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In his 2010 book, Death of the Liberal Class, Chris Hedges wrote “The fate of the liberal class is tragic. It has been annihilated by the corporate state it supported, while it willingly silenced radical thinkers and iconoclasts who could have rescued it.” There has been no time in American politics where this phenomenon has... Read More
We Americans are repeatedly told that the United States is a conservative country in which the 50-yard line of ideology is situated significantly to the right of the Western European representative democracies from which our political culture derives and to which we are most often compared. But there is a gaping chasm between the policy... Read More
"Am I real?" "Do I exist?" "Do you see the real me?" Humans have always asked themselves these existential questions. These days, Marianne Williamson and Robert F Kennedy Jr. have more reason to wonder about their corporeal status than most. Earlier this week, because I felt that I deserved to suffer, I tuned into a... Read More
Earlier (2004): Abolishing New England: Cheap Labor vs. College Kids Wages look a lot better for local workers on Cape Cod this summer because the number of foreign workers has collapsed which, with a low unemployment rate nationwide, caused a labor shortage, boosting wages exactly as Harvard economist George Borjas has long predicted [Yes, Immigration... Read More
"We've got the president of the United States on our side," said Sen. Bernie Sanders Sunday on ABC's "This Week." "Got 96% of the members of the Democratic caucus in the House on our side. We got all but two senators at this point in the Democratic caucus on our side. We're going to win... Read More
American leftists find themselves at a tactical crossroad. Will the 39% of Americans (and more than half of those under 30) who steadily oppose capitalism stand up for themselves? Will socialists, progressives, communists, leftist anarchists and leftist libertarians boldly fight to build a movement, thus inspiring other allies of the working class to join the... Read More
Jacobin Magazine is today the premier magazine of the "Bernie Left" and the Democratic Socialists of America. Since 2017, they have come under attack for purging many of the original writers who captured the essence of left-wing populism -- defending white working people, pushing back against identity politics -- and trading them in for liberal... Read More
There is no room for progressives in the Democratic Party. No matter how many votes he or she gets, no progressive will be permitted to be the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. Progressives who try to work inside of, contribute to and support the Democratic Party have no real chance of moving its candidates... Read More
Openly Demonstrating that the Tribe Always Comes First
There are two recent stories that involve the arrogance of the Jewish community in the United States. The first involves a lobbying group in Washington and the second concerns a hospital in New York City. It has often been observed that some Jews of the Alan Dershowitz persuasion boast about how powerful Jews are in... Read More
Bernie Sanders is out of the race, and with him goes the last chance for progressivism to take over the Democratic Party for a generation. Now his supporters will decide what to do. Intransigent #BernieOrBusters will cast about for a third-party vote, write in Bernie or sit out the election in November. Other left-leaning voters... Read More
Never before has the public thirsted more for a no-holds barred street fight with capital. And never before has the electoral left been beaten so badly because of it. Bernie Sanders' decision to finally pull the plug on his campaign should serve as a lesson for the dissident left. Bernie's second round gave him massively... Read More
You Democrats ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You spent the last four years criticizing President Donald Trump in no small part for his mental state, and rightly so. The Founding Fathers included an impeachment provision in the Constitution in large part as a contingency to remove a president exactly like him, whose temperament and... Read More
The Democratic presidential nomination race is a fascinating case study in how power works – not least, because the Democratic party leaders are visibly contriving to impose one candidate, Joe Biden, as the party’s nominee, even as it becomes clear that he is no longer mentally equipped to run a local table tennis club let... Read More
A week ago, the candidacy of Joe Biden was at death's door. On a taping of "The McLaughlin Group," this writer suggested it might be time to "call the rectory" and have the monsignor come render last rites. Today, Biden's candidacy is not only alive. He is first in votes, victories and delegates, and is... Read More
'Super Tuesday’ in the 2020 presidential election season is over and Senator Bernie Sanders’s time as the unlikely frontrunner for the Democratic nomination may have stopped just as quickly as it began. Despite an unprecedented smear campaign coordinated by the party leadership and corporate media against him, the self-described “democratic socialist” not only managed to... Read More
Some clear thinking is required to counter incessant, statist propaganda against the use of N-95 filtering facepiece respirators, to protect against the spread of the novel coronavirus. The message has been seconded at every turn by the Center for Disease Control, a cumbersome bureaucracy, which tightly controls both testing capacity and criteria. Such centralization is... Read More
After Joe Biden's blowout victory in South Carolina Saturday and the swift withdrawal of Tom Steyer, "Mayor Pete" Buttigieg and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, the decisive day of the race for the Democratic nomination, Super Tuesday, is at hand. Fourteen states -- including California and Texas and delegate-rich Colorado, North Carolina and Virginia -- hold primaries... Read More
The Russians feel fighting Turkey is below their dignity, and prefer to keep the fighting in Idlib as a proxy war. The dignity point is important: traditionally, the Russians go to war only with great powers. Smaller military encounters are a matter for a local commander. Even cruel Winter Campaign 1940 against Finland had been... Read More
We learned today that Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Dannon told AIPAC that Bernie Sanders is an ‘ignorant fool, a liar or both. “We don’t want Sanders at AIPAC. We don’t want him in Israel…Whoever calls the prime minister of Israel a ‘racist’ is either a liar, an ignorant fool, or both,” Ambassador Dannon announced. The... Read More
Watching panicky corporate-owned Democrats twist on the devil's fork of Bernie Sanders' "political revolution" is almost as much fun as it must have been for my mom and her fellow villagers to watch Vichy collaborators and Nazi sympathizers being executed by the resistance at the end of World War II. (That, Chris Matthews, is how... Read More
In a struggle between oligarchy and democracy, something must give
To hear the candidates debate, you would think that their fight was over who could best beat Trump. But when Trump’s billionaire twin Mike Bloomberg throws a quarter-billion dollars into an ad campaign to bypass the candidates actually running for votes in Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, it’s obvious that what really is at issue... Read More
If one thing drives me to write, especially these blog posts, it is the urgent need for us to start understanding power. Power is the force that shapes almost everything about our lives and our deaths. There is no more important issue. Understanding power and overcoming it through that understanding is the only path to... Read More
Sen. Bernie Sanders may be on the cusp of both capturing the Democratic nomination and transforming his party as dramatically as President Donald Trump captured and remade the Republican Party. After his sweep of the Nevada caucuses, following popular vote victories in Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders has the enthusiasm and the momentum, as the... Read More
Good work, Democrats! In the Las Vegas debate, you blasted every target but Donald Trump. Instead of quivering in his Gucci loafers, the man who would be king was left dancing on air. The man who should have been king, newcomer Mike Bloomberg, was left looking like a beaten-up cigar store Indian. He had not... Read More
Break out the pussyhats and vuvuzelas, folks, because the neoliberal Resistance is back, and this time they’re not playing around. No more impeachments and investigations. It’s time to go mano-a-mano with Trump, and they’ve finally got just the bad hombre to do it. No, not Bernie Sanders, you commies. A battle-hardened Resistance fighter. El Caballo... Read More
Wednesday night in Las Vegas, Mayor Mike Bloomberg learned what it is like to be thrown up against a wall and frisked. At the opening of the Democratic debate, his first, Mayor Mike was greeted by his nearest neighbor on stage, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, with this warm welcome: "We're running against ... a billionaire who... Read More
Bernie Sanders is currently the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. He and everyone else knows exactly how the Republicans will attack him if and when he becomes the nominee: old-fashioned redbaiting. China became communist in name only during the 1980s; the Soviet Union shut its doors in 1991; the Cold War is dead; and... Read More
From the day he entered the race, Joe Biden was the great hope of the Democratic establishment to spare them from the horrifying prospect of a 2020 race between The Donald and Bernie Sanders. Today, that same establishment wants Joe out of the race. Why has Biden suddenly become an albatross? His feeble debate performances... Read More
Cultural Marxist vs. Material Marxist, Part 2
There are reasons why the neoliberal establishment hates Bernie Sanders so much, and it’s not just because he’s a threat to their donors’ stock portfolios. Class-based material Marxism — once a pillar of Leftist thought — is not only incompatible with but also heretical to the neoliberal worldview and agenda. We’ve all heard about normiecon... Read More
Cyberwarfare began in Iowa
Many Americans might consider it decidedly odd that the recent impeachment trial of U.S. President Donald Trump also featured constant vilification of President Vladimir Putin, to such an extent that one might have though that the Russian leader was also in the dock awaiting sentencing. The irony is, of course, that while “Russian interference” has... Read More
America just can’t catch a break. After three long years of brutal oppression under Donald Trump’s Russia-backed Nazi Reich, it turns out the only Democratic candidate with a chance of unseating him in November and rescuing the world from the Putin-Nazis is a 78-year-old bloodthirsty Commie with a Khmer Rouge-like army of kill-crazy followers. Yes,... Read More
Or, …What a Difference a Day Makes!
