ヴォーン=ウィリアムズ 音楽へのセレナード
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How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold:
There's not the smallest orb that thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls;
But whilst this muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.
Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn!
With sweetest touches pierce your mistress' ear,
And draw her home with music.
I am never merry when I hear sweet music.
The reason is, your spirits are attentive –
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted. Music! hark!
It is your music of the house.
Methinks it sounds much sweeter than by day.
Silence bestows that virtue on it
How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!
Peace, ho! the moon sleeps with Endymion
And would not be awak'd. Soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
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| 22:09
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パーセル 聖セシリアの日のためのオード「めでたし、輝かしきセシリアよ!」Z.328
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1. Overture
2. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail! fill ev'ry Heart!
With Love of thee and thy Celestial Art;
That thine and Musick's Sacred Love
May make the British Forest prove
As Famous as Dodona's Vocal Grove.
3. Hark! hark! each Tree its silence breaks,
The Box and Fir to talk begin!
This is the sprightly Violin
That in the Flute distinctly speaks!
'Twas Sympathy their list'ning Brethren drew,
When to the Thracian Lyre with leafy Wings they flew.
4. 'Tis Natures's Voice; thro' all the moving Wood
Of Creatures understood:
The Universal Tongue to none
Of all her num'rous Race unknown!
From her it learnt the mighty Art
To court the Ear or strike the Heart:
At once the Passions to express and move;
We hear, and straight we grieve or hate, rejoice or love:
In unseen Chains it does the Fancy bind;
At once it charms the Sense and captivates the Mind
5. Soul of the World! Inspir'd by thee,
The jarring Seeds of Matter did agree,
Thou didst the scatter'd Atoms bind,
Which, by thy Laws of true proportion join'd,
Made up of various Parts one perfect Harmony.
6. Thou tun'st this World below, the Spheres above,
Who in the Heavenly Round to their own Music move.
7. With that sublime Celestial Lay
Can any Earthly Sounds compare?
If any Earthly Music dare,
The noble Organ may.
From Heav'n its wondrous Notes were giv'n,
(Cecilia oft convers'd with Heaven,)
Some Angel of the Sacred Choire
Did with his Breath the Pipes inspire;
And of their Notes above the just Resemblance gave,
Brisk without Lightness, without Dulness Grave.
8. Wondrous Machine!
To thee the Warbling Lute,
Though us'd to Conquest, must be forc'd to yield:
With thee unable to dispute.
9. The Airy Violin
And lofty Viol quit the Field;
In vain they tune their speaking Strings
To court the cruel Fair, or praise Victorious Kings.
Whilst all thy consecrated Lays
Are to more noble Uses bent;
And every grateful Note to Heav'n repays
The Melody it lent.
10. In vain the Am'rous Flute and soft Guitarr,
Jointly labour to inspire
Wanton Heat and loose Desire;
Whilst thy chaste Airs do gentle move
Seraphic Flames and Heav'nly Love.
11. The Fife and all the Harmony of War,
In vain attempt the Passions to alarm,
Which thy commanding Sounds compose and charm.
12. Let these amongst themselves contest,
Which can discharge its single Duty best.
Thou summ'st their diff'ring Graces up in One,
And art a Consort of them All within thy Self alone.
13. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!
Who, whilst among the Choir above
Thou dost thy former Skill improve,
With Rapture of Delight dost see
Thy Favourite Art
Make up a Part
Of infinite Felicity.
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!
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| 歌詞置き場
| 18:43
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シューベルト アヴェ・マリア
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Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild,
Erhöre einer Jungfrau Flehen,
Aus diesem Felsen starr und wild
Soll mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen.
Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen,
Ob Menschen noch so grausam sind.
O Jungfrau, sieh der Jungfrau Sorgen,
O Mutter, hör ein bittend Kind!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! Unbefleckt!
Wenn wir auf diesen Fels hinsinken
Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz bedeckt
Wird weich der harte Fels uns dünken.
Du lächelst, Rosendüfte wehen
In dieser dumpfen Felsenkluft,
O Mutter, höre Kindes Flehen,
O Jungfrau, eine Jungfrau ruft!
Ave Maria!
Ave Maria! Reine Magd!
Der Erde und der Luft Dämonen,
Von deines Auges Huld verjagt,
Sie können hier nicht bei uns wohnen,
Wir woll'n uns still dem Schicksal beugen,
Da uns dein heil'ger Trost anweht;
Der Jungfrau wolle hold dich neigen,
Dem Kind, das für den Vater fleht.
Ave Maria!
(transl. Adam Storck)
アヴェマリア わが君
野の果てに 嘆こう乙女が祈りを
あ あわれと聞かせ給え
御許に安らけく 憩わし給え
悩めるこの心 君に祈(ね)ぎまつる
アヴェマリア わが君
巌の臥所にも 君が恵みの許
安らかけき 夢はあらん
君笑ませ給えば 花の香は絶えじ
頼るべきなき乙女 君に祈(ね)ぎまつる
アヴェマリア わが君
君がみ光に 雲と散りて 消えん
ひしがれし心を 君癒し給え
限りなき信仰(しん)をもて 君に祈(ね)ぎまつる
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| 17:33
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ブルックナー ミサ曲 ヘ長調
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Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
(Gloria in excelsis Deo.)
Et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.
Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus te.
Glorificamus te. Gratias agimus
Tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam.
Domine deus, rex caelestis, deus pater
omnipotens. Domine fili unigenite,
Jesu Christe.
Domine deus, agnus dei, filius patris.
Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis.
Qui tollis peccata mundi,
suscipe deprecationem nostram.
Qui sedes ad dexteram patris,
miserere nobis.
Quoniam tu solus sanctus, Tu solus dominus.
Tu solus altissimus, Jesu Christe.
Cum Sancto spiritu, in gloria dei patris, Amen.
(Credo in unum deum,)
Patrem omnipotentem.Factorem caeli et terrae,
visibilium omnium et invisibilium,
Et in unum dominum. Jesum Christum
filium dei unigenitum.
Et ex patre natum ante omnia saecula.
Deum de deo, lumen de lumine,
deum verum de deo vero.
Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem patri:
per quem omnia facta sunt.
Qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram
salutem descendit de caelis.
Et incarnatus est de spiritu sancto ex Maria virgine:
Et homo factus est.
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio Pilato:
passus, et sepultus est.
Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum scripturas.
Et ascendit in caelum: sedet ad dexteram patris.
Et iterum venturus est cum gloria
judicare vivos et mortuos:
cujus regni non erit finis.
Credo in spiritum sancutum dominum, et
vivificantem: qui ex patre, filioque procedit.
Qui cum patre, et filio simul adoratur,
et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas.
Credo in unam, sanctam, catholicam et
apostolicam ecclesiam.
Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum.
Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum.
Et vitam venturi saecli. Amen.
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, dominus
deus sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra gloria tua.
Osanna in excelsis.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine domini.
Osanna in excelsis.
6.Agnus Dei
Agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi
miserere nobis.
Agnus dei, dona nobis pacem.
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ショーソン 終わりなき歌
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Bois frissonnants, ciel étoilé 森はざわめき、夜空には星が瞬く。
Mon bien-aimé s'en est allé 愛しい人は、去ってしまった。
Emportant mon coeur désolé. 悲嘆にくれる私の心を持ったまま。
Vents, que vos plaintives rumeurs, 風よ、お前の嘆きのざわめきで、
Que vos chants, rossignols charmeurs, 夜うぐいすよ、お前の魅惑の歌声で、
Aillent lui dire que je meurs. あの人に告げに行ってくれないか―私は死ぬ、と
Le premier soir qu'il vint ici, あの人がここへ来た最初の夜、
Mon âme fut à sa merci; 私の心はもうあの人の思いのままだった。
De fierté je n'eus plus souci. 私はもはや自尊心などかなぐり棄てた。
Mes regards étaient pleins d'aveux. 私のまなざしはもう何もかも許していた。
Il me prit dans ses bras nerveux 彼は逞しい腕で私を抱きしめ、
Et me baisa près des cheveux. 私の項にくちづけしたのだった。
J'en eus un grand frémissement. 私はその時、激しく身を震わせた。
Et puis je ne sais plus comment そのあと、どのようにして彼が
Il est devenu mon amant. 私の愛人となったか私には判らない。
Je lui disais: "Tu m'aimeras 私は言った"いつまでも、出来るだけ長く愛して"
Aussi longtemps que tu pourras." 私はもう彼の腕に抱かれていなければ
Je ne dormais bien qu'en ses bras. 安眠することもできなかった。
Mais lui, sentant son coeur éteint, それなのに、あの人は自責の念に駆られて、
S'en est allé l'autre matin ある朝、私を置き去りにしたまま、
Sans moi, dans un pays lointain. どこか遠くの国へ立ち去って行ったのだった。
Puisque je n'ai plus mon ami, もはや頼るべき友達もなく、
Je mourrai dans l'étang, parmi 私は海岸の沼地で花に埋もれ、
Les fleurs sous le flot endormi. 静かな波の下で死んで行く。
Sur le bord arrivée, au vent 海岸へ辿りついたら、私は風に向かって
Je dirai son nom, en rêvant 彼の名を呼ぶだろう、そこでいつも
Que là je l'attendis souvent. あの人を待ちわびていたことを思いながら、
Et comme en un linceul doré, そして、まるで金色の屍衣に包まれたように、
Dans mes cheveux défaits, au gré 私の乱れた髪の中で
Du vent je m'abandonnerai. 風のまにまに、身を委ねよう。
Les bonheurs passés verseront 過ぎし日の幸せは、その甘美な光を
Leur douce lueur sur mon front, 私の額に注いでくることだろう。
Et les joncs verts m'enlaceront. そして緑の燈心草が私を搦め包んでくれるだろう
Et mon sein croira, frémissant そして、私の胸はときめきながら、
Sous l'enlacement caressant, そのやさしい抱擁のもとで、
Subir l'étreinte de l'absent. 去って行ったあの人の想いをしのぶだろう
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