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Late in the evening earlier this month I stood at the heart of the campus of one of America’s great universities, marveling at the generosity of the American business community in building and rebuilding so extensively. Then I noticed that all the young people I saw around were Chinese. After further inspection some Indians and... Read More
Earlier: Chinese IQ Is Real, But So Is Their Thousand-Year Tradition Of Exam Cheating The dissident quantitative genetic analyst Emil Kirkegaard posted to his website Just Emil Kirkegaard Things what I think is his most consequential paper yet: OpenPsych is a website established by Kirkegaard and a colleague in 2014 to carry academic-quality papers which... Read More
Uselessness of White Comprador Leadership that serves Jewish Globo-Oligarchs than represents White America
In the good ole USA, many are brain-dead and believe whatever pushed by Jewish-run media. Others are cowardly, and hating on China happens to be safer than naming the real power causing the biggest problems: Jews, with help of black thugs and homo degenerates. It's like honest people will blame Jewish Power on whatever's wrong... Read More
Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding father and long-time prime minister (1959–1990), should be a role model for nationalists across the West. Lee was not a philosopher but a practical politician, so his insights are not theoretical but the product of three decades of leadership. Lee was able to adapt to changing circumstances, eliminate Communist threats,... Read More
Earlier by Lance Welton: Do You Know All Coronavirus Victims Appear To Be Chinese? Thought Not! I have previously reported the case of Dr Noah Carl, a young Cambridge University political scientist whom the once-august university fired for publishing peer-reviewed research on the subject of “race” and for collaborating with like-minded academics. One paper of... Read More
Scientific fraud—falsifying scientific data or manipulating the scientific evaluation process—has become a serious problem. At best, it is a threat to public confidence in science. At worst, if the fraud is not revealed, then public policy could be shaped by bogus data. This problem is universal. But there are distinct national patterns. In particular, fraud... Read More
See, earlier, by Linda Thom: Unrest In Urumqi—A Californian Draws A Dark Lesson For Her Own State There’s an old stereotype that “all Chinese people look the same.” However, what people really mean is that Han Chinese people, who make up 91% of the population of the People’s Republic of China, look the same. There... Read More
What better way to welcome summer than with a road trip? The Mrs and I closed out the month with a nine-day tour around Lake Ontario. Kind friends in upstate New York allowed us to use their house as a base camp. We drove up there from Long Island, stayed overnight with them, then headed... Read More
Convinced I was destined to become an oil painter, I attended art school, and during my art fag days, I honed in on art museums, wherever I went. As a writer, however, I quickly realized I needed to scrutinize the streets, for even without people, a community reveals much about itself through its houses, shops,... Read More
The Chinese sure can be exasperating. Paul Midler writes in his new book What’s Wrong with China: (Laowai is the common—informal, non-hostile—Chinese term for a foreigner, equivalent to Japanese gaijin. Pronunciation here. During my own China days in the early 1980s the usual expat term for the syndrome under discus
[This is the text of a talk I gave to the American Renaissanceconference on April 26th, 2014. The talk was organized around PowerPoint slides, links to which are scattered through the text. As is always the case, the delivered talk differed somewhat from the text here. AmRen will be posting the talk on on their... Read More
Chinatown memories.
I’ll be speaking to the American Renaissance conference at the end of this month. (What, you haven’t signed up yet? Still time!) Title of talk: “China, America, and the Chinese in America.” I should be able to work some topical references into the last part, what with California state senator Leland Yee having apparently brought... Read More
Hudson to Premier Wen Jaibao, March 15, 2010 Dear Premier Wen Jiabao, I write this letter to counteract some of the solutions that Western politicians are recommending for China to cope with its buildup of excess foreign-exchange reserves. Raising the renminbi’s exchange rate against the dollar will not cure the China-US payments imbalance. The dollar... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?