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Watching Avatar 2: The Way of Water, I was reminded that there is nothing new under the sun, ours or Pandora’s. James Cameron’s three hour-plus epic tells us little more than The Tables Turned, a short poem written more than 200 years earlier by William Wordsworth. One verse observes: Sweet is the lore which Nature... Read More
Vladimir Putin is a very serious man. You do not see this sort of thing from any Western leader. They all try to act like pop stars or stand-up comedians, or, at best, a condescending uncle. RT: Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his traditional New Year’s Eve address on Saturday, speaking to the nation about... Read More
Common sense says the GOP or American Conservatives(and Realist-Liberals) can own the Law-and-Order issue in politics. After all, many Americans are concerned about law-and-order, the need to deal with problems of crime and violence that have infested and even devastated many communities across America. Indeed, even entire cities have been overcome with crime and violence.... Read More
The war in Ukraine is not going to end in a negotiated settlement. The Russians have already made it clear that they don't trust the United States, so they're not going to waste their time in a pointless gabfest. What the Russians are going to do is pursue the only option that is available to... Read More
Eyes, nose, mouth, chin, cheeks, brows — all of those words are home-grown English. But when you put them together and view them as a whole, they turn French in the word “face.†That doesn’t happen in German, where home-grown Augen, Nase, Mund, Kinn, Wangen, Brauen come together as home-grown Gesicht. Faces, Races, Spaces German... Read More
2022 was a grim year. This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. This is my last video of 2022, and I would like to talk about some of the things that happened during the year. The worst, by far, was the war in Ukraine. I never thought I would see another full-scale, fratricidal... Read More
There is something irresistibly attractive in Russia’s defense of traditional and religious values (what might be called Russian neo-conservatism if that label had not been usurped by American Jewish warmongers). But where does it really come from? We tend to assume that it is a reaction to Western post-modern decadence. But there is more depth... Read More
Florida Governor DeSantis, seeing that Florida’s universities are suppressing free expression with speech control and normalizing sexual perversity while demonizing normality succeeded in having laws passed against the substitution of indoctrination for education. But the Woke left rule Florida’s Universities, Not Florida Law. Florida Universities Ignore State Law Against Indoctrinating White Students with the Beliefs... Read More
Many of you have seen the picture of Jordan Peterson shaking hands with Binyamin Netanyahu over dinner in Jerusalem with Ben Shapiro beaming in the background. Many of you know that E. Michael Jones has extensive contacts in the intelligence community in the United States. What many of you might not know is that he... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] What will 2023 hold? I’m going to strive to ’take a positive outlook. Yes, that goes against the grain; I am, after all, the guy who wrote a book titled We Are Doomed. We may indeed be doomed, but I’m going to turn my... Read More
In the special New Year’s Edition of False Flag Weekly News I asked E. Michael Jones if he had any predictions for 2023. Here is a condensed and edited transcript. Kevin Barrett: Last year at this time we were going from 2021 to 2022. And little did we know it would be the year of... Read More
Mark Twain said: "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes." Ironically, he didn't. The quotation should correctly be attributed to Jonathan Swift. The lie remains in high orbit. Even when the truth comes to light, it gets nothing close to the wide distribution of the... Read More
For the third time this month Ukraine has attacked Russia’s Engels Airbase six hundred kilometers inside Russia with a US supplied done or missile. Engels Airbase is where Russia’s strategic nuclear bombers are kept. I suppose the Kremlin understands that Washington is testing Russian air defense and collecting information that could be useful in a... Read More
The White Renegade of the Year is not the person who is the most anti-white. It’s not the person who is the most destructive. He is the person who could — or should — have done the most good, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner is Boris Johnson, former British prime minister... Read More
It is now an established fact, thanks to Elon Musk who released the secret Twitter files, that the FBI is a criminal Gestapo gang whose only function is frame up patriotic Trump Americans while covering up for the Democrats and the family crime syndicate of Joe and Hunter Biden. The Twitter files released by new... Read More
Germany is in a state of complete crisis. The economy is totally blown out. Businesses are fleeing and the country is sinking into poverty. RT: The results of the survey show “that the inflation rate is already threatening to become entrenched in people’s minds – with a corresponding impact on their behavior,†according to Jurgen... Read More
It is murder to withhold a cure from people who are at risk of death if left untreated. The US and European medical establishment, with the aid of media and politicians, suppressed the cures for Covid-19. Almost all Covid deaths are the result of non-treatment with known cures. As my readers know, from early days... Read More
