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Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA was American Renaissance’s 2019 “White Renegade of the Year.” That year, the “Groyper Wars” embarrassed Mr. Kirk by asking pointed questions about race and religion at his events. Turning Point also cut ties with Ashley St. Clair only because she was in a photograph with Nick Fuentes. Still, Charlie... Read More
See also PETER BRIMELOW: Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day, The January 2024 Edition During Martin Luther King’s lifetime he was criticized by conservatives—including the late William F. Buckley—for things like his support of “civil disobedience”—moderate rioting and provocations, as at Selma Bridge, leading to immoderate riots which burned city blocks. Conservatives also objected... Read More
For the past eight years, each January for the Federal holiday celebrating Martin Luther King (whose birth date is January 15), I send out a cautionary essay that I first began researching back in 2016. What I have been attempting to do, with increasing urgency, was remind readers, specifically so-called “conservatives,” that King and his... Read More
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is the victim of IDENTITY THEFT. White America was so desperate to have a Black leader guide its restless and awakening Blacks back into subservience that it took a gifted soldier of truth and put words in his mouth and made him everything white Americans wanted him to... Read More
Every black academic engaged in plagiarism. There is no rule system about this. The rule, insofar as there is a rule, is the MLK rule, which is if you’re black, you don’t get charged with plagiarism. The only reason Martin Luther King Jr. was not charged with plagiarism and stripped of his doctorate was that... Read More
It is hard for those who have not lived through the shattering political assassinations of the 1960s to grasp their significance for today. Many might assume that that was then and long before their time, so let’s move on to what we must deal with today. Let some old folks, the obsessive ones, live in... Read More
Probably due to some traumatic event in the womb or early childhood, I have chosen an avocation which constantly forces me to expose myself to things that upset me. Thus, the other day I smacked myself in the face with a headline from The Guardian that read, “Britain ‘not close to being a racially just... Read More
On April 4, 1968, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. was killed in circumstances not unlike those surrounding the murder of the late President Kennedy. The name, portrait, and profile of the alleged lone sniper were broadcast almost instantly. As William Pepper, King’s friend and attorney, has shown in An Act of State: The Execution of... Read More
January 19 is the anniversary of the birth of General Robert E. Lee, perhaps the greatest military commander the United States (or the Confederate States) has ever produced, and certainly one of finest Christian gentleman in the two millennia history of our Western civilization. I was intending to write a piece commemorating that signal event—and... Read More
Earlier:“No Hiding Place”—The Woke Virus Spreads World-Wide Via The English Language To me as a Venezuelan immigrant, the full meaning of the federal holiday for Martin Luther King, Jr. finally became clear two days ago: San Francisco’s “Reparations Committee” recommended that the city pay $5 million to every black resident and forgive their debts, despite... Read More
Due to discrimination and persistent anti-Black bias, too many Americans do not know enough about this great man. Try these quiz questions and you can see how little the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only American with his own holiday! Question 1) Name the judge who has sealed King’s FBI... Read More
We first posted VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow’s Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day in 2015, and we intend to repost it until we have, so to speak, Overcome. Peter’s fundamental point was that the cost of the King Cult to White America, especially to white children, was too high. Rather than repost it in... Read More
In what follows, I offer some conclusions I have arrived at and am skipping all the steps taken to arrive there. Everyone needs to follow their own path to the end. I know Mills was right when he penned those words long ago. Arguments don’t go too far to convince others; only self-directed investigations do.... Read More
For the past forty years (officially since 1986) the third Monday in January has been celebrated as a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Day. Federal and state offices and many businesses either close or go on limited schedules. We are awash with public observances, parades, prayer breakfasts, stepped-up school projects for our unwary and intellectually-abused... Read More
Earlier by Peter Brimelow: 2022: Time To Rethink Martin Luther King Day? Now More Than Ever! Martin Luther King Jr. Day, still underway, is now the holiest day of the Left’s Liturgical Year (although Jan 6 is coming up fast). Yet the civic religion that canonized King is rooted in myths, half-truths, and outright lies,... Read More
Coming up to the 38th Martin Luther King Day, it is obvious to everyone that integration has failed. The Floyd and Black Lives Matter Hoax riots last year, the ridiculous debate over Critical Race Theory, invites a question no one, least of all the worthies who run Conservatism, Inc., wants to ask: Now what? And... Read More
As is my custom, each year for the Federal holiday celebrating Martin Luther King (whose birth date in January 15), I send out a cautionary essay I first began researching back in 2018. What I was attempting to do was urgently remind readers, specifically so-called “conservatives,” that King and his holiday are emblematic of the... Read More
VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow called for a rethinking of Martin Luther King Day in 2015, arguing that MLK was a deeply flawed figure and an inappropriate role model for American whites. Now this is even more the case, since it appears the U.S. may be about to acquire yet a second Hate Whitey Day, in... Read More
A Nation on Fire: America in the Wake of the King Assassination Clay Risen Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2009 Since becoming a Counter-Currents writer, I’ve come to see that the mainstream historical narrative of the 1960s is unique in how incorrect the conventional understanding of it is. What I mean by backwards is... Read More
The news broke (in England) back on May 26 that David Garrow, the Pulitzer Prize winning biographer of the late Martin Luther King Jr., had unearthed a cache of new documents, many supposedly under strict lock-and-key at least until 2027, detailing some horrific cases of sexual activity by King, as many as forty such incidents,... Read More
See also VDARE.com Coverage Of Martin Luther King James Fulford writes: Once again, as I noted earlier today, the birthdays of two famous Southerners are being celebrated on the same day: General Robert E. Lee, born Stratford, Virginia, on January 19, 1807, and the the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., born January 15, 1929,... Read More
It keeps happening: “Conservatives” claim Martin Luther King, Jr. would agree them. King family members and historians rebut the claim. Conservatives continue to believe in fake history. Smart people end up despising conservatives, who clearly have no evidence to support their views. The moral authority of King is elevated because even political opponents pay tribute... Read More
For the past thirty-five years (officially since 1986) the third Monday in January has been celebrated as a federal holiday, Martin Luther King Day. Federal and state offices and many businesses either close or go on limited schedules. We are awash with public observances, parades, prayer breakfasts, stepped-up school projects for our unwary and intellectually-abused... Read More
As America braces for the annual fawn-fest on Martin Luther King Day (January 15), it’s worth noting that a recent revelation from the FBI archives might have threatened King’s hallowed status—if it had been honestly reported. But coverage in the Washington Post in particular exemplified what President Trump calls “fake news.” On November 4, 2017,... Read More
On a glorious afternoon in August 1963, after the massive March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom wrapped up on the national mall, President John F. Kennedy, prodded by Attorney General Robert Kennedy, welcomed John Lewis, Martin Luther King Jr., Bayard Rustin, and other march organizers to the White House for a discussion of proposed... Read More
Kompromat--the term for the acquistion and exploitation of compromising material, often of an embarrassing sexual nature--is very much in the news today, thanks to the allegation that Russian security services have dirt on Donald Trump and are blackmailing him to follow Kremlin policies. On Martin Luther King Day, we can remember a great American--and one... Read More
Like all false flag attacks and assassinations, the 1968 murder of Martin Luther King was covered up. In the King case James Earl Ray was the framed-up patsy, just as Oswald was in the case of President John F. Kennedy and Sirhan Sirhan was in the case of Robert Kennedy. The King family, along with... Read More
In the case of Martin Luther King, America's deep state intersected with politics and civil rights and Thurgood Marshall's strategy for African American legal equality in some ugly and dangerous ways. And they intersect at a most unpleasant and unhappy point, one that is largely ignored when putting an optimistic, feel-good gloss over Dr. King's... Read More
In early 1965, as Marin Luther King prepared to embark on his historic campaign to march for voting rights in Selma and Montgomery, and at the same time execute the delicate task of publicly enlisting the LBJ White House in the battle for federal voting rights legislation, the FBI mailed the odious “suicide letter” to... Read More
On Martin Luther King Day, 2015, how stand race relations in America? "Selma," a film focused on the police clubbing of civil rights marchers led by Dr. King at Selma bridge in March of 1965, is being denounced by Democrats as a cinematic slander against the president who passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.... Read More
Today (January 19) is Martin Luther King Day, a national holiday. King was an American civil rights leader who was assassinated 47 years ago on April 4, 1968, at the age of 39. James Earl Ray was blamed for the murder. Initially, Ray admitted the murder, apparently under advice from his attorney in order to... Read More
Martin, Thurgood…and J. Edgar? The Preacher, the Black Cardinal, and the Grand Inquisitor I highly recommend Gilbert King’s Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America. Reading it in the context of Ferguson, Garner, etc. this book really f*cked me up, as they say nowadays. Based on... Read More
When it comes to intelligence, everybody, be they democracies, dictatorships, or in between, wants it all. That includes the intelligence agencies--who treasure data as the wellspring of their effectiveness, influence, and leverage--and the presidents and prime ministers at the top of the heap—who are supposedly looking out for Joe Sixpack and his rights. No leader... Read More
The most compelling argument against the existence of a vast conspiracy orchestrating the assassinations of Jack and Bobby Kennedy is that the brothers were never threats to ruling power. The Kennedys were card-carrying members of the global elites, ran in their circles, catered to their whims, administered their political and economic bidding. (Just ask Fidel... Read More
This week marks the fiftieth anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. I have no recollection of the 1963 event myself, but I have good excuses for not remembering: (A) This was not my country at the time; and (B) I was in the Styrian Alps. Well, this is my country now,... Read More
This was on this evening's NBC Nightly News broadcast. I've snipped an interesting series of three stories (the preceding stories were about the western wildfires and the impending U.S. involvement in the civil war is Syria – which is an asinine idea, by the way). Yup, you saw it. They followed the horrible story of... Read More
Among the sins that neoconservative enforcers ascribed to presidential candidate Ron Paul, one that weighed particularly heavy for the Weekly Standard’s editors is a statement Paul once made (or might have made) describing Martin Luther King as a “world class philanderer who beat up his paramours.” According to writer James Kirchick [The Company Ron Paul... Read More
Today the American media, politicians of all stripes, and public educators will invariably fall into rapturous tones describing the black leader whose birthday is being celebrated, namely, Martin Luther King (1929-1968). King’s birthday is the only national holiday devoted to an individual American whose public observance has been commanded by Congress, and in 1983, this... Read More
Richard Hoste seems to differ from my view that the Right (used, of course, in a very broad sense) could in no way benefit from misrepresenting MLK as a small-government conservative. Richard believes that if we continue to tell blacks the noble lie, which the neoconservatives and Glenn Beck have worked so hard to spread,... Read More
Today the American media, politicians of all stripes, and public educators will invariably fall into rapturous tones describing the black leader whose birthday is then being celebrated, namely, Martin Luther King (1929-1968). King’s birthday is the only national holiday devoted to an individual American whose public observance has been commanded by Congress, and in 1983,... Read More
Human Events‘s falsification of Martin Luther King's record on abortion, which Marcus exposes in his latest blog, struck me as the kind of willful, stupid lie that the current conservative movement perpetrates with remarkable regularity. From the pretense that the 'move against Saddam Hussein' that William Kristol and Rich Lowry called for in 2002 in... Read More
I believe Oswald killed JFK and Sirhan killed Bobby. Lone gunmen both. With MLK, it could be a different matter. And with the infinitely more radical Malcom X it certainly was. The Kennedys were no threat to ruling power. They were part of the ruling power. Whatever his actual function--and King was given a hard... Read More
A young friend has just sent me the program for the celebration of Martin Luther King's birthday that will take place next week at Kenyon College. The unifying theme is "Martin Luther King, Was He a Twentieth-Century Jesus," a key question that one is led to believe should be answered in the affirmative. The featured... Read More
One will have to pardon my malicious feeling, but I have never experienced Schadenfreude so completely as when George W. Bush was ridiculed at the funeral of Coretta King. All of the assembled black dignitaries vented spleen on this president, who, according to a syndicated Republican columnist and self-described friend of the King family, Matt... Read More
The holidays are over, and America slouches happily toward the next one, which is Martin Luther King Day in just two weeks. In Rocky Mount, North Carolina, the locals are already celebrating by a racial power struggle between whites and blacks. What the New York Times reported about the conflict last month tells us something... Read More
Martin Luther King has replaced Jesus Christ as the central figure in human redemptive history. This year's Holiday Season, as Christmas is now called, brought forth a torrent of neoconservative moralizing about King and the civil rights movement. One standout illustration: the December 12 syndicated column, "Trent Lott Must Resign," in which Charles Krauthammer told... Read More
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking one kick to its shins after another, from the Robert Hanssen spy scandal to its screw-up of evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing to the most recent tale of how piles of its own weapons and equipment have suddenly vanished, and all this on top of the Waco... Read More
Am I the only one who wearies of being racially managed like an errant child of three? Who wearies of being instructed, exhorted, lied to about race? Who wearies of having my children trained like performing dogs, made to recite social doctrine that few any longer believe and that helps neither black nor white? Who... Read More