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See: The US Government is a Criminal Gang with No Legitimate Authority to Rule the American People Shall not be infringed. Unless…. [list of hundreds of different ways it’s infringed] Imagine that there are adult human beings living on the planet earth who think the the US Constitution has some bearing on the way the... Read More
Well it finally arrived. Retired Col. Douglas MacGregor gave a response to President Biden’s Hitler-like state of the the union address two days ago. Good. Not so good is everything else. Whether this is just a vanity move by the good Colonel, or a “testing of the waters” for some future Presidential run, who knows.... Read More
Protecting democracy and the Constitution from Donald Trump and the “MAGA extremists” is a major theme of President Biden’s reelection campaign. As is often the case in American politics, President Biden is just as, if not more, guilty of posing an “existential threat” to the Constitution as those he smears as “extremists.” For example, President... Read More
The Constitution (always a capital C) is the supreme law of the land. Soldiers and statesmen take their oaths to it; some Americans even used to carry copies of it around in their pockets. The Constitution is the oldest written framework of government in the world still in operation — if it were still in... Read More
It Seems Americans Can Only Save Their Country and Their Freedom by Winning a Civil War that Defeats the Democrat...
“President” Joe Biden, who is in office only through electoral fraud, has committed high treason against the United States of America. Why hasn’t he been arrested and put on trial? In taking the oath of office Biden is sworn to protect the Constitution of the United States, but he has violated the Constitution, which requires... Read More
It’s because of the Constitution. There is “gun control” and “civil rights,” and both things mean that the Constitution is a totally worthless piece of paper, but also, the Constitution means your kids have to worship Satan. New York Post: I hear a woman say she supports the law and the Constitution and I’m skeptical.... Read More
Jesse Merriam is a young associate professor of government at Patrick Henry College in Virginia. This monograph was published last month as part of a series by the Claremont Institute. While other critics have pointed to an overly broad interpretation of the 14th Amendment’s “equal protection” clause as the primary fig leaf under which antiracist... Read More
This case was done on the stupid internet version of the cake baking controversy. I wish the case was about a cake, instead of website design. Faggots have been destroying Christians’ lives out of pure malice and hatred with this forced cake-baking demand, and I think the Supreme Court should have done a cake case.... Read More
In every country of the Western world freedom and civil liberty are being destroyed by governments, none of which represents the people. One of America’s last remaining journalists, Glenn Greenwald, sees hope that people are catching on and the process can be stopped. My fear is that Western peoples are too weak and uninvolved to... Read More
America could lose one of its first freedoms. Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland recently said this about the First Amendment: He looked to Europe for inspiration, saying that “we can be more aggressive” and that “Europe has done things.” These “things” include charging political candidates in court for peaceful speech. Such speech includes saying such... Read More
“We always knew it would come to this” is a very common phrase these days. We are seeing it all over, as Democrats under Joe Biden go buckwild with Jewishness and the Jewish media, academia, and health establishment push child trannies and forced vaccination. Just so, we always knew that the Jews would eventually call... Read More
Robert Elder’s biography, Calhoun: American Heretic, is an unintentional study in national decline. It’s crushing to lift one’s eyes from pages about Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, John Quincy Adams, John Randolph, John Taylor of Caroline, and the great Calhoun himself, to flickering images of Joseph Biden, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ibram Kendi. This book explains some... Read More
The US Constitution with the Bill of Rights dates from 1789. All of the safeguards against central government growth and ability to indebt the country have been eroded. Today the Federal national debt is $30 trillion, about two times the gross domestic product of the 28 countries that comprise the European Union, whose combined populations... Read More
Elie Mystal, Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution, The New Press, 2022, 240pp, $16.83 hardcover, $14.74 Kindle If Elie Mystal didn’t exist, we’d invent him. I wonder if we did. In appearance, elocution, and legal reasoning, he’s the perfect straw man. Cable news takes him seriously. He can’t stop himself... Read More
A national constitution ought to reflect a society's fundamental values by defining a set of legal principles that can be periodically adjusted in order to reflect a society's changing mores, culture and technology. By that standard, our Constitution is woefully out of date. From the electoral college to gun rights to the hilariously archaic right... Read More
When you live in a 200-year-old house, you would do well to give it a thorough inspection every few years. Rap on the walls, pull down some old wallpaper, climb into the attic, and get down into the crawl space. Check the roofing, check the exterior walls, check the foundation. You are looking for signs... Read More
The federal government is about to spend about $3.5 trillion dollars on the Democrats’ budget proposal. Former president Donald Trump said the bill “destroys our Borders and the rule of law by granting dangerous amnesty that will flood America’s beautiful cities.” The Democrats admit the bill will give “lawful permanent status for qualified immigrants” —... Read More
The impending ritual sacrifice of Police Officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, and the Regime Media’s increasingly absurd determination to sustain the January 6 Capitol “Insurrection” Hoax Narrative, were both presaged by the reaction to the 2017 Charlottesville VA Unite The Right Rally, of which I was the permit holder. Unfortunately, we had no U.S. Senators... Read More
As a geographical location, the US, not necessarily under that name, can exist for a long time. But as a nation the US no longer exists. A nation requires a homogeneous population, which the US does not have, and far more unity than exists today in the US. Once past the colonial era when the... Read More
By 8 January 2021, Mitch McConnell had determined he would not permit the Senate to try Trump until 19 January 2021 or later. He ruled that the Senate could not convene for special session unless all 100 Senators formally agreed; he maintained that ruling consistently, through 19 January 2021. By 10 January 2021, House majority... Read More
Hear me out and you will understand the title. There is a difference between a rebellion and a revolution. A rebellion is what occurred in the thirteen colonies in the late 18th century. A revolution is what occurred in Russia in 1917. A rebellion occurred in the colonies, because the subjects of the king in... Read More
The mainstream media has declared former Vice President Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. However, this does not mean the 2020 Presidential campaign has come to an end. President Donald Trump is continuing his legal challenges to the vote counts in some key states. The emotional investment of many Americans into the... Read More
The managerial elites find themselves in a pickle. The coronavirus pandemic is a serious event. Members of a serious society treat it as such; they look out for one another—and they don’t flee into conspiracy and denial in order to cope with the incongruity of it all. Alas, courtesy of its globalist elites, America is... Read More
According to a story in Politico, the White House Coronavirus Task Force is considering creating a national surveillance system to track Americans’ health information. Supporters of this initiative claim it would enable the federal government to quickly identify areas in need of additional medical supplies and other assistance because the areas are coronavirus “hot spots.”... Read More
Over the course of my lifetime there has been a fundamental shift in the attitude of the judiciary toward Constitutional rights. I remember when guarding against any diminishing of constitutional rights was considered more important than convicting another criminal. There were cases in which the evidence needed in order to convict a person could not... Read More
A common trick of big-government loving politicians is to give legislation names so appealing that it seems no reasonable person could oppose it. The truth is, the more unobjectionable the title, the more objectionable the content. Two well-known examples are the “PATRIOT Act” and the “Access to Affordable and Quality Care Act.” Another great example... Read More
When America was in its infancy and struggling to find a culture and frustrated at governance from Great Britain, the word most frequently uttered in pamphlets and editorials and sermons was not "safety" or "taxes" or "peace"; it was "freedom." And two intolerable acts of Parliament assaulting freedom broke the bonds with the mother country... Read More
One among many, former CIA head honcho John Brennan had famously asserted that President Trump was “treasonous” and “in the pocket of Putin.” It was “beyond a shadow of a doubt [that Trump] sought to...collude with the Russian government…to undermine and influence our elections,” seconded wonder boy Beto O’Rourke. And that’s just a humdrum smattering... Read More
"If the provisions of the Constitution be not upheld when they pinch, as well as when they comfort, they may as well be abandoned." -- Justice George Sutherland (1862-1942) Here we go again. The legal battle over the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act -- Obamacare -- will soon be back in court due to... Read More
"When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal." -- Richard M. Nixon (1913-94) Legal scholars have been fascinated for two centuries about whether an American president can break the law and remain immune from prosecution. During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln ordered troops to arrest, without warrant, and incarcerate, without due... Read More
"Emergency does not create power. Emergency does not increase granted power or remove or diminish the restrictions imposed upon power granted or reserved. The Constitution was adopted in a period of grave emergency. Its grants of power to the federal government and its limitations of the power of the States were determined in the light... Read More
Earlier this week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a group of supporters and journalists that in her view, gun violence is the real emergency. Such a statement, in the context in which she made it, should send shivers down the spines of all who believe in personal liberty protected by the Constitution. Notwithstanding the terrifying... Read More
After Congress rejected President Trump’s request for 5.7 billion dollars for the border wall, the president declared a national emergency at the southern border. Present Trump claims this “emergency” gives him the authority to divert funds appropriated for other purposes to building the border wall. President Trump’s emergency declaration is not just an end run... Read More
� Last week, President Donald Trump followed through on a threat he had been making for months. It was not a blistering or insulting tweet. It was not an attack on the press or congressional Democrats. It was an attack on the Constitution. Here is the back story. In 2015, Trump began offering that as... Read More
"If you look at Trump in America and Bolsonaro in Brazil, you see that people want politicians that do what they promise," said Spanish businessman Juan Carlos Perez Carreno. The Spaniard was explaining to The New York Times what lay behind the rise of Vox, which the Times calls "Spain's first far-right party since the... Read More
When Donald Trump was looking for a catchy phrase during his 2016 presidential campaign to address the issue of immigrants entering the United States unlawfully -- a line that would resonate with his supporters -- he came up with the phrase "build the wall." The reference, of course, is to what Trump advertised would be... Read More
Probably the single most important political fact about the modern world has been the steady rise of the United States of America. From a geopolitical point of view, the United States really is in a class of its own. While the Soviet Union might have rivaled the U.S. militarily, and while China and the European... Read More
What if the government's true goal is to perpetuate itself? What if the real levers of governmental power are pulled by agents and diplomats and by bureaucrats and central bankers behind the scenes? What if they stay in power no matter who is elected president or which political party controls either house of Congress? What... Read More
In a flagrant attack on the US Constitution and basic democratic rights, President Trump revealed in an interview made public Tuesday morning that he plans to issue an executive order to put an end to birthright citizenship. He gave no details of when he would issue the order or how it would be enforced, telling... Read More
The Leftist hyenas howled…the wimpish, scaredy-cat Republicans wailed…the television pundits, both on the Mainstream channels and on Fox (and, yes, even locally) seemed ready to shed tears of anguish punctuating their uncontrolled outrage: what had Donald Trump done this time to cause such extreme perturbation? What had he done this time to increase their unleashed... Read More
Last week, The New York Times published a scathing critique of Donald Trump -- the man and the president. The Times said the critique was written by a senior Trump administration official who insisted on remaining unnamed. This bitter and harsh editorial, which portrays the president as dangerous to the health of the republic and... Read More
Last week, I was intrigued by all the fanfare attendant upon the national farewell to the late Sen. John McCain. I have written in this space that McCain and I were friends who spoke many times, but generally only about the issues upon which we agreed -- abortion, immigration and torture. On those issues, he... Read More
The Declaration of Independence -- which was signed on July 3, 1776, for public release on July 4 -- was Thomas Jefferson's masterpiece. Jefferson himself wrote much about the declaration in the 50 years that followed. Not the least of what he wrote offered his view that the declaration and the values that it articulated... Read More
We celebrate July 4 each year as the anniversary of America’s declaration of independence from Great Britain. For many Americans, the day has become little more than another holiday, a day off from work, and a time to barbecue with family and friends. The Declaration of Independence and the day we set aside to commemorate... Read More
Last weekend, President Donald Trump argued that those foreigners who enter the United States unlawfully should simply be taken to the border, escorted across it and let go. According to the president, this would save precious government resources, avoid the business of separating children from their parents and free up the Border Patrol and other... Read More
Amid all the happy hoopla over President Donald Trump's trip to Singapore, where he began the process for what he hopes will be the normalization of relations between the United States and North Korea and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, has come an effort by the House Intelligence Committee to interfere with the criminal... Read More
This past weekend, President Donald Trump and the most visible member of his legal team, former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, fired up their campaign against special counsel Robert Mueller. They attacked people at the Department of Justice whom Trump appointed. They smeared career DOJ lawyers and FBI agents by offering allegations without showing any... Read More
This past weekend, President Donald Trump suggested that his presidential campaign may have been the victim of spies or moles who were FBI informants or undercover agents. He demanded an investigation to get to the bottom of the matter. At the same time that the president was fuming over this, Republican congressional leaders were fuming... Read More
Not a day goes by when the liberal media don’t telegraph to the world that a “Trumpocracy” is destroying American democracy. Conspicuous by its absence is a pesky fact: Ours was never a country conceived as a democracy. To arrive at a democracy, we Americans destroyed a republic. One of the ways in which the... Read More
US media figures are in the habit of referring to the president of the United States as the “Commander in Chief of the United States” People who do that badly misunderstand the structure of US government as described in the Constitution of the United States. This misunderstanding may have been caused by the disappearance of... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?