Are goyim capable of having their own gods? Christianity. Originated from Jews. Communism. Originated from Jews. Holocaustianity. Originated from Jews. Wherever goyim turn, it's about relying on Jews for prophetic power. Still, direct Jewish control is worse than self-control with Jewish-derived ideas. After all, despite its origin, the goyim fashioned Christianity in their own way.... Read More
Jews have, apparently for the first time, found out that the word “jew†is used as a derogatory verb referencing someone who behaves miserly or dishonestly in business dealings, i.e., “that used car dealer tried to jew me on a 1994 Taurus.†This conveys a very specific meaning that everyone understands. In the context of... Read More
As readers know, I am concerned that the neoconservatives’ drive for US hegemony is the road to nuclear war. But we also face demise from other directions. In this column I share thoughts on the use of orchestrated pandemics to destroy economic independence and civil liberty and to reduce the world population, a declared goal... Read More
The Ukraine people are moving into the robot age, vowing to attack Russia with suicide drones. AP: Yeah, thanks for that, Elon. Ukraine has purchased drones like the Fly Eye, a small unmanned aerial vehicle used for intelligence, battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance. “And the next stage, now that we are more or less equipped with... Read More
Tucker Carlson is right about Ukraine. NATO membership for Ukraine was clearly a provocation aimed at luring Russia into an invasion. And, it worked, too. Putin could not take the risk of having "a hostile government next door" or "American missiles on his border," so he acted to preempt those threats by sending the tanks... Read More
It may be the most controversial article in American Renaissance’s history. It was the “redpill†for countless activists. It showed that we had “Africa in Our Midst.†After Hurricane Katrina in 2005, the black-run city government in New Orleans failed spectacularly. Looters raided stores. Police abandoned their posts, sometimes to join the looting. Black gangs... Read More
On Christmas eve in Paris the police were battling violent protesters from the Paris Kurdish community. Clashes of this sort have become common all over Europe. They are the product of “diversity†and “multiculturalism.†Countries that constitute the West are no longer nations. They are conglomerates of populations that have nothing in common. There are... Read More
In my humble opinion the surfacing of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Washington last week was possibly the most disgusting example of the corruption of our country and its values since Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu arranged for a similar invitation to address a rapturous Congress back in 2015. Zelensky’s “surprise†visit had in fact been... Read More
A person’s lack of self-awareness can produce a sense of eye-rolling irony. Not a pleasant feeling—sort of like spinning one’s wheels. But such an encounter doesn’t have to be a total loss. A self-unaware person can still teach us things, as long as we not let the irony get the better of us. Louis Rapoport’s... Read More
Respect for the dead arguably defines civilization. Mortality unites us. Corpses can’t fight back, so only savages destroy statues and mock the dead. Men do not. Modern America has few men. Richmond is a once proud capital now hastening its decline into just another black slum. The city’s proudest feature, Monument Avenue, has been destroyed,... Read More
Those hoping for a Christmastime government shutdown were once again disappointed when Congress passed a 4,000-page, $1.7 trillion omnibus appropriations bill that few, if any, Representatives and Senators read before voting on. The Republican leadership celebrated this bloated monstrosity because it spends $858 billion on warfare while “only†spending $772.5 billion on welfare. No one... Read More
The 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy possibly ranks as the single most famous event of the twentieth century. For nearly sixty years, there have been widespread suspicions that he died at the hands of a conspiracy, as did his brother Robert a few years later. Although these "conspiracy theories" have been ignored or... Read More
On December 15, the night that the Biden administration released some of the remaining JFK files while withholding others with another half-assed excuse, Tucker Carlson, the most-watched cable news television host, delivered a monologue about the JFK assassination. It garnered a great deal of attention. Although I don’t watch Carlson’s television show, I received messages... Read More
Why did Jews need a Covenant with God? It was because they believed in only one God. If Jews believed in many gods for different peoples as pagan folks did, then there would have been no need for the Covenant. Jews would have said Romans have their gods, Syrians have their gods, Persians have their... Read More
Just remember: all of the conservatives who claim to oppose war with Russia support war with China. That includes Tucker Carlson, who recently had Marco Rubio on and joined him in calling on the government to literally ban TikTok to stick it to the small-eyed yellow men who we’re supposed to believe are the REAL... Read More
Donald Trump was never going to abandon his one true scholarly advisor, Jared Kushner. Not after everything the Jew did for him. He did so much. For example… well, I can’t think of any specific examples, but it was a general sort of very positive help that this greasy Jew crime boss offered Trump. Now,... Read More
It was very obvious that all these sleazebag conservatives were going to fink on Donald Trump the first chance they got. Sean Hannity is no better than Mitch McConnell or Marco Rubio. He’s going to tell you that the most important thing in the world is removing Vladimir Putin from office and installing an extremist... Read More
More important than any theory is the question of WHO CONTROLS IT? If Critical Race Theory were controlled by Palestinians, it would focus on Zionist villainy. If it were controlled by the so-called Dissident Right, it would focus on 'race-realism' and pro-white identity. In a way, what Jared Taylor does is a kind of Critical... Read More
Reparations are a slippery slope. This video is available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee. In April, I made a video called California Punches the Tar Baby. It was about the state of California’s task force that’s trying to decide how much in reparations the state should pay for all the bad things California did to... Read More
Oh my dear, sweet Jews. People just don’t care about you anymore. You should not have tried to destroy Ye. It was a very, very bad move. The history books will remember the smearing and bankrupting of Ye as the beginning of the end of the Jewish dominion over America. The fact that people don’t... Read More
Adapted from remarks given at the 19th American Renaissance conference, November 20, 2022. The other day I ran across something Nietzsche said: “Madness is something rare in individuals — but in groups, parties, peoples, and ages, it is the rule.†That made me think of white people. There aren’t that many of us, individually, who... Read More
An FBI agent contacts Twitter's head of trust and safety and asks him to censor every mention of a major news story from the social media network on the grounds that the story is false, a result of illegal hacking or both. Twitter complies, even going so far as to suspend the account of the... Read More
[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on VDARE.com] Recently I posted here at VDARE.com one of my monthly blogs titled "From Derb's Email Bag." In among the items there I mentioned the widespread failure in the commentariat to note the distinction between a Bill and an Act. That was in regard to... Read More
Thank you for your support in 2022. Although you have kept me working yet another year, I find it encouraging that there are still some Americans who can think independently and who want to know. As Margaret Mead said, it only takes a few determined people to change the world. Perhaps some of you will... Read More
Jesse Owens(who won four golds in track & field in the 1936 Olympics) as an example of racial equality is laughable. He was idolized as a model of 'anti-racism' for having destroyed the myth of Aryan Supremacy. But, the Narrative would hold water ONLY IF he'd tied with the German/white runners. Then, he would have... Read More
See also: Updated And Complete: A Compendium Of Twenty-THREE Years Of VDARE.com War On Christmas Coverage Since I wrote Yes, Virginia (Dare), There Is A War On Christmas—Here’s Twenty Years Of Proof! with 356 items in 2019, we’ve added an additional 59 items, making at total of 415. It’s appended below and I’ve put the... Read More
The Iran nuclear deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is now, for all practical purposes, dead. Just like in the legendary Dead Parrot sketch by Monty Python, this deal is no more. It has gone to meet its maker. This is a former deal. The undertaker, significantly, was none other... Read More
Volodymyr Zelensky did not fly across the Atlantic so he could deliver a speech to the US Congress. That was not the purpose of his trip. The real objective was to produce a galvanizing event that would create the illusion of broad-based public support for the war. That is why the speech was broadcast on... Read More
Zelensky has no incentive to negotiate peace, quit his shabbily self-serving ‘heroics,’ now that the world’s greatest deliberative body has authorized billions for his upkeep in posterity Broadly speaking, anyone (other than white South Africans) can claim “credible fear†at the US south-western border, and must, by law, be given safe passage. That, combined with... Read More
That ratty Jew came to America – and he still refused to put on a shirt! He was in the Congress speaking in a green sweatshirt! What is this??? It’s the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever witnessed. The speech he gave was just the normal thing – “give me money, goyim.†Reuters: Following a meeting... Read More
The ethnic composition of the Crusader armies changed during the decades after the First Crusade took Jerusalem in 1099. By the 1140s, Turkic Muslim mercenaries served openly in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem’s military. The resident Crusader society likewise grew culturally and genetically distinct from its European roots. Crusader men married local Christian women, particularly... Read More
The United States Congress, with bipartisan support, will probably pass a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill. “I don’t think there’s anything in this bill that isn’t absolutely necessary for the health of the country,†said Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT). “I don’t anticipate that it’ll have any extraordinary inflationary effect.†Why not? “[M]uch of that [spending]... Read More
Related: Christians Now a Minority in England and Wales According to Census Data People need to wise up! God is about to do a Sodom and Gomorrah on this country! Probably too late already! That said: these churches we have in this country are really awful. Protestant ministers are stand-up comedians, they play rock music,... Read More