Monday. After months of the DNC’s daily water boarding of the American public with their manufactured jurisprudence know as The Impeachment, these same political wizards of electioneering have in one day, Monday, galvanized the person they most detest. This week’s political disaster in Iowa rocketed Bernie Sanders into pronounced Trumpian front runner status and thus... Read More
It's past 2 AM and the results of the Iowa caucus are still not in. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez is being blamed. The Iowa caucusers relied on an app that is apparently malfunctioning, leading to Bernie Bro speculation that the plutocrats who control the DNC simply don't like the results and are simply... Read More
Can a septuagenarian socialist who just survived a heart attack and would be 80 years old in his first year in office be elected president of the United States? It's hard to believe but not impossible. As of today, Bernie Sanders looks like one of the better, if not best, bets for the nomination. Polls... Read More
On Jan. 19, The New York Times oddly co-endorsed Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar for the Democratic presidential nomination. Two days later, a poll on the key New Hampshire primary showed Warren down 4 points. Bernie Sanders' surge continued. What happened? To the extent that they ever did, the editorial boards at corporate-owned media... Read More
I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I’m a little worried about Donald Trump. I’m worried he may be on the verge of a sudden, major heart attack, or a stroke, or a fatal golfing accident. Food poisoning is another possibility. Or he could overdose on prescription medication. A tanning bed mishap is... Read More
"Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician." So says Hillary Clinton of her former Senate colleague and 2016 rival for the Democratic nomination, Bernie Sanders. Her assessment of Sanders' populist-socialist agenda? "It's all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked... Read More
The day after Robert E. Lee Day in Virginia was instructive this year [Leftists and Journalists Smear Richmond Protest for Being ‘So White ,’ by Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, January 20, 2020]. Despite corporate media hysteria, thousands of gun owners peacefully protested in Richmond, VA without incident, a notable contrast to the usual Leftist rioting... Read More
The Red Guards are at it again. Last October, the group of Maoist radicals crashed an "anti-fascist" meeting coordinated by the Democratic Socialists of America and various local anarchists. Two days ago Heidi Sloan, a DSA hipster running for Congress in Austin, was shoved, egged, and covered in red paint by them in an alley.... Read More
The directed killing of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Iran's blood-soaked field marshal in the "forever war" of the Middle East, has begun to roil the politics of both the region and the USA. A stunned and shaken Iran retaliated by firing a dozen missiles at two U.S. bases in Iraq. Yet, before launching the attack, Iran... Read More
In the 2016 Democratic primaries, Bernie Sanders presented himself as an American who happened to be Jewish. Now, in a radical shift, Sanders identifies as “a proud Jewish American.” The progressive politician went from speaking in a universalist voice to defining himself as a 3rd category Jew, i.e., a person who identifies politically as a... Read More
Nothing, leading Democrats say, matters more than beating Donald Trump. 2020, they argue, is the most important election of our lifetimes (OK, they always say that). It's not true. If you're a progressive voter, taking back control of the Democratic Party from the Democratic Leadership Council-Clinton-Biden centrist cabal is more important than defeating the incumbent.... Read More
Some in congress are beginning to see the light
In spite of the fact that Israeli snipers continue to shoot scores of unarmed protesting Gazans every Friday with virtually no coverage from the media, there are some signs that the ability of Israel and its friends to control the narrative regarding the Jewish state’s appalling human rights violations is beginning to weaken. To be... Read More
The 2016 left-populist insurrection created a major headache for the neo-liberal Democratic establishment. Midwest white primary voters made self-described socialist Bernie Sanders so competitive that it was uncertain who would win until close to the end, when Hillary won California. Clinton's campaign was unapologetically "globo-homo." A parade of celebrities, plutocrats and anti-white NGO activists like... Read More
Hillary’s private position is now Warren’s public campaign."
The 2016 electoral shenanigans inside the Democratic National Convention left Monica Lewinsky style bitterness in the mouths of Bernie Bros. Bernie or Busters boycotted the neo-liberal Clinton for Jill Stein’s Green Party (or the Netflix and Pizza party), snatching defeat from the clutches of victory. Coming up in 2020, they have emerged from the lab... Read More
Thursday’s debate on Walt Disney’s ABC channel is shaping up as yet another shameless charade. The pretense is that we are to select who the Democratic presidential candidate will be. But most Americans, as the Irish say, vote with their backsides, belonging to the informal but dominant party of non-voters who choose not to be... Read More
Two weeks ago, Bernie Sanders announced his "right to a secure retirement" plan. The media didn't notice, the voters didn't care, and no one's talking about it. But the problem is huge and about to get huger. And the government isn't doing jack. As I wrote a year ago in a column that no one... Read More
Only Bernie and Tulsi walked the walk in 2016
The current round of presidential debates is packed with plans, programs, promises, claims and counter-claims. The question, as always, is which candidates are we to believe. The closer we get to an election, unscrupulous candidates tailor what they say to what the voters want to hear. The problem is separating the flimflam pols from the... Read More
BERNIE SANDERS, the senator from Vermont, said he thinks “everyone should have the right to vote—even the Boston Marathon bomber … even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope.” Bernie is... Read More
"The president has said that he does not want to see this country involved in endless wars... I agree with that," Bernie Sanders told the Fox News audience at Monday's town hall meeting in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Then turning and staring straight into the camera, Bernie added: "Mr. President, tonight you have the opportunity to do... Read More
The Shaping Event of Our Modern World
Analyzing the History of a Controversial Movement
The JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks?