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Reporting on the election often involves being glued to computer screens dictating the polling numbers around the country and using statistics revolving around race and gender to make assumptions about how the country is politically swaying. Journalist and online host Michael Tracey actually went out to many prominent swing states throughout the election and spoke... Read More
At time of writing, more than 1,000 people have been arrested in England for participation in riots sparked by the brutal murder of three children by an African. The riots have been described variously as “anti-migrant” or “anti-Muslim,” causing journalists and politicians on the Left to offer weak analyses of the disorder as being the... Read More
If you want to understand the Jewish War Strategy, look no further than Steven Spielberg's WAR OF THE WORLDS. It is tremendous entertainment made with pop genius but also offers a glimpse into the Jewish Strategy of War. The movie begins at a shipping dock where one of the workers says "half of Korea" is... Read More
AXIOS article by Mike Allen, Jim VandeHei: Republicans, long reliant on big business and the rich, see a post-Trump future centered on working class white, Hispanic and Black voters, top GOP officials tell Axios. Why it matters: This is a substantial shift, born of necessity and the post-Trump reality. It would push Republicans further away... Read More
There is no sign of one in the traditional meaning of leftwing. In former times, the left stood for the working class. Leftist literature was about class antagonisms. The left attacked the capitalists. Today the left is funded by them. The words–reform, justice, progressive–all meant different things in the 20th century than they mean today.... Read More
The 2016 Presidential election results (remember them?) were a vindication of four people: First, the incomparable Pat Buchanan, who ran for the presidency three times on an America First platform, championing the ideas that ultimately propelled the Trump campaign. Buchanan was a prophet—a man of foresight, courage, and vision who loved his people and delivered... Read More
Truck driving remains one of the last few professions in America that can provide stable and decently compensated employment Workers in this field are generally thought of as white men from the heartland of America. During the Covid lockdowns truckers have managed to keep stores stocked, yet at the same time, they have also been... Read More
Vandalized Statue of Christopher Columbus
How do the Democrats benefit from the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests? While the protests are being used to paint Trump as a race-bating white supremacist, that is not their primary objective. The main goal is to suppress and demonize Trump's political base which is comprised of mainly white working class people who have been... Read More
There is a dearth of writing about work, its variety, tedium and grind. This is understandable, since most writers have devoted much of their time to writing and reading, and not painting houses, cleaning toilets, washing dishes, planting crops or performing mind numbingly monotonous tasks on an assembly line, etc. This blind spot or ignorance... Read More
Life History Theory and the Crisis of the White Working Class
One of the best-selling nonfiction books of 2012 was Charles Murray’s Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960–2010.[1] It was widely reviewed, including an informative essay by Roger Devlin in this publication.[2] As stated in the subtitle, Murray focused on White Americans, and he saw a growing class divide among this demographic. Paradoxically, by... Read More
In the United States of Inequality
So effectively has the Beltway establishment captured the concept of national security that, for most of us, it automatically conjures up images of terrorist groups, cyber warriors, or “rogue states.” To ward off such foes, the United States maintains a historically unprecedented constellation of military bases abroad and, since 9/11, has waged wars in Afghanistan,... Read More
To say that academic elites don’t like ordinary folks is to state the obvious. To them, Lanford, Illinois—the fictional, archetypal, working-class town, made famous by Roseanne and Dan Conner—is not to be listened to, but tamed. A well-functioning democracy depends on it. Taming Fishtown—Charles Murray’s version of Landford—is the thread that seems to run through... Read More
The public denunciation by thousands of women and a few men that they had been victims of sexual abuse by their economic bosses raises fundamental issues about the social relations of American capitalism. The moral offenses are in essence economic and social crimes. Sexual abuse is only one aspect of the social dynamics facilitating the... Read More
One of the great tragedies of our time is the abandonment of the working class by the white liberal/progressive/left. No longer is the victim group the working class and the victimizers Wall Street, the big banks and the capitalists. Today the victimizer is the white working class, and the victim group is everyone else. Somehow... Read More
A sense of betrayal seems to lie just behind today’s political discourse—a feeling of being left behind, a suspicion that those at the top, in media, corporations, politics, academia, and finance, have motives and goals at odds with those of the broader population. Put simply, Americans of all backgrounds fear and loathe a hostile elite.... Read More
West Scranton, 2017
On Thanksgiving, I came to Scranton to stay with a 65-year-old friend who’s going through a cage fight kind of divorce, though only one side is dishing out the sharp elbows and knees. Just hearing Christmas music at the Dollar Store was driving him mad, Chuck confessed. The four-hour bus ride from Philly stopped in... Read More
Or Putting Your Mouth Where Your Money Isn’t
Among the stranger features of the 2016 election campaign was the success of Donald Trump, a creature of globalization, as an America First savior of the white working class. A candidate who amassed billions of dollars by playing globalization for all it was worth -- he manufactured clothes and accessories bearing his name in low-wage... Read More
SS United States in Pennsport, 2014
Drive-in theaters are practically extinct, diners are dying, but go-go bars are still common in working class neighborhoods across America. It’s wholesome afterwork entertainment for the sweating man. When I was a housepainter over twenty years ago, our crew would hit The Office in CenterCity or Penn’s Port Pub, on Christopher Columbus Boulevard. After a... Read More
America has the greatest inequalities, highest mortality rate, most regressive taxes, and largest public subsidies for bankers and billionaires of any developed capitalist country. In this essay we will discuss the socio-economic roots of inequalities and the relation between the concentration of wealth and the downward mobility of the working and salaried classes. How the... Read More
Trump is Turning Against the White Working Class that Elected Him
SHARMINI PERIES: It's the Real News Network. I'm Sharmini Peries coming to you from Baltimore. The rise of stock prices in the US stock market could be an indication of economic growth and prosperity, but it could also be an indication of the concentration of wealth of the rich and powerful. Which is it? To... Read More
Introduction: The white working class in the US has been decimated through an epidemic of ‘premature deaths’ - a bland term to cover-up the drop in life expectancy in this historically important demographic. There have been quiet studies and reports peripherally describing this trend - but their conclusions have not yet entered the national consciousness... Read More
Introduction. Why does the rightwing attack on “Big Government” increasingly resonates with working people? Liberals claim wage and salaried workers are acting against their “self-interest”, citing government welfare programs like social security and unemployment payments. Progressives argue that workers hostile to the state are ‘racists”, “fundamentalists” and/or irrational, blinded by misplaced fears of threats to... Read More
The rise of the extreme right to power in the US ? the control of Congress and the Executive by civilian militarists, Zionists and neo-liberals has met virtually no resistance from the working class or from the ?trade union? elite. Introduction On the contrary, important sectors of the working class voted for Bush and a... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?