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The spin is more important than the facts in matters of political control. Thus, the 'facts' of white superiority, white equality, and white inferiority can all be used to make white people tolerate, welcome, celebrate, 'include', and serve the Other. The current order manipulates all three modes among whites to make them serve Jews and/or... Read More
The Only Remaining 'Value' is Nihilism and Blind Worship of Power & Privilege — There is No Moral Core, just Moral...
Civilization is turning into a trash heap because the connective links have been lost. Consider the cells in our bodies. Why are we different from single-cell organisms? A single cell organism like an amoeba lives only for itself. In contrast, all the cells in the human body must coordinate together. No cell in the human... Read More
Truth is somewhere in between
Many journalists and op-ed pundits have been observing how the United States has become two nations that are seemingly divided along a red-blue line, each side believing in “facts” that are irreconcilable with those “facts” believed to be true by the other side. Some are even suggesting that the United States is on the verge... Read More
The evidence is clear — but often ignored
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement