€
Derbyshire, however, then concludes that “This is, after all, in the dictionary definition of the term, an anti-Semitic book.†What? That’s odd. I suspect I’m not the only reader sensing an unexplained contradiction here. (See MacDonald’s reply.)
To be fair, Derbyshire is a writer caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place. While he aims to write honestly — wherever the chips may fall, as he implies — he’s also exquisitely aware of the risks a non-Jew takes when writing in a forthright manner about things Jewish. Worse, as a self-described minor name in American journalism, he fears that any criticism of Jews may well spell career destruction.
Derbyshire made an excellent case for this risk in a remarkable exchange with Joey Kurtzman, the Jewish editor of the website Jewcy.com, asserting:
So far as the consequences of ticking off Jews are concerned: First, I was making particular reference to respectable rightwing journalism, most especially in the U.S. I can absolutely assure you that anyone who made general, mildly negative, remarks about Jews would NOT — not ever again — be published in the Wall Street Journal opinion pages, The Weekly Standard, National Review, The New York Sun, The New York Post, or The Washington Times. I know the actual people, the editors, involved here, and I can assert this confidently.
Yes, he was confident. After all, one of Derbyshire’s exchanges was titled “Be Nice, or We’ll Crush You: Criticizing Jews is professional suicide.†Despite this conscious awareness of why he wouldn’t give MacDonald’s work the praise it deserves, Derbyshire still feels qualified to act as an honest interpreter of MacDonald’s works and intentions. As I say, odd.
Then we’re back to Derbyshire admitting that he finds the parts about the “partly malign influence of Jews on modern American culture very persuasive.†And then it’s back to snark, referring to MacDonald’s work as “some rather abstruse socio-historical theories cooked up by a cranky small-college faculty member.†This last crack, of course, recalls Judith Shulevitz’s nasty comment in her 2000 Slate article: “A man in his 50s, MacDonald is still an associate professor of psychology at a third-rate school, California State University in Long Beach.†(She was wrong; MacDonald was a full professor, though he’s now retired.)
Derbyshire continued to be schizophrenic on issues involving Jews, praising, for instance Yuri Slezkine’s exposé, The Jewish Century. (See MacDonald’s review of Slezkine.) While Derbyshire wrote that, after reading Slezkine’s book, he finally understood the importance of the assertions about the Jewish role in the Bolshevik revolution, he still thinks Jews have been A-OK on the whole. I guess as long as you’re breaking goyische eggs to make that utopian omelette, it’s acceptable.
But let’s review what Slezkine wrote about Jews in the USSR: “Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with and possibly shot by a Jewish investigator.†Estimates are that up to twenty million non-Jews died during this “rise of the Jews,†prompting Slezkine to call such Jews “Stalin’s willing executioners.â€
Elsewhere in the world, however, Derbyshire felt that Spain suffered greatly for expelling its Jews, and America without its great wave of Jewish immigrants indisputably “would have been worse off.†One wonders about such claims. Frankly, I’m more inclined to agree with the conclusions MacDonald so often reaches when it comes to the impact of Jewish behavior on White populations, particularly with respect to America.
For instance, are the vulgar performances of Sarah Silverman part of the “wonderful vitality†Derbyshire attributes to American Jews? Harvey Weinstein? Jewish pornography? Wall Street corruption and fraud in amounts Gentiles can barely imagine? As MacDonald argues in the preface to the paperback edition of The Culture of Critique, as American culture has become progressively more influenced by Jews, it has become far less healthy, at least for majority Whites.
Again, when Derbyshire writes that “it’s a scandal that Kevin’s books are not more widely reviewed and read†and that shutting them out from the public forum is “absurd and unfair,†I applaud him. But I wish he had more consistency and courage when it comes to this issue.
Some years later, Derbyshire entered into a dialogue with Joey Kurtzman, a Jewish editor of the website Jewcy.com. Surprisingly, Kurtzman comes across as the greater booster of MacDonald’s work, writing that:
MacDonald has presented us with a fascinating and genuinely novel examination of the history and internal workings of the Jewish world. His trilogy is a hell of a read. To any Jewcy readers tired of pious, ‘hooray-for-us!’ Jewish historiography, or just interested in seeing traditional Jewish history through a kaleidoscope, I happily recommend it.
The Derbyshire-Kurtzman exchange is excellent, and links seem to remain intact, so I recommend reading each post, then finding the next link at the end of each post.
In contrast, old VDARE links are often poor, and I can’t find Derbyshire’s meditations on Jon Entine’s thoughts on Kevin MacDonald. My notes from my 2008 essay state that Derbyshire commented on a column on VDARE in which Entine, author of Abraham’s Children: Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, alleged that MacDonald said, “I’m a scientific racist†and likened MacDonald’s work to “The Protocols of Zion.†Entine then summed up MacDonald’s work as making the argument that “Jews have an almost diabolical, biologically programmed plan of dominance.â€
Not surprisingly, MacDonald vehemently disagreed, stating, “I never wrote anything like ‘the devious nature of Jews.’ Such a statement would be an outrageous overgeneralization. Rather, I simply stated that Jewish identification and interests among the Boasians were unstated in their public writings and that the movement was couched in the language of science and universalism.â€
For some reason, however, Derbyshire concluded that “Entine’s account seems fair to me.â€
I’ve read so much of what Derbyshire has written about MacDonald yet I simply can’t square Derb’s conclusion about MacDonald’s work. Again, this draws me back to Derb’s exchanges with Kurtzman, where in one of them we read : “The first thing you hear when you go into opinion journalism is ‘don’t f*ck with the Jews.’â€
Fair enough — and again, I’m trying to be understanding of Derbyshire’s position as a relatively weak Gentile facing off against the Goliath of Jewish institutional power. Still, I’m a little disgruntled at how far Derbyshire is willing to go on some things, but not the JQ. After all, he is not afraid of breaking many taboos, having written VDARE columns such as “Gypped By Gypsies In Canada†and “Orientalia: ‘Chineseman’, ‘Chinaman’ And PC.†Yet he remains, in his words, careful not to “f*ck with the Jews.â€
OK, let’s acknowledge that he was fired by National Review for writing too frankly about Black criminality in his Taki Magazine essay “The Talk: Nonblack Version.†The gist of “The Talk†to his young children was that they should “Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally†and “Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods.†Well, we know that Jewish influence at The National Review has always been strong, especially now, and we have ample evidence that Jews have been using Black Americans in their war against Whites for a long time now. In that sense, Derb was still “f*cking with Jews.â€
Needless to say, Derbyshire is hardly alone in being sidelined, try as he might not to antagonize the Jews. In the last year alone we’ve seen any number of open critics of Jewish behavior punished in one way or other, either through de-platforming, doxxing, demonitization, jailing, physical assault, lawfare or a combination of the above.
Despite that, individuals on the Alt Right continue to push for White interests, as we’ve seen with The Right Stuff crew, Andrew Anglin and Chris Cantwell. (Unfortunately, there now seems to be some bad blood among them.) David Duke soldiers on, directly addressing the JQ almost daily, and lovers of fiction can still get Harold Covington’s quintet of Northwest Novels (scroll down to individually select the five novels). Also, one can read Catholic traditionalist E. Michael Jones, whom I’ve reviewed numerous times (here, here, here, and here).
Former TOO contributor Lasha Darkmoon and her writers also continue to address the JQ, and if you’re interested in views from the extreme Left, one could do worse than read essays and short books from Prof. James Petras. Counter-Currents still addresses the JQ, but it’s here at TOO that readers can consistently find new and provocative fare about this critical topic.
In any case, I can understand why Derbyshire was torn about all this, and had he continued to write things some Jews might not like, he’d be paying a price similar to what Richard Spencer and others are paying now. In that sense, Derb’s a practical man, though he’s still paid a price that is not negligible. On the whole, I guess I’m thankful that he did that long exchange with Joey Kurtzman, which I hope readers will go back and copy before it, too, disappears.
And I’m thankful that Kevin MacDonald responded to Nathan Cofnas, keeping the JQ in play despite robust attempts to shut discussion down. Stay tuned for more TOO essays on this topic.
Is your position that Derbyshire shares your attitude about Jews, but won’t say so publicly because he fears the consequences for his career? It’s pretty rich to claim that John “The Talk” Derbyshire is afraid of losing his job for expressing an unpopular opinion.
Derbyshire’s made clear his opinion about Jews countless times. He almost certainly feels the way he claims to feel.
Whether he’s right or wrong is immaterial. There’s no strong evidence he’s been lying. To accuse a man who has done so much good of intentionally misleading his audience is pretty low.
My comments are banned at The Occidental Observer, so I want to ask here… why does TOO allow these pro-Nazi garbage? It’s one thing to be critical of Jewish Power. It’s another thing to praise or apologize for Nazi psychopaths. I don’t get it.
Often, ADL and SPLC are full of shi* in calling anyone a ‘nazi’. But then, the very people who decry such tactics as dirty go out of their way to praise Nazi crap.
TOO has some good articles, but now the whole site has been sullied by toxic Nazi garbage material.
William Pierce? The Turner Diaries loony?
Or ‘What Hitler Berlieved’. A total white-washing of the nutjob.
Nazi soldier as great hero:
It’s my understanding that Kevin MacDonald is not a Nazi. So, why is he allowing people who are clearly neo-Nazi turn his site into Stormfront?
It’s called free speech Anon. And what the fuck to you mean your comments have been banned there? You are anonymous!
Free Speech means that even Nazis get to speak their minds.
I know. It’s a difficult concept for idiots to comprehend.
I can see why some nameless troll was banned from trolling.
Who are you?
Derbyshire got on the wrong side of the Jews with his frank writing about blacks and their behavior and no amount of philo-Semitic commentary will get him out of that doghouse (racial realists are all Nazis, you see.)
Actually, according to psychopath expert James Fallon most Nazis were not psychopaths:
– http://bigthink.com/think-tank/a-neurobiologist-on-understanding-psychopaths
– http://bigthink.com/robby-berman/apparently-our-best-presidents-have-all-been-unhinged
– https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/8gdevk/dr-james-fallon-makes-being-a-psychopath-look-like-fun-110
– https://www.unz.com/article/trump-turns-the-corner-and-goes-on-the-attack-will-he-make-the-gop-follow/#comment-1930069
Video Link
It’s called free speech Anon. And what the fuck to you mean your comments have been banned there? You are anonymous!
I support TOO’s freedom to publish anything. That’s not the point. The point is why does Kevin Macdonald allow Neo-Nazi stuff on his site when he insists he isn’t part of the Stormfront crowd.
For some reason, campus slutwalks (which generally make a point of wandering off-campus) never seem to venture into those neighborhoods either. Can’t figure it.
I appreciate the correction as to the facts, but I’m sure you are aware that truth is rather incidental to the likes of Anon’s motivation for appending words like “psychopaths” to any usage of the word “Nazi”.
It’s a matter of virtue signalling and of viciously vindictive insulting, no more.
Meme idea:
Pictures and cartoons of Ronald McDonald with quotes from Kevin McDonald’s work.
I find all this analysis and debating about this topic fairly pointless. Its like debating how many angels are on the head of a pin. None of it can be quantified nor scientifically proved as being neither good or bad. Having these endless debates proves nothing. Authors that have two brain cells know what will happen to them if they touch taboo subjects.
There is a different approach and it goes like this:
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
Otherwise known as actions speak louder than words. The situation is what it is. Anyone with very little resources can find answers to basic questions.
Whom controls a large portion of TV, the movies and the printed media?
Whom controls a large portion of the financial system?
Whom controls a large portion of academia?
Whom controls a large portion of the judicial body?
Whom made up a large portion of the Bolsheviks?
Whom made up a large portion of the Cheka?
Whom wants to put both the 1st and 2nd amendments on a leash if not outright repeal?
Who wants endless borders?
Who wants America’s traditional heritage erased?
Who will make an alliance with any group to put the stones to the majority? (the blacks come to mind)?
Whom wants to destroy the family?
And on and one…
Is it the Irish that want this? How about the Italians? Maybe the Poles? Possibly the Germans as they are all closet Nazis anyway. Its got to be the dam WASPs!
Of course if you notice any of this than you are immediately racist anti-duck and should be dismissed for noting the obvious. You are not supposed to notice any of this.
In the end the duck is still a duck.
The real question that people really need to ask is what will happen next?
Kevin MacDonald’s ‘Culture of Critique’ ranks among the most important books of the 20th century.
Here is a thorough, accurate and concise summary of CofC. Read it and pass it along.
It is a MUST READ:
free speech is my guess;)
censoring people is abhorrent and only people that fear other opinions use it, free speech is an absolute.. there is no middle ground.
Derbyshire has a Chinese wife and Chinese offspring. A man with a non-white wife and non-white offspring cannot tell his non-white offspring not to date non-whites.
Derbyshire is afraid of the Jews. Derbyshire is a degenerate schizo.
Here’s my TV interview with Prof. MacDonald from 2003. It discusses in depth his seminal book, “Culture of Critique”.
Video Link
There’s an old saying about war being too important to be left to the generals. A corollary would be that Judaism is too important to be left to the Jews.
Prof. MacDonald is not only one of the very few non-Jews to write critically about Jewish power and the immense damage it’s done to all Western societies, he is also one of the even rarer goyim that refused to back down when the all-too-predictable accusation of anti-Semitism were flung.
Rev. Billy Graham said the exact same things in 1972 in a private conversation with President Richard Nixon. When it all came out decades later Graham begged for forgiveness from his overlords. He chose to live his final years like a wretched knave that stand by his beliefs that in the end have a strong Biblical basis.
I am not religious, but I do pray that Prof. MacDonald never punks out like Graham did.
This author is wrong about JD. JD loves Jews chiefly because they have power. Like many IQists he worships power and feels contempt for the powerless. He just does not understand why despite his adulations for the Jews they do not let him kick the ass of the less powerful Blacks. So he doubles down in his adulation and worship of the Jews hoping he will be noticed and rewarded. It never crosses his mind that the Jews may feel about him exactly the same way he feels about Blacks except even more intensely because Jews realize that only Whites pose the threat to their power and that Blacks are really powerless without the Jews. Poor JD.
anon425 has a case of Garbage In, Garbage Out. Pure unhinged Zionist fantasies.
‘The Nazis’ did not do, could not have done what is alleged of them. There is no proof whatsoever that they did.
There are no human remains, immense mass graves for the alleged grand total of 11,000,000 to be seen, even though Jews claim they exist to this day and say they know exactly where they are.
The alleged ‘gas chambers are scientifically impossible.
Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.
Holocaust Handbooks, Documentaries, & Videos: http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?main_page=1
The ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
see the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here: http://codoh.com
No name calling, level playing field debate here: http://forum.codoh.com
Only liars demand censorship.
“Truth is hate to those that hate the truth.”
Jewish thinking once was made quite clear in a tv report on the USA Anti Defamation League ‘it begins with a slur, and ends with gas chambers’.
There is, in my opinion, genuine fear among USA jews, read the articles of dr Stephen Steinlight, who fears immigration from the south ‘Mexicans know nothing about the holocaust, for them jews are just rich people’, and ‘there is always the life saving boat Israel’.
Around 1890 one Rothschild wrote to another ‘the only enemy of jews is jews’.
You find the statement in one of the following books
Ismar Schorsch, ‘Jewish Reactions to German Anti-Semitism, 1870 – 1914’, New York 1972
Fritz Stern, ‘Gold and Iron, Bismarck, Bleichröder, and the Building of the German Empire’, New York, 1977.
This is a genuinely awful and self-contradictory rambling load of nonsense. Were it about white people, in general, even Everyday Feminism would reject it as idiotic.
What on earth is it about?
Can someone point to a single paragraph of substance?
Just one?
Pick your best.
You know, you don’t have to be the half-literate Nazis that the writers at the NYT want you to be. It certainly isn’t smart. After all, they only want you to be, so they inevitably look good by comparison.
Also, lambasting someone for being too afraid to speak openly for fear of being unpersoned by the mainstream right when…he actually was unpersoned by the mainstream right…for speaking openly…
I’m glad to see the Jew industry is going great guns, although younger generations might be confused by the prolificity.
I read the old books on the subject, thirty years ago, drew the necessary conclusions and have put the matter from my mind ever since.
