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Voters in Europe and America are like fish in the ocean. They’re utterly ignorant of vast forces shaping their lives. Fish are ignorant of the moon and its control over the tides. Voters in Europe and America are ignorant of the Jews and their control over politics. For example, in Britain the acronyms LFI and... Read More
These latest shocking immigration figures (see the Daily Telegraph report below) and the huge cost burden on Britain’s economy, built up after 14 years of Conservative Party rule. The pro-Tory Party media assert “It might have been even worse had Labour been in power for the past 14 years”. But that is speculation. The fact... Read More
Well, this is uncomfortable. New York Post: The amygdala is about as big as a shelled peanut — and the difference between conservatives and liberals is about the size of a sesame seed, Petalas said. Having a larger amygdala could be attributed to genes, the environment, or most likely, a combination of the two, he... Read More
The Conservative and Unionist Party — the Tories — is not just the most successful party in British history; it is arguably the most successful party ever in the world. It presided over the British Empire, defined a right-wing political tradition that dominated the Anglosphere, and gave the United Kingdom some of its greatest leaders.... Read More
Jews control the gods, meaning they decide what is holy and unholy, what is sacred and what is taboo. Now, if only half the nation accepts those gods and demons, the other half would at least be free to worship its own gods. But what if the entirety of the nation worships those same gods.... Read More
A new Cato Institute survey found that 77% of right-wingers are afraid to give their political opinions compared to 6 in 10 leftists, who said they feel free to say whatever they want. Overall, 62% of Americans do not express their views or values due to fear of punishment and retaliation. Republican voters with college... Read More
I receive hundreds of emails each day, a volume that is not that unusual and is probably experienced also by many readers of this website. As I have been actively involved in the debate over national security policies since 2003, much of the material I receive is partisan in nature. It’s a regular smorgasbord but... Read More
Continuing my ongoing investigation into fertility, I wanted to take another look at who's having children. This post will look at fertility from a different angle: the spread in fertility by sex, IQ, political orientation, and education. I was prompted to this by a recent article describing parenthood in Norway. It found that a fifth... Read More
This post is meant to serve as a prod to certain of my smart liberal friends to start having children. It will come as no big surprise to my long time readers. The 2012 General Social Survey (GSS) results have been released. I decided to take a quick look to see if certain trends were... Read More
Following up on my earlier post about the connection between fertility rates and happiness, I wanted to take a wider view with more proper research controls to see if the pattern holds. Here is a map I've drawn of self-reported happiness around the world, as reported in the World Values Survey: As before, this is... Read More
Now that the blogosphere has discovered my finding that conservatives are outbreeding liberals by a rather large margin, many have taken it as a reason to rejoice. The genes for "pathological altruism" (which are a feature of the special evolutionary path that Northwestern Europeans have undertaken, which seems to result in such traits), which gives... Read More
EDIT, 5/30/15: [Post updated with results of new meta-analyses of behavioral genetic studies. See below!] Edit, 1/3/13: [Post updated to reflect additional information provided in the comments. See below and see the comments.] The time has come for a little reminder of the First Law of behavioral genetics. In my final post of 2012, I... Read More
Post edited (12/10/12). See below! Commenter szopeno once noted that if you ask women what their ideal family size is, you will get an average of about 2.1-2.5 children (trending towards the low side in Western world). As previously discussed here, the decline in fertility among Whites in America is primarily among liberals, with White... Read More
The Pioneer Hypothesis posits that, particularly for Europeans and East Asians, colonization of new territory selects for earlier and more rapid breeding. As well, it should select for behavioral traits that promote faster breeding. In the United States at least, this has meant greater religiosity and political conservatism, giving us well known maps like these:... Read More
Edit, 10/26/12: I've added a table of contents, to make navigating through this long post easier! Unlike the vast majority of HBD'ers, I lean to the political Left on a variety of issues. The primary reason for this is that most of the stuff that comes out of mainstream conservatives in America is utter insanity.... Read More