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E. Michael Jones and I are sick and tired of It
Rumble link Bitchute link False Flag Weekly News link Excerpt: Kevin Barrett: Here’s our Happy New Year message. Let's make it a happier year than the last crappy year. And then the big question is, will it be another year of genocide? Jonathan Cook is appalled as all of these massively pro-Zionist human rights groups,... Read More
No one has a right to criticize the Jews. And by “no one,” we mean both “not anyone” and “none of everyone.” These people were chosen by God to rule over the goyim and then they got turned into lampshades against their will. RT: Have you ever been turned into a lampshade? I guess you... Read More
Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages Three separate reports published this month by leading international human rights and medical groups have detailed the same horrifying story: that Israel is well advanced in its genocide... Read More
George Galloway It’s the one and only, Chris Hedges up now on the Mother of All Talk Shows. Chris, it’s been a momentous week. We haven’t had the opportunity to speak you and I about it. What’s your overall takeaway? What happened, why? And what’s the where for? Chris Hedges Well, the project to overthrow... Read More
In a case of tragic coincidence, the place most closely associated with the uplifting story of Jesus Christ, Christmas and the teachings of the Bible is now being subject to some of the most sustained and severe death and destruction that modern society has seen. Rev. Munther Isaac, the pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas... Read More
Last week I published an article discussing former Ambassador Chas Freeman, one of America's most highly-regarded professional diplomats of the last half-century. Very early in his career, Freeman had been the personal interpreter for President Richard Nixon during his historic 1972 trip to China and meetings with Mao, and that country remained one of his... Read More
We have to protect the Jews that rule over us from criticism. That’s our values of who we are in a democracy. The Guardian: Why did antisemitism increase? As elsewhere in Europe, the number of antisemitic incidents have surged in Switzerland in recent years, particularly after the start of Israel’s war against Hamas in the... Read More
While the trauma that Palestinians continue to face in Gaza is sustained, brutal and seemingly never-ending, the universal susceptibility to trauma unites humanity as much as it divides the self. Dr. Gabor Maté, renowned physician and expert in trauma and childhood development, illustrates this point articulately on the latest episode of The Chris Hedges Report... Read More
Dear Refaat, We are not silent. We are being silenced. The students who, during the last academic year set up encampments, occupied halls, went on hunger strikes and spoke out against the genocide, were met this fall with a series of rules that have turned university campuses into academic gulags. Among the minority of academics... Read More
Deborah Lipstadt, who is firmly on the left and got in trouble by her past statements on Republicans during her confirmation hearing, is confident that the Trump 2.0 will be good for the Jews and she is probably right. “Lipstadt’s recent insistence that the incoming Trump administration will be well-equipped to handle antisemitism is a... Read More
Who even cares what these organizations say? We’ve all seen the videos of children being burned alive, we’ve seen the (ultra conservative) death tolls, we’ve heard the Jewish statements calling the Arabs “human animals” and saying they are going to use food and water as weapons. We didn’t need to wait 14 months for Amnesty... Read More
When everything is exposed as a lie, the biggest liars triumph. The forces of darkness rush in to fill the void. That is the future awaiting us For more than a year, those calling for an end to Israel’s slaughter of civilians in Gaza have been relentlessly vilified: as apologists for Hamas, as antisemites, even... Read More
Susan Abulhawa's blistering speech at the Oxford Union was the most ferocious indictment of Israel in the last decade. Author Abulhawa---who is a long-term human rights activist---summarized the iniquitous history of the Jewish state in a few succinct paragraphs while shedding light on the obscene toxic ideology that has permeated the nation's doctrine from the... Read More
As said, the UN’s court (and it is the UN’s court, despite the fact it’s a different body technically, it was founded by a UN order and is run by UN people) cannot actually enforce their arrest warrant for Bibi. The court was not ever set up for this purpose, it was basically a Nuremberg... Read More
The IDF’s 'Aktion' in north Gaza resembles nothing short of the 'liquidation' of the ghettos of East Europe
Israelis and their lickspittles pitch a fit when the language of the Nazi Holocaust is applied to the genocide Israel is perpetrating upon the Palestinians. So here goes: The northern part of the Gaza Ghetto is being “liquidated” (as remarked on October 31). Israel's methodology there is that ofthe Nazi death squads, who were said... Read More
LONDON—There is an old, often-told story about a front-page article one of the big dailies here once ran as severe weather hit in these parts. “Storm in Channel, Continent Cut Off,” the headline read. Nobody is certain any newspaper ever published any such story with any such headline. The majority view is that it is... Read More
Ursula Haverbeck (11/8/1928 - 11/20/2024) recently passed at the ripe old age of ninety-six. She was known or “notorious” in Germany because she dared to challenge the Jewish Holocaust ‘narrative’ of six million. Time after time, she got into trouble with the German authorities for ‘Holocaust denial’ and ‘incitement to hatred,’ a crime that often... Read More
This is the keynote talk I gave on Nov. 1 at the conference, The End of Empire, at University of Califonria Santa Barbara. The conference was organized by Professor Butch Ware, who is also the Green Party’s vice-presidential candidate. University administrators banned advance publicity about the talk on university social media accounts. Transcript Extermination works.... Read More
Previously: Bibi Literally Claims ICC Warrant is the Result of “Antisemitic Hatred” Obviously, the UK will not comply with the Netanyahu arrest warrant. None of these European countries would actually arrest the King of the Kikes, because every world leader knows if they did that, they’d immediately be hit with rape hoaxes and corruption scandals... Read More
Previously: FINALLY: UN Issues Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu! I’m shocked that the US is so supportive of mass murdering children so Jews can steal their land! Who would have expected that the US of all places is totally dominated by blood-sucking Jew parasites who control it’s behavior??? I thought the US was democracy-freedom on steroids,... Read More
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responds to the International Criminal Court’s verdict — Sky News (@SkyNews) France 24: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the International Criminal Court as “anti-Semitic” on Thursday after it issued arrest warrants for him and his former defence minister, vowing it would not deter him from defending Israel. Israeli opposition leader... Read More
Ultimately, this is the story of how the Israel lobby undermined America, wrecked the Middle East, and set a series of international crimes against humanity in motion. It’s official now. America’s closest ally, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the one accorded more than 50 standing ovations in Congress just months ago, is under indictment by... Read More
No one thought the UN would do anything. I didn’t think they would do nothing at all, but I didn’t think they would do something. Now they’ve done something that means nothing but is at least symbolic of how the world thinks about these out-of-control Jews – and by that, how they think about the... Read More
Why is the US the only country in the world that supports the Jewish massacre of children in Gaza??? It’s almost like the United States is completely controlled by Jews! Xinhua: The United States on Wednesday vetoed a UN Security Council draft resolution that called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, drawing harsh criticism from... Read More
Previously: Biden’s Ultimatum on Gaza Aid Fails as 30-Day Mark Arrives, Aid Lowest Since December US Says Despite Biden Ultimatum, They Will Keep Sending Unlimited Arms to Jews Remember when Biden did the ultimatum? He said that the Jews had a month to allow aid into Gaza? During that 30 day period, the Jews took... Read More
NEW YORK: I am in the The Krikor and Clara Zohrab Information Center next to the St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral in Manhattan. I am holding a bound, hand-written memoir, which includes poetry, drawings, and scrapbooked images, by Zaven Seraidarian, a survivor of the Armenian genocide. The front cover of the book, one of six volumes,... Read More
We may be exhausted by 13 months of lies, disinformation and smears. But we’re not voiceless, or powerless. Our leaders seek to bully us into silence because they fear what we have to say Below is the text of a speech I delivered in Bath on Saturday 17 November 2024, organised by the Bath Campaigns... Read More
For decades the British journalist Piers Morgan has been a fully mainstream media figure, though having a career with the ups and downs typical of the tabloid wing of that profession. According to his very extensive 11,000 word Wikipedia article, he was born in 1965, started at Rupert Murdoch's The Sun in 1988, then at... Read More
When even the sickening faggot Pope is questioning your behavior, you know you’ve gone too far. This is the guy who sucks on the toes of niggers and demands faggot “marriage” in Catholic Churches. Then he goes nuts when the Africans don’t want to take it in the ass, saying “but I sucked your toes!”... Read More
Eyyyy. So Biden’s failed ultimatum was designed to give Trump the opportunity to condemn Democrats for not doing enough for the Jews? Who would have thought? Fox News: Amid escalating tensions between Hezbollah and Israel, President-elect Donald Trump has promised to lift all restrictions and delays on the supply of military equipment and ammunition to... Read More
Related: US Says Despite Biden Ultimatum, They Will Keep Sending Unlimited Arms to Jews The UN has pretty limited ability to really do anything but whine. Unless you’re African, then they can send their crappy military force after you. But they do have one thing they could do that would not be totally meaningless: they... Read More
Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign revived his 2016 outsider crusade against the Washington’s military adventures. In his latest run, the president-elect struck a remarkably sober tone on the many conflicts that have erupted in the last few years — which Jewish think-tanks calmly dismiss as baseless vote-getting — though he provided scant details on how he... Read More
Previously: Biden’s Ultimatum on Gaza Aid Fails as 30-Day Mark Arrives, Aid Lowest Since December Hahaha. No one could have predicted something like this! What a shocker! RT: The letter warned Israel that unless steps were taken to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza within 30 days, the US would stop supplying the country with... Read More
News outlets didn’t make a mistake. They knowingly aired disinformation and peddled fake news. Admitting that requires a troubling recalibration of perspective if we’re ever to make sense of the world The media’s role in peddling disinformation over last week’s violence in Amsterdam just keeps getting darker. Owen Jones has interviewed a Dutch woman who... Read More
Dan Bilzerian is all-in for the people. Appearing on the Piers Morgan show, the influencer and best poker player ever said it all. It was a total barrage of Jewish facts. This is the best thing ever. Who would have imagined such a wonderful thing was possible? Here’s the full interview: The top clips, for... Read More
Reporting from Israel in the aftermath of October 7th demands guts and courage. Censorship, rouge military personnel and an entire state hellbent on their goals of national security and ethnic cleansing spells a nightmare for journalists seeking to expose the truth. This nightmare became a reality for Grayzone reporter Jeremy Loffredo, who was detained in... Read More
Amsterdam’s Dam Square, site of the initial attacks. (Dragan Jankovic Faza, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)
What happened in one Dutch city is the world since the Zionist regime began its limitlessly barbaric assault on Gaza: Western powers blessed it, and Western media determined to hide it from view. In the annals of “anti–Semitism,” if not anti–Semitism in its un-weaponized form, the events before, during, and since an ill-fated soccer match... Read More
The Jews have made it clear they will not tolerate any suggestions as to how they should behave in Gaza, and they’ve made it clear that they will not tolerate the US cutting the weapons. Tomorrow is the day that Biden is supposed to act to shut down weapons in response to these actions by... Read More
If the West was really worried about Europe’s Nazi past, it would be better advised to stop stoking an all-too-real new antisemitism: incitement against Arab and Muslim minorities There has never been a harder time to do political and media analysis than right now. Each day, the western establishment unmoors itself further from reality. Its... Read More
“Ajax are the Spurs of Holland.” Millions of expert English-speakers will be baffled by that short sentence. It’s a linguistic iceberg, with the words as the tip of the berg riding on a submerged mass of implicit culture. If you’re baffled by it yourself, the sentence means that the soccer-club Ajax (EYE-acks) in Amsterdam are... Read More
11 NOVEMBER—The notion of a distant ally serving as “an unsinkable aircraft carrier” seems to be nearly as old as aircraft carriers. It means a usefully located landmass, typically but not always an island, that cannot be scuttled and can serve as a forward base for the projection of force. Over the decades, various hegemonic... Read More
"Hamas is hiding in Amsterdam"
Was the Maccabi soccer fan rampage in Amsterdam a Mossad operation? That's not an easy question to answer, but there are clues suggesting that there's more here than meets the eye. Let's start with Max Blumenthal's observation that the Maccabi fans did not seem to be randomly blowing off steam like young men in crowds... Read More
...And the US empire
Rumble link Bitchute link FFWN link The replacement of “Genocide Joe” Biden with the even more genocidal Donald Trump is not going to help either Israel or the US evade the consequences of their crimes. State Department whistleblower J. Michael Springmann and I discuss the 2024 Genocide Selection above; below is an updated version of... Read More
To reflect upon, today’s Sabbath reading comes from two Russian texts. One was a prepared script followed by impromptu elaboration which took place in Sochi on November 7. The second text followed in Moscow after the notorious football match in Amsterdam which happened later on the same day. The first reading is from President Vladimir... Read More
No one in history has ever done this kind of genocide against a civilian population. The Jews were always brutal child-killers, but they’ve gotten to the point now where they believe they can act with impunity in front of the whole world. They are creating a situation where, no matter what, they are never going... Read More
"There are no schools in Gaza because there are no children left"
Zionist hooligans stormed through the streets of Amsterdam on Thursday tearing down Palestinian flags and intimidating passers by. The scene resembled the incidents that occur regularly in the West Bank where fanatical settlers bully and brutalize the sheep herders and olive growers who live on the land. According to an early report from the Middle... Read More
It’s not the World Court, non-western states, rights groups and Palestinians who have been using the term genocide ‘too lightly’. It’s the Guardian that has reached the same conclusion far, far too late In typically mendacious fashion, the Guardian has allowed one of its columnists to write an opinion piece weighing whether it is appropriate... Read More
Pro-genocide media cry out while they strike you
“There are no schools left in Gaza because there are no children left.” That’s one of the kinder, gentler slogans chanted by Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam. Max Blumenthal tweets: “Many videos going around of Israeli soccer goons vandalizing property in Amsterdam, attacking cops and bystanders, and ripping down Palestinian flags. Now this fascist infestation... Read More
Last night on CNN and Twitter, which is what I was doing all night (I’m burned out from not sleeping, so expect a shitty day of articles), the second most notable thing (second to the fact the Jews were so comfortable with the Trump win) was that no one in the mainstream mentioned Israel and... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?