When possible, for explanations of thought I look at the personal, so I wonder how much of Derbyshire’s beliefs are shaped by family matters. His daughter was an Obama supporter, although he can probably dismiss that as youthful folly. More problematic would be his son, who last I heard had enrolled in the military and was dedicated to joining the special forces. Absorb what MacDonald writes, and you realize that Derbyshire’s son is a useful idiot who may end up as a shock troop for Jewish interests. If his son was successful in his endeavors, he may be in Syria right now backing ISIS and the White Helmets against Assad and the remaining Christian elements. That may help explain Derbyshire’s cognitive dissonance on the Jewish Question.
I like your explanation better than mine.
As you were partially responsible for having the Comments section in Takimag closed down, it’s a shame to find you posting here. At least, on this occasion, you’ve spared us your insane worship of ‘Saint Breivik’.
Bollocks. Derb wrote about MacDonald’s work what he deemed to be necessary. My opinion is that JD does not know or care about historical nuances tendentiously presented in MacDonald’s magnum opus, so he didn’t bother to address them point by point.
Anyway, this all is tiresome. I’ll just c/p what I wrote some time ago on MacDonald’s work, I don’t think the issue deserves nanoanalysis…
I’ve already said that most MacDonald’s claims were bogus. Since I am not too interested in the topic (Peterson, Jewish conspiracy, IQ, Ivy League over/under-representation,..), I’ll just copy-paste what I’ve posted on his magnum opus & that would be it.
To analyze most of his specific claims is as useless & boring as are most of his grand assertions.
* Jews “follow group evolutionary strategyâ€. He didn’t prove that such a strategy exists at all, apart from a trivial observation that any human collective wants to preserve its identity & to thrive. No “strategy†in such a behavior.
* also, the author’s description of “Jewish movements†is non-verifiable & actually difficult to describe. From what I know of Marxism, psychoanalysis or Leninism- these were not “Jewish†movements, neither in intellectual genesis nor with regard to their proponents.
What about other intellectual currents, prominent in 20th & 21st C? Do these movements or cultural currents qualify as “Jewishâ€: anarchism, free-love leftism, Expressionism, Cubism, Dadaism, German phenomenology in philosophy, cultural critique (Derrida & Foucault following Heidegger), New Left with its post-1968 ideology, multiculturalism as ideology, Jungian archetypal psychology, New Age ideologies, radical Feminism, “New Atheismâ€, evolutionary psychology, sociobiology, various schools of economics (Austrian, Chicago,..), structuralism in humanities, ..?
* what about areas where ethnic Jews are over-represented in 20th & 21st fields: theoretical physics, all branches of mathematics, chess masters, computer science, violin virtuosi, philanthropists in arts & curators of museums, film directors & producers, ..? Are these areas somehow driven by Jewish interests, whether conscious or not? How can we ascertain this?
Although I admire MacDonald’s work in demolition of maudlin myth the core American Jewish community has over time built about it (eternal victims & universal humanitarians), I don’t see his work as dispassionate analysis that would be close to even such a non-exact “science†as evolutionary psychology claims to be. With its broad sweep of generalizations, MacDonald’s work on historical traits of Judaism (as cultural-historical identity) is not unlike other historiosophies, similar to St. Augustine, Gioacchino da Fiore, Hegel, Marx or Spengler.
There are insights in these works- but they are basically an imaginative construction, not more.
Jews are ethnic religious tribalists who had, many of them, lived in Europe for most than 2000 years. Somewhere during the Nero’s rule, they constituted ca 10% of Roman Empire, i.e. 5-6 million people. Have they had an opportunity for natural growth, there would have been ca. 250-400 million of them now. But, most of them assimilated, vanished into greater Pagan & then Christian communities. So much for stubborn insistence of religious-ethnic pride.
There is no “group evolutionary strategyâ€, only if it stands for something trivial: any ethnic-national group wants to exist ad infinitum & prosper. This applies to every single human community.
As for Jews being particularly ethno-centric, this may be the truth in comparison with some other groups, but they didn’t differ from Zoroastrian Iranians or Hindu Brahmins; there is no way to empirically verify whether their ethnocentrism is rooted in ancient religious texts older than 1500 years (Babylonian Talmud, 250-600 AD) or something else. No causal connection can be made & all this is bogus.
With regard to MacDonald’s thesis that Jews are culturally-generically predisposed to domination in host societies, this is an easily refutable canard: they lived harmoniously, peacefully & productively during Parthian, Zoroastrian, Abbasid empires, Cordoba caliphate, Ottoman Empire…as well as in the 17th-18th C Netherlands or 18th C Prussia. They tried (and to a larger degree succeeded) to assimilate into British & German Empires, from the beginning to the end.
MacDonald’s theses are very simple & cannot pass the test of any rational & empirical investigation.
Jews are, according to him, essentially, due to a compound of genes, history, religious ideology,… eternal enemy of “white raceâ€. Not real. They lived among Europeans for almost 2 millennia & had virtually always been at the history’s receiving end. After their Enlightenment at the end of the 18th C, they avidly secularized themselves & were literally hungry for the riches of high European culture (arts, sciences, technology, ..), trying to assimilate as fast as they could. No “evolutionary group strategy†here, not anything that would preserve them as an alien dominant cultural-biological ethnicity..
Jews are far from a monolith existing in MacDonald fantasy. It is true they, those of them who still possess Jewish identity, try to help their co-religionists if they are in trouble (which is a perfectly normal behavior). But, their primary loyalty is to their host societies, which can be seen from German Jewish behavior during WW1, when their military deaths were higher than their percentage in the population. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judenz%C3%A4hlung French Jews fought for France, British for Britain etc.
According to MacDonald, Jews are basically destructive to a host society, like a group of pathogen bacteria swarming & sucking life out their host-victim. They’re, actually, not unlike a cancer. Another example of dehumanization & antisemitic nonsense. What about good they’ve done to their host societies, in culture, wealth, inventions, development of commerce, journalism, agriculture, arts,..
Persistent MacDonald’s myth is about their extraordinarily high levels of endogamous practice. In reality, Catholic and Protestants didn’t mix much until the 20th C, and Jews (not converts) have been in mixed marriages with German Christians at the rate of 30-40%, during 1933 (Hitler’s rise to power); now, more than 60% of Jews outmarry and more than 80-90% of them do so in Russia. Where is this MacDonald’s grand “evolutionary strategy�
Then, he is tendentious. MacDonald presents Spanish conversos/Marranos from 15th and 16th C as ethnically-racially homogeneous group. A part of them must have stayed that way- it is perfectly natural that forcibly converted people (who had already possessed their written culture & rituals) will adopt chameleon-like behavior. So did Moriscos, forcibly converted Muslim Arabs. So, it’s not about specific Jewish traits; it is about religious violence & natural resistance of people who had found themselves on the receiving end of pressure for religious conformity. MacDonald implies that many, perhaps most Marranos succeeded in surviving Inquisition in next 2-3 centuries. True, some Marranos have succeeded to retain their identity & emigrate later to the Netherlands or Ottoman empire, but most of them vanished into broader Iberian societies.
Conspicuously, MacDonald has glossed over the fact that most Jewish Germans in the 19th C had been assimilated with high percentage of intermarriage. Marranos in 16th C did-at least a part of them-tried to retain their separate identity. Not so in early 19th C Germany, where many Jews had voluntarily been baptized & completely assimilated into German society-no Jewish separatism & tribal behavior. No “Jewish Christian†secret societies, clannish behavior, endogamous marriages…
Mendelssohn family simply disappeared among other Germans.
How so if they’re eternally alien ethnic group? Where I can see that famous survival strategy? This “strategyâ€, it seems, leads only to obliteration of a separate national identity.
Or, after all, Einstein (whose descendants are not Jews) was right: If it were not for antisemitism, Jews would have dispersed like leaves in the wind.
I’ve read a fair amount of Macdonald’s stuff. Don’t agree with all of his conclusions, though.
My take on him is that he initially started his research into supposed Jewish group evolutionary strategy without much if any animus against the Jews. He was simply interested in what he saw as this phenomenon.
Much like James Damore, he stumbled into a minefield without intending to. Just has the mindset of an engineer and more or less oblivious to politics and unspoken taboos.
His work promptly touched off the most astonishing attacks on him by Jews and anti-anti-Semites. He appears to have, entirely understandably, eventually responded by developing antipathy towards those attacking him.
I make no claim to be an expert on his work or the conflict with his accusers. The above is simply my observation.
Solzhenitsyn wrote a book about the relationship between Russians and Jews. It’s sort of verboten to even mention it. It’s not been published in the West, and AFAIK not translated, so I haven’t reaad it.
But from descriptions of it, it appears to be a conscious attempt to address the issue fairly. The criticisms appear to be that it doesn’t portray the Jews as utterly innocent victims, but rather as full participants in the relationship. It appears that such good-faith attempts (not necessarily successful) are themselves verboten.
JD Junior has finished his service and is now home with the family.
Looking up the backgrounds of anti-whiteness authors, academics and bureaucrats, etc. my rough guesstimate is that 17 out of 20 will be Jews and the other 3 will be Irish.
At some point, sites like this or TOO need to discuss Irish leftists’ contributions to the situation.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading McDonald’s and Slezkine’s books, it’s that no one is more critical, insightful or brutally honest about Jewish power than the Jews themselves – when they think nobody else is watching. The unstated sub-text of CoC is there exists a small cottage industry of Jewish academics gloating about/lamenting Jewish power and all its works in this country, an entire field of research you could call How We Did It Studies, for Jewish eyes only.
That was one of McDonald’s strongest rhetorical ploys imo, and something I don’t think any of his reviewers commented on: nearly every source cited in his book was Jewish. And I do mean “lament.†Some of the Jewish scholars he quotes talk about us with a tinge of regret or pity, as if they were higher beings and we were poor inferior fools who didn’t know what hit us.
You know Voltaire’s old saying that if you want to know who’s in power, just find out who you’re not allowed to criticize. Well, the blacks aren’t in power but we’re still not free to criticize them, as Roseanne just found out. Jewish power goes Voltaire one better: now we’re not even allowed to criticize the proxies of those in power.
WTH? I love Critical Theory, infinity n*gger, and White Genocide now. Thank you juden.
Jilles Dykstra wrote:
“There is, in my opinion, genuine fear among USA jews”
For sure. During a number of years working in an international newsroom, no single event stood out to me more than the Mel Gibson affair. I was astonished at the raw nerve that was suddenly exposed in my (predominantly) Jewish colleagues who started running through endless manic cycles of pee-in-the-pants hysteria followed by a benumbed and sullen silence.
I think they are constantly aware that everything is one small spark away from the explosion.
“also, the author’s description of “Jewish movements†is non-verifiable & actually difficult to describe. From what I know of Marxism, psychoanalysis or Leninism- these were not “Jewish†movements, neither in intellectual genesis nor with regard to their proponents.”
From the ground, clouds too appear to be separate entities, each going its own way. But from space, clouds are seen to be parts of a larger coherent system. Not understanding them to be such means not understanding them at all; it is to have the vision of a child.
Allow the Derb to explain himself:
… and here’s how the Derb, in his own words, has responded to this law of his:
I partially agree & partially disagree on MacDonald – nevermind-, but Solzhenitsyn’s work has been translated into Western languages, for instance Italian, German, French,…
I’ve read it, mostly in Russian, English & Serbian, and my opinion is that it is, apart from some passages, not translated into English not because of some Jewish clout in publishing industry, but because it is, basically- boring & way too long. It is a slog & hardly anyone would read it. It is not so much an accusation of Jooz, but more an example of Christian historiosophy, Solzhenistyn trying to discern various spiritual/historical/cultural threads of Jewish identity & where they lead. This strange work is more akin to St. Augustine’s “City of God” than to any secular historical work. But, enough..
These are some links in English:
“There’s no strong evidence he’s been lying. “
In tax court people are put on trial for evading the law. I think Derb needs to be judged for evading the truth.
In tax court there are all different degrees of willfullness. Willfull, willfully ignorant, ignorant. Derb is definitely more than willfully ignorant, because he admits that he knows.
Someone who willfully does not tell the truth is a liar.
So what effects does building your life, or your profession anyway, around a lie have? In Derb’s case, it makes him blind to so many things that are visible to anyone paying attention. Take 9/11, or Oklahoma City or any of the other false flag attacks being orchestrated around us. Derb is a complete idiot, like the vast majority of Americans and Jewish elites as well. They cannot allow themselves to see what is in front of their noses because it would cross a some psychological barrier.
Talkin’ Bout the Irish-American Catholics
Hollywood is full of them. Nobody seems to notice how many Hollywood cogs are Irish-Catholic. Congress.
In bipartisan terms here is why-
1) Irish-Catholics are concentrated on the East and West Coasts at the center of power. They’re born there. It is much much more difficult if you are an Anglo-Saxon from the Midwest or the Rustbelt or the South to do shit at all. You’re stuck. There is no trickle-down in a Northern Michigan or Southern Alabama town.
2) Irish-Catholics arrived at the moment of industrialization in the Northern states after the Civil War into the early 20th century and amassed political power through the Democratic machine before Jews arrived.
3) There is less individualism among the Irish Catholics who are more tribal like Jews and Italians. Anglo-Saxons have always been go-it-alone frontier types in the United States which does not do shit in real life for the person.
4) Irish-Catholics like Jews or Asians seem to have some “mooring” from the cultural winds that whipped up by their trends.
5) They are intelligent and shrewd, stereotypes about drunken bar brawls aside.
Here is a pdf link to an English translation of the complete book “200 Years Together” by Solzhenitsyn. Essential to understanding what would happen later in Germany and what is happening today in the US and Europe.
To know what these “coherent systems” are, one has to seriously investigate them, something which Kevin MacDonald magisterially- fails.
In order to understand these currents, he should have closely read, for instance these works (at least those that had been published prior to his central work):
He didn’t.
There is absolutely nothing odd or mysterious about Derbyshire’s common sense invariably circling back to be explanatory for Jews, to be dismissive toward Jews. It is not fear, not alone. It is that deep in his bone marrow, deep in his heart and his atheist soul. John Derbyshire is a quintessential WASP (of the lower middle class English variety). WASP culture was born of a Judaizing heresy: Anglo-Saxon Puritanism. Judaizing heresy ALWAYS produces pro-Jewish culture.
Archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell, whom Derbyshire has lauded, made direct alliance with Jews, inviting them back into England, granting them special rights and privileges, for the specific purpose of waging wars to utterly annihilate non-WASP Christian cultures.
You cannot separate WASP culture from Jewish rise to power in the Modern world. You cannot solve the Jewish problem from the WASP problem.
I strongly recommend that you check out this Frenchman, Herve Ryssen. He seems to have come to many similar conclusions as Professor MacDonald, but I feel he has delved deeper into many details. He is very prolific, both with published books and videos, and as he’s French, he gambles with his freedom. He has faced many court cases. https://youtu.be/cWHAYRq21WQ
Video Link
E. Michael Jones is not a ‘Catholic traditionalist.’ Jones would be best described as an extremely conservative Vatican II Catholic who has ties, perhaps defining ties, to Opus Dei. Like the Jesuits of a century ago, Opus Dei is a group that has a clearly defined early history of recognizing Jewish threats to any Christian society. But just as the Jesuits were organized in such a way that they had cracks through which they could be seduced culturally by rich anti-Catholics (Gentiles as well as Jews) and then later blackmailed to keep moving ever leftward, Opus Dei has major issues that at any time can be exploited to turn the group into a harshly liberal and even pro-Jewish group.
Do you have any material on this?
I was quite shocked to find the comments gone.
I’m glad someone is calling out “The Derb”.
He is largely a phoney and total hypocrite. Yes, he did and still does call out black hooliganism and fails against immigration.
Good for him. But targeting this low hangin fruit is not brave unless you are willing to go all the way and Derb is not.
Derb is just playing the game every gentile plays which is to placate the Jews because they have power and to target the less meaningful actors in blacks and browns as if they had any real power in the first place.
Might as well call out Steve Sailor for the same thing while we are at it.
Some of Solzhenitsyn’s writings have negative portrayals of Jews. I can only imagine that his usefulness in the Cold War led this to be overlooked, in the West at least.
An absolutely outstanding interview in two senses:
Mark Green is to be complimented on his interviewing technique. He managed in the time frame of less than an hour to raise virtually all the controversial aspects of Prof. Macdonald’s thesis politely and respectfully without the usual hysterical emotions associated with the controversial issues MacDonald raises.
Second, MacDonald comes across as anything but an anti-Semite or racist or any other pejorative adjectives his detractors predicate to him. Rather, he is empirical providing the factual basis of his work, which can be refuted by any competent researcher. Further his theorizing manifest logical validity, which again can be challenged in terms of the principles of logical inferences.
And, of course most especially thanks to Ron Unz for what I consider the most significant web site on the net.
This is wrong.
1. Derb may be an atheist, but this has nothing to do with WASPs, Puritanism or Cromwell. He is, I think, culturally, Anglican/Episcopalian, which is essentially Catholicism without pope & miracles. Anglicans (high Church) don’t have much sympathy toward Jews, they basically don’t care.
JD is an unwilling atheist- he can’t assent to any sort of supernaturalism or transcendence simply because it goes against his basic temperament & knowledge of the world. In my opinion, this is a reductionist world-view, but I respect it. Derb was sincere & explicit about it: http://takimag.com/article/the_waters_that_are_under_the_earth_john_derbyshire/print#axzz5JG3JkYYv
2. Puritanism has melted away into Congregationalists, Unitarian Universalists & whatnot; it has lost its pro-Judaist edge & is now virtually extinct. Judaist partisans are to be found among Evangelicals, who are a rather contemporary American phenomenon, not having much to do with historical ideas & ideologies of Calvin, Cromwell, Cotton Mather..
Arrogance is a big problem for the Jews. The entire premise that Nazis were the worst people in human history is predicated on the idea that the Jews are “special.†If we believe the holocaust mythology, 6 million Jews were killed. Is that worse than 20 million killed by soviet communists? Is it worse than 50 million killed by Chinese communists? Are Jews more valuable than chinks or russkies? And while a multitude of Jewish voices are crying about eternal victimhood, those few who point out the Jews’ agency in their own fate are silenced as “self-hating Jews†or “anti-Semites†(WTF does that even mean anyway?). To further stamp out any questions or criticisms, Jews then lobby to make it criminal to do so. Ultimately, this all leads to existential failure for the Jews themselves and since they repeat the behavior so often in their history I strongly suspect a genetic component. They want to be despised. Being hated ensures their tribe remains cohesive.
But claiming non-Jew whites are victims of Jew manipulations and oppression is no better is it? If we are stupid enough to listen to anti-white hate and internalize it then we deserve our fate. Who cares what Moishe Greengoldsilverstein thinks? Seriously, who cares? If you do, you’re an idiot and deserve it when Moishe’s minions screw you.
What I truly hate is stupid people. We need eugenics. Stop the stupid from reproducing regardless of race or religion. If stupid were eliminated, everyone would see through Jewish (or Hinpooh or whatever) ethnocentric self-dealing and lies. They would have no more (or less) power than any other bright individual. Ban stupid and the problem goes away.
Don’t be Jews’ snack
Read yourself some KevMac
No longer a Stormer freak
After reading his Culture of Critique
You’ll will be hip to (((their))) ticks and tricks
And how they get their kicks
Not on Route 66
But by throwing bricks
And brickbats too
Because this is how they get fat and rule
And by Tel Aviv mind ray machines too.
So don’t get the Negro blues
When your Yid masters tighten the screws
Just skim your KevMac
To quickly get back on track
And on the attack
Bardon Kaldian wrote:
“I’ve already said that most MacDonald’s claims were bogus”
I finished reading the three books by Kevin MacDonald that Ron Unz has included in books, controversial selection. My opinion of these books is quite different from Kaldian’s, but in a short comment I present only the main thesis of the last book and argue why it is credible.
The thesis is that Diaspora Jews have as an ethnic group pursued a group-strategy, which advances Jewish interests and is in conflict with the interests of the majority of the host population.
This thesis is very easy to demonstrate and MacDonald makes it well.
1. In historical times Jews usually acted as middlemen between the rulers and the people. They practiced usury, which was harmful to the people, and were protected by the rulers, often an alien ruling class. In addition to usury, they also held monopolies, such as the alcohol monopoly, acted as estate managers, tax farmers etc. These activities were usually highly profitable and they caused the image of Jews as exploiters of native people. MacDonald shows this with many examples.
2. In the modern times, as that is what we are interested in, Jews in the USA support multiculture, immigration from other cultures and the position that that there are no ethnic differences. But in Israel they support ethnic culture and limit immigration from other cultures. People are such that for their friends they want the same as for themselves, and if they want different things for themselves and from some other group, then it means that this other group they consider as enemies, not friends. Thus, American Jews consider American white non-Jews as their enemies.
I think MacDonald demonstrated this quite well and it proves his thesis of the Jews following a group strategy.
What I do not think is correct in MacDonald’s thesis is that he believes that Jewish behavior is determined by genes. He presents Jews as highly intelligent group, which would have developed as a result of genetic selection. I see Jewish verbal IQ as typical of Mediterranean Europeans, whom Ashkenazi Jews closely resemble genetically because of their origins as admixture with Southern Europeans and Middle Eastern (these two groups are not far genetically) people. There is a DNA gradient between Southern and Northern Europe and European Jews fit quite well to the Mediterranean type. This gradient is much older than the 1000 years that Ashkenazi Jews have existed as a population. Because of endogamous marriage practices they are a separate group, but not genetically essentially different from other people in those areas.
As a judgment of the books, they are worth reading. Not much will be new for someone, who has studied the topic, but MacDonald adds many details and some will be new. There are Jewish involvements in many failed fashions, like Communism and psychoanalysis. The books describe how the prominent Jewish role on many fields (including science) are a result of ethnic networking and education (MacDonald too much emphases high genetic IQ, which has only weak support).
Some maybe think the books are anti-Semitic. I do not think so. What irritated me most is that he tries to prove his thesis of evolutionary group strategy, where evolutionary has a strong genetic component. I think it is more a cultural phenomenon, not genetic. Endogamous groups tend to divide the world between us and them and be hostile to the outgroup. This does not require natural selection on the genetic level. A fast growing population could not face much natural selection as all females were to marry, the population was mostly monogamous, and there even was social help: thus, even the genetically poor managed to rise children.
I will not go to Bardon Kaldian’s arguments more precisely, I don’t think they deserve nanoanalysis. Opinions of books are simply personal opinions and each can have his own.
What it’s about is exactly the same bullshit as the Jews’ “we are the original and bestest victims ever.â€
Assuming every aspect of Jewish victimology is true, the lampshades and soap and all the rest, it’s absolutely no worse than negro cannibalism (eating your enemy), Mayan child sacrifice, Aztec human torture and sacrifice, Hindu widow burning, Christian witch and heretic burning, or human slavery throughout history (until whites ended it). This screed and the entire genre of such screeds is nothing more than an attempt by some to “out-Jew the Jew.†Rather than accept that we are morons for buying into any of the bullshit, these clowns want to make Jews into superhumans who can twist strong minds of whites into knots. Easier, I suppose, than admitting that 50% of white minds are useful only as boat anchors perhaps.
The only appropriate solution to any of it is, “fuck your feelz†and eugenics. As a species, we have much bigger fish to fry. We live on a planet that is constantly trying to kill us in a universe that is doing the same. Stupid is not helping us. “Baw, I’se a poor victim of da (whitey, jooey, whatever)†doesn’t stop antibiotic resistant bacteria, fatal viruses, asteroid/meteoroid impacts, solar flares, or any of the real crap that can wipe us out in an instant. Eliminate stupid and laugh at the whining sniveling bitches. Nature cares nothing for your insecurities, failures, or neuroses – nor do I.
I first came across Herve Ryssen works a short time ago and I posted his video in a reply to some other post here
He just received one year in prison for his works
They could sell boring books with Solzy’s name on them, and make a tidy sum. They haven’t tried because they don’t like the content (likely either because they’re Jewish, or what the Jews will do to them).
Zero Hedge seems to have deleted all its old comments. That was one of the best things about Zero Hedge, its comments section.
Discuss away. There will be no wave of Micks or their non-Mick water-carriers trying to shut down discussion or deny the obvious.
“Ethnic” Catholic Whites are more likely to be politically and culturally simpatico with Jews.
The immediate predecessor of modern evangelicalism is the series of three Great Awakenings that occurred roughly every half-century or so from the time of Jonathan Edwards until the early 1900s. It’s argued that the evangelical movement that began in the 1950s and became prominent and politically influential in the 70s and 80s itself constitutes a fourth Great Awakening.
Each movement had deep immediate connections with influential institutions in the US, everything from Ivy League colleges to the YMCA. Each movement resulted in fundamental changes to the national character and policy, from the American Revolution itself through women’s rights and prohibition.
What’s most interesting to me is not the specific religious nature of the Awakenings but how the moral activism characterizing Puritanism mutated into the current (and ironically largely athestic or pagan) era of civil rights and SJW culture. There’s a clear line between not just the characteristics (compare born-again to “woke,” revivals to protest rallies, etc) but the actual major participants. MLK was a direct recipient of the Great Awakening of the late 19th and early 20th Century which evangelized and politicized the black population during Jim Crow. The feminist movement was a direct descendant of women’s suffrage, an Awakening movement, etc.
It’s my opinon that Puritanism is alive and well, it has merely sacrificed religious values for (surprisingly similar) humanistic values. Which makes sense from a survival standpoint, as the modern Puritan cannot abide submission to a deity or any (even perfunctory) rhetoric of humility.
I suppose you can sell (((Hollywood’s))) neutrality to rubes in Iowa. Have fun with that. As for the rest, those are largely politically neutral professions, and thus immaterial to the discussion. I have little doubt that Jews in those fields are approximately as far-faux (leftist for diaspora territory, pass for Zion) left as the rest of Jewry.
Works a lot better than the scheisse Jews peddle.
If you were a more attentive reader, you’d know from MacDonald’s writing that this is one-way gene flow, and a big reward in terms of Jewish EGI; they’re literally transforming the surrounding populations into Jews. Of course, you need a constant hard core of Jews who will never assimilate, which Jews have had for like three thousand years now…
Rest was TL;DR, I get tired of reading crapola pretty quickly.
P.S., is it still your official position that you’re not Jewish?
Accidentally right; Jews do always blame everything on the gentile. It’s so absurd; “oh, we would have forgotten the whole Jewishness thing, if not for all the people telling us to forget the whole Jewishness thing.” Typical Jewish bullshit: heavy on the chutzpah, light on the logic.
Couldn’t help myself, I kept reading. Glad I did:
One of Jews’ most treasured lies. The Spanish told the Jews that Spain was a Christian country, and that anyone who didn’t convert to Christianity had to leave. The honest Jews all left, or genuinely converted. Neither subsequently had any problems. There were a lot of Jews who lied, and made phony conversions, staying in the country under false pretenses while continuing to practice their ancestral religion in secret. And of course, since they claimed to be Christian, they were subject to Christian religious law, and since their claims were bogus, they were rightly prosecuted.
Nobody put guns to their heads and forced them to commit crimes for economic gain.
Why is it that Jews, most of them, forever deny their past and present behaviors. Jewism believes the jew to be ” god’s chosen people ” and all of us non jews are here on earth to do the labor for the Jew. Hog wash babbling bull shit is what that crap is…..The non Jew must defend himself. You defend yourself by being aware of what IS attacking you…..And when/how the non Jew does defend himself, that person is said to be…..Anti Jewish….against the Jew…..Damn right. That’s the only way there is a chance of surviving the constant onslaught from this tribe. They have managed to control by what ever means necessary, the entire world financial system. Now, is the right? So far they have gotten away with doing so. All Germany was doing in the second world war was defending themselves…..They were sick of the bull shit from the tribe.
I’m glad I didn’t make my comment any more specific because with respect to the subject at hand, I’m in over my head. Obviously you have done your homework so I will leave it to those who know more than I to take up the cudgel against you, if they so wish.
I bought McDonald’s books and labored through the first and part of the third (CofC) of the series. I must admit, I found the arguments persuasive–so much so that I got depressed at the hopelessness of it all and put the books aside for something a little less taxing, like one of the Aubrey-Maturin or Brother Cadfael series.
I can handle just so much of the futility of reality and prefer sometimes to enjoy the future (or past) of an illusion.
Not being a white man but nonetheless one who lives in and admirers white Christian culture (I also like Jews… I haven’t met a Jew that I didn’t like from the get go), and one who has read bits and pieces of the both men in question, I must confess that Johnny Derb seems sleazy as compared to Kmac. KM seems to want to correct the behavior of a group that harms the interest of his people, in his opinion, without palliative words, whereas, JD is seem to be willing to cover his Limey backside with qualifiers. Both the men may have descended from the British isles’ stock, however, McDonald is a native born man with a clear understanding of America, while the other is a foreigner in his knowledge of the country. Johnny Derb is only brave against perhaps the chicken stealing Gypsy King, but one dissenting word against Bernie Madoff and theft of billions, he would find the proverbial Jewish foot up his tuchus in a New York second… not much of a man!
What you see with KMac is basically Jews getting a taste of their own medicine, if only at 1 millionth the dose. And Jews don’t like it one bit.
(see all below)
Except that Jews & their leftist shills support strict Israeli immigration laws which specify JEWS ONLY, while demanding massive 3rd world immigration into the US & Europe.
Who runs Hollywood & the media? In their own words.
Dergyshire also seems to have a keen eye on where his bread is buttered with respect to the very large and non-deportable Hispanic population, refusing, so far as I know, to staue what policy he favors toward them. To concede their permanence, much less to favor assimilation, would get him blackballed by the Alt-Right, so, I suspect, he avoids the subject. I don’t blame him as I would probably do the same if my speaking invitations depended on following the party line. In my active journalistic day I, like all writers, knew what you couldn’t say, and who you couldn’t say it about.
Those ‘peace loving traits of Jews’ resulted in them being tossed out of every country they were graciously admitted.
I will defer to your much greater knowledge. All I know of the book is that it’s been called anti-Semitic and that I saw Jordan Peterson, a huge fan of Solzhenitsyn, trip all over himself changing the subject when asked about it in a Q&A.
As stated, I have not read all that much of Macdonald’s work, but would be interested in others’ opinions about whether he was always anti-Semitic, or became so in understandable reaction to the vitriolic attacks launched on him by Jews and their acolytes.
‘Germans killed 20,000 Jews with atomic bomb’ .
Question that and you will go prison in many European countries & ‘Israel’
The Yellow Stars and all those glasses, hair, shoes & gold teeth
Jews in America at the present time have very high intermarriage rates. 58% for all Jews, 71% among non-Orthodox Jews. Many of the resulting children are not raised as Jews.
Also, Jews, or at least the non-Orthodox varieties, have a pretty low birthrate.
Neither of these is exactly a good example of a group evolutionary strategy.
What is wrong with you? You are clearly well read and educated but some control circuits are missing in your brain.
Excellent, thanks for that link.
Not tried google yet, but what was Mel Gibson ?
Germans who had voted for Hitler, still alive in the beginning of the eighties, saw 1938 as the best year in their lives:
Kai S. Schreyber (Hrsg.), ´Warum wir ADOLF HITLER wählten, Jungwähler von 1933/38 berichten’, 2001 Kiel
To explain the asserted German atrocities the politicians had to be psychopaths.
Either rate (if you believe them – I don’t; Jews have every reason to exaggerate and no reason to be rigorous or honest, and only Jews get to count Jews) is a much better survival strategy than White strategies, as evidenced by White intermarriage rates, which are like 95% or so (just guessing; Whites aren’t nearly as ethnocentric or as concerned with group survival as Jews are, so they don’t keep track).
I wouldn’t comment on other topics (I agree with some, with others less, but it is not of much importance). I’ll just say something on this:
Any ethnic group living among “others” tries to do this (Irish, overseas Chinese, ..). I don’t see what’s uniquely Jewish about it.
This is true for various areas of Christian Europe, but not to the whole of Europe, and certainly not for pre-Christian Europe (Greece, Rome) or non-Christian countries (Iran, Babylonia, Muslim Egypt, Cordoba caliphate,..). So, this is not something “essentially Jewish”, but a product of specific historical circumstances. This observation is rather trivial for any historian, and critical authors (Jewish & others) have written extensively on it, for instance Lindemann & Shahak:
I don’t see what’s so revelatory, new or important about it. This has nothing to do with any supposed “evolutionary strategy”.
I’ll c/p a part of some earlier post to elucidate where I do not agree with the quoted. Basically- you (MacDonald) treat US Jews as a homogeneous body (they’re not); MacDonald also sees Israeli & American Jews as basically the same (they are, in most cases, polar opposites); it is true that many US Jews are pro-immigration, but this is because they’re loony lefty-liberals & progressives first, and Jews only second (that’s why, now, most US Jews are still against Trump despite all coziness with Israel- for liberals, liberalism comes first & ethnic identity only second, third,…); ..
American Jews, most of them, have their roots in Russian Empire (they’ve swamped earlier, more “European†German Jewish immigrants). They have retained their national culture (Yiddish, written in Hebrew script), numerous dietary laws & other customs. In short, US got mostly unassimilated ghetto Jews.
Due to their work ethics, culture, slightly higher IQ & ethnic networking, they thrived in the US in various areas & became very influential. From early 1900s to, perhaps, Six Days War in 1967, most of them tried to assimilate & become virtually indistinguishable from WASPs.
But then, things changed & many US Jews had recovered their primary ethnic-cultural identity as Jews first. Because this is a sensitive issue, there is no profusion of reliable sociological investigation data, graphs, categorizations. Just, as a rule of thumb, we can divide Jewish Americans into a few
1. JINOs. Many US “Jews†are assimilated & don’t think of themselves as Jews primarily. They account for anything between 20% and 50%.
2. secular & religious Jews who possess partial Jewish identity, but for them it is blended with broader American loyalty. It is hard to tell how many people belong to this category.
3. religious Orthodox Jews who may be annoying as neighbors, but are not too politically minded.
4. the last segment would be American Jews (as different from Jewish Americans). They can be secular or religious; rich or poor; intensity of their commitment to Israel or Jewish ethnic activism may vary, but they are basically cultural aliens in US & Europe. For secularists, Auschwitz & Israel have replaced Torah & Talmud as chief emotional anticorrosives that shield them from assimilation.
My guess is that they are somewhere between 15% and 25% of all US Jews. This segment can be further divided into subsegments (for instance, some are anti-Christian, while others are not). But, what is common to them is their clear differentiation from host national cultures, stubborn insistence on their ethnic-national individuality & a sense of being an “endangered speciesâ€. Some subsegments of this portion of American Jews are true aliens in the US & through their ethnic activism, frequently masked as moral universalism, try to subvert dominant cultural values & change host society into a shapeless mess.
This is a minority of Jewish Americans, but they have economic, societal, cultural & political impact by far surpassing their numbers. And they seem not to learn from history: Brazilian Jews, because of slow but inevitable future collapse of multiracial Brazilian society are just trying to “get outâ€. Jewish elites, across the world, are still in thrall to Nazi-Aryan iconography & mythology as the central threat to their existence, while the world has moved past it long ago.
In this, last portion of Jewish Americans one can find typical traits of cultural alienation, ethnic paranoia, “us†vs. “them†mentality, ..basically, a sense of being a perpetual stranger who wants to shape the dominant discourse & identity in order to avoid- in their eyes- future pogroms & genocide. Because in the fevered mind of pathological Jewish nationalists, Europeans & whites, virtually all of them, possess the inner Nazi screaming to get out & finally finalize the Final Solution.
In short, MacDonald reduces all or most American Jewry to a segment of loudmouth Jewish ethnic activists, and even more reductionistic, aspects of their worst behavior.
Let’s use some contrary arguments.
1. it is true that Solzhenitsyn’s book is now available in English (link I’ve given, archive.org). But, the crucial chapter in book 2 (book 1 is rather boring, it is about pre-WW I history) is not translated. It is chapter 15, “Among Bolsheviks”- and it is not translated. Why? I’ve read it & it is perhaps the most interesting chapter, dispelling many myths. Not anti-Jewish, not pro-Jewish. So, why not translate it?
2. I don’t know much about Peterson, but he seems to me one of those people who are afraid or uneasy to speak about Jewish, in Jungian terms, “shadow”, i.e. negative traits.
3. MacDonald’s work is too cohesive & coherent so that I think he was, from the beginning, somewhat irritated by Jewish ethnocentrism. Perhaps this tendency just accelerated & grew due to negative reviews of his subsequent work.
In my opinion, Jews (as an entity) would fare better had they addressed a few controversial issues they seem to avoid. So, they are, I would say, still not mature enough…
* extreme ethnocentrism. If you’re guest in another person’s house & are becoming too powerful- the host will resent this. EvChristianity was mentioned only a few times in this library of books, almost always in negative light. Why not publicly say it’s obsolete in some areas? And that such fellows are, basically, freaks:en if most of you assimilate, there will remain a remnant that will stubbornly refuse to ethically disappear, while holding power in many important areas. French Huguenots, immensely successful group, disappeared in Prussian & English societies. What if they retained their identity?
* it is all about wealth & success in material matters. Who cares about influential Jewish violin virtuosi, tailors or sex workers?
* the Talmud myth. Jewish community, at least reformed one, should openly acknowledge there are some problematic passages in the Talmud with regard to Gentiles & Christians. Babylonian Talmud was composed from ca. 200-600 AD; it has 6,500 big folio pages & its English translation runs over 15,000 pages. So- why not openly say there are a few insulting passages that reflect early medieval spirit of times? Talmud is a mixture of wisdom literature (similar to Confucian “Analectsâ€), various superstitions on magic & astrology, exegeses on murky passages of Hebrew Bible (frequently fantastic & hilarious), and mostly a codification of Jewish law, similar to Islamic shariah (agriculture, marriage, various taboos & ceremonies, crimes & misdemeanors, food etc.)
Christianity was mentioned only a few times in this library of books, almost always in negative light. Why not publicly say it’s obsolete in some areas? And that such fellows are, basically, freaks:
Video Link
* why make shoah a dogma? Except for nuts, it is evident that many Jews (and assimilated French, Germans, Poles, Dutch…of partly or wholly Jewish extraction) were murdered by Nazi regime. A figure of victims? I don’t know, I think it goes from 4 to 6 million. Why insist on 6 million figure as a dogma?
* why play eternal victim & not admit your participation in mass atrocities in central & eastern Europe? Of course, Communist 1917 revolution was not some Jewish plot, but after Soviet occupation of, say, Hungary or Poland in 1945, way too many Soviet lapdogs & enthusiastic supporters of new, unpopular & terrorist regimes, were local Jews. Why not say it open & loud?
* why deny nepotism & clannishness in many areas in US life? Disney was a non-Jewish media empire & after old man’s demise, his son let in a Jew to manage business. This guy virtually imported any Jew he knew. Now, Disney corporation top level is more than 90% Jewish. How come? It was supremely successful without Jews, and now it’s Jews all over the place. Do these executives know anyone who is not Jewish? Pure nepotism.
Te same goes for US media conglomerates, 5 out of 6 being in, nominally, Jewish hands. Coincidence? Doubt it, more like Mafia-type behavior. Don’t say that WASPs or Italo-Americans are so dumb they cannot function in this business (see Italy’s Berlusconi). Clannishness & nepotism again.
I could go on & on. Antisemitic stereotypes are basically lunatic. But- why not admit the existence of some unpleasant & irritating characteristics typifying your collective behavior?
codoh…. Summa Retardiae
Now, have some fun, you’ve deserved it…
or the same on ytube
Video Link
Your observation that McDonald probably became anti-Semitic in tone at least (my paraphrase) because of attacks on him rings true because it is so obvious that Jews became anti their host peoples largely because of the hostile way they were treated – then it became reciprocal. The origins could have been partly amongst young people, who, by extension of kindergarten bullying of those who look or dtess differently, made life unpleasant for the peculiar people called Jews. More likely to have been substantially important was the Jewish association with moneylending and to a lesser extent estate management. Think bankers and farmers over the last 90 years! Then, increasingly, the class difference created by Jewish wealth and dominance of professions, especially the law. That it was the product in large part of IQ plus effort would make little difference. Networking wouldn’t need to be exclusively amongst Jews to create the impression that it was exclusivist and tribal and every manifestation of antisemitism, even just journalistic, must have increased the tribalism. Sad, visible even in Australia today though objectively not a serious problem (though I wouldn’t like go to my synagogue if I was a Jew and find swastikas painted on the building or footpath even once every couple of years). I wonder what the resolution of Palestinian’s problems would do for what seems a ridiculous situation in a modern secular society.
We have to keep an eye on them….
And you would like it even less if everybody found out that the swastica was painted by a Jew.
Well, that’s just silly. There aren’t enough non-whites for 95% of whites to marry one.
Actual white intermarriage rate in 2015 was 11%. And that includes some significant percentage of the infamous “white Hispanics.”
Thank you very much for this link, for it appears to offer a full English translation (in contrast to the old archive.org version linked in #35 above).
Well, looks like we agree just about 100%. I do not understand why so many Jews get hysterical when anything negative is presented about their tribe. It’s not that they are averse to attacking others by ethnicity, since many of them are leaders in the SJW crowd, which is essentially an anti-white attack group.
Your mention of the particular chapter of Solzhenitsyn discussing, presumably, the degree to which Jews were involved as Bolsheviks is interesting. Quite some time back I’d run across some Stormfront types claiming the Nazi atrocities against the Jews were simply payback for Bolshevik atrocities against whites/Christians. Utterly illogical, of course, since Nazis were not known for their own fondness for Christians or Slavs. These guys said the Bolsheviks were utterly dominated by Jews.
So I logically thought I’d disprove this by simply finding the actual Jewish participation in the Bolsheviki. I have never in my life found anything with such an objectively simple answer so difficult to research. Mostly I ran across articles claiming that anybody who even asked the question was a Bad Person and should be outed as an anti-Semite. Eventually just gave up. Still don’t know the answer.
All your questions are IMO equally valid. Some Jews have been bad people and done horrible things. Just like some people of every other race or ethnic group. So freaking what? The whole thing reminds me of the claim that “women don’t lie about rape.” Women lie, men lie, children lie. I suspect even Jews lie. All humans do. But for some reason certain groups are considered to be excluded from this condition.
One that struck me, particularly, is the recitation of cases of “blood libel.” The common thread through every single account of this phenomenon is that all such accusations were false.
But is this necessarily the case? Sure, I agree that the straight version, that all Jews have to kill Christian (or Muslim) children to get blood for Passover matzoh is idiotic.
But we know that magic was common among medieval Jews, especially in Poland and eastern Europe. We also have documented accounts of “Christians” engaging in magic rituals that involve the sacrifice of children, certain variants of the Black Mass and such. But it is verboten to even consider the possibility that insane/evil Jews or Jewish groups might have engaged in similar practices.
Of course, I guess I have to utter the obligatory disclaimer that I’m talking about individual or small groups of Jews, not “the Jews” as a group.
Thank you for your interesting, well argued and informative contributions to this thread. How come you have done so much work on the subject?
I think you may have saved me a full reading of McDonald’s work which I have been vaguely hoping to achieve in this life since I first met him on an egroup nearly 20 years ago. I already agreed with j2 who pointed to McDonald’s irritating fallacy about their being a specifically Jewis *genetic* evolutionary strategy. (But I think j2 says some very peculiar things about Mediterranean people and IQ….). I think you have pointed convincingly to the remarkable ethnic solidarity imcluding nepotism an excessively influential minority of Jews in America have. One presumes it iis not just John Derbyshire who keeps a wary eye on them but most other Jewish Americans.
THIS is all you need to know about Jews. They will support their terrorist, any kind of killing of Palestines and others, as long as they can keep their Jewish themed ME Disneyland .
So you can all quit studying them and writing about them……this is them.
Ali is on the grill!’ Israeli settlers celebrate burning of Palestinian baby
Jonathan Ofir on June 21, 2018
There’s something particularly disturbing about celebrating the burning alive of a baby.
This is precisely what Israeli Jewish settlers were doing yesterday, outside the court in Lod. “’Ali was burned, where is Ali? Ali is on the grill!â€, they chanted, in reference to the 18-month old baby Ali Dawbsheh, who was burnt alive by Jewish terrorists in the West Bank town of Duma in 2015. Ali’s mother Riham and father Saad died of their wounds a few weeks later. Of the family of four, only 5-year-old Ahmad survived the arson with severe burns.
The terror-supporters were actually taunting Ali’s grandfather, Hussein Dawabshe, who was attending a preliminary hearing at which the court decided to indict one adult suspect who confessed to the murders, as well as a minor who was an accomplice. Hussein was accompanied by Palestinian-Israeli lawmakers Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi. Tibi posted the video of the chanting, with policemen standing by doing nothing, and wrote:
“Where’s Ali? There’s no Ali. Ali is burned. On the fire. Ali is on the grill†– all this was thrown at our face – including at the grandfather Dawbsheh concerning his 18-month-old grandson by the riff raff of ‘price tag’. In front of us stood policemen and officers and did nothing. No words…
The terror supporters also referred to the other family members: “Where is Ali? Where is Riham? Where is Saad? It’s too bad Ahmed didn’t burn as well.â€
This is certainly not the first time that the burning of this baby was celebrated. In December 2015, a video showing dozens of wedding guests celebrating the arson went public via Channel 10. The guests are seen dancing with Molotov cocktails, knives and guns, and stabbing a photo of baby Ali Dawabsheh. The wedding couple was said to be “very well known in the radical rightâ€. Following widespread public outrage, Netanyahu distanced himself from the event, saying that these were “shocking images†which “show the true face of a group that constitutes a dangerâ€, but he also provided the “many sides†narrative:
Meanwhile, last month, in what was probably much less noticed, the Dawabsheh family home was torched once again:
“A group of settlers attacked my home at dawn today, breaking a window and throwing a Molotov cocktail inside before fleeing the scene,†Yasser Dawabsheh said. “We were lucky that I was able to hear them when they attacked, so I was able to evacuate all my family,†he said.
Fred, if you read what Bardon Kaldian has to say do you agree that it is pretty shrewd – and see my reply to him?
BTW I have a young extended family member heading with a bit of luck into politics in a very interesting and mixed electorate. I am trying not to introduce all sorts of unsayables as I contribute to his basically no BS secular right of centre views.
It’s Jews’ behavior, stop trying to project it onto Gentiles. They don’t trust Whites, they’re the ones with the issue.
Silly = thinking the White equivalent of Jewish intermarriage is interracial marriage. Obtuse is more like it, since it obviously isn’t what I meant.
White intermarriage = Irish marrying German, French marrying Swiss, etc. It’s the White norm. When Jews do it, Jews call it “intermarriage.” It’s a sign of their much higher levels of ethnocentrism.
This is c/p from Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism) & Roger Devlin’s review of Solzhenitsyn’s THYT (https://www.counter-currents.com/2015/07/solzhenitsyn-on-the-jews-and-soviet-russia/):
I’d be more curious to know exactly which pundit isn’t a phony and a hypocrite in your eyes, that is, if you weren’t yet another anonymous troll that scurries into a dark crevasse when the lights are switched on.
I don’t agree with any one pundit fully on all the issues, but Sailer and Derbyshire have endured a considerable amount of personal risk to themselves and their family with their double plus ungood writing. It would not be difficult for some murderous incel with bad intentions to find them. But go ahead and keep bravely calling them out for not going as far as you feel they should, from your rat’s nest.
I suppose you meant to say “minority” in there somewhere. Jews pursue a pretty openly supremacist strategy when they’re the majority.
But yes, it would be a big step forward for Jews if they could admit that they purse a group strategy “like every other group does.” Or that they have been responsible for bad things, like groups they criticize routinely (Whites). So far, they can’t. They call it antisemitism if you say they are.
Not really sure that everyone else does it, though. E.g., Fred Reed has gone native. That’s what Whites tend to do. They assimilate. Jews have spent the last 3k years not doing what everyone else does.
E.g., If you go around looking for Irish-Americans who do “what’s good for the Irish-Americans” you have your work cut out for you. Not so much with the Jews.
Yeah, the specific historical circumstances being that Middle-Easterners are as tribalistic as the Jews; the native populations wouldn’t give Jews enough rope to hang themselves.
Wrong, MacDonald routinely says that human behavior is quite varied and we boil those down to essentials for purposes of conversation, and that we’re always talking tendencies (paraphrased – he’s a much more careful speaker and writer than you are).
In what way, and where’s your quote?
Nonsense. They are pursuing the same strategy (“do what’s best for the Jews”) in different theaters of operation, each with very different circumstances on the ground (minority vs majority), which results in very different tactics.
There’s no real distinction to be had here. Diaspora Jews are loony lefty-liberals because that’s what’s good for Jews in the diaspora, because they’re a minority. Hence the minoritarian politics (leftism probably wouldn’t be as minoritarian, if not for the particular needs and influence of Jews).
Jews know they have enough clout to get everything they want without supporting Trump. That’s why they’re anti-Trump. He’s no threat to their interests, especially not Israeli interests.
TL;DRed the rest.
All the rubes have to do is watch the interview Green posted with MacDonald to see how different his language is from what you attribute to him.
Well if we’re gonna get all historical about it, I think we should say it all began when the Jews stole Canaan from the Canaanites.
This is an interesting point I’ve had on my mind for some time. I don’t think we’ll ever know.
Be as it may, Jewish magic & dabbling with quasi-occult stuff has a long history. After all, most Christian medieval grimoires & other occult texts are rooted more in Hebrew than in Greek or Egyptian traditions.
Also, blood has always been thought of as an intensifier of occult potency, so it is theoretically possible-at least in my opinion.
On the other hand, Judaism is strongly averse to use of blood in any orthodox ritual, so it is highly unlikely that Jews as a religious culture would use such stuff.
So, I would leave the possibility of blood sacrifice for:
a) deranged Jewish individuals
b) occult Jewish groups- though, this is unlikely: we have not heard of blood libel about Jews living among Muslims. Why would they sacrifice only Christian, and not Muslim children, too?
Also- why not Jewish witches?
What about blood sacrifice among Christians?
We haven’t heard of it- but why wouldn’t Christian occultists sacrifice Jewish or Muslim children? After all, it was all about imagined occult power ….
Um…no. I was making fun of the Nazi for claiming to be the biggest victim ever. Most Jews I know have pretty good lives, but that nitwit thinks they’re all hiding under his bed and persecuting him.
If you really didn’t get that, you’re as much of a nitwit as him.
But my real point was how obviously lowbrow the article is. My comparison to Everyday Feminism was as much about the lack of quality as it was its cringeworthy solipsistic whingeing.
I felt embarrassed for the writer even just reading it.
No nation is uniform in their believes. Jews have their Ron Unzes, who are supporting web pages like this. You specify a group you call American Jews versus Jewish Americans. Actually, I do not think it is even a so large group. I think there was a small group of people, many but not all of them Jews, who tried to change the world and to return Jews to Palestine because they would not assimilate. They were not the Zionists of Herzl but the pre-Zionists, closer to Masons. But in a way they were correct. In the long run the Jews have two possibilities, to assimilate or to make the Aliyah. Both are fine, nationalists should have a home country, but Israel has to finally learn to live with its neighbors. Every other nation has learned it. Are these so great idiots (you think they have higher IQ, I think the opposite looking at what they are doing) that they cannot learn it and they have to bother us grown-up reasonable intelligent people with what really is a minor issue in the world and demonstrates very immature behavior.
Let these American Jews stop support for Israel, so that Israel will understand that it has to do what every nation has to do. That is, to find a reasonable solution. And let the American Jews finally understand that probably their IQ is the same European one with a Mediterranean profile and they only have a more efficient way of finding high IQ people, and they should stop this silly grandiosity complex they still have, and the Jewish Americans should assimilate, as that is the logical solution.
I would like to express my gratitude to you, as it was your reply with his video that introduced me to this remarkable man. I had read that he was in a case that seemed destined to result in jail time for him, and in the video he is remarkably cool about this prospect. He says that as soon as a hundred, a thousand, five thousand of us (truth tellers) are jailed for free speech we will reach a critical mass and real political action will be ensue.
Frankie P
100 years ago, Arnold Leese was a member of the British parilamemt who wrote about the question of Jewish ritual murder and whether to believe it.
Short answer: Human sacrifice has been practiced by nearly every culture on earth if one goes back far enough. It was frequently mentioned in the Bible, from both Old and New Testaments.
One attribute of Judaism is the continuing of old practices from thousands of years ago, including such vile practices like Mezitzah B’peh after circumcision to goofy ones like circling a live chicken over a child’s head to extract the sins from the child into the unfortunate bird.
Leese’s conclusion is that the continuation of practices like sacrifice of babies to Baal could not be ruled out.
I am an agnostic on the matter. But with the simmering cauldron of Pizzagate and Jeffrey Epsteins charter flights to his private pedophile island, one might say what truly goes on with little children would make murder for matzos fairly tame by comparison.
ians is just another cuck commentator who can’t handle the truth. The idea that I, a petit poulet, could have caused Taki to shut down their comments section is preposterous.
I have noticed that most commentators are gentile/Jewish males involved with Asian women, trad RCCers who accept black/Asian priests-popes, and insane anti-Semites.
I am only for the West so we must first define what the West is not. It is not black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim. Derbyshire has written that Asians are smarter than whites. Why does he live in the West with his Chinese family? Asians are not smarter than whites and except for the Japanese are low IQ parasites. His Chinese family is a perfect example of parasitism. He is also afraid of Jews.
I laugh at the nonsense written by the anti-Semites. On this and other websites, I have asked at least one dozen commentators – where should we put the Jews? Only 2 commentators answered. One would Israel as long as all the Jews go there and the other wanted to put the Jews in the Arctic. They blame the Jews for all our problems. This is nonsense and some of them are becoming unhinged. E. Michael Jones, a trad RCCer, blames the Jews for everything. He likes to go to low IQ, Muslim Iran and do his schtick about Jews. He babbles on about Logos and philosophy but refuses to see that a certain IQ – 90+ – is needed to have a prosperous, educated country. The average Iranian IQ is 84. He accepts black/Asian priests-popes. He doesn’t believe that there are white people. There are only ethnicities. He has said he is not white, he’s Irish/German. He believes that the goyim are gullible and that’s why they fall prey to the Jews. I listen to his youtubes to keep up his nonsense and he is sounding crazier all the time.
Kevin MacDonald has offered a good critique of Jews, but he also blames the Jews for everything. This is nonsense.
I was quite surprised when Taki closed it comments section. They totally cucked. Other websites have closed their comments section or only allow people who share their viewpoints to post. The comments sections are revolutionary because they make people think. When I commented at Taki, the most rabid commentators were those involved with Asian women and trad RCCers. They hated it when I pointed out facts, like the communion wafer doesn’t work for blacks/Asians. They hated it when I criticized Derbyshire. They refused to see that if you want the Jews out of the West, we need a place for them. Israel is their place.
ians is not the only one who attacks me. There are several other commentators who hate it that I post the truth.
I don’t quite understand this post. As for IQ, I’ve frequently said I considered it to be: a) of not so great importance IQ specialists think it to be (it does not measure creativity, imagination, critical thinking, …), b) it is a conflation of various types of intelligence, c) it is mostly hereditary, d) races & sexes show different results, statistically, e) it is probably useful for categorizing participants into various fields of talent & interest (mechanics, talkers, drivers, abstract thinkers, …), but not in measuring anything resembling a genius.
But human sacrifices ceased long time ago, some 1000 years before blood libel. I am inclined to think that Jews did not participate in such purported rituals (excepting a potential Jethro Dahmerstein); the same with Christian and other ritualists.
One cannot exclude the possibility of a psychotic Jewish butcher, but to think that was a widespread orthodox Jewish practice at the time is very, very unconvincing (not more persuasive than poisoning the wells).
Not too long from now boomer posts such as this will only exist in the historical record. Yeah!
Well, I just have a rather wide field of interests (my profession theoretical physics, plus some areas of mathematics, then Western philosophy- esp. pre-Socratics, Plato, Plotinus, Erigena, Hegel, Marx, (plus Chinese & Indian), religions East & West, culture (Greek, European, Iranian, Islamic,..), history (especially Greek & Mongol & ideologies), philosophia perennis, Western literature, thanatology, cinephilia, sci fi (mostly older), transhumanism, futurism, evolution of life, psychiatry & psychology, visual arts, history of human sexuality, demography, NDE, Hollywood gossip (pre WW2), Stalin, …
On the other hand, I’m rather weak or have forgotten many areas like botany, chemistry, planetary astronomy, rock & pop culture, many things about WWI and WWII, 20th C military technology (too clunky & far from sci fi), IQ debates, global finances, ..
The numbers (and circumstances) involving government punishment for speech crimes continues to grow.
The enemies of Free Speech are still winning. Why?
They have the determination, networks, and financial clout to either jail Holocaust heretics or ruin them financially.
Further, these enemies of intellectual liberty have enough media access to keep the plight and identities of their victims at the margins–if not altogether invisible.
Here’s an article I wrote about two British intellectuals whose lives were upended because they dared to mock one Official Narrative of WWII.
These two brave men also created the site Heretical.com, where the review of “Culture of Critique” by Stanley Hornbeck still stands. But they’ve paid a very heavy price for their defiance.
Incredibly, these two British writers qualified as genuine political refugees when they fled the UK to find ‘freedom’ in America; only they ended up in a California prison.
Their crime?
‘Satire, mockery and disbelief’.
I think you have to ascknowledge a reset after Babylon though you could say their choice of myths was and remains, shall ee say, confronting.
Human sacrifice hasn’t ceased. It has merely transmuted into other forms. Mel Gibson explained regarding Apocalypto that the human sacrifice of the pre-Colombian Indians was, for all its horror, not qualitatively different than our own sending young men off to foreign wars in the name of economic growth. Or “Dying for freedom of the American way of life” in current polit-speak.
Kevin MacDonald has merely pointed out, like so many other people, that Jewish support for the Soviet charnal house was a sublimation of the Jewish bloodlust into modern secular forms. Who is to say that sublimation has not happened in other areas like pedophilia, (very widespread among the Hasidic Jews, according to former insiders).
The Catholic church’s pedopilia has only received widespread media attention in the last 20 years or so. I think it would be very naive to think its origins aren’t much older, say about 2000 years.
FWIW, the famous explorer and orientalist Richard Burton examined an accusation of Jewish ritual murder in Damascus in 1847 and determined the accusation to be credible.
When you refer to something as a “Blood Libel” you are already conceding the argument before it’s even begun. Kind of like when people shriek that the Protocols of Zion are a forgery without even bothering to read them or even ask if the protocols are a forgery, what is the original?
Here a recent study that came to a similar conclusion (my emphasis):
Psychopathy by U.S. State
– https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3185182
A new study ranks US states in order of psychopathy
Connecticut wins the dubious award of most psychopathic state in the US, followed by California in second, and New Jersey third. New York and Wyoming tie for joint fourth place, followed by Maine. The least psychopathic state is West Virginia, followed by Vermont, Tennessee, North Carolina, and New Mexico.
That said, as Murphy notes, “The presence of psychopaths in District of Columbia is consistent with the conjecture found in Murphy (2016) that psychopaths are likely to be effective in the political sphere.â€
Murphy notes that the findings are estimates and further data by state is needed to corroborate the findings. But his current survey, which suggests the northeast of the US is the most psychopathic region in the US, will ring true to anyone who’s been stuck on the New York subway.
– https://www.unz.com/article/judaism-as-a-group-evolutionary-strategy/#comment-2263615
– https://www.unz.com/article/judaism-as-a-group-evolutionary-strategy/#comment-2261642
Source: https://www.unz.com/jpetras/china-and-the-us-comparing-leadership-selection/#comment-2077270
IOW, you cannot show us the proof for your laughable & impossible ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’.
If you could, you would.
The ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds. See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here: http://codoh.com
No name calling, level playing field debate here: http://forum.codoh.com
Chemistry of Auschwitz / Birkenau
This is so removed from my experience that I don’t recognize familiar faces at Taki: RD, Stick, AntiDote, CQ, Anthony Ma, Where are the Vikings, Boris, Woz, Jomsviking, MBlanc46, Zen, Peter Connor, milesglorious, Childress, ericjg623, melamine, Burgess Shale, Peter, Drain 52, M Aurelius, Bob, malleus_…., valkyrja, C Adler, Rebel Writer, Ron Pavellas, NormanKnight, Anglo Billy, Gerald Michael, ling chow, Ian Ruff, Jeff Grandad, sangell, Felix Krull, Cleombrotus, John1943, Dunnyveg, Attila, Otsuka D…, Rintol, Clarence de Barrows,…and many, many more who don’t belong to categories above listed.
“1. it is true that Solzhenitsyn’s book is now available in English (link I’ve given, archive.org). But, the crucial chapter in book 2 (book 1 is rather boring, it is about pre-WW I history) is not translated. It is chapter 15, “Among Bolsheviksâ€- and it is not translated. Why? I’ve read it & it is perhaps the most interesting chapter, dispelling many myths. Not anti-Jewish, not pro-Jewish. So, why not translate it?”
It _has_ been translated into English, and is available through the link in #38. I certainly agree that it is interesting. All interested should read it. Some reading it will well-understand why a translation was so long in coming.
I thank you for that link, the video of your interview with Dr. MacDonald, and the link to the review of Culture of Critique. They are all worthwhile.
Your explanation regarding why the enemies of free speech are winning is exactly the same as the one Herve Ryssen calmly makes in the video I linked. If you haven’t watched it already, please do. Common logic tells us that those who try to prevent free speech and revision of history are hiding something; they have created a narrative that will not stand up to scrutiny, so they adopt a strategy of making scrutiny unacceptable and illegal if possible. This strategy cannot stand the test of time, and as more time elapses from historical events and the so-called victims and perpetrators of “historical crimes” leave the Earth, historians and even common people will demand the right to reexamine and reevaluated history. It’s human nature.
I’m interested in exploring how the enemies of free speech can be battled, and I agree with Herve Ryssen that it will take the willingness of the little people, the grass roots, to join him in prison. What would the French government do if there was a rally of 1,000 people holding signs saying “Herve Ryssen told the truth. Let him go!”, or better yet, saying the exact words that Herve was prosecuted for? Would they dare arrest and prosecute such a large group? It would call international attention to the ridiculous laws in a country that claims to be free.
Actions such as my suggestion above should be considered and organized.
Frankie P
I’m German-American and here is a weird thing-Jews always end up LIVING in communities that overlap with German-Americans (Like the Trumps in Queens or myself in Greater Detroit) OR Arabs. And Jews do not appear to be that seething with rage during German-American national days. In my lifetime only 2 Jews ever called me out on my German heritage though I’m completely upfront about it-0ne was a big drunk doofus “Beastie Boy” (Low-intellect hoodrat Jew wigger) and the other was a more upper-class Long Island Ukrainian Jew who chided me as a Nazi.
Mel Gibson belongs to the Irish Catholic contingency of Hollywood going back from John Ford and John Wayne all the way through Chuck Norris and Jimmy Kimmel. The Jews did not go on the offensive against the Micks. They might have wanted to, but the Irish Catholic liberals are not inconsiderable in their media and political power.
No, the Jew tends to go after the redneck Anglo-Saxon rube. I suspect this atavistic. Jews are urbanites by preference and always seem to have a problem with rurals.
If Anglo-Saxons made urban equivalents to Texas Chainsaw Massacre like “Brooklyn Deli Slasher” where a bunch of repulsive Ron Jeremy and Amy Winehouse types slaughtered hapless Anglo tourists then the Jews might refuse to distribute such a film. But EVERY horror film coming out of Hollywood is about murderous white hicks like the rapists in Deliverance or Leatherface.
“Wide Open”
The Irish-Catholic does not “open his ass” (nor does the wary and distrustful Sicilian or Cuban Spaniard) to the same extent that the Anglo rubes do. This is why the Irish in NYC or Italians in New Jersey or South Florida Cubans are not raped to the same extent as the Anglo in Alabama or wherever.
Kevin MacDonald, whom I assume probably comes from the Scots-hillbilly background, more or less admits that this is because the Anglo yeoman who founded the US lacks the cultural moorings of these groups.
For example, the Irish-Catholic dropout of the late 60’s in 1985 is the lawyer or businessman while the Anglo who was swept up in the late 6o’s counter-culture is that old homeless hippie gathering bottles in the road who surprises everyone by revealing he has a college degree.
Protestant individualism and the lack of Catholic tribalism in ethnic communities is part of it. Another part of it is geography as the Anglo tends to live far from the centers of power or finance on either coast. Media is another aspect-Irish and Italian girls in the cities know that taking up with a black and having a baby with one will always lead to being a single mother at the county welfare office.
Another aspect of it might be raw intelligence. Many Asian and Jewish women are in porn but less of them will get pregnant that the average rural Protestant evangelical. Education has always been the emphasis for the ethnic white or the Asian while the rural white is often a GED. Alsal parts geography.
There is also a “buffer”. The Italians or Irish or Asians congregate in districts. They go to Catholic schools or better public schools while the rural or exurban white goes to shitty public ones where he gets pounded by blacks or starts using pot at 12 and graduates to meth at 15. Even as criminals the Italians or Irish have been more successful-Tony Soprano is not getting sodomized by blacks in prison for his third possession with intent charge though he committed/ordered 50 homicides in his criminal career.
So possibly in the Anglo is a bit gullible, naive, reckless. These are all qualities British adventurers and soldiers required to settle a new country-Australians have them as well-but not as ideal for under-the-table deals in urban-based political machinery.
I’m German-American and why is it that Jews do not confront us about this? I’ve marched in German-American prides like the one that Trump sponsors every year (Yeah okay, his Dad told Jewish renters he was Swedish for a short time) and German-Americans live elbow-to-asshole to Jews.
The GP in my city was a former Nazi, though not a war criminal. He had Jewish patients.
So I don’t know why the Jews don’t go after German-Americans or even Arab-Americans to the same degree?
I’ve told Jews flat-out to their face that I could care less about their family history when one or two confronted me. I’ve been arrogant and haughty about this, because I am a German-American.
Not one confronted to me or destroyed my career.
>> which pundit isn’t a phony and a hypocrite
Alex Linder on Gab
Andrew Anglin at The Daily Stormer
They shoot straight from the shoulder.
“b) occult Jewish groups- though, this is unlikely: we have not heard of blood libel about Jews living among Muslims. Why would they sacrifice only Christian, and not Muslim children, too?”
In the end of Idra Zuta there is a suggestion for the whole companion to drink blood. Before there are two places where it is assured that the lower god is pacified only by a sacrifice. In order to do magic by appealing to God it was necessary to offer a sacrifice, as in Torah God forbids coming to him empty handed. Ba’al Shems called God’s name for working miracles, that is, they made miracles with God, and that is the only way to make a Golem or rise a dead. Naturally, to work the ten courses of Egypt, you also have to apply to God. So, in the time of the Exodus, you rather need sacrifices. You could read the book Passover blood by a rabbi’s son and professor Ariel Toaff (available in the web for free). He presents evidence of Jewish ritual sacrifices.
Why only Christian children? Indeed, there was the Damascus affair, but the victim was a Christian priest. Why not Muslim? There is a Talmud passage Sanhedrin 43a of the disciples of Yeshu. All of these disciples have to die, though they are all good. Read what is said of them: in secret places he slays Naki, But you are cast from your grave like the abhorred Netzer, One who slaughters Todah honors me. What this says is that to honor God you should kill a disciple of Jesus in a secret place and through the body without burying it. The body was usually thrown near water. It cannot be a Muslim, as it is a disciple of Jesus, that is Christian.
In Sepher HaRazim (much used by Chasidei Ashkenazi) you are told to make cakes of flour and blood. The blood is blood of a lion cub. To get lion cubs in Europe was difficult, but the Messiah is the Lion of Zion and a cub is a child of a lion. The same thing here.
no, most of us are expatriates who have spent a lifetime overseas or moving from gig-to-gig and choose to live in Asia or elsewhere so the choice of sex partners/wives is obviously not white. Myself, Fred Reed, John Derbyshire.
It is hard to have any perspective on a situation when you are a townie who has lived his entire life in the US interior. You are aware of the manipulation of the media and immigration crisis and that what your own situation is more precarious but you cannot see it as clearly because you lack the distance to do so.
I left the United States at age 25 because I am working middle-class white and even then Detroit offered so little that I had no attachment to the host country so I had no problem moving to Dubai.
You’ve be surprised at how much safer and more pleasant a country is without Non-Asian minorities. Dubai, though Muslim, was much safer than Phoenix or Detroit. You do not realize until you move overseas that the ghetto thugs and Cholos are literally the worst people on earth for any society.
Furthermore, I don’t have access to the US media. If you live overseas and have other priorities it is hard to give a shit about some Armenian sluts whose Dad might have helped OJ Simpson kill two people or if some heroin junkie chef commits suicide.
After a few years, Hollywood looks like a sham-the villains in Death Wish films are always white and look like Jeff Goldblum. Anybody who believes that in real life the home invader will look like white villains in Death Wish is a moron. Same with black culture and wiggers. From the distance of abroad it seems absurd that an American of English/Swiss parentage named Eminem inspired whites to act black. The media gets a snigger if you live overseas like I have or Fred Reed or Derbyshire and see it with any sort of perspective, which US whites no longer have.
What is shocking living in Asia for so many years is how the US is literally sliding into a Third World slum. It seems to have internal third worlds.
Bardon Kaldian, I do not think the ritual murders were made by psychopaths but by a sect, please read the following text I wrote, it is not long:
The funny thing about these posters is that they seem to be uniformly Anglo-Saxon and rural. Not Italian-Americans or Irish-Catholics from the East Coast who live elbow-to-anus with Jews but seem to be able to achieve the same sort of status and income.
I’m German-American and in region the German Lutherans and German/Polish Jews lived veritably elbow-to-anus in Greater Detroit but the Jews do not seem to have done the harm to us that they have done to Anglo living in Arkansas or Podunk cities in the US interior.
Arab-Americans and Iranians on Rodeo Drive are not the apparent focus of Jewish attacks in the US although one would think that the Jews would be balls-out trying to denigrate them.
Nope, the reason that the Anglo in Missouri is did jail time for possession of meth and his parents are raising his sister’s interracial child out-of-wedlock with a black thug and the son he himself never saw became a petty criminal is…Zionism.
What a crock of shit.
Irish-Catholics possess a dramatic Gaelic coloring-black hair and blue eyes. Reagan, Mel Gibson, Sean Penn (He’s half-Jewish), Matt Dillon…on and on.
This is why so many have found success in Hollywood. They’re easier on the eyes than Woody Allen.
None of you KNEW a real Nazi in your lives as I suspect ZERO of you are from German communities like myself (Or Trump’s father).
Here’s a funny story from the 1980’s which none of you Scots from Central West Virginia or Cherokee-blooded “Nordics” (How comical, you fought us for 1000 years from the Dane invasions through WWII) actually know-
The last Nazi brought up for trial in Los Angeles successfully fought extradition and hired a Jewish attorney! This struck German-Americans as ghastly ironic but a little funny. Irv Rubin, the madman of JDL, stormed behind the Jewish attorney at the courthouse.
Living in a German-American community, I was aware that my family doctor had been a Nazi. Also, an engineer retired in town.
It is strange that Jews often see Nazism everywhere but are rather limp in their response (Or were) when a retiree turned out to be a Nazi.
The first and last books only came out in the last year (I have copies of both).
And I doubt MacDonald would need to read those books as he already has a solid grasp of the writings of his subjects themselves. Not sure if he read Capital but the Frankfurt School and Freud are cited liberally in CoC.
Alabama rednecks never spent a winter in Detroit watching the local Rabbi tell the Jewish winos to get away from him.
If you were around Jewish Americans in Hunt’s Point, which none of the rubes have been, you’ll meet plenty of “street Jews” passing a bottle of Jack Daniels in alley. They produce their own fair number of losers, dregs, victims of society. But at least Amy Winehouse does not blame the Goy for her crack cocaine habit.
Sorry, but I don’t even subscribe to the theory that all Askenazi have a genius IQ. I’ve known some real dense ones.
Nor did they seem driven by greed. Most of them did not have a pot to piss in.
Inevitably it is the Southern white with his level of achievement who actually thinks Jews are geniuses because they can pass the bar exam or happen to be a local dentist. This reflects how poor and uneducated the average white hick is-Irish-Catholics in NYC are perfectly capable of being judges or politicians.
Again, a crock of shit.
The Anglo-Saxon rube marries young. Or starts a family young. He tends to shun education. He enters the workforce with a GED or high school diploma. So that is one strike against him.
Unlike the Irish-Catholic barfly or the Italian-American getting a cocaine nosebleed the hick gets hooked on the worst drugs-crack is an epidemic, then meth, now Oxy. Some other life-destroying drug will come along and the hicks will try and it will wipe more of them out.
When we turn to media and the cultural degradation of society it has to be said that Ron Jeremy is not ruining his life with porn or raping women and blaming it on dirty pictures. Possibly many Jews are in porn because they have large penises on average and can wield it as a commodity. Fine. But they are not moaning to their Pastor that their husband wants them to do “double anal sex” and porn is leading to divorce.
No, this is the Podunk hick.
Always mawkish for war, the Podunk hick accuses the Jew of being unpatriotic when he protests Vietnam or Iraq. Then, when the dead bodies return and the surplus economy is depleted and a Cambodia or Syria results the Podunk hick blames the Jews.
Jews did not vote for Bush. Hicks voted for Bush because they were convinced that he had stopped being an alcoholic bum due to finding religion! And of course, he trashed the economy just as he failed to manage a baseball team in Texas.
As for Nepotism, the worst excesses were always with the Irish-Catholics. Kennedy had an affair with a big-mouthed hooker named Marilyn Monroe and then got his brother Bobby to shove barbituates up her colon to silence her, for example. We won’t go into Skakel.
You probably have little you need to be modest about but if you ever needed to be reminded how limited we have had to become in the last few decades especially you might enjoy listening to this
You could treat it as three pre siesta listening sessions or maybe just Google William Whewell.
BTW I trust your numerate self, even without a special interest in IQ related stuff, is on to demographics. Amongst my favourite figures are that the still overbreeding Germans produced 2 million babies in 1913 and 5 million Russians were born to make sure the Holomodor didn’t deny Stalin his Red Army numbers. But Whewell reminds me of other vital stats. He was the eldest of a carpenter’s 7 and when he was a new Cambridge graduate one Edward Lear was born as number 15 of 16 children…..
Quack Quack.. i think you are hitting at it..
I admit I don’t have the time read all of the debate or the Culture of Critique.
But I did read most of the review a few things come to mind/
I see no statistical analysis of variance on the points made.. no statistical
data analyzed for relevance. pro or con to review.
I hold a totally different proposition as to why the Jews evolved themselves into
a self-promoting race of propaganda purveyors;
“I am better than you are, therefore I am entitled to more” the (IABTUA,TIAETM) .
Jewish evolution occurred because Jewish trade was not only global but because it dealt in highly profitable contraband commodities, things like slavery, precious metals mined with slave labor, cotton produced by slave labor, and the like. The contraband trade produced extreme wealth but it also produced cultural dissension where ever the Jewish traders “called home”. The bulk of Jewish wealth was rarely produced from within the community in which the wealthy Jewish person lived, the wealthy Jewish interest were international, they were traders and for the most part still are. The massive estate and biggest house in town, produced racial and religious persecution. Laws were written and Jews (especially the Jewish Traders, were ex communicated (from Portugal 1392, Spain 1401) to Ottoman Salonika. These aspects of Jewish history forced isolation and between generation relocation problems: substantial sums were left behind, so international assistance was needed to acquire the resources the new location demanded.
So it was the disruptive relocation aspect of Jewish life that produced the International network that advanced the Jewish power. A wealthy jew in London, Russia or Germany, or a Jewish charity or a Jewish organization supported the penniless immigrant language challenged Jew in say America. Opportunity to provide a global community Jew with the resources to advance his station within the community was rarely left unfunded. The local lumber company failed, a Penniless language challenged Jewish immigrant somehow ends up its new owner, the funds to finance the venture came from the Jewish support network. The Jewish support network converted many a Penniless immigrant resident in strange to him lands into wealthy respect demanding businessman (overnight success in the newly settled place); and the wealth and respect those “over night successes afforded” allowed the children of the Jewish wealth access to superior education and earlier experiences about the world and a sense of belonging, a duty to support the network, and safeguard against total financial loss.
Every Jew, no matter his involvement, was a part of the international Jewish community: the local community isolation served to produce a global Jewish community, with local membership. Within that global Jewish community, Jew would eat Jew, but outside of that community all of the Jews would come to assist those of its kind even when no one liked or knew or cared about the Jew in need or even knew about the opportunity to advance a Jew within a local community. So Jewish power came from Jewish persecution, and the persecution came from excessive wealth produced by contraband trading, and all of the power and all of that wealth is in motion on the Global Jewish Network.
It was this global Jewish life fail-safe support community, that made it possible for banker Jews to use the Zionist Organization (organized in 1897, Hertzl, Jewish Congress) as a vector to herd Jewish immigrants into Persian- Ottoman oil rich lands in order to take the oil from the Arabs. WWI, Sikes-Picot, WWII, Israel.
Until the Internet that support was accomplished through local, regional, national and international Jewish Agencies. but those same agencies promoted the propaganda and in time many dished out benefits based on the “IABTUA,TIAETM.
The Jewcy, unedited, Playboy magazine style interview/exchange between John Derbyshire and Joey Kurtzman is awesome.
I was treated fairly by young Jewish writers and editors at Jewcy when I was strongly opposing the Matthew Shepherd Federal Hate Crime/Thought Crime act.
Jewish Americans have always had a high percentage of intelligent writers, readers and when one comes in contact with intelligent, fair, open minded partially young Jewish writes/editors one feels that this might represent some great opportunity, some break through.
I felt this way in the early 1980s when some new Jewish Conservatives, Jewish Neo Conservatives supported President Reagan and seemed to be writing honest things about crime, race relations, the welfare underclass, cultural realism with Arabs, Black Africa etc….
And then……
It all went South.
The Jewish Neo Conservatives purging of all American Conservatives who opposed any, all of the God awful USA/UK wars against secular Arabs in Iraq and Syria – “Unpatriotic Conservatives – David Frum National Review”.
Then there vicious purges, smears of any White American Conservatives who wrote or said obviously things about securing our borders and keeping out Al Qaeda.
John Derbyshire fired and purged from National Review for writing just sensible comments protecting our children from Black crime, race riots etc.
It’s reality that supposedly “Conservative” GOP Jewish intellectuals like Max Boot are as God awful hateful and liars as the worst Jewish Lib Leftist, cult Marxists Clinton’s Secretary of Labor – the Jew dwarf Robert Reich.
It’s reality that the “American” mass media including all Hollywood studios are dominated and intimidated by the Jewish ethnic media mafia.
The difference between CNN when it was run by White (Liberal) Gentile Ted Turner and the #*$&@ lies that it became under Gerald Levin and Jeff Zucker – it’s day and night.
I am not sure there is much hope of any reforms to improve the situation – maybe getting our news from Russia today or the Hungarian equivalent.
The American public seems to not care that the Jewish media mafia, Jewish Neo Conservative/Zionist war mongers monopolize our media.
I admit I didn’t read your post properly. The World Cup is on so I am likely to do stupid things. Sorry.
Australia like many countries plays up the rural pioneering which was a real achievement but it was, already, by the 1890s, one of the most urbanised countries in the world.
A fallacious ending. A forgery doesn’t have to be a copy of or otherwise have an “original”. The van Meegeren “Vermeers” weren’t copies. St. Silas’s hypothetical Gospel found and promoted in the 3rd century as a late 1st century original would have been a forgery with no original.
So you claim.
His brothers and sisters did better as far perpetuating. But Lear was gay. Kudos to his heroic mother.
Are you sure? Wasn’t it a major wheat producer then? Along with Argentina? Since I am in USA do you want to guess which nation was more urbanized in 1890? US or Oz? I do not know the answer.
Zero H has a comments section for recent postings. Old comments gone…. You might be right. Might have been done on purpose to up its image. Too many ZH comments were crappy one liners which is the opposite of Unz and why I like Unz.
ZH might have had a software changeover that eliminated old comments from (example) a 2012 posting. I see at American Thinker old comments at old posts are gone. A software revamp can do this. I have no insider knowledge of either site.
“So you claim”
Oh, you’re one of those who thinks everyone is a Jew and a shill, right? So and so is a “crypto”.
I recently re-read Orientalism by Edward Said. Said said that he writes from the position of Against Orientalism which includes, prepare yourself…a hermeneutic.
Hermeneutic means a sealed-off kind of study from other sources.
Kevin MacDonald has written very important books, but I saw something recently that he wrote which is a hermeneutic type defense of his books.
Never mind the nazi factor in some of his positions, or the whackos like Richard Spencer who just set us back several years (in the above Connelly piece ).
An innocent reader of KM might conclude that all the evidence he presents Proves why Jews have such immense social and political and intellectual power. It does no such thing. It helps, but misses the main center ring of the jewish circus.
Jews get a pass because, and only because, they are the mascots/totem animals of serious Christians.
Thus KM’s hermeneutic is not Good for Whites because it fails the test of scholarship based on all available evidence.
Go to any Christian Church. and listen to the readings from the Old Testament.
In this connection, all the Michael Hoffman stuff, while essentially correct, does nothing to curb Jewish Power.
The psychological trumps rationality. Religion answers psychological needs which rational political thinking and writing cannot address effectively.
Over the long haul, like in Europe, religion appears to be eroding in the West generally, but not much in the US. That erosion in Europe partially at least explains why anti-Israel sentiment is much stronger than in the US. Also, the Protestant countries are the most irrationally pro-Jew, and that is addressed in E. Michael Jones’s The Jewish Revolutionary spirit. The Jews helped deepen the subversive character of the Reformation.
No worries, I’ve been called much worse than “nitwit†and have pretty thick skin.
Abortion promoters are top heavy filled with jews. It is the todays modern version of ancient jewish blood lust with, when the jews worshiped Molach. Molach was a huge brass idol god image. It had a space between lower legs of brass statue to burn wood logs etc. Once the entire brass statue was red hot, jews lined up along with the Babylonians (?) and threw their first born kid into arms of Molach to get burned alive to death.
All down thru history jewry has a massive love affair with trying to satisfy their insatiable Blood Lust.
If today jews promoted a return to Molach worship via as described above, complete with that part of tossing first born alive into red hot idols arms to get burned alive till dead…That would create a huge uproar in America and Europe. So they switch gears and promote abortion instead. The end results are almost the exact same except for the fire death part. The abortion methods rip an unborn baby’s arms and legs off or suck brains out to crush skull as in partial birth abortions.
Plus factual proof now that Yes Planned parent hood org sells various baby Part’s from aborted babies to highest bidders. There was a year or so ago a hidden video done during interview of that woman head of planned parent hood org. in where she admitted to and bragged of earned extra cash from baby parts sales to several other orgs that use parts in various ways or products.
I’m not saying that’s the only reason so many jews and others too, promote abortions of course. But being a nefarious agenda, it is no wonder so many heads and promoters are jewish. They seem to smell out and run to every type or form of agendas that many folks find obnoxious or nefarious or just plain evil. Jews acting like a jew, how ironic eh.
Australian wool was the big export commodity before – and after gold was discovered and refrigeration made meat export possible. All depending on holding big sheep stations (ranches) in relatively low rainfall country. Cattle also on big cattle stations. Even wheat growing became mechanised early. Gold supercharged the growth of Melbourne from the 1850s, Sydney eventually caught back up with Melbourne. US style proliferation of small inland towns didn’t take place. No rivers like Mississippi/Missouri.
I think Australia more urbanised by 1890.
Nope, again not Zionism. The Zioevangizer rapture cucks are the problem. They are so busy getting ready for takeoff, they have neglected their flocks. Also, the Ziocucks preach equality of the races, etc. It goes against their Christianity for whites to oppose interracial marriage. My parents said no blacks/Asians.
I worked with one of these WASP Zioevangizers. She was a woman whose family went back hundreds of years in the USA. I’m a cradle Catholic, but left the the RCC because I don’t accept black/Asian priests-popes. The one good thing was I attended very good RCC schools and know the RCC catechism. She would try to convert me and tell me that Jews are the chosen. I would counter and prove every point wrong. She finally said I wouldn’t accept her beliefs because of my Catholicism. I said no. I asked her “whence Protestantism?” She couldn’t answer because of her limited theological and historical knowledge. She said I really knew my Bible, countering Protestant beliefs that RCCers don’t read the Bible. I was not trying to convert her to Catholicism because of the black/Asian problem, but I did make her see that her beliefs were wrong. She is no longer a Zioevangizer and does not believe in the rapture. As to the drug problem in rural areas, Mexican cartels have a lot to do with this.
One thing I have noticed is that Caucasian Christians refuse to make any definite statements about morality. Also, the watering down of Western courses in schools are another factor. Multi-culti nonsense is a huge problem. The West (which is not black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim) is superior. Few Westerners will make such a statement. The attempt to de-industrialize the USA is another problem. Fortunately, Trump is starting to turn this around.
The Irish Catholics of the East Coast, i.e., Boston, New York are a very degenerate bunch. I wouldn’t put too much stock in any Catholics today. The RCC is open borders and destroying the West. The cities used to have a lot of drug problems but these have dissipated a little.
There aren’t that many Arabs/Iranians to make a difference.
The Caucasian RCC male who accepts black/Asian priests-popes, the Zioevangizer male and the gentile Freemason are the problems. They believe in universal brotherhood and universal church. Once we destroy these evil, oxymoronic ideas, we can rebuild the West.
This really is great. Set the White ethnics against the majority Whites. Dissimulate about Jews while all the while calling majority White Americans rubes. Do so in the mocking and exaggerated tone of someone who is insecure and filled with hate. Over exaggerate by replying with walls of text to anyone who responds to you way more often than any sincere commenter would bother. Let me tell you something- its the panicky nervous tone that gives the game away. If you pretend to be a disinterested observer (a ‘ German-American’ lol) you should probably stop writing before you become too hysterical and give the game away.
Just to let you know anyone who has been on these and other comment threads for even a couple of years (ive been for about 10) will understand what you are trying to do and it doesnt work.
Either up your game or get lost.
I agree with what you have written and it is all true…except the link with Jews themselves.
I’m not a Jew impersonating a German-American, if that is what you mean.
What game?
“One thing I have noticed is that Caucasian Christians refuse to make any definite statements about morality. Also, the watering down of Western courses in schools are another factor. Multi-culti nonsense is a huge problem. The West (which is not black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim) is superior.”
1) Making your morality point is the fear of criticizing these latest celebrity suicides – especially that of the narcissistic hedonist (“the body is NOT a temple”) Bourdain.
2) Making your watering-down point is that every moment spent reading intellectual frauds such as the hyper-glorified mediocrities T. Coates and B. Obama is a moment not spent reading within the Western canon.
I’m from Detroit.
Drugs, wiggerdom, out-of-wedlock parenthood, young mothers, interracial relationships with black thugs, folly, petty crime (DUI, shoplifting, dealing), lack of education, sometimes sheer inertia.
More white Protestants will fall victim to these things than the ethnic white neighborhoods out East, the Asians or for that matter the Jews themselves.
It must be quite easy for ZOG. Whereas the Italians or Irish have their political machines, their churches, even their mob ties, the white Protestant evangelicals just cannot get a grassroots resistance going.
ZOG does not even have to much. The Mexicans take care of that-pumping cocaine, then meth, now heroin into the white majority. They’ll shoot or smoke it all. Of course Irish-Catholics and Italians on the East Coast saw what heroin did, or crack, and less of them are likely to be junkies.
Then there is the out-of-wedlock birth rates.
Why are all these Asian and Jewish girls porn stars doing gangbangs but it is the 20 year old white lass from the bible belt standing at the welfare office because of an unexpected pregnancy?
Why is out-of-wedlock birth a white rural thing.
I’ll side with the man with the courage and conviction to honestly tackle the issue over the man who sidesteps and grovels. Whatever good Derbyshire has done, he isn’t the type to lead and win.
The Mexicans have the capacity for a long-term war against the Anglo-Saxon. The blacks to an extent. But Jews, nah. They’re is not enough of them.
But blacks and Mexicans have significant numbers in the military and police. Most Jews do not even possess a firearm.
OTOH, of the seven-member first Politburo, four were Jewish. And Lenin’s mum was half-Jewish. That’s a pretty steep disproportion.
Sigh…. Another old c/p.
Jews had not been numerically over-represented in the CP USSR (and its earlier variants). They’ve comprised ca. 5% of all card-carrying Bolsheviks & close to 50% of the Politburo during Lenin’s times (never reached 50%+, except in the earliest phase). They- Russian & Ukrainian Jews (except in the BUND)- never advocated separate Jewish interests, and, what is more important, they did not perceive themselves as Jews in a national sense- except in cases when they fiercely attacked Zionism as a “grave ideological errorâ€. Many of them were actually Russian national loyalists, which was evident from their behavior in the Brest-Litovsk treaty crisis, when Lenin had had virtually all the Bolshevik party & Politburo against himself, this time based purely on “national pride†agenda (“we won’t give our land to Germansâ€.)
As for influence, to put it shortly: it was Lenin, an ethnic Russian with marginal Jewish ancestry (a converted mother’s father Moishko Blank, himself an anti-Semite) he wasn’t aware of until he was 35, and later didn’t care about, who has created & lead the successful global socio-political transformation called Communism. Lenin designed & built Bolshevik party as a highly militarized, disciplined & ideologically dogmatic sect, a universal machine for transformation of all resentments (social, national, religious, personal, ethnic, “racialâ€, cultural, economic,..) into a “laser beam†of focused, almost inevitably violent determination for possession of total power and creation of a new, Communist utopia.
Both ideas and actions in the crucial periods from 1903. to 1922. were his, frequently opposed by more cautious Russian & ethnically non-Russian Bolshevik leadership. The most prominent Bolshevik rulers during the revolution and civil war, of Jewish origin, had been: Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov and Trotsky. Sverdlov was perhaps the most influential among Bolshevik Jews in the earliest stage, but he died (or was killed) too soon. He himself never developed any idea, nor had been the central figure in any significant event- except the execution of Russian royal family. Trotsky, who had been a Menshevik but switched his loyalties to Lenin, played the pivotal role in organization of the Red Army, but his vanity & verbal excesses have alienated him from many other top Bolsheviks who feared his influence: so “Jewish†Zinoviev and Kamenev formed an alliance with the Georgian Stalin (and his lapdogs) to isolate & destroy Trotsky. They succeeded, but were later destroyed in the power struggles with other Stalin’s allies (this time ethnic Russian Bukharin and others). At the end, the entire “old guardâ€, except Stalin, had been killed, one way or another. So much for “Jewish solidarityâ€.
Pure stats don’t mean much. One person, Lenin, totally dominated the party & the Revolution (the foundation of the Bolshevik ideology, the central strategy and tactics in post-February days, the planning and execution of the October coup d’etat, formation of the Cheka, the decision to switch to War Communism, the tactical withdrawal in the humiliating Brest-Litovsk treaty, crucial political/economic “retreat†embodied in the New Economic policy, …). On many occasions Bolsheviks of Jewish extraction had tried- unsuccessfully- to counter Lenin’s unique combination of radicalism & pragmatism, but inevitably failed: they’ve been frequently too radical, but not realistic enough; in other instances like the October coup, they were mostly too cautious and afraid to move (so was Stalin). In all critical moments Lenin virtually raped the party- and won.
Somewhere around 1920-1921, Stalin became the man of Lenin’s primary confidence. He was the only person who could see him without prior notice (Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky, ..and other Jewish Bolsheviks couldn’t). After 1922. (Lenin died in 1924., completely incapacitated), Stalin was, effectively, the most influential Communist ruler & all other influential political figures, whether Jewish, ethnic Russian, Caucasian, Polish, Baltic, Ukrainian, …could not overthrow him, nor impose their ideas and practices. Eventually, Stalin got rid off all leaders of revolution and mercifully “spared†only figures of secondary importance whose chief characteristics had been blind loyalty to him.
To summarize: over-representation of Soviet Jews in the early stages of the Communist revolution (Sverdlov, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Uritsky, Ioffe ..or their enemies like Martov, Gershuny, Blumkin (he has later “convertedâ€, but was executed as a Trotskyst during the Purges), Dora Kaplan …) or in Stalin’s Soviet Union (Kaganovich, Yagoda, Litvinov, Neftali Frenkel, ..) is an interesting phenomenon, but proves- nothing. The very formation of a new type of society was, essentially, the result of Lenin’s genius; consolidation of the new “theocratic†empire was in the hands of one man, Stalin. All Communist Jews, from top to bottom, were mostly executors and followers, not shapers of history along the ideas & practices they themselves had created. And I won’t address the issue of Soviet Jewish victims (Mandel’shtam, Mikhoels, Babel’, …).
Your post seems almost willfully naïve. Everyone knows that offending blacks is a considerably lesser offence than offending Jews. It’s Jews, not blacks, who own the press and have the lawyers, guns, and money to bust any critic. D. himself speaks of how dangerous it is. D is a smart guy but his ethical subtlety is not great and he often seems to hover in mid-air considering whether to go for an unfair but witty riposte. I would be surprised if he were indifferent to the need to earn a paycheck. His discussion of MacDonald looks like classic waffling.
“Despite that, individuals on the Alt Right continue to push for White interests, as we’ve seen with The Right Stuff crew, Andrew Anglin and Chris Cantwell. (Unfortunately, there now seems to be some bad blood among them.) David Duke soldiers on, directly addressing the JQ almost daily, and lovers of fiction can still get Harold Covington’s quintet of Northwest Novels (scroll down to individually select the five novels). Also, one can read Catholic traditionalist E. Michael Jones, whom I’ve reviewed numerous times (here, here, here, and here).”
Well, there’s your problem, with allies like these, who needs the MSM? Derb has to ask himself whether he’s going to take the heat from the (((mob))) only to be attacked by these clowns as a race traitor for marrying an Asian woman or a “Jewish shill” for not embracing retardation like Holocaust denial. Not to mention the fact that half of these guys are FBI informants anyways.
You don’t have to agree with the Nazis on everything to know that they were mostly right about most things. Hitlers views on the Jews were completely correct and we see more so every day. I think a large part of the interest in Hitler among the WN and others is he succeeded in driving off the Jews. If only for a little while and what was done once, can be done again.
Hitler made some mistakes. I personally hate that he caused a war among Whites but did he have a choice? I’m not sure he did. As soon as he decided to deport the Jews it was on. Just like Putin today refusing to allow the Jews to loot Russia as they were. I think it very likely that the Soviets planned to attack no matter what he did.
As for the Holahoax it’s just nonsense. The Nazis never did or planned to pile up Jews in train cars, gas and burn 6 million of them. It didn’t happen.
The most salient fact about Hitler is that the Jews so destroyed Germany that the Germans voted for Hitler just to get rid of them. The Jews are so toxic that the people eventually will do anything to get rid of them. Even worse, for the Jews, they’re doing the EXACT same thing they did in Germany to the US. It’s exactly the same. Control the banks, funnel all the money to their Jews pockets, steal all the industry with FED bucks, buy off or blackmail the legislature, continuous attacks on the mental well being of the citizens, homo, trans, etc. it’s just the same. Wait til the Jews crash the economy. They run it, they own it, they’re responsible. They’ve stolen the industry and moved it to China. If the country goes tits up they’re responsible.
Where’s my Hitler. I want to vote for him.
“…William Pierce? The Turner Diaries loony?…”
The Turner diaries is eventually what will happen in the US and probably Europe if the Jews continue on their path they are now. People will just assume there’s no other alternative. The only thing left will be guerilla war. I don’t think the Jews can win. A lot of the military knows about 9-11 and how the Jews were responsible. They just don’t have the manpower even if all the police and troops went over to the Jews side. There’s more hunter licenses in just one State, Pennsylvania, issued than there are soldiers in the US Army. The armored personal carriers they have are good but you have to get out of them to control things and it’s hard to see out of them if they’re covered in napalm which is only gasoline mixed with soap. If they do go all out then it will only take a few civilians shot in any area to ramp up the hostility.
“…Derbyshire is afraid of the Jews…”
“… Derbyshire is a degenerate schizo…”
Don’t agree. Not every one wants to throw themselves and their family on the funeral pyre. He has plenty of reasons to be afraid. He does come as close as he can but he has kids to get though college. There’s so doubt that at this point in time there’s enough support to take on the Jews. I believe the time is getting very close. When it comes it will be fast. There’s too much blood in the water already. The Jews have damaged our country beyond repair. I predict if the economy crashes the Jews will be tossed from the country in mass. I doubt anyone will take them in because it will be widely know what they’ve done. No one will want them.
“Marrying an Asian woman”
Us non-Jews all need a second country to move to if the going gets tough just as many Jews in Detroit moved to Israel.
I’m from Detroit and I much prefer life for a working middle class white man in Asia than in the US if only because there are no black or Latino thugs. Brits who get on here and complain about Bangladeshi! hoodlums have no idea what a joke all other races are compared to the ghetto or barrio populace.
You cannot really blame us middle-class whites from the Northeast (Irish, Italians, Polish, Germans in my case) for not really wanting to embrace the mores of Scottish border country louts on whose behavior the modern-day redneck or hick tends to pattern themselves after-the swaggering, the bullet in the back violence, the constant strutting and one-man-ship exported from the moors of Yorkshire and dales of Scotland.
For example-
1) We middle class whites believe you should graduate from university and possess a skill-set before marrying. The rednecks don’t and by 21 or 23 they have kids which they struggle to support.
2) We middle class whites do not want to send our children to shitty public schools where the Cholos and Hoodrats introduce our kids to criminality or drugs.
3) We tend to encourage our daughters to use birth control and if some jobless wigger or Negro got my 18 year old daughter pregnant hell yes I would want her to have an abortion.
4) Much is said about Northern Yankee promiscuity and cock carousels but at least when WE DO marry our marriages remain intact because we are 30 and not “too young” as the average hick Anglo will explain about his time in jail for failure to pay alimony/child support. Less of the middle-class urban white’s children grow up in broken homes as the white hick Anglo from the interior or South.
5) Middle-class white girls can be slutty but it is the redneck hick girls getting into sex work to pay rent. Go into a strip club. Most of them will be redneck girls from lower middle class backgrounds.
6) Rednecks are always doing stupid drugs that turn them into larcenous cockroaches-when I went to college in a bucolic region the local hicks would steal your bike from campus for crystal meth, previously it had been crack cocaine and now it is Oxy. We middle-class whites have the sense to leave our experimentation with pot or Molly in college.
7) Middle-class whites actually “reject” black culture. Hipsters are a subtle way of saying “whiggers are white trash”.
8) Middle-class whites might not be “globalist” but at least we travel. The rubes and hicks are townies.
9) Oh, and finally why is it that poor white hicks are always claiming to be “part Indian” while simultaneously espousing their white pride. Cherokee grandmothers and the rest of it. At least us middle-class urban whites no our roots, speak our ancestors language (A bit), have our ethnic pride.
10) Finally you hicks are perverted puritanical hypocrites and that is why you are addicted to jerking off to Jewish porn actress and freakishly endowed blacks on your computer. You are always molesting your step-kids, though I know Mexicans do this too. Middle-class whites, like Jews, hire that law student call girl. But hicks and rubes are a sexual hothouse for breeding truck stop prostitutes because people are always coming and going who touch the little girls because desperate single mothers will date any man.
So in this sense, possibly middle-class whites resemble Jews. We have the same tendency to live in the North in urban areas, not go to jail for petty crime (Though white collar crime is a different matter), not wait in line to watch TRANSFORMERS 5, not be down at the welfare office with a kid we cannot support of an odd color.
This does not make me an “ally” of some dusty corner of the Levant bordering North Africa. It is the hick and rube who often is the mercenary in their auxiliary, not the middle-class Northern white. He has no choice because unlike the Irish and Jews in NYC or Asians and ethnics in Silicone Valley he cannot create an economy beyond retail jobs and strip clubs like the one where Stormy started.
Australia has a huge arid interior. I am guessing it is 90% or more of Australia. The US has the Mississippi and other mid continent rivers so we have settlement in our interior. Precipitation too that supports a population. You might know the rough generalization. That the Mississippi river divides the US into wet Eastern states and dry Western states.
I forgot that wool was so important to the Oz economy back then.
What I always read was that New Zealand was greatly dependent on butter and cheese exports to the UK then the EU.
If Australia’s interior was wetter your nation would be more populous and more powerful.
The attitude of northern whites often strikes me as funny, since so many have come south for a better life. I don’t find much of what you say about Southerners to be true, though there are pockets of cretins, and there are many people in the north who match the description that you give to “hicks” from the South. I wish all the transplants would go to Asia, since they often insist on repeating the mistakes that turned places like Detroit and Newark into what they are today when they come South.
It’s probably true that public schools in small to mid-sized towns in the North are better than their counterparts in the South, but that’s largely due to demographics, and politics that were forced on the South by the North.
There’s nothing as cute as a naive white, protestant SJW from a small town in the upper Midwest. Years ago, I met a bunch of girls in Wisconsin who were just about to graduate from Ed school, and upon learning that I was from the South launched into me (politely, of course) without knowing a thing about me, about how racist the South is. In the end several said that they can’t wait to graduate and go south to teach in inner city Chicago, where they can make a difference. I hope they had fun. We’d probably all be better off if they’d gone to Asia instead.
North vs. South
Southerners never had the Italians, 95% of whom are good citizens, but brought their own problem of the mafia to the Northern states. Georgia never had a problem with organized crime and Atlanta was never run by gangsters-corrupted unions, police forces, jury tampering, HUD…whatever a Tony Soprano feels like messing with.
The Northern attitude towards the blacks was one of indifference, which was worse than the paternal relationship of sorts that whites in the South had with them. Northern whites came to America LONG after the Civil War for the most part, and the average Italian or Jew or Polish-American in the North has an attitude of indifference towards blacks.
As for Detroit and Newark, this is partly economic post-decline. The whites simply have the initiative and skill-set to seek work elsewhere and a man has to support his family. There goes the tax money and fiscal funds. That is one reason. Another was crack.
You can find white trash on the Canadian border, it is not necessarily a “Southern thing”.
Why do so many hick places look 3 rd world? Potholes in the highways?
Hicks are hicks everywhere, and I grew up on the Michigan border with Canada so I can say that with authority. There are worse hicks in parts of Michigan or Indian than the cosmopolitan Houston or Austin.
Hicks cannot add much human capitol-they grow up in primary-industry cities, they don’t have the money (Or religion) to send their kids to Catholic or private schools, there is no “trickle-down” effect that blacks or Italians of the lower classes in the urban centers of money or power, they aren’t worldly or street smart, they get hooked on every stupid drug that hits the market (Crack, then meth, then Oxy), they are more likely to be wiggers because their Protestant individualism removes the sense of ethnic identity that Italians or Jews retain.
Finally, they don’t HAVE THE MONEY that Irish-Catholics or Jews have in the bigger cities. They’re exceptions like Sam Walton or Warren Buffet living in these Podunk towns and rural locales but in general they just have no possibility of making any money in a primary economy region in post-industrial decline.
I knew many Polish in Flint. The hillbillies could return to Appalachia and the white-collar Anglo simply moved but as one Polish guy explained to me, there was nowhere to go. If your car is not good enough to move to California and you would only end up in a tent in San Francisco’s tenderloin district and your house is WORTH NOTHING on the market…where are you going to go.
As for Asia, I’m thankful I went overseas a young man from Detroit. No divorce rape, no credit card debt, no house that I cannot give away on the market because nobody in their right mind wants to move into a city in post-industrial decline, no problems at all.
So the rednecks and hicks I knew in my college days in Mt. Pleasant Michigan attending Central Michigan…well, I’m williang to lay odds they are still there waiting for “the jobs to come back”.
And the 90’s passed and the hicks elected an idiot named Bush and the US swirled into the toilet.
The American public, by and large, does not even KNOW about the Jewish dominance of the media. And if you were to suggest to the average Joe that such is the case they would look at you like you were some unhinged lunatic for even suggesting what is obviously true.
But you are probably right. Even if they knew about this media dominance, most would not even care or question whether such dominance was good for the nation.
I have come to the realization that Jewish dominance of Gentile societies comes about largely because of the indifference of the Gentile to being dominated. In other words, most people are comfortable being enslaved.
The vast majority of white ethnicities have merged into a general “white American” ethnicity, though for some reason it’s considered blasphemous to mention it. Nobody considers a white Italian-American marrying a white German/Swede-American to be intermarriage, so IMO that’s a pretty silly comparison.
When exactly was the last time you saw an Irish-American worrying about the Irish-American rate of intermarriage with other whites? Probably at least 75 years.
But Jews marrying Jews IS still considered intermarriage, at least by many Jews, so the term applies. The Jews, of course, separate themselves into Jews and Gentiles. Marrying a Gentile is intermarriage.
In my lifetime Italian-Americans have intermarries to a great deal.
They used to be a separate ethnic group and when I was growing up (born 1974) most Italians were the kids of two Italian parents.
There is no non-deportable population of _any_ sort in the USA, to include those with a direct descent from founding stock.
Will and means. If they exist, it can be done. It _has_ been done in the past. And will be done to some groups by other groups in N America in the not too distant future.
In the end, it is the old “Who? Whom?” question. It is better to be the “Who.”
As for the hispanic population in particular, they are no more permanent than the Rhodesians or the Dalmatians or the Carthaginians or any of a number of peoples who met their ends.
As for Derb’s opinion on hispanic invaders/immigrants, I suspect he is pretty close to the VDare position.
Derbyshire’s Chinese offspring are worthless. He and the tiger Chinese mother had problems with the son, so the son had to join the military to get straightened out.
Derbyshire in another article state his Chinese daughter’s IQ is 110. I think he inflated it by 10 points. She voted for Obummer, like the mother. So much for idiotic hybrid vigor theory. Neither one of his Chinese offspring will wind up in college – maybe community college.
As to the Jews, no, they are not the main problem. The main problems are caused the RCC/Zioevangizers. Their universal brotherhood/universal church mentality is destroying the USA and the West. Fortunately, the RCC will be gone by 2025 in the USA. The Zioevangizers are losing members. The Jews have Israel and have to go there. Here in the USA we need to segregate blacks, send as many Asians as possible back to Asia and toss out the illegals.
Derbyshire won’t deal with the illegal immigration from China or their theft of our technology. Gee, could it be because he has a Chinese wife and offspring?
Jeff Stryker: You forgot the one other Major bad influence that permeates the very same 10-12 Orig. Confed states of civil war era…Ever since it hit America for sale, the KJV-Bible version called, The Scofield Bible. First for sale in usa in about 1909. Aprox. 57% of Every/All biblical verses from Genesis begin to book of Revelation ending. Over Half of every verse has an personal interpretation of actual proper biblical and historical meaning based on Cyrus Scofields own interpretations.
And he has been proven to be a huge scam artist of scam artists, basically a failed, husband-father-gambler-drunkard-never successful never elected politition- convicted felon and prison time- all around BS,er to the Max.
Then he hooked up with a grandson of Rothschild bankster fame, got his bible version published and paid for by that grandson Rothschild guy, and fast shipped to America for sale. Scarfed up by all too eager southern Baptists until soon after usa arrival, his fraud bible has become Americas #1 Main owned bible version. And Main teaching Tool used in virtually all protestant seminary schools like Dallas bible college seminary etc.
I saw a Map of lower 48 states at some website a few yrs ago, it showed every location scofields bibles are owned and used. A Tiny Red Dot represented every city etc…The main grouping of red dots, so many red dot areas that entire state on map was totally Red.
And the main area of total or very close to total Red on map was a combo of All same southern states of civil war era….Almost entire south total Red on map of where Scofield bibles owned were.
Now if you know anything regards that bible version? Then you know the hows and whys of the primary pro Israel and pro jew supporters and jew defenders group of entire usa peoples, is centered In those very same states.
And most every of those evangelical Baptist Scofield bible believers crowd are unwilling to even consider a discussion of perhaps, that bible is wrong and so full of falsehood interpretations that it is a total Abomination of total Apostacy worse than any other apostate blasphemy source.
That is the Main Prime reason international jewry and zio Israel maintains such massive support from the very peoples you complain of. They interchange every word of “Israel” found in bible, into the word of “Jew”….Then fanatically create their own end times beliefs based on that.
They really do believe going to war for Israel, dying for jewry and Israel, allowing jews a Free PassNo matter What jews do or did etc etc….Will guarantee them a great huge God Blessing, and also assure they get to Fly away to 7 yrs safety in heaven in a pre-trib-Rapture event.
They believe and support every Israel and jewish agenda, 3rd temple, jews own and run a JWO world govnt. etc……many will even go all out Postal Phys violent and foam at mouth if anyone dares suggest that is all wrong and false beliefs instilled via scofields fraudulent bible version.
And worse yet, their total numbers are around 65-Million members. More like a Cult of jew worshipers and Israel worshipers. And unless and until this is changed and they stop all this falsehood apostacy and outright blaspheme nothing can nor will ever change for better in American foreign policy and a fully Zionist jewish hijacked usa fed govnt and banks etc.
Like most folks claim, “how can so little of a population, 2%, of jews in usa control or do such harm”? Indeed if jews acted alone, it never be possible…However with 24/7/365 massive help-support-$$$$ Galore from-and 100% always Unquestionable defense of all things or issues jewish and Israel-from that 65-Million duped bunch….jew/zio usa control etc is a fact.
So even though hardly anyone here at unz ever mentions this phenom, never the less it Is reality, a very Real situation, and unless and until dealt with and changed in a major clean house effect by all of those so duped…no good changes are remotely possible regardless what other changes can happen. Changing those 65-Million well meaning yet royally duped minds is main Key component to effecting overall change for better in America, and a final End of jewish tyranny control and zio madness in every sphere that counts and matters within America.
If you doubt the validity of this, just view a few yutube vids of say, a CUFI-event. Once per year event at Pastor John Hagee’s Org/non profit (of course! yet jews and Israel profit hugely and biggly) CUFI= Christians united for Israel org.
Yutube videos show Christians, many of deep south variety, leaving event, being asked by reporter, “What if ever, a situation develops where You a cufi member and supporter of jews and Israel, Must choose between America and Israel?…Like say a War or fed govnt usa declaration that Israel is No longer an ally at all?”
EVERY white and few black Christian cufi members to a man and woman…All reply that “Oh I hope it never happens that way, however, if it did, then of course No Matter What or which reasons …I myself will Choose sides with and fully support and defend Israel and jewry”!
When reporter guy again asked “As a USA Citizen if you sided with an enemy nation against America, wouldn’t that make You a treasonous Traitor?….Every one of them, all of them stated “Why Yes I guess it would make Me a traitor to my own country…But that changes nothing as I still will stand with Israel and jews period end of interview”
And a huge majority of the entire 65-Million be they cufi members or not, feel the exact same and will act same way if it came to that choice.
I consider that issue, and Them, as American problem number one when issues are usa fed govnt-state govnt’s-wall street-banks-money-usury intrest policy-and everything else that can be listed as most important needs be dealt with or usa is toast and finished as nation it used to resemble.
But no good solid method of dealing with such fanatical and false bible interpretations has been found to date…Only group more fanatical, if any, is international jewry and ziojewry. They too cannot be changed due to fanatical loons and religious apostate blaspheme.
I just wanted to mention this factor in case you were not yet aware of its huge importance.
“Toss out the illegals”
Most of the worst Chicano in the barrio are 3rd generation Americans who’ve been in the US longer than Donald Trump (Son of a man CONCEIVED in Germany).
The other big Non-Asian minority has been here for 400 years.
Sure, deporting illegals helps to a degree. But it is ludicrous to suggest that ANY African country would wish to receive a criminal class that belongs to no particular tribe and is 30% white in addition.
Utter nonsense. If Jews are to be broken out, then so is every other ethnicity. Ask any American what his ethnic background is, he’ll say “Irish and German” or “Swiss and Hungarian” or whatever.
This is an apples-to-apples comparison: Whites are a continental-level race, while Jews are an ethnicity (that most say is White). Other White ethnicities include Spanish, French, English, etc.
If Jews get to break themselves out, so does everyone else.
Precisely my point; Jews obsess over it because they’re racists. Whites don’t care, because they aren’t. When you use the same criteria to assess Whites, you see that the “intermarriage” rate approaches 100%.
P.S., the upshot of your argument is that Jews are non-White, something only a small minority of Jews are willing to commit to.
Please use who as the subject of a verb. Whom is objective case; used as the subject, it makes for difficult